Breached the 30 year old barrier

avatar for rickdugan
Last week, I took a girl out of a Cleveland club who is in her early 30s. This is the first time that I ever (knowingly) breached the 30 barrier with OTC. She was a hot early 30s, but over 30 nonetheless.

I'm not sure how I feel about that. I always used to draw a hard line at 30, but this one was just too good an opportunity to pass up. Maybe i am aging to the point that girls who I would have passed on a few years ago just look that much better to me now - lol. I really don't know. I am 43, so I am still over a decade older than her, but there it is.


last comment
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
Rick, your preference is the opposite of mine. I'm much older than you and I prefer dancers who are *over* 30. I sense your age *is* catching up to you, as you surmised.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
This is just further proof that RickyBoy is just plain full of shit if he really is in strip clubs as much as he claims and doing OTC as much as he says and he has done any with a girl over 30 until now.
avatar for Corvus
11 years ago
There is no expiration date of 30 for dancers or women in general. While one may be able to say younger women are hotter, heck the older they get the more they know. Whether that is how to take better care of themselves or how to treat a man, some of those "older" ones are very much worth chasing. I saw a civilian chick last summer who had to be mid-40s and she was as hot as any dancer I've ever seen on stage.

Of course we all hit a plateau eventually, when older is just older. And we all know of many examples of just because she is older and knows more, doesn't mean she uses that knowledge for our (mens) benefit. Hence the existence of SCs.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"There is no expiration date of 30 for dancers or women in general"

avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Mid to late 20s has been my sweet spot for some years now. Old enough to have some maturity and hold a conversation yet young enough to still look fresh.

Oddly enough though, my most recent local club favorite, who I saw routinely for OTC for about a year when I was not traveling, was barely legal drinking age, yet could hold a conversation and had mad skillz in the sack. She was also a true 9, beautiful and hot as all fuck. But she and one other were the exceptions rather than the norm on the age front.

The oldest I ever took out was 29 (really 29 - I saw her license, lol). I have always rejected >30 out of hand. But this girl looked better than many girls 10 years younger and was also a lot of fun to hang with. Man the curves on this one - aiyee.
avatar for gawker
11 years ago
The age of sex partners is a topic which I've wrestled with for years. When I was 40 I had a torrid affair with a 29 year old civvie and thought I was stretching limits. When I was 64 I began a four year OTC relationship with a 24 year old stripper (P4P). She told me that fucking someone my age was tough from time to time. She felt she was being paid to please me and she wasn't there for me to sexually please her. I never had visions of riding off into the sunset with her but still was looking for mutually pleasing sessions. She very bluntly said that there's no way a hot woman in their 20's would be fucking an old man without the money being an incentive. Another of my favorite strippers is 36 years old and she makes it clear that sex with older men is rarely as satisfying as with younger men.
So, is there a line in the sand? Sure. But is it frequently crossed? Sure. There's just so many variables. From the lofty perch of 68 I know women in their 40's and 50's that I find sexually attractive. But it's rare when one begins to approach the desirability of the many hot young dancers I see on stage.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
I only fuck 70 year olds
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
I prefer strippers in their late 20's or early 30's. They are young enough to be really hot but old enough to be able to have a conversation.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Let's hope Strippers don't have such barriers for entry
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
I suspect "knowingly" is key here.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I always thought women in their 30's were more sexually active than the younger girls. Maybe just quicker to go at it. Maybe I'm biased from running into one girl in her 30's who I thought of as a nymphomaniac.
avatar for mjx01
11 years ago
30 isn't carved in stone, as there are always outliers (both younger and older)... but IMO, 30 is a reasonable average age for expiration of hotness
avatar for jestrite50
11 years ago
One of my OTC's is 22 the other is 24 both very hot and love to fuck. However I had an OTC offer from a 35 yr old that I was very temped by. We had a very hot VIP with 2 way oral that was fantastic. I still have her number but I've never been back to that club or called her. Don't know why price was right though.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
Why would you put an age restriction on any dancer? If it clicks, it clicks. Seems like you'd limit yourself and possibly miss out on a good thing by adhering to a strict rule like that. I also prefer the younguns' but have found myself recently chasing a 40 yo dancer who just hit my buttons in all the right ways.
It happens....roll with it!
avatar for IanSmith
11 years ago
If all your women are always under 30 without ever thinking about it you’re good to go.

If all your women are under 30 but you make that a conscious decision, you are trying to hang on to your Alpha-male status.

Over 30? You’ve crossed into Omega status scrounging for the left overs.

Sorry mate. It happens to everyone eventually or so they tell me.
avatar for Corvus
11 years ago
Well said @lopaw.
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
I guess as a young man within my 20s, I prefer an older women around her 30's. Not a girl my own age
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I thought that 30 was the new 20?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
I only ever saw one stripper's driver's license cause she needed me to scan it for her. Rick, do you really card them before doing P4P or even getting a dance? Otherwise, I don't see how you could feel you know their real ages. If a dancer does not look "fresh", the odds are much higher that it's due to overuse of substances than being over 30.
avatar for scatterbrain
11 years ago
Age is just a number
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
Whereas waist to hip ratio is so much more than just a number.
avatar for TanVampire
11 years ago
Let us not forget that many studies point out that a woman reaches her sexual peak around 35. And of course you don't get dirty till you're 30!

That being said, a nice hard body of a young 20-something is nice for a night or two, but if you're going to spend any time with the lady other than wham-bam, having someone 30 or above is ideal because she can usually hold an intelligent conversation as well as have the body and stamina to please you. And there are ladies who have reached 40 that have smoking hot yoga bodies...but they are also less likely to put up with any games or bs.
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
Age is meaningless for me most of the time. I go for who I want to go for and I don't care what anyone else has to say about it. There used to be a 50 something dancer at my favorite club who I wish would come back, because she was always fun to hang out with. In fact, if anything, I am suspicious of at least 95% of the under 30 stripper crowd, because most of them are quite simply brain dead. It would be different if they were all like my 4th ATF, but none of them have the beauty, brains, or sexual capabilities she had.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 years ago
I'll happily admit that several of my favorite dancers of all time have been past the 35 year line. A woman approaching 40 that cares enough to keep her looks appealing is someone who will make an effort in many ways to be pleasing. These near-cougars are a whole lot of fun for a 50-something like me. I just had LDs from a near-40 long haired redhead who definitely doesn't act her age. The under-30 girls aren't always the hottest, although they sure are cute.
avatar for georgebailey
11 years ago
If you are looking for a direct correlation to age, it's there. Younger dancers generally have firmer bodies and newer equipment. Once they hit thirty, or have kids, nature kicks in.

This is a hobby. Why limit yourself? It's all out there. Try them all, if you make a connection, and decide what works for you. Age really is a number, but everyone's different. I like chocolate, vanilla, long as it's fresh and smells good.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
RickyBoy has lots of stupid, bizarre, and superfluid rules when it comes to all of this. Guy is just weird that way.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
stupid auto/correct "superfluid" should be "superfluous".
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
I likes me the young ones 'cos I actually keep things mellow and in the club. But Rick digs the OTC. If the chick was hot and you wanted her...who cares how old she is? I'm down with you doing whatever you dig. I'll still call you on the hoping that some troubled heroin addict trying to get clean backslides so you can get cheaper OTC (and I hope that was a sick joke)but going for an over 30 chick you dig... As the Klingons would say...Qapla'
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
When I was in my 40's I was fucking a 55 year old woman, and she was in the all time top 5 bed partners I've ever had. Age is like beauty: it's just skin deep. Not to discount beauty as my ATF is the most beautiful woman I've every known, but the skill sets of women in their 20's can be pedantic. Everyone should fuck a woman 40+ years old and see what they're missing. Rick, don't sweat going older!
avatar for CarlosDanger
11 years ago
@gawker - Tantric yoni massage
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
I like them anywhere from age 21 to age 35.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
"Age is just a number"

So is weight, want to fuck a 300 pounder?
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
@Jester. I have! That's when I learned girls that big need guys with 8" plus...well I should say if you're not 8"+ you'll struggle to get really deep inside. I went through a BBW phase that I'm now over.
avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
I won't consider over 30 or over 125 pounds. If I want a hot, over 30 126 pound woman I can stay home with my wife.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
I used to have a fave I met when she was 40. I was shocked she was that old. She danced until she was late 40's she was very good looking still ans was one of the busiest dancers there. You only got a dance with her if she liked you
avatar for 10inches
11 years ago
pussy does not have a "use by date". some of the best sex that I've ever had was with women in their 50's and even a few in their 60's
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"scrounging for the left overs"

That's a pretty arrogant statement.
avatar for Player11
11 years ago
My first OTC stripper shelly (c my pics) was 30. I fucked her for a number of years. She had four kids (by three different men).
avatar for Corvus
11 years ago
@skibum, I know where your coming from with the 125lb limit, but I like tall slim girls and that number just doesn't cut it when you get a lady over 5'9" or so. I have a current fav who stands 5'11" barefoot and while I don't know her exact weight I'll bet it is closer to 140 and there is not an once of extra weight on her. She is tall, slim, with nice tits and perfect sized ass. Those extra few inches of height add pounds.

But if you are into spinners you better stick with that 125lbs and less for sure.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
"Nigga my girlfriend, baby forty-five but she still live
One shot make a nigga's heartbeat stop"
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
The best age? 42.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
Good one GMD.
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