
Comments by blahblahblahs (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    23 days ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    Come on Puddy, By quoting President Ford you aren't helping your argument. Find a better quote.
  • discussion comment
    23 days ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    There was a recent review of Cadillac lounge in Providence that said that $45 dances are "reasonably priced." For reference, they are $30 at Foxy (recently increased), $30 at RI Dolls, Desire is $25 (topless)/$35 (nude), Boardroom is $20 or 2 for $30 promo. Towards Boston, Golden Banana and Glass Slipper are $30. Mickey's is cheaper still. That isn't even price gouging if there are clear high quality competitors with largely transparent pricing nearby.
  • review comment
    24 days ago
    Nice club, but very expensive and not worth it
    This isn't Cabaret. I've never seen their kitchen actually operating post COVID and the place is a total dive.
  • review comment
    25 days ago
    Return to a long ago venue
    $45 per dance would easily be the highest cost in RI, MA, NH, ME, QC and all but potentially one club in CT. How is that reasonable?
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Desire is #2!
    Men's Club of Charlotte continues to be very highly ranked, but I don't get it from their reviews. Someone explain it to me.
  • review comment
    a month ago
    Miss Nude New England contest, winner Aurora
    Good Review
  • review comment
    a month ago
    Smoke em if you got them
    Not The Litterbox
    How was the song length?
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Exotic dancer in Luzerne county Pennsylvania
    Cum join me for fun! βœ¨πŸ’“
    Presumably it is all CC related and they aren't doing any tracking with cash.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Exotic dancer in Luzerne county Pennsylvania
    Cum join me for fun! βœ¨πŸ’“
    Edit: It was Dream Girls not Platinum Plus. This is the review I was referring to: https://tuscl.net/review/404649
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Exotic dancer in Luzerne county Pennsylvania
    Cum join me for fun! βœ¨πŸ’“
    I think Platinum Plus (if not, then Dream Girls) is the one where a relatively recent review discusses having his ID scan come back up when he went to buy a private room, and the cashier casually discussing his room/drink history with him. Crazy-ass privacy issues there.
  • review comment
    a month ago
    Significant population fluctuations
    Meshuggah, I'll defend the reviewer and point out that he/she is providing helpful up to date info on the state of the club, and in particular the situation regarding upstairs dances. FL isn't Desire, or Baby Dolls but it has enough reviews that we all know the layout and price structure. We've been getting varying reports regarding recent dancer quality and upstairs dance policies, so this is a helpful review.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Desire is #2!
    Caddy is near the bottom due to its proximity to some very good clubs (Foxy, Desire, Boardroom, possibly Fantasies and Dolls), and idiotic prices. If you moved it to, say, the Twin Cities it might fare a lot better. NJ dominates the bottom 40 list, but reading reviews of those clubs, they seem pretty good.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    A review just came through of a Stars in Bend, OR. They wanted $60 a dance with no touching. If there was ever a case for government mandated price caps, this is it.
  • review comment
    a month ago
    But not too old!
    Golf and Girls are a great combination.
    Boardroom has better options than Desire or Golden Banana in my opinion. Every trip to Desire involves a long boring waiting game. The total quantity of hot girls is irrelevant if they are all either in the dressing room or tied up with a regular. The stage show isn't especially entertaining, and dancers take too long to come out after their set. Golden Banana is similar, but despite the songs being under 4 minutes and there only being 10-12 girls on a given weekday shift, it takes forever for an interesting girl to come to the stage. The girls with fake butts and lip filler seem to get more frequent stage sets, and the natural girls appear less frequently. (This may not actually be true, but it sure seems like it). Combined with most of the girls not circulating, it is easy to not spend money there. Boardroom has a much higher circulation rate, but basically no door vultures. The promos, high quality of the dancers, and reasonable stage rotation make it pretty easy to connect with a desirable girl without waiting forever.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Clothing recommendation (not specifically for clubs, just for life in general)
    Haggar, Wrangler, Under Armour (and probably many more) all make pants with elastic waste bands. Just buy a bunch off of amazon and return the ones you don't like. Also, if they run too baggy, just have a tailor slim them down; they aren't just for stylin suits.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    At what do you say: β€œIt must be me?”
    I think y'all gotta readjust a bit. Beyonce has been around since the 90s, she's not exactly new. Not knowing her stuff doesn't mean that your out of touch with today's music, it just means that you have never been into the kind of music that she's made.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    I wonder if there is an established link between the supply of tattoo parlors and the price of VIP?
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    Prices for dances in Portland, OR are too high. They should look into price fixing and get them back down to more reasonable rate.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    At what do you say: β€œIt must be me?”
    Pop music is just that, pop music. When they were the hot thing, I could only identify two songs by the Spice Girls or Britney Spears, and now I can only identify one or two by Taylor Swift. That type of music has never appealed to me. It's a bit harder to find good new music these days because the mechanisms that I used in my youth (college radio, independent music stores, my friend circle at the time) are either non-existent or stuck in the past. Chatting with a dancer about music is actually a great way to discover new (to you) stuff. If she goes on about Billie Eilish or Swift, just move on to a different topic. In terms of the world passing me by, I do feel that way a bit in the clubs. I don't understand the big round ass thing at all, and I'm not into fake boobs. This is one of the reasons that I find reviews with "most girls were 7-9" completely unhelpful it the reviewer doesn't describe their tastes.
  • review comment
    a month ago
    Expensive Eye Candy
  • review comment
    a month ago
    Solid, Clean Neighborhood Club. Fun, Not Fancy.
    Did they offer you 2 for $40, or did you negotiate it?
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Watching Pedro pitch was certainly something. I've seen Clemens, Petit, Randy Johnson, Thor, Verlander, Glavin, Bartolo Colon, and Kershaw live. None of them compared. Granted, a lot of this is based on how batters were reacting to the pitches as opposed to me thinking "that Kershaw guy's curveball is good, but Pedro's looked so much better to me." (Also, Pedro's third pitch was really his change up and the curve was his 4th if I recall correctly). Degrom's peak may have exceeded even Pedro's, but I haven't seen him live.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    I just go to the strip club and watch the tv there.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Joe skipping Barry and Kammy's speeches
    Why is this a front room post? It would seem to fit better in the politics forum.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    I didn't know cable TV was still a thing.