
Shitty local clubs that you check in on every now and then

Do they ever get better? Or is it "Nope, still sucks"

What the time interval where you'll give it another go?

It's funny some of the places just don't seem to change, some guys on here think a month old review is out of date. And on the other hand you have the playhouse guys saying not only has it been the same deal for the last 30 years, it's literally the same strippers.


  • Dolfan
    2 days ago
    There's a few around here. They don't really get better overall, but some of them will periodically get one or two strippers who are good enough to make up for the rest of the shittiness. And that's why I stop in from time to time.

    The interval really depends. It tend to be kinda decaying interval from when the last time I had a good experience, but it's also influenced by how well the other more reliable clubs are doing. For example, if I go into a club and stumble into a great stripper I might go back in a week or two. If she's not there again, It'll be a month or two before I go back. If I strike out again, it might be 6 months before I'm back. But if I had a good time again on that 2nd visit, I'd probably keep rolling the dice a 3rd or more consecutive weeks till I lost.

    I guess that really only applies to clubs with nearby nearby though. Other places that aren't great, but aren't within 5 minutes of reliable options, I don't bother with. And I guess it depends why they suck. I almost never go into the place nearby that scan's ID's, because I don't want my ID scanned. It'll take a management/ownership change for me to really consider going again. But I'll check out the place that just rarely has hot chicks from time to time, but doesn't have objectionable management policies.
  • gammanu95
    2 days ago
    That's all I have in my area. The same shitty bars often with the same shitty dancers. Looker's doesn't change. Same bartenders, same dancers, same door girls. If the dancers change, it seems to be going down hill. Always new faces but same mediocre at best experience at Vixens. Actually, the last time I checked in was the worst ever. Allure at Babe's bottomed out after post-COVID remodel and reopening, and has never improved.

    So, yes, I check in periodically hoping for an improvement that never comes.
  • whodey
    2 days ago
    There's a few clubs just south of Cincinnati in Northern Kentucky that I still check in on occasionally hoping they will get back to what they were 25 years ago. The only reasons I do it is because they are the only clubs within 90 minutes of my home and every once and a while I'll find a good dancer mixed in with all the substandard ones.

    One of them recently changed owners and changed names which got my hopes up, but continues to be almost as bad as before. The other two which haven't changed much at all continue their mediocrity.

    I check in on them once or twice a year when I am bored but not feeling like driving down to Louisville or Lexington or up to Columbus for better clubs. When I find the rare good dancer at one of them I'll go back several times to see her before she inevitably disappears in a month or two.
  • shadowcat
    a day ago
    Atlanta's Goldrush has become my back up for my favorite club. When I visited it for the first time, 30+ years ago it was a great white club closest to the ATL airport and to where I live. Now it is a black club and like they say "once you go black, you can't go back". Actually it is a nice looking club inside. I go there once or twice a month. I have a favorite girl there but she is not always there. I only go in the day time. 4-6 all black dancers is normal and the same number of customers is normal. Dancer quality ranges from 4-8. Mileage varies but with a favorite it is as good as it gets. VIPs not so good. It is a sister club to Pink Pony, a white club, on the other side of town and the owner/s are keeping VIPs low key. Surprisingly they staff both bars during the day time even though there is little business. I guess that they make up for it at night when the "make it rain" crowd takes over.

    None the less I can go and have a decent time without having to fight the downtown traffic.
  • Puddy Tat
    a day ago
    After 2-3 bad visits I'll give it 6 months.
    If it isn't better then I'll forget about it indefinitely.
  • shailynn
    a day ago
    All it takes is one good stripper inside that crappy club to make your night. That’s why sometimes it’s worth at least checking out if there are no other options around.

    It can get frustrating though when you go into 6 different crappy clubs in a row and come up empty handed.
  • iknowbetter
    a day ago
    I check in on Solid Gold Pompano every few months, but only because it has the potential of being a great club - and I keep hoping.
  • PAWG_Patrol
    a day ago
    I find myself checking back on the shitty inexpensive ones more. Just in case.

    If it's reliably bad AND overpriced... not as worth the risk.

    That said, I might pop by a Hilton Head club this weekend that meets the latter description. They've had some hotties in their IG stories.

    "All it takes is one good stripper inside that crappy club to make your night." Exactly, shailynn.
  • mjx01
    a day ago
    The clubs physically closest to me are all pretty crappy and don't change.

    However, I agree with shailynn "All it takes is one good stripper inside that crappy club to make your night." So true.

    I try to hit "good" clubs on about a monthly basis. Anything less doesn't stand any chance of building a rapor, IMO. As others have said, "bad" clubs are on a decay schedule, maybe 6 months, then maybe a year, but never really goes to zero on the dice roll of finding a diamond in the rough.
  • Icey
    a day ago
    They get worse every time I go. Play it again Sams in Vegas is the worst club Ive been to. The dancers are old burned out junkies. The bartender always rips me off. They play terrible rock and heavy metal. And theres always a line of depressed looking older guys waiting to take their turn in VIP.
  • Dolfan
    a day ago
    If Solid Gold aligned their dance prices to BT/Cheetah/DD, odds are they'd take lots of business from all three. As it stands now, they're a little more expensive than the other clubs and deliver a sub-par experience. I stop in about the same frequency, every 6-9 months or so. I can't remember ever walking out of there thinking to myself "that was fun, I'm looking forward to coming back" it's always "why did I bother coming over here? To have a chance with an older, less attractive, less friendly chick who wants to charge me 30% more than the younger, hotter, friendlier chick at Cheetah?"

    So basically I guess what I'm saying is +1 to what PAWG_Patrol said too. Cheap + Crappy gets is easily forgiven, Expensive + Crappy much less so.
    a day ago
    In Southern California, the clubs I think are borderline shitty, always stay the same. When I do visit one to see if there's been a positive change, I always regret it.
  • ArtCollege
    a day ago
    If I'm driving by a bad club and I have time on my hands, I'll go in. They typically have no cover charge and free parking, so I'm not investing too much. Rarely am I pleasantly surprised.
  • chiefwiggum
    a day ago
    Pre-pandemic, the only area where I would say this is even remotely true was Vegas; excluding Play It Again Sams and Talk of the Town. This was also really only true of the mid-tier clubs (OG, Jaguars, Palomino, and a bunch I'm forgetting).
  • JamesSD
    a day ago
    The clubs that are shitty because of strict rules enforcement hurting management I always avoid. The exception is one that is fantastic at bringing in gorgeous young strippers and fully nude. It's not the worst for checking them out on stage then leaving without dances and has a good Baracade next door.

    There's one that is one of those "panning for gold" tupes
  • DandyDan
    16 hours ago
    For the area I live in now, there's exactly one club now within an hour's drive. I go there with the hope it might be good and leave most of the time wishing not to come back. Of course, once in a while, they get a good dancer I like, but then, that's a rare event.
  • rickdugan
    15 hours ago
    Centerfold in Jacksonville. It used to be my favorite club in town. It was always a dive, but a fun one where attractive girls could be found for OTC (at least on night shift).

    About 5 years ago, the club completely pivoted and went urban. It made sense from a business standpoint. This club is sandwiched between two much larger clubs with good kitchens, more girls and easier highway access. They had to do something to differentiate. The only nearby black club had recently closed, so the timing was good, and another died a year later during the pandemic.

    From the cars I see in the lot when I pass by, it's obviously working for them. They are packed on weekend nights and also during some Sunday night special events, with some guest DJ or another coming to the club. It's now the only black club in town and they run it more like a party spot than a pure strip club.

    But I miss the old Centerfold, with it's collection of girls who were fired from almost every other club, along with its colorful cast of characters. I pop in about once a year for nostalgia reasons (on slow weekday nights lol), but I don't see them ever going back.
  • groundball
    12 hours ago
    I love the shitty places here in Baltimore. Jump in for a real short time, say to myself "damn" and then leave. It's like one of my traditions.
  • Huntsman
    12 hours ago
    In my experience, I’ve seen clubs go from good to shitty but not shitty to good. So to answer the question….yeah, I still go back to shitty clubs once in a great while, like Charlie Brown trying to kick a football. I don’t know why.
  • PAWG_Patrol
    9 hours ago

    PIAS afternoon shift wasn't too bad. No junkies, but definitely some grandmas who should've retired decades ago. The Cuban milfs and $20 lappers made for a decent time.

    Worst club I've ever been to is also in Vegas. Club Platinum. Between the senior citizen manager/dancer, the DJ falling asleep mid song, and no touch $20 dances... absolute nightmare. I'd give PIAS another shot but I would never step foot in Platinum again.
  • blahblahblahs
    8 hours ago
    The main reason I go to a shitty club is that I find myself in physical proximity to one on a day that good clubs are closed. Since the clubs aren't staffing with their A team on these days, my impression of the shitty clubs generally isn't improving.

    I do have a conundrum though. On a whim I stopped in at a shitty club over the summer and discovered an extraordinary dancer. This club, which is very shitty except for the one very good dancer, recently raised prices to an absurd level for the region. I haven't had occasion to return since they raised prices, and I'm still undecided if I'll return at all.
  • sfrsox
    4 hours ago
    Porthole in SFL, Mickey's in RI
  • loper
    2 hours ago
    Clubs that I check in on like monthly (or did): Mickey's in RI. Lamplighter II, now closed.

    Clubs I'm totally done with: Squires, Glass Slipper, Hurricane Betty's, Cabaret, Alex's.
  • loper
    2 hours ago
    Also Millennium, since their lame lap dances just went up to $40.
  • Puddy Tat
    2 hours ago
    ^ I'm done with Millennium for a long time (months-to-years).

    Mickey's, I always seem to find a good one at a better price than Desire. It's becoming my favorite club in RI.
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