Should you buy a Valentine's Day gift or Rose for a stripper?
Southern Libertine
Something I have Always thought about was buying a rose for my all time favorite dancers. Is that going to be seen as weird? I'm not trying to have a relationship or even making an attempt at something serious.I just want to something special for them.
last commenta bag of ghiardelli's chocolate should be good enough.
I've bought flowers for two dancers out of many, many dancers. It's not super common, but not that uncommon. I've never given a dancer flowers at the club, because those things are destined for the trash unless you really are one of her favorite customers.
Some clubs on special occasions like Valentine's Day will have a flower guy walking around. Like a hookah guy but with flowers. Easy enough then to buy a rose see how the dancer of your eye responds.
I don’t think that’s weird at all. If they’re your ATFs, then I’m sure there’s some good rapport already established and they will appreciate it and know the place it’s coming from. It would only be overbearing or off putting if it was a dancer you didn’t know very well, I would think. Maybe get a little $5 or $10 vase so it stays safe at her locker/mirror while she’s on the floor. Despite women saying they love flowers, experience tells me they don’t really appreciate them all that much. I agree chocolates is a good idea too
Probably not. You're just doing business in there.
Let your 🕷️ spider sense decide.
I gifted my ATF one of those teddy bears with a rose and heart shaped box of chocolates and she was very very happy.
One of the best investments to get her to accept that we move things OTC with GFE and PSE.
Let’s just be careful out there.
A sad tableau
Just because it’s business doesn’t mean you can’t have a good working relationship and enjoy your business partner as a human being. Strippers have customers they prefer, just like we all have professional relationships that we prefer over others. Giving a dancer flowers is no different than giving your realtor/lawyer/whomever a bottle of wine or whatever. It’s a gesture of good faith and an expression of gratitude
I once bought my ATM a necklace with her kid's names on it. She loved it.
Other than that, I don't remember anything.
If she's really your ATF then yes.
One of my most treasured moments in this hobby was the first time I gave my ATF a gift. It was on Valentine's Day many years ago. I gave her a generous gift card for Victoria Secret. Let's just say at the time she was not working in an upscale place, and it's possible I was the first customer to ever get her a gift like this. The look and reaction of complete astonishment and joy from her was priceless.
Learn some origami, and fold a $100, or even a $20, into a rose/flower shape. 90+% chance she'll like that better. If it's too much bother, just give her the money, and say "Happy Valentine's Day!". It's risky to do things for them in a way that a friend or boyfriend would. It can stress them, get them worried if they need to start faking that you are more than a customer to them.
I don't know that I'd bring gifts into the strip club. I've bought shit for strippers I see OTC, but as stud says it feels like a sad tableau to walk into a strip club carrying a bouquet. Maybe I've just only seen it poorly executed, but the dudes I've seen doing that didn't make it look good.
Worrying about Valentines day in October seems a little off too if I'm being honest. I'm all for advance planning, but 100 days is an eternity in stripper time. She might not even be a stripper in Feb.
I always make sure to give them a pearl necklace in every trip in.
That would definitely put the "pathetic" in PL 😂
We're just customers. Don't ever forget.
I bought some cheap flowers for OTC so we could caress each other with the petals and blossoms. I would do it again as a Valentine or anytime.
You want to get a stripper something nice? Something she’ll really appreciate? Get her a 100 dollar bill. She will LOVE it.
@etsutwigg222 I wish the founder had added a way to add Emoji to your response... That made me laugh
"Maybe I've just only seen it poorly executed, but the dudes I've seen doing that didn't make it look good."
Pro tip. Skimpy lingerie can easily fit in a pocket. Flowers not so much.
Many decades ago I gave a gift certificate for a massage at a day spa to a 19 y/o college student/stripper for Valentines Day just because.
She had never had a massage before so I was of course curious if she enjoyed the experience. She said she loved the massage but it was really weird at the spa because there were a bunch of “older” ladies all walking around naked.
I found that to be quite amusing.
Many years ago I was in a club where I'd become friendly with a bartender, who was originally from Brazil. There was a woman who came through selling roses.
Three other guys purchased and gave roses to the bartender. She just kind of tossed them on a counter. I was the 4th and she made a vase out of an empty beer bottle filled with water and put my rose in it. Still makes me smile to this day.
Mutual flower petal caressing is PL level ninja, I so bow down to that.
@wallanon, I've done that.
Couple years ago a fave returned to stripping after some upheaval in her life. She no longer had many stripper outfits.
I offered to buy her some. Figured win win, she's in need and I'd get to influence the selection.
Turns out she had an Etsy wish list specific to stripper wear. She updated and added to it and gave me the heads up. I landed up purchasing 3 outfits. Brought them each to the club in my pocket spaced out several weeks apart. She was appreciative of each successive surprise gift. She definitively rocked the outfits.
At Casa Diablo dancers receive a rose when you buy a room.
If you buy a gift shell most likely throw it away. They hate bringing work home with them. Gifts from tricks aren't valued unless theres an actual connection. Give her money. Or a money bouquet.
Get a uber ride to the local drug/alchol rehab center.
if it's between the two and youre ADAMENT about getting them SOMETHING, get the rose. it's arguably cheaper (you can get it at 7-Eleven), it's not high effort, its cliche enough to not be taken too seriously, but it says enough to say hey, i think your cool, here's a low effort appreciation. She may like more than you think, or at least know that you think of her enough to make her continue to patronage to you more often. besides your not the first so it's not THAT special.
Buying a gift almost seems personal. unless your a well known whale and money ain't nothing it smells of wanting special approval.
After some reconsideration, I think the best gift is an origami $100
@GMD what is an ATM dancer? All time married dancer? At the moment dancer?