I'll make it earlier and quicker than the above comment. Yes you can get VIP card in the lobby. When checking in, there is a guy in a suit who stands in the corner. He will get you your card. Hes a good dude too. very helpful. If he isn't there, just go to (alley side) HK entrance and get one from the counter guy.
70% of on mon/tue and 20% on the other days. Also gets you a discount on food from Azuls and senda norte (attached to tropical bar) ...i prefer senda norte. I feel the food is better and prices as well. Also when the bill comes , senda norte gives you two bills...before price and after so you see it was applied correctly. I've had multiple times at Azul they try to screw you in conversion rate. The downfall about Senda Norte is the service time. Often it takes longer to order/get meal/get bill. Im not in a rush usually so I dont mind...but if you are, then maybe goto Azul (or get some street food!)

Comments by besmitty
a year ago
a year ago
Everything in TJ is negotiable. That said, if staying at Cascadas, the SGs (street girls) can go there if they have proper ID/health cards. The SGs in the main alley are more likely to go than those on the outskirt alleys/streets. You can (and I have) found diamonds in the rough so to speak, but generally speaking, in my experience, those that stand in front of HK and Cascadas are typically the better quality (in bed) than the others.
As far as rates, they're getting to be ridiculous in my opinion which is why I went from goign every month to every few months now. I've been quoted $80 from SGs lately. $50 is on the low end. If you want a SG with just sex, no bj, not fully nude, 1-2 positions, then looking $30-50. Anything more will be 50-80... maybe more as the peso climbs higher in value against the US dollar. It used to be paying in Pesos vs US dollar made a diff but the last 2 times I went, its just about the same, maybe just a couple dollars diff. As long as you can go to HK/Chicago and still get $100 deal, I feel that is the best deal at this point. If you can find a banger at $50-60 in the Alley, who will do EVERYTHING (nude,bj,sex, multiple positions,etc) then thats a good deal now days... just depends on what you want.
Right now the peso is 16.5 for every US dollar roughly. When I started going it was 20.5 for every dollar. I hope when it goes back to 19ish, prices will drop, but somehow, I dont think it will... Girls will claim inflation now for the price hike, but when the peso goes down, they'll say "take it or leave it at the same cost. They've already experienced the more money and wont settle so easily.
As far as rates, they're getting to be ridiculous in my opinion which is why I went from goign every month to every few months now. I've been quoted $80 from SGs lately. $50 is on the low end. If you want a SG with just sex, no bj, not fully nude, 1-2 positions, then looking $30-50. Anything more will be 50-80... maybe more as the peso climbs higher in value against the US dollar. It used to be paying in Pesos vs US dollar made a diff but the last 2 times I went, its just about the same, maybe just a couple dollars diff. As long as you can go to HK/Chicago and still get $100 deal, I feel that is the best deal at this point. If you can find a banger at $50-60 in the Alley, who will do EVERYTHING (nude,bj,sex, multiple positions,etc) then thats a good deal now days... just depends on what you want.
Right now the peso is 16.5 for every US dollar roughly. When I started going it was 20.5 for every dollar. I hope when it goes back to 19ish, prices will drop, but somehow, I dont think it will... Girls will claim inflation now for the price hike, but when the peso goes down, they'll say "take it or leave it at the same cost. They've already experienced the more money and wont settle so easily.
a year ago
Jascoi -
I like cascadas or rizo for 2 reasons :
1- convenience of being literally next door to HK
2- The few times I've gone to Rizo, they try to give me a downgrade of a room at the same price I paid for. Last time I paid for a master suite and they tried giving me a regular room telling me that was the suite. They argued a while. Just got annoying. This has happened more than once.
As far as Asia goes... I very much so want to go but not alone. I work in the travel industry so airfare and time is not an issue for me (luckily) but finding someone who can go with, that's a diff story. The PLAN was Thailand (and / or philipines) and Colombia this year but with how things have shook out so far early on in the year, I'm thinking the plan is changing to Belize and Aruba (believe it or not, much cheaper for me) ... we will see though! I can see how goign to Thailand would change your perspective on TJ. When did you go? What were the going rates ?
I like cascadas or rizo for 2 reasons :
1- convenience of being literally next door to HK
2- The few times I've gone to Rizo, they try to give me a downgrade of a room at the same price I paid for. Last time I paid for a master suite and they tried giving me a regular room telling me that was the suite. They argued a while. Just got annoying. This has happened more than once.
As far as Asia goes... I very much so want to go but not alone. I work in the travel industry so airfare and time is not an issue for me (luckily) but finding someone who can go with, that's a diff story. The PLAN was Thailand (and / or philipines) and Colombia this year but with how things have shook out so far early on in the year, I'm thinking the plan is changing to Belize and Aruba (believe it or not, much cheaper for me) ... we will see though! I can see how goign to Thailand would change your perspective on TJ. When did you go? What were the going rates ?
a year ago
About a week or two ago they had a news article that there was another legal courthouse setback so I doubt soon
a year ago
So Greenbeans and I went for the day and night. He had quite a bit more fun than myself but TJ is always decent. I'm going to write an article on it (I always write notes as I go along in TJ) ... From the very beginning of entering TJ made it.... interesting ...
a year ago
Anything is available in TJ. Money does all the talking. That said, remember these girls have sex with multiple people every day. Imagine they raw dog here and there and you dunp any of these people. I suggest not doing it unless you form an atf bond after a while. Just a suggestion
Anything is available in TJ. Money does all the talking. That said, remember these girls have sex with multiple people every day. Imagine they raw dog here and there and you dunp any of these people. I suggest not doing it unless you form an atf bond after a while. Just a suggestion
a year ago
Hey, I've got a work event Tuesday in SD so I'm going to fly in Monday and go-to TJ for the night most likely. Not trying to spend a lot of money which is hard to do there but I'd be good to grab a couple drinks.
a year ago
I have been in a couple times since this review. I enjoy it more so than my counterparts I think. I NEED a break sometimes and this is a good place to do it. HK can be a bit much sometimes...loud and busy, never ending party. I usually go to Chicago to break it up and chill but now Chicago is making its way to number 1 with HK. Some might disagree thinking chicago won't ever get there, which is true in a sense. Chicago won't ever have the volume of HK but the quality the BGs give I think has already overcome HK. Anyway, back to D &G. With chicago being more popular, D&G provides a comfortable place to relax for a short time and have a reasonably priced drink. They don't have the quality of women, but I'm there to break up the monotony for an hour.
Also, I met my former ATF there once (my birthday) to have drinks before getting our party started. For us both , for an hour, to have drinks, chat, and flirt a bit cost me $20. Was a perfect place to set the tone for the night...
Also, I met my former ATF there once (my birthday) to have drinks before getting our party started. For us both , for an hour, to have drinks, chat, and flirt a bit cost me $20. Was a perfect place to set the tone for the night...
a year ago
Superbowl at HK last year was fun...busy but fun. They had a free buffet though. I was the winner of the football toss game (throw football through a hole in a board)... won a shirt and bucket of beer. I was the only one to throw it through . you get three tries and i used one ha
a year ago
i should be in town that time frame and goto TJ on Mon/tue. message me if you'd like. I can give advice on parking or other avenues. I have a work thing Tuesday (1pm-7pm) in san diego so i will go monday to TJ... tuesday to SD and back to TJ later, then back to SD wed and fly to TX wed. lol
a year ago
@putaTester.... ive a time or 2 or 12 been too drunk.... lol or that one time a bunch of us (when I had my beard) toasted to Viking (me) "SKOAL" ... and I took a sleeping pill instead of the other pill.... both are blue lol ...
a year ago
glad you had a good experience...its def an experience like no other for most people. Pull back the red curtains and BOOM! As far as the shuttle goes... when you exit the border crossing building you walk down that side walk. It will make you go left and there is a see through sliding gate right in front of you. That is where the limo parks. if it is not there, slide the gate open and turn right (toward the street)...you will see a parking lot there . Go through the parking lot until you hit the next street. to the left is the HK shuttle shop (mind you, last I knew, they wouldn't be open before 2-3pm). There will be a guy there and just let him know you'd like a shuttle to HK. might take a couple min, i've waited as long as a half hour. Its a fun experience for the first time but not I just use the regular centro shuttles if the limo isnt there. its like 75 cents (I just give the driver a dollar and they're happy) and it drops you off many places but i get off at revolucion street which is just a few blocks from the action. I like to get off at rev bc it allows me to stop at my fave pharmacy and grocery store on the way...pick up anything i need like snacks, water, beer, liquor, condoms, etc. I always get a couple liters of water for the room and a couple smaller (like 20 oz) as well for any ladies wanting water during/after arriba. usually get a tecate lite or 2 as well in case ladies ask if they can have one...then you're paying 50 cents vs 6 bucks or whatever it is ...im frugal lol.
The foam show (shaving cream show) can be very entertaining. They usually don't go all out until someone drops a $20 bill lol...then they REALLY get into it, and let you get into it too. I remember a few visits ago it was a show that was entertaining to people who've never seen anything like it, but for those who've been there and seen what it can be, it was a dud at the time. There were a bunch of younger guys (my guess is college guys from SD who've only heard of this place) that was going nuts...but were pretty cheap in tipping... a couple dollars here and there between the group of 8 or whatever. I got to talking with one for a quick minute and he was living his best life ...until i told him, watch what happens when you tip them well. I tipped $20 and all their focus shifted to me and they got out the dildo gun and licking each other crazy and grabbing me and the kids couldnt believe it. then i just start to walk away and theyre all confused like why would you walk away from that?!!?! lol priceless
you mentioned 15-20, up to 40 later on for number of BGs ...thats pretty low. usually 20 is a minimum but usually (at night) 70 or more. Maybe not on a Wednesday as the BGs know monday/tuesday are discounted nights with VIP cards so lots of people come to HK those nights so they're more willing to work.
You mentioned Azul - if you didnt know you can also use your VIP card at Senda Norte (restaurant attached to tropical bar) and get 20% off there too. That place is much better than Azul in my opinion, though some times (often) the staff / food takes a lot longer than Azul...then again, if i want something quick, street tacos .
You mentioned women dont speak english... some do. If you want to indulge in conversation , you can ask the maseros which ones speak english and for a tip he'll bring them over. If you're really wanting something specific...ask a masero. Whether is be language, types of services they'll do, or body types....maseros know the women so they can help. I don't use them except to get drinks but its a good tool to have in the shed.
The foam show (shaving cream show) can be very entertaining. They usually don't go all out until someone drops a $20 bill lol...then they REALLY get into it, and let you get into it too. I remember a few visits ago it was a show that was entertaining to people who've never seen anything like it, but for those who've been there and seen what it can be, it was a dud at the time. There were a bunch of younger guys (my guess is college guys from SD who've only heard of this place) that was going nuts...but were pretty cheap in tipping... a couple dollars here and there between the group of 8 or whatever. I got to talking with one for a quick minute and he was living his best life ...until i told him, watch what happens when you tip them well. I tipped $20 and all their focus shifted to me and they got out the dildo gun and licking each other crazy and grabbing me and the kids couldnt believe it. then i just start to walk away and theyre all confused like why would you walk away from that?!!?! lol priceless
you mentioned 15-20, up to 40 later on for number of BGs ...thats pretty low. usually 20 is a minimum but usually (at night) 70 or more. Maybe not on a Wednesday as the BGs know monday/tuesday are discounted nights with VIP cards so lots of people come to HK those nights so they're more willing to work.
You mentioned Azul - if you didnt know you can also use your VIP card at Senda Norte (restaurant attached to tropical bar) and get 20% off there too. That place is much better than Azul in my opinion, though some times (often) the staff / food takes a lot longer than Azul...then again, if i want something quick, street tacos .
You mentioned women dont speak english... some do. If you want to indulge in conversation , you can ask the maseros which ones speak english and for a tip he'll bring them over. If you're really wanting something specific...ask a masero. Whether is be language, types of services they'll do, or body types....maseros know the women so they can help. I don't use them except to get drinks but its a good tool to have in the shed.
a year ago
Hey PutaTester! Hope all is well buddy! Speaking of Ticuan/other hotels, have you ever checked out Eazy Centro by ULIV . Its right by Ticuan. I am heading to TJ in Feb and if I make it for 3 days vs my usual two, I was thinking of trying Eazy Centro by ULIV for a night. They are on my Travel ID app but was hoping for feedback. Anyway, just fig'd Id ask. Ill be in TJ (not sure which days exactly) sometime between Feb 2 and leave by the 6th ...prob 4/5th though. Also Feb 19/20th.
a year ago
Stay at Cascadas or Rizos if set on a bar hotel on the strip. CC's hotel is definitely a step down and (when it was open) Adelitas hotel was junk. I will say I feel Chicago girls are (in my last few trip experiences) trying much harder for attention than HK girls when you're buying them fichas. They open right up! Has led to very good experiences for me. So my question would be ...which do you prefer :
1 (HK) - the volume of quality in women with the better hotel that may be a higher cost to go upstairs and may not be as fun before upstairs
2 (CC) - less women, little less to choose from in high quality, hotel isnt as nice but women may negotiate for less and may try harder and do more for you to get you upstairs...
also may depend on what day of the week (VIP card discounts) that hinder such a decision. With all that said, maybe book a room to both, and before committing and paying, stop at each bar and check out the vibe. Unfortunately , this may need to be done in the evening to get such a vibe. Also I've booked a hotel room on revolution and brought girls there either after work or on their days off. All that will be negotiated ahead as well obviously. Each has their pros and cons.
1 (HK) - the volume of quality in women with the better hotel that may be a higher cost to go upstairs and may not be as fun before upstairs
2 (CC) - less women, little less to choose from in high quality, hotel isnt as nice but women may negotiate for less and may try harder and do more for you to get you upstairs...
also may depend on what day of the week (VIP card discounts) that hinder such a decision. With all that said, maybe book a room to both, and before committing and paying, stop at each bar and check out the vibe. Unfortunately , this may need to be done in the evening to get such a vibe. Also I've booked a hotel room on revolution and brought girls there either after work or on their days off. All that will be negotiated ahead as well obviously. Each has their pros and cons.
a year ago
TJVisitor -
Where were you when I lived in Phx?!! haha AZfrioles is a good dude (good luck trying to get him to drink with you though) , I'd suggest seeing when he'll be making an appearance. I moved recently to Texas. I was going monthly to TJ until I moved. I'm going to head that way for a day or two sometime Feb 2-6 and again I'll be there the 19th an 20th of Feb. For the trip Feb-2-6th, I may fly into Phoenix for the day and or night and see some friends, but I'm not sure yet. I have to spend a couple days in San Diego for some important stuff... but I'll definately make it there at some point for both the dates given. Im rarely on here, but I'll try to remember ya on here.
Where were you when I lived in Phx?!! haha AZfrioles is a good dude (good luck trying to get him to drink with you though) , I'd suggest seeing when he'll be making an appearance. I moved recently to Texas. I was going monthly to TJ until I moved. I'm going to head that way for a day or two sometime Feb 2-6 and again I'll be there the 19th an 20th of Feb. For the trip Feb-2-6th, I may fly into Phoenix for the day and or night and see some friends, but I'm not sure yet. I have to spend a couple days in San Diego for some important stuff... but I'll definately make it there at some point for both the dates given. Im rarely on here, but I'll try to remember ya on here.
a year ago
Unlike Jascoi , I've been there two or three times ;-) jk Jascoi ...but he's right. Prices have gone up. You could get very lucky getting under $100 but I wouldn't count on it (usually 4/5am when they're ready to leave and want one last score and they're drunk...that said, she may not be as fun at that hour... I've had both experiences. I once went up with a girl who grabbed my hand at 5am and said come with me... she was good looking and i was drunk...i said okay.... ended upstairs for over two hours and cost me $80 , so it can happen. I always look out for signs that might be a red flag such as she wants you to buy her wine, shots, food, or a bottle at the early stages of conversation. Also I try to stay away from those with smart watches on. I feel like they'll put an alarm on the session. One thing I've done in the past, if you're trying to find the right girl bang for buck quickly, I've bought the lap dance. If you dont know, "once a day" with your VIP card (same place you get your free drink coupon) you can ask for your half off lap dance coupon. it'll be (last I used it) $13 + I always tip the door person who monitors the door for the dance. Sometimes I've gotten a little extra time, sometimes not. Most of the time I've found it to be successful one way or another... I've had great dances and touching where i knew i wanted to take her up. I've had a shitty time and sure I lost $15 but I didn't take them upstairs luckily and lose out on $100... Stay tuned for more tricks n tips by 2-Buck-B (few of you guys will get that) lol
2 years ago
Two buck Chuck ey? lol . For the record, I got my $2 bills yesterday and ordered Mx Pesos from my bank... GAME ON! Our level of debauchery is going to exceed our prior posts this last year! Final countdown is on my friend!
2 years ago
actually orange lover, slander is verbal while libel is written. so that's libel, not slander.
2 years ago
A couple trips ago, I was shook down by a national guard . about 3am, in the alley, i was walking to goto Cascadas for the night. I'm about 20-30 ft from the entrance and notice the national guard truck with about 6-7 guards in the bed of the truck. I get to the entrance and make about 3 or 4 steps in and one of the guards (only one who got out of the bed of truck) pulled me by my shoulder and escorted me outside the hotel. Patted me down, searched me, ended up taking my $30 ( i think it was like 33 bucks) that was in wallet but I didn't realize that until he let me go and went straight to my room, then noticed.... I was searched again the next day too but nothing taken. Then followed the next morning by 2 guards for about half a mile near revolucion until I walked by two street cops then they left.
3 years ago
LOL AzFriole, Redbaron , and myself were all in TJ at the time this was pusblished. AzFriole and myself went to Rosarito the day after this was published. Never felt any threat, as per usual
3 years ago
It's easy to over pay when you rarely get the chance to do something like this, but yes, overpaid indeed. What sucks is when people overpay or bribe for x,y,z extras, the women/maseros/people in general down there start expecting it. Prices go up b/c now these people think if one american does it, so will the others. I say we all boycott and offer only $60 at HK for arriba until they negotiate back to $80-$100 tops! okay maybe not bc imma still go get my reg $100 HK girls lol
3 years ago
I was going to say some HOF'ers are going the next couple days but Putatester beat me to it...(as I was supposed to but new job PROBABLY keeps me from joining the gang this time around) ...
I do like going with/meeting people down there, but you will have fun even if alone but sounds like you've been so I'm sure you know already.
I do like going with/meeting people down there, but you will have fun even if alone but sounds like you've been so I'm sure you know already.
3 years ago
First off, there are PLENTY of pharmacies and stores in TJ. EVERY street just about. Second, I think the airlines have relaxed on these things. I bring a toiletries bag every flight. I don't check baggage, only bring my backpack which has that toiletries bag in it. Some things you may think I cant bring that it has in it : shampoo, conditioner, lotion, body wash, hard soap, nail clippers, tweezers, and cologne among other things. Never had an issue. I also bring snacks, occasionally opened, in my backpack. Only thing through security that has not made it through are bottles of water (bring empty bottle or a tumbler). I hear you can bring frozen bottles of water though (the chemicals they look for through security wont freeze) but I haven't tried that yet as my flights are only 45 min from Phoenix to San Deigo. I will be starting a new job at the airport in a week, and I can report back if needed but I think you're in the clear as I've gone 10x in a year and half with no issues.
3 years ago
@Redbaron -- I will be looking for your backpack in a couple days ;-)
To everyone else :
As far as the 8-10x I've gone in the last year and half, I've had no issues as far as carrying or bringing money. To put you at ease a little bit, here is a story (which I've told in an article I wrote a year ago). I checked out of my hotel and checked my (2) bags at HK. I did this b/c my flight was that evening and checkout was at 11am or w/e. Tipped the guy $2 and he checked my bag and gave me my slip to retrieve bags later. I ended up finding out I mixed up the departure time and arrival time. I thought I had more time when I didnt so I became in a rush. Long story short is I ended up with my bag and someone elses bag without me realizing it (plain black backpack). Got to my airline gate when I realized it. I had $1200 cash in my bag sitting at HK still. Missed my flight and went back. Backpack was there and not a thing missing. They apologized and paid for my food, taxi, drinks, and hotel for the night. All was fine in the end. 2 things come from this story - your bag is safe if you check it, and always make sure you have the right bag lol.
Also a tip : If you are leaving HK through the alley, and you go to the right until you have to go left or right, and take a left. 3 blocks down (you'll see about a block down is where the police are, just go past the police stand) is a bank on the right. i think it's banknorte but not 100%. one of the ATMs (far left or far right machine) has english and you can receive money in US Currency for a fee. I used Bank of America card and for $300, total fee was under $4.00 (ended up like 303.65 or something like that) if you get in pesos, i think it's only like $2 charge. It's a good back up if you run out of money, but also if you don't like carrying much on you/at hotel, even a couple trips to the bank will be $10 total in fees and maybe put your mindset at ease.
To everyone else :
As far as the 8-10x I've gone in the last year and half, I've had no issues as far as carrying or bringing money. To put you at ease a little bit, here is a story (which I've told in an article I wrote a year ago). I checked out of my hotel and checked my (2) bags at HK. I did this b/c my flight was that evening and checkout was at 11am or w/e. Tipped the guy $2 and he checked my bag and gave me my slip to retrieve bags later. I ended up finding out I mixed up the departure time and arrival time. I thought I had more time when I didnt so I became in a rush. Long story short is I ended up with my bag and someone elses bag without me realizing it (plain black backpack). Got to my airline gate when I realized it. I had $1200 cash in my bag sitting at HK still. Missed my flight and went back. Backpack was there and not a thing missing. They apologized and paid for my food, taxi, drinks, and hotel for the night. All was fine in the end. 2 things come from this story - your bag is safe if you check it, and always make sure you have the right bag lol.
Also a tip : If you are leaving HK through the alley, and you go to the right until you have to go left or right, and take a left. 3 blocks down (you'll see about a block down is where the police are, just go past the police stand) is a bank on the right. i think it's banknorte but not 100%. one of the ATMs (far left or far right machine) has english and you can receive money in US Currency for a fee. I used Bank of America card and for $300, total fee was under $4.00 (ended up like 303.65 or something like that) if you get in pesos, i think it's only like $2 charge. It's a good back up if you run out of money, but also if you don't like carrying much on you/at hotel, even a couple trips to the bank will be $10 total in fees and maybe put your mindset at ease.
3 years ago
@AZFriole....yea you were with me lol
@garfield - never really had issues on a mon/tue there until this time.
@ mas18as - give $1 to each girl... nah i'll save $40. plus why give them money when they are bitching? lol It's one thing if you spend time with them to compensate , but not just to go away. If you did this at HK you'd be out $100 just to say go away, probably more bc they'd come back.
@jascoi - my 2nd time in TJ , I had one of my best arribas from this all natural dominican girl. $80 too lol . I hear they still bargain decently compared to HK but i just cant deal with bad attitudes and the maseros there were 100x worse than HK bugging me and AZFriole. Im at that point where when I go to Adelitas now, i wont even sit down. I take a lap and unless im struck by someone right away ill just leave.
@garfield - never really had issues on a mon/tue there until this time.
@ mas18as - give $1 to each girl... nah i'll save $40. plus why give them money when they are bitching? lol It's one thing if you spend time with them to compensate , but not just to go away. If you did this at HK you'd be out $100 just to say go away, probably more bc they'd come back.
@jascoi - my 2nd time in TJ , I had one of my best arribas from this all natural dominican girl. $80 too lol . I hear they still bargain decently compared to HK but i just cant deal with bad attitudes and the maseros there were 100x worse than HK bugging me and AZFriole. Im at that point where when I go to Adelitas now, i wont even sit down. I take a lap and unless im struck by someone right away ill just leave.