
Stripper Feedback

avatar for PutaTester
He who dies with the most memories wins.

TLNed with a CC girl Monday night. She is part time, as she comes for a few weeks. Works hard and goes home for a few months. Chose the Jacuzzi room at Ticuan. Very nice, but the water wouldn’t get hotter than Luke warm.

Said that the club was very slow recently. I suggested that the threat of a shutdown was likely to blame for the drop in business. Added to the strength of the peso making it more expensive for Gringos. She doesn’t follow politics, but is wicked smart. (College degree. Fluent English.) She said the club has lots of girls. So some are not making much money.

No real point to this. Just that I have made two visits in the past 10 days and none of the girls have turned down my offer of $100/arriba.


last comment
avatar for JamesSD
1 yr ago

Always interesting to hear what the market is like.

I do wonder if some of it is seasonal? I suspect September isn't the best month?

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

One of my stripper clients stated that Septembers are always slow because of summer vacation bills and back to school costs. Makes sense.

avatar for RTP
1 yr ago

I have a friend who owns a number of restaurants tell me September was always his worst month due to the same reasons Skibum points out. For those not worried about their Summer bills and back to school stuff, September can be a "rent is due" period on steroids.

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

at least puta tester you're going much more often than I am now. I've cut way back because of the hk rules and the costs and they're just aren't that many pretty girls that I like at Chicago.

avatar for Dolfan
1 yr ago

September is always the slowest in south Florida. Hot as fuck here while it's often a little nicer up north. + the shit Ski mentioned.

Some of our strippers know it, some never seem grasp the reality that they're in a tourist area. Even if their customers aren't primarily tourists or snowbirds, many of them earn their living directly from them and nearly all at least indirectly from them.

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

“September is always the slowest in south Florida. Hot as fuck here”

You’ve got that right. I spent about 6 weeks in Florida in late August and the month of September talking care of my mother in her final days. (I was in Florida during the September 11 attacks).

That helped me make the decision I’m never moving to Florida. Maybe a month or two in January - February but September was BRUTAL

avatar for PutaTester
1 yr ago

"at least puta tester you're going much more often than I am now. I've cut way back because of the hk rules and the costs and they're just aren't that many pretty girls that I like at Chicago."

Well, I now have two ATFs that I TLN with almost every visit, so I am in the clubs primarily to visit friends. And I am going to have to cut back myself as I am job hunting and until I get a better income, this discretionary spending must be reduced.

avatar for math14
1 yr ago

Thanks as always PuntaTester. Your insights are always appreciated. With all the talk of rules and price increases (devaluation of dollar etc.), Can I ask how TNL prices have been affected? What would be considered normal $ ? (without putting upward price pressure on the market)

avatar for PutaTester
1 yr ago

First I must disclose that both ATFs and I have long term relationships. I treat them very well when we are together, such as fine meals and fun gifts in the $20 range. So in seven years their prices have not changed. It doesn’t hurt that one of them thinks she is in love.

The base price is in the $400 range. I join them in the nicer hotels, such as Ticuan with a jacuzzi. (Used to be that I could take them to Cascades or Rizo on Monday and Tuesday nights for cheap, before they started their bar fine BS.)

The first time I negotiated prices, I used the eight-hour escort pricing for a guide. However, they almost always stay at least 11 hours or more.

And I have had TLNs from $0 to $700. In one case, the girl asked me for TLN on the way up the elevator for our first session. She was exactly my type and a 3-hole girl, so I accepted. After her shift was over, she came knocking on the door. Another actually took me out to Ensenada TLN. She paid for everything except the hotel. She was very popular in the club, so she decided to spend your money on me. I was younger then 😁🤣😁

avatar for math14
1 yr ago

Haha, perfect!
Thank you, you are always a wealth of knowledge and insights, besides being fun to read.
Last thing anyone wants to be is a TML.

avatar for tuscl666
1 yr ago

@PutaTester - Enjoy your review and envy your lifestyle 😃👏

I was planning to visit on a Fri or planning to stay overnight till Saturday. I don’t have the experience or the mojo to get somebody to a downtown hotel. What would you suggest if I wanted to sample HK and CC? Are there any hotels that accommodate both? What can I expect to pay at these hotels for a night?


avatar for PutaTester
1 yr ago

Hotel Caesar is about $85/night.
Hotel Ticuan is about $100/night and includes a good hot breakfast.
Hotel Revolution is $40/night, but it is a lousy hotel. Attractive front desk. Rooms suck.

Prices of the girls…just ask them.
Escorts start at around $400/night.
Bar girls charge me $200 to $700 to come to the downtown hotel off shift.
I see older guys (like me) bringing in P4P girls into the hotels frequently.

avatar for tuscl666
1 yr ago

Thank you PutaTester! Been traveling and couldn’t respond earlier. Haven’t really heard any horror stories of folks being ripped off by the girls or their “partners”. Does that happen with indie escorts? Is there an agency for escorts?

avatar for PutaTester
1 yr ago

Multiple agencies for escorts. Just Google Escorts Tijuana and read other forums for details. Don’t know much about escorts, as I prefer choosing prospects from the herd, and conducting test sessions before I make a selection.

avatar for devl_dawgg
1 yr ago

Good info, thanks! I had heard that Hotel Ticuan was not Chica friendly. I assume that you didn't have any issues bringing girls back to your room?

Did you make reservations directly with the hotel? I've heard checking in times are kinda flaky. Any issues?

avatar for devl_dawgg
1 yr ago

One more question...Have you been to Las Pulgas nightclub across from Ticuan?

avatar for PutaTester
1 yr ago

Ticuan requires that the girls provide ID that the hotel makes a copy of. No grief. Just the ID.

No problem checking in. Indeed, I have checked in as early as 1:00 without issues. Reservations made through both their website and through online reservation systems.

Haven’t been to Las Pulgas. It is too loud and I am too old.

avatar for devl_dawgg
1 yr ago


avatar for besmitty
1 yr ago

Hey PutaTester! Hope all is well buddy! Speaking of Ticuan/other hotels, have you ever checked out Eazy Centro by ULIV . Its right by Ticuan. I am heading to TJ in Feb and if I make it for 3 days vs my usual two, I was thinking of trying Eazy Centro by ULIV for a night. They are on my Travel ID app but was hoping for feedback. Anyway, just fig'd Id ask. Ill be in TJ (not sure which days exactly) sometime between Feb 2 and leave by the 6th ...prob 4/5th though. Also Feb 19/20th.

avatar for CJKent_band
1 yr ago


You wrote and I quote:

“In one case, the girl asked me for TLN on the way up the elevator for our first session.

She was exactly my type and a 3-hole girl, so I accepted.

After her shift was over, she came knocking on the door.

Another actually took me out to Ensenada TLN.

She paid for everything except the hotel.

She was very popular in the club, so she decided to spend your money on me.

I was younger then 😁🤣😁”

Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

Good Times, Good Times.


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