
Comments by AtAboy (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Louisiana woman says meth found hidden inside body part is not hers:
    Well I just hate it when I go to have a little fun with a dancer, and we both find something in her cooter that belongs to someone else. It really ruins the mood.
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    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Kira Kener vs. Shyla Stylez
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What is it with men trying to shit where they eat?
    Yeah I should clarify, props to any one of any size trying to tap some fine ass. I say go for it. But fuck any asshole that is such a narcissist that his fragile ego can’t take a rejection and has to use his position of power to make the girl’s life miserable and mess with her income because she said no
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    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Do any of you like the plastic surgery (face) look?
    Really? I’ve never kissed fake lips that I’m aware. I guess it’s similar to fake tits then
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    5 years ago
    Camel toe or cleavage what’s your favorite?
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    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Do any of you like the plastic surgery (face) look?
    Papi, interesting, I didn’t really think about it until I read your experience but I actually never saw this transformation in real life. Only on line. I hope this doesn’t come off as racially insensitive but one thing I find sad is when women feel the need to white wash themselves to look pretty. I think black features, including a wider nose are beautiful. Even Italian or Jewish women tend to have larger noses, but i’ve seen plenty that are beautiful women. And I’m guilty of looking at women of color that have done this. But I’ve seen many women that looked absolutely gorgeous as they were then go get a small nose and I just hate what beauty standards in this country have done to women. One kind of example is Nicky manaj. If you look at very old pictures of her she’s so beautiful but it looks like her nose is getting more and more narrow. I don’t think she looks pretty anymore. And don’t get me started on what women do to their faces to hide the natural aging process. It’s all just a damn shame.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    Confessed to Wife my SC habit
    ^ excellent advice SLD
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Unusual event at Follies today.
    I also want to add, Rick, I’m sure you have a lot of great qualities, as no one is all good or all bad. I’m sure even Hilter had some redeeming qualities. And I have enjoy some of your contributions to the board. But sometimes even if you can be a relatively cool guy, if some of your flaws are really offensive or off putting, it’s hard for people to put up with you as a person. We should always be self evaluating our short comings and trying to improve the things about us that suck. Hope this helps
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Unusual event at Follies today.
    They *can’t* express their anger towards the actual source. And I proof read that post too
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    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Unusual event at Follies today.
    Thank you Nice spice. I’m not psychopath detached, but I do lean to the more cool side emotionally now, after some unfortunate events in my life. Stuff that I’ve experienced has just made me apathetic towards engaging with people when it’s a pissing match rather than an intelligent discussion of opinions. Most people just want to be right. And they really have no desire to understand another person’s experiences or point of view. It’s a waste of time to keep talking with someone like that. It’ll only put me in a bad mood, as I don’t enjoy conflict. I don’t have any repressed anger that I need to get out. Often people that look for conflict, really are just looking for an safe outlet for their anger. For whatever reason they can express their anger towards it real source (think boss, or controlling spouse, or abusive parent that is now dead) so they get a bit of catharsis from fighting with others because of vents that anger. I used to debate internet people in the past, but I realized many people don’t really want to grow intellectually, they just want to feel like they are right and powerful. (And vent those anger feelings that really were not about me) There’s no education or having an exchange with people like that so why bother. I keep my life as pleasant as I can. I’m not against disagreeing with people, and some of my closest friends happen to hold very different social and political opinions than me. But they are intelligent people that explain themselves, and their point of view. They’re also good people at heart. Rick, the thing is you can think anything you want about me. The problem is that you think you matter to me. You’re not even real to me. You’re a screen name with a picture of someone else. I read your posts on my phone, which is not even central to my life. When I don’t want to hear from you, I can just hide you and erase you forever from the tiniest little corner of my “life” that is the internet. I’m sure you matter to the people in your life, but to me, the girl that makes me my coffee at Starbucks matters more to me and has a bigger impact on my existence than you do. I’m not going to attempt to name call you because I’m really just hurling empty insults at a person behind a screen name that I know nothing about, and hoping one sticks. I don’t do that. If I felt I could tell more about you from your posts I’d make more concrete suggestions about what I think of you, but I really don’t see much beside a dude that may be over compensating for something but I don’t know what. I’m just not ok with uneducated people using autism or Down’s syndrome or other special needs conditions as a joke or insult. And you’re free to do that, so I’d rather not use my energy or time to engage with you moving forward. I’ve also made this decision based on how you spoke to georgemicrodong on that other thread. I’m all for a good trolling between friends, but there’s a few lines even the crudest of men shouldn’t cross. And by my standard, you’ve crossed those on more than one occasion. My time is valuable. Why would I want to waste anymore then I already have having a discussion with someone like you? Maybe one night if I’m perusing the board after one too many drinks I’ll unhide you and icey. I’m a very forgiven person, especially when I’ve got a nice buzz. But I wouldn’t hold your breath. But until then, good day sir
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Open question to ricktheanimals
    So I assume Rick the dog is a wiener dog? Those are the most natural looking breed in the hotdog costumes.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    Confessed to Wife my SC habit
    My SO and I went through something similar. Confessed our sexual fantasies, celebs crushes, porn interests. That changed our sex life for the better. We SC together because of it. I do not regret being open about that. We went through a period of sending each other hot pics of other people and celebs. It was fun. On the other hand, I opened up to my SO about my history before we were together. Also about a run in and chat with someone I used to “know” (I’m purposely being vague) and some of the get togethers I went to when we were just dating. Or people I knew from my younger years I chatted with BRIEFLY over social media. NO funny business at all in any of these situations ever. No cheating, no touching, no sexual conversation. And that did not go well. SO was still mad and felt betrayed. It caused on going issues for awhile. Anyway, I regret being that open. If it’s not cheating, maybe somethings are better left unsaid. So I’m back to just keeping things to myself that I know will cause strife, like this website. Anyway, if you did partake in extras. Or LD, I would have said a few years ago, now is your chance to be fully honest. But I’ve rethought that idea. Maybe take the victory that she was cool with the SC for the most part. Then give it TIME. Some people like to wait a while for things to sink in, then get mad weeks and months later, then not tell you but stew on it. I hope your wife is better than that, but this is how my SO is and it has caused HUGE issues in our marriage and I now know we can’t just have adult conversations about things and how we feel about them. I get the “I’m ok with that glad you told me” initially then weeks later I start getting an attitude and cold shoulder, little digs and comments or it gets brought up in a fight and I’m like “but that didn’t bother you” but turns out it did. From my experience, if she doesn’t ask to go with you, she doesn’t want to go. Did any of her fantasies include girl on girl? Is she maybe bi? If not then I’d proceed with great caution in inviting her along. If some of her fantasies did include her being with a woman then I’d say you can mention taking her to the SC to help fulfill her fantasy and see what she says. Be careful what you share though meaning LD and such. Sometimes in the moment they can act like it’s ok, then start acting cold and weird and you find out weeks later that it wasn’t ok.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Unusual event at Follies today.
    Just want to interject to ask Rick, why have you mentioned autism and Aspergers in this thread? Are you attempting to diagnose it or using it as an insult? My son is autistic and so if you think anyone on this thread is behaving in a way that might signal they are on the spectrum, I can tell you that’s not the case. If you’re using it as an insult, kindly let me know. That is too much piece of shit asshole for my standards, and my standards are pretty low.. This way I’ll just put you on hide and move on. I don’t do internet fights. As evident by my issue with Icey. I just don’t give enough shits anymore. No offense meant toward those that do. It’s just not for me
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    We're normal people too
    I think the general idea in my social circles is not positive regarding strip clubs. As Rick said, I’ve never had a conversation about strip clubs with 99% of the people I know, but gathering from their opinions on other matters, and their personal beliefs regarding sex and marriage, I imagine they’d see those that attend SC as awful people participating in something immoral. But then again, I’m sure they’d say the same about me since I don’t broadcast my SC interest. So who knows what they really think
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What is it with men trying to shit where they eat?
    Interesting. I was just thinking about fat strip club managers yesterday. Does anyone know of any strip club managers that are good looking guys that don’t need to use their management position to manipulate women into having sex? I was also wondering, are there any clubs owned by women?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    I rejected this review. Was I too harsh?
    ^ Well now I feel like an asshole for what I said. This guy was obviously just posting his review in real time. Maybe we should all take a lesson from him.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    How many different SCs have you visited--in your life?
    And Decide* not despise...it says it right under my name, still learning to proof read
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    How many different SCs have you visited--in your life?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    How many different SCs have you visited--in your life?
    6, son to be 7. I have another new place I want to try. One that I went to in my 20s closed years ago. I can’t really travel so I don’t see my numbers getting much higher. And while I’m here, wrong thread, but yea, I agree each club has its own vibe and atmosphere. Sometimes I despise where I go based on my mood, that’s how different they are.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    I rejected this review. Was I too harsh?
    My favorite part is in the middle of all the random letters, they typed the word “SAND”. Is it that difficult to type a review? It’s not a dissertation for Christ sake. I’m pretty sure my 3rd graded could handle it. If he went to strip clubs. Which he doesn’t. But you get my point
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Men that DON’T like strip clubs
    Nice spice, those were very interesting reads. The first one was a little long so I read/skimmed it. I’m not surprised that technology has become a hinderance to the younger generation having sex. I know some may feel this is good, less teen pregnancy and obvious decreased chances of contracting an STD. But I’m another way it saddens me. I grew up just before technology robbed teens of having to leave their house to interact with other teens. Porn was either a nudie mag that we were too young to buy, so you’d have to get from a friend older sibling or something equally as difficult OR try to catch the occasional tit through the tv scramble on the porn channel. So what we grew up doing was either masterbating to our imagination or getting aroused by actually sexual experiences. More face to face time (since we weren’t texting or posting on social media) meant more times than mixed group (male/female) get togethers took a sexual turn at some point later in the evening. In fact until I was 19 and had an actually relationship, 99% of my sexual experiences including intercourse were the result of unexpected events that happened hanging out in person with various friends or friends of friends at parties or whatnot. If I stayed home group texting or we all had our phones in our faces OR has the option to just view porn to entertain us I imagine my experiences would have been far less. Teenage boys were more often the ones who encouraged things to escalate because again with out naked women at the click of a button, it was the only way to really see a naked woman. Current culture may make teen boys less comfortable to do try to initiate or even persuade girls to try things. There was a time when this was a more acceptable behavior from teenage boys. But I understand why this needed to be addressed. Also I can definitely see why the internet has impacted body image and how this can negatively affect wanting to have sex. Actually one thing I have thought about I’m the past is how teens are being exposed to all these images of models and the perfect bodies, that they might not understand that the average person doesn’t look like that. Even in strip clubs, we’re looking at in most cases hotter than average women, that’s why they can work in that profession, and why we pay. Most of the people out there, no one would pay to take their clothes off. But I’ve had enough experience to know what to expect from an average naked woman. But I wonder if these younger kids think most women look like the Instagram models? I can see how that would make women feel less willing to have sex. I know this is off topic from the original question, but still a very interesting discussion.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Men that DON’T like strip clubs
    A lot of interesting thoughts. I won’t lose sleep over not having the correct answer. It was just something I thought after hearing yet again, a man say they don’t have any desire to go to a strip club. I can see there are several possible reasons why a man wouldn’t be curious to visit a place with naked women walking around. Good point that many might be giving off that persona of not being into strip clubs the same way we do to certain people in our lives. So who’s to say what someone might actually want vs what they say they want. Nice spice, I’m not saying young men don’t visit the club, but there does seem to be a shifting preference with the younger generation that may have to do with less tolerance for the boys will be boys attitude, but maybe it’s because they have grown up with full access to porn via the internet. They can see it all from the comfort of their bedrooms. So maybe it’s easier to dismiss strip clubs when you have access to endless porn and hookup websites. I wonder how many younger guys go once with their friends in a boys night out kind of thing but don’t care to return, saying they don’t like strip clubs. But then again, as has already been said, when you’re young, single and good looking, I can see why the SC wouldn’t be any place worth the visit. Eh, was just a passing curiosity of mine
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Stripper Red Flags - What should I look for before getting a dance?
    When I was very new to SCing, once had a dancer during a LD, cover my lap with a scarf, and say something like “some girls here are extras girls, but I’m not into that”. So any dancer that has negative things to say about other dancers doing extras is a red flag. Also any dancer that covers my completely clothed lap with another layer of cloth is a red flag that she will be a dud in the VIP.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Decided to have beers in a civie bar
    I occasional go to a bar instead of a strip club if I’m just looking for the party vibe. When you get a few drinks in me I’m very friendly and enjoy chatting up everyone from hotties to trolls and everything in between. But I don’t want to go home with anything under a 6–7 and no amount of liquor will change that. And the hotties don’t want to go home with me. And no amount of liquor will change that. So occasionally after some fun times at the bar, I’ll go to the SC. I agree you see less and less of a man’s man with the younger generation. Maybe skinny jeans are cutting off the blood supply to their balls.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Men that DON’T like strip clubs
    “I think it’s become slightly more acceptable for girls to strip but it’s become less acceptable for men to ogle women” Well said Joe. I agree with you that this sums up the current state very well. I get the not cheating thing. Or preferring escorts. I guess what I’m saying is looking at a naked women is fun. Sex is one of the few pleasures in life, and I want to enjoy the sight, taste and feel of women as much as I can before I’m dead. And strip clubs are the best way to do that with hot women.