What is it with men trying to shit where they eat?

avatar for Bavarian
I’m looking at you fat strip club managers. Always trying to hookup with strippers (probably for free) that are way out of your league. When you get rejected you make their life hell and they are forced to leave and go to another club. Who loses? All her regulars who liked the club and now have to visit her at another club.

I know that Papi says that strip clubs are a bizarro world but still, have some decorum, fat strip club managers.


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avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
You ask for too much.
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
Have some decency, fat strip club managers. At least offer to pay them for OTC like the rest of us. 😂
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
Someone's jelly...
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
I’m not jelly. I am mad. Because of this asshole, I can’t get nude lap dances from my CF anymore. Topless only.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
I’ve heard a rumor through the (online) grapevine that PT’s has an asshole manager named “Todd”
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
I am familiar with PTs but i don’t bother with the manager’s names. I don’t have the slightest clue of who “Todd” is.

avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Banging strippers is a fringe benefits of being a strip club employee. Don't ruin the only benefit they have.
avatar for AtAboy
6 years ago
Interesting. I was just thinking about fat strip club managers yesterday. Does anyone know of any strip club managers that are good looking guys that don’t need to use their management position to manipulate women into having sex?
I was also wondering, are there any clubs owned by women?
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
Yes there are and the strippers are the ones hitting on them, not the other way around. I don’t have a problem with that. Good for them.
avatar for whodey
6 years ago
Why should fat strip club managers not try to hook up with strippers the same way fat strip club customers do?

However, I do think they shouldn't be able to make a strippers life more complicated just because the stripper turns them down. Just offer them more money like us fat strip club customers do.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Decorum and strip clubs I don't think are meant to go together
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
What whodey said - can't blame him for being tempted w/ all those naked women walking around - but retaliating against them is a major douche-move - she should secretly record his ass then sue the fucking club - again nothing wrong w/ trying to get laid, but don't be a dick about-it when she turns you down - but then again strip-clubs are often not filled w/ the nicest people.
avatar for AtAboy
6 years ago
Yeah I should clarify, props to any one of any size trying to tap some fine ass. I say go for it.

But fuck any asshole that is such a narcissist that his fragile ego can’t take a rejection and has to use his position of power to make the girl’s life miserable and mess with her income because she said no

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