
We're normal people too

Monday, August 5, 2019 11:40 AM
After listening to a conversation with some of my co-workers it appears to me that people who "club" have negative connotation attached. Like we're deranged perverts, which is bullshit for most of us (looking at you SJG). What are some common misconceptions or stereotypes you hear about us monger's or PLs


  • K
    5 years ago
    People think we are damaged somehow because they are jealous and wish they had the balls to part of this life.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    PrimetimeSchein said "Like we're deranged perverts, which is bullshit" Perhaps you missed the thread asking if guys show off their LDK cum stain to dancers like a proud puppy... because it's cute.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    The stereotype I see most often is the lack of the "middle class" PL. Meaning customers are either broke-down husks lingering at the bar over a beer and not spending money, or we're "whales" making it rain and spending thou$and$ in VIP with 8 to 10 dancers at a time. There's no concept of the guy who hits the club only occasionally and spends moderately.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Hmm dancers opinions of TUSCLers tend to be of cheap extras hounds. Which on one hand is true for some...but on the other hand even among them I don’t think most do that in the boisterous arrogant way many of us dancers deal with. The ones who try to argue over minute stuff and are kinda hostile while simultaneously trying to get OTC. I had my judgements too before hanging out on this board but since revised my opinion.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    But to be fair, most of those I’ve met IRL have enough social intelligence to message me in a way that doesn’t ring alarms. Then make an appointment. (And clearly keep it. Dancers gets shit for being flaky and I won’t deny it but customers can be flakes too) As opposed to threatening to spike ghb from behind a keyboard or something. 🤓
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Assumptions made by the general public about strip club customers, and assumptions made by dancers about TUSCLers are two very different things. I spend my money happily but not stupidly. Perhaps not all, but I think a lot of dancers get annoyed with customers who aren't amateurs.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^ Ah. Makes sense. As far as general public, I’d assume it would be the same assumptions the strip club customers I routinely meet would have. For example, I have long given up on asking a customer if he had been at that club before. They get defensive lol. And those assumptions are either one of being A) socially inept with women Or B) misogynistic Or C) in a broken marriage For all types of stereotypes, one can refer to IceyLoco’s posts.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Well... given what gets posted here, it's relatively difficult to completely scoff at options A, B, or C, really.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    Ishmael’s comment +1 “The stereotype I see most often is the lack of the "middle class" PL. Meaning customers are either broke-down husks lingering at the bar over a beer and not spending money, or we're "whales" making it rain and spending thou$and$ in VIP with 8 to 10 dancers at a time. There's no concept of the guy who hits the club only occasionally and spends moderately.”
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    "... I have long given up on asking a customer if he had been at that club before ..." What was your reason dor asking - just idle chat or something else?
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    At the time, idle chat. I was a newbie dancer at the time. Most of my rationale at that time was that if he had been there before, then I don’t need to bother explaining much. Like dance prices. Upsell options, etc cause he already knows. Whereas if he hadn’t been there before, then I figure I’d explain more stuff to him on how the club works.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    America in general is too-anal about sex and lags way behind most countries. It's dumb and hypocritical - who doesn't like sex - sex is a natural desire and a need and persons engaging in sex regularly tend to be healthier and happier - in many other counties there isn't such a stigma w.r.t. sex in general including having sex just for fun/pleasure including P4P - whereas in America you are "damaged" - dumb, hypocritical, and uninformed.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    For some custies the "you've been here before" can be a red-flag bc many ROBs use this info to take advantage of custies unfamiliar with the club. I generally avoid saying I'm new to the club - not saying it means one will automatically get ROBed, but def happens.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Yeah idk. I’d like to think a more highly evolved ROB, or even a dancer who isn’t a ROB but wants to know what she’s dealing with, has better ways of classifying customers indirectly. For example, I easily found a customer who was an out and proud PL by talking about myself (not asking him any questions) and my recent travel ventures. And mentioning clubs in Florida I was considering going to come wintertime. He had lots to tell me about clubs in Florida. The aficionado happily identified himself to me. But on the flip side, a customer can spot a girl who is newer to the industry if she asks a question like that. Whether one considers that a positive or a negative, at least the info has revealed itself.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    "... Hmm dancers opinions of TUSCLers tend to be of cheap extras hounds ..." Aside from the obvious that dancers and custies are generally not gonna agree on what the best price should be, TUSCLers are often fairly regular SCers and thus are more sensitive to price per se - i.e. a guy that clubs every 2 weeks usually can't afford to be paying a premium price every time he clubs, whereas a guy that clubs once a year will not be as price sensitive per se - kinda one of several ways in which TUSCLers are different from the avg SCer (as well as usually being more well-informed).
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Nicespice said... "As opposed to threatening to spike ghb from behind a keyboard or something. 🤓" Really? Who threatened you with GHB? I will dump a load on their basement!
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Well your co-workers can go fuck themselves! Easy.
  • PrimetimeSchein
    5 years ago
    Ish - No I didn't see that thread and I'm glad I didn't lol Muddy - hell yeah they can go fuck themselves
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    I never hear any of that because strip clubs are not normally part of my day-to-day conversations. Or ever really. Family, sports, local happenings and other assorted stuff are what I normally hear. Sometimes I'll hear gossip or talk about politics and religion if they are are part of certain circles. But never strip clubs. t is just something I do from time to time in the dark of the night and then leave it behind as the light of day approaches.
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    I think the general idea in my social circles is not positive regarding strip clubs. As Rick said, I’ve never had a conversation about strip clubs with 99% of the people I know, but gathering from their opinions on other matters, and their personal beliefs regarding sex and marriage, I imagine they’d see those that attend SC as awful people participating in something immoral. But then again, I’m sure they’d say the same about me since I don’t broadcast my SC interest. So who knows what they really think
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    It's getting progressively harder to get behind the OP's original premise. [view link]
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    I guess that fun sexy interaction with beautiful young women is kind of unusual because of my social standing...
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    If normal means average, then I'd say an experienced strip club customer who's also a TUSCLer isn't normal. And that's not a bad thing.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @nicespice You’ve commented about meeting a number of tusclers in your opinion at least in the way you comment about those that you have met, it appears that we are fairly easy to get along with, is that a fair read of your thoughts.
  • Dolfan
    5 years ago
    I don't talk about strip clubs with people who don't patronize or work for strip clubs. It simply doesn't come up, or on the extremely rare circumstance it does the topic doesn't stay around for long. I do agree that there is a perception that the stereotypes nicespice mentioned are common although I'd add something along the lines of horndog/pervert as the second most common behind social ineptitude. And in all seriousness, when I look around the room at most clubs I find it hard to dispute those stereotypes. That doesn't mean 100% of clubbers fit into those categories, but its difficult to deny a strong correlation.
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