
Unusual event at Follies today.

Atlanta suburb
I met up with Eastcoaster, doctorevil & Papi_Chulo. Meeting other TUSCLers is not unusual. The unusual part was that all 4 of us did VIPs today. It was a fun day!


  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    I’m counting mine as two VIPs since I had two girls.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I'm going to buy you a bow tie. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    It was a good day
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I’m going to assume this was all in separate rooms. 😅
  • Electronman
    5 years ago
    Your favorite back corner must have been hopping with diverse talent!

    @nicespice: a reasonable assumption.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Do people go to Follies and NOT go to VIP ?
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Warrior - I do NOT do a VIP every time I go. I have also seen 1 TUSCL member who did not even get a dance.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “I’m going to assume this was all in separate rooms. 😅”.

    Nicespice: Not too long ago, Follies had two private VIP rooms and one large semi-private room. The semi-private room just had couches arranged facing different directions to give a little privacy. Some of the dancers called it the “”orgy” room. Now, thankfully, the “orgy” room has been divided up into several real private rooms. None of the rooms now would have room for four guys and five girls.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago

    "...all 4 of us did VIPs today..." and I assume you 4 had at least 1 dancer with your group. :)
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Yes Clubber. We were lucky that you were not there to scare away the dancers. :)
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    What was unusual about 4 TUSCLers getting VIP dances at a know HM SC?

    Is there part of story that was left out?
  • Clubber
    5 years ago

    Brrrrr! So cold! :)
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "What was unusual about 4 TUSCLers getting VIP dances at a know HM SC?"

    Well, if historical posts are any indicator, there were some questions as to whether two of those tusclers even knew how to find a VIP section in any club they visited. I guess having a coach like Mr. Cat along really helped improve their chances. 😉
  • goldmongerATL
    5 years ago
    They all used the free VIP they had earned by getting 12 punches on their Follies Frequent Fucker cards.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “ if historical posts are any indicator, there were some questions as to whether two of those tusclers even knew how to find a VIP section in any club they visited.“

    So says the retard that thinks you have to wear a three piece suit and pretend to be a chemical engineer in order to pick up hookers in strip club. I doubt Ricky Douchebag can find the front door of a strip club in real life.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^ I knew that would get a reaction, lol. I bet that visit looked like a scene straight out of the movie "Grumpy Old Men." 😉
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I'm ambivalent about meeting other TUSCLers...
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “ I knew that would get a reaction, lol”.

    Well, I guess you’re pretty proud of yourself, aren’t you, Douchebag?
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    A guy who trolls other members in autistic repetition of the same goofy satire and makes up dancer friends on here is calling me a d-bag. Up is down and down is up in this crazy online PL world. 😀
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    There was no satire that time, dipshit. Here’s your original post where you recommend wearing a suit and pretending to be a chemical engineer to troll for hookers in a strip club. https://www.tuscl.net/article.php?id=912 And here’s my “satirical”’post, that’s not far from the truth, where you double down on your stupid “system” in the comments. https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=…

    So, I’ve proved what I said about you. Where’s your proof I “make up dancer friends”?

    Call it trolling if it makes you feel better. I consider it a public service to make sure everybody who reads this site knows what a dumbass you really are, lest they actually take you seriously.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    doc - I heard that he was in Follies yesterday looking for you. :)
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    From the sound of things instead of “Grumpy Old Men” it sounds more like Cocoon.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Doc, keep sharing that good stuff with the masses. It's a decade old, but that's probably younger than your dentures, so for you that would be new. ;)

    And while you're at it, say hi to your imaginary dancer friend Eve Hartley for us, who purportedly worked at DH and with whom you purportedly clubbed in J'ville. Maybe there was a real girl in there somewhere, though I suspect not, but it certainly wasn't a dancer using the stage name Eve. There is only one girl who has worked at the Southside clubs using that stage name in years. She is a local institution who more or less owns that name in 3 different clubs (including DH) and she certainly doesn't know you.
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    I have met Eve Hartley in Dollhouse last year after my dawgs beat the ever living shit out of the gay turds. I went in asked for Eve and talked to her for a while and she danced for me, read the review. She mentioned several TUSCL she has met including Doc. So I'm not sure where you are getting your information Rick but you are obviously wrong.
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    What happened here today was Doc was posting about his experience with some notable TUSCL guys and Rick hi jacked the thread to take pot shots at Doc..... go back and look at it, nobody mentioned Rick but he still had to come in and give his two cents worth.

    Rick, stay in your lane and STFU.... you are becoming more annoying than Icey or SJG
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Sure you did Daddilac. ;)
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Oh, and your annoyance bothers me less than a pimple on my ass Sloppy Seconds boy. A bitch like you shouldn't be telling anyone to shut up. Instead your bitch ass should be sitting quietly at home waiting for me to send your woman back to you when I'm done with her. 😉

    The more this goes on the more I wonder how many unique users there actually are behind these screen names.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    To the Douchebag: Yeah, I'll definitely keep sharing the "system" post it since it proves beyond all doubt what a complete dumb ass you are.

    I've got to hand it to you, though. When I thought you had reached the peak of dumb assery, you top yourself. You really think the dancers on here dance by their screen names? I guess you think Nicespice dances by her Nicespice and BlahBlahBlah23 dances by BlahBlahBlah23. Yeah, I can hear the DJ now: "OK, gentlemen, give a big round of applause to the beautiful BlahBlahBlah23 on stage number 3."

    If you have read the reviews from the JAX area you would know that several people, in addition to Daddillac, have mentioned meeting Eve Hartley.

    I eagerly await your next post to see if you top this idiocy.
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    He will respond I'm sure, because he cannot help himself.... He is an attention whore

    What he will not do is personally meet a TUSCL member.... why was there not 5 at follies?
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    I personally will be glad to meet Rick, hopefully it will not be when I am leaving his house in the afternoon after fucking his wife and delivering birthday presents to his kids since their dad spends his money on crackheads at the end of their rent
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "To the Douchebag: Yeah, I'll definitely keep sharing the "system" post it since it proves beyond all doubt what a complete dumb ass you are. "

    Maybe so, but I'm an ass that has taken girls out of clubs in countless cities in 14 states and counting. I must be doing something right. Now if I had it to write over again 10 years later the suit thing is less applicable now due to changing workplace attire, but otherwise it is as good now s it ever was.

    In case you're wondering why your own system - which amounts to visiting B Team girls near the end of dayshift in the hope that one needs money - is working out so badly, here's a hint: Most of those girls are working dayshift for a reason and not just because they are B Squad. They often have kids, second jobs and other things to get to when they leave. You're playing a low probability game for same day ass. Just sayin.

    I've been refraining for months from pointing this out as I really didn't want to burst your bubble, but after watching you make up imaginary friends when you aren't being treated like a bitch in HM clubs where everyone else is having fun, I figured that something finally needed to be said. With your Asperger's and unpleasant physical appearance, you've got enough challenges already and Shadow won't always be there to coach you through these things. You're welcome.
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    lol, you really are a stupid fuck Rick.....
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^ Please explain Sloppy Seconds...
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    >I'm an ass that has taken girls out of clubs in countless cities in 14 states and counting.

    I'm going to assume it's because of money and nothing else.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    "I'm going to assume it's because of money and nothing else." Liwet: You assume that because you live in the real world, instead of some fantasy world in your own mind.

    If the Douchebag gets any pussy while plying his system, it's in spite of his "system," not because of it. I'm sure they'll gladly take his money while laughing at his goofball antics behind his back.

    I've been going to strip clubs for 30 years before the Douchebag wrote his stupid "system" article. I can assure everyone here that may be newer at the strip club game that his advice was as stupid when he wrote it as it is now. Wear a suit? Pretend to be a chemical engineer? "Dances aren't my gig." "I never handle my stuff in these places." The only thing his advice is good for is a laugh.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^Yes and no Livet, but as most people on here know, it is sometimes far more difficult picking up tail from clubs as a traveling road hound than it is as a known regular. One has to overcome being an unknown quantity, LE fear, cultural biases and differences/local attitudes, club restrictions and being treated like a one and done ripoff target all within a short span of time. Worse though, often one is doing that while flying completely blind as to the lay of the land in the club.

    Now add to that doing it in many culturally conservative places like WI, OH, AR and other places. Then also add natural distrust of new faces in small local club markets.

    Back then most of my clubbing was road based. I had to learn a way to get a lot of dancer attention in a short while and then keep it for long enough to overcome those hurdles. in places where I had never been before. Hence what has been dubbed "The System" developed, mostly through a lot of trial and error.

    It is what it is.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    "I had to learn a way to get a lot of dancer attention in a short while." Oh, yeah. It gets their attention all right. But like I said, they'll gladly take his money while laughing at him behind his back.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^Says the guy who got treated like a goofy mark at SSJ while every other guy was having fun in the back. But ok Doctor, keep showcasing that deep well of expertise for us. ;)
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    And doctor dipshit, any girl who is laughing while counting serious money from me is very welcome to do so given that she received it for services rendered in my hotel. 😉

    Btw do you know that you post like an angry girl? Just sayin. :)
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Gee, Rick, where were hiding out watching me when I was at SSJ? I must have missed you.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    And I'm sure it would have to be "serious money" to convince them to put up with your weird play acting antics.
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    See, this is exactly what I was saying.... great post by shadowcat about a fun meet up the cock sucker Dugan has to hi Jack the thread.... fucking stupid little bitch
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Yeah, sorry for my role in diverting your thread, Shadow.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Really wish the two of you would get it over with and fuck so this tired TUSCL TV sitcom can wind down to its final beyond-its-prime season...
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Mea culpa CMI. Now 95% of the time this shit starts it's him trolling yet again, but in this case it was me. It's impossible for him to stop once he starts (Asperger) so I should have known better, but I couldn't resist at that moment. Again mea culpa - my bad.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    But not sorry for pointing out what a dumbass Douchebag is.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    And there he goes again. ;)
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    Just want to interject to ask Rick, why have you mentioned autism and Aspergers in this thread?
    Are you attempting to diagnose it or using it as an insult? My son is autistic and so if you think anyone on this thread is behaving in a way that might signal they are on the spectrum, I can tell you that’s not the case.
    If you’re using it as an insult, kindly let me know. That is too much piece of shit asshole for my standards, and my standards are pretty low.. This way I’ll just put you on hide and move on. I don’t do internet fights. As evident by my issue with Icey. I just don’t give enough shits anymore. No offense meant toward those that do. It’s just not for me
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    At, in this case I was serious. Look at his posting repetition and overall fixation issues. He's clearly got some mental disorder that makes normal interactions difficult for him. My guess is autistic tendencies, but it certainly could be brain damage or some other serious disorder.

    But with that said, I've also used it to insult him and other screen names that I suspect are the same person. I also have no qualms in poking fun at people for any number of other reasons and/or limitations. So if your son's issues have made you a hypersensitive snowflake then by all means put me on ignore and then go sob in your pillow or do whatever else you must to cope.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Idk, if Ataboy uses the ignore and keeps it that way, then I’d consider him the most non-challant and least emotional of us all.

    I think of him as an intelligent and thoughtful poster who just simply hasn’t gotten used to the trolling on here. My guess is that he hasn’t hung out in other corners of the internet where that behavior is rampant.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Well granted there are others like that too on here. Generally, they appear, don’t post for days or weeks at a time. But then come back and repeat the cycle.

    I do think it helps with those members credibility in their posts. And it’s a trait I respect. Despite that I personally enjoy shitposting on here. 😇
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Sure, I’m repetitious. What other way is there to make sure everyone understands what a stupid dumbass the Douchebag is? Repetition is the mother of learning. Even if it was autism, I’ll take that any day over being a narcissistic sociopath like the Douchebag. He probably liked to torture small animals when he was younger. Actually, he probably still does.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Tbh tiger all this angry, bitter and melodramatic repetitive posting says a lot more about you than anyone else. But by all means keep following me around the board doing that great public service if you feel you must. I know that fixations are hard to shake for people like you. 😉
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “He's clearly got some mental disorder that makes normal interactions difficult for him. My guess is autistic tendencies, but it certainly could be brain damage or some other serious disorder.”

    But I’m the one that’s bitter and melodramatic. Good one, Douchebag. At least I don’t mock people grieving the loss of a friend or a father with an autistic child. What a fucking loser you must be in real life (just like here).
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    Thank you Nice spice. I’m not psychopath detached, but I do lean to the more cool side emotionally now, after some unfortunate events in my life.

    Stuff that I’ve experienced has just made me apathetic towards engaging with people when it’s a pissing match rather than an intelligent discussion of opinions. Most people just want to be right. And they really have no desire to understand another person’s experiences or point of view. It’s a waste of time to keep talking with someone like that. It’ll only put me in a bad mood, as I don’t enjoy conflict. I don’t have any repressed anger that I need to get out. Often people that look for conflict, really are just looking for an safe outlet for their anger. For whatever reason they can express their anger towards it real source (think boss, or controlling spouse, or abusive parent that is now dead) so they get a bit of catharsis from fighting with others because of vents that anger.

    I used to debate internet people in the past, but I realized many people don’t really want to grow intellectually, they just want to feel like they are right and powerful. (And vent those anger feelings that really were not about me) There’s no education or having an exchange with people like that so why bother.

    I keep my life as pleasant as I can. I’m not against disagreeing with people, and some of my closest friends happen to hold very different social and political opinions than me. But they are intelligent people that explain themselves, and their point of view.
    They’re also good people at heart.

    Rick, the thing is you can think anything you want about me. The problem is that you think you matter to me. You’re not even real to me. You’re a screen name with a picture of someone else. I read your posts on my phone, which is not even central to my life. When I don’t want to hear from you, I can just hide you and erase you forever from the tiniest little corner of my “life” that is the internet.

    I’m sure you matter to the people in your life, but to me, the girl that makes me my coffee at Starbucks matters more to me and has a bigger impact on my existence than you do. I’m not going to attempt to name call you because I’m really just hurling empty insults at a person behind a screen name that I know nothing about, and hoping one sticks. I don’t do that. If I felt I could tell more about you from your posts I’d make more concrete suggestions about what I think of you, but I really don’t see much beside a dude that may be over compensating for something but I don’t know what.

    I’m just not ok with uneducated people using autism or Down’s syndrome or other special needs conditions as a joke or insult. And you’re free to do that, so I’d rather not use my energy or time to engage with you moving forward. I’ve also made this decision based on how you spoke to georgemicrodong on that other thread. I’m all for a good trolling between friends, but there’s a few lines even the crudest of men shouldn’t cross. And by my standard, you’ve crossed those on more than one occasion.

    My time is valuable. Why would I want to waste anymore then I already have having a discussion with someone like you?

    Maybe one night if I’m perusing the board after one too many drinks I’ll unhide you and icey. I’m a very forgiven person, especially when I’ve got a nice buzz. But I wouldn’t hold your breath.

    But until then, good day sir
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    They *can’t* express their anger towards the actual source.
    And I proof read that post too

  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    I also want to add, Rick, I’m sure you have a lot of great qualities, as no one is all good or all bad. I’m sure even Hilter had some redeeming qualities.
    And I have enjoy some of your contributions to the board. But sometimes even if you can be a relatively cool guy, if some of your flaws are really offensive or off putting, it’s hard for people to put up with you as a person.

    We should always be self evaluating our short comings and trying to improve the things about us that suck.
    Hope this helps
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    I think I just puked in my own mouth just a little. He wrote a rambling over-emotional 500 word essay to tell me how little time he had to waste on me and how little I impacted him. Please Lord let his ignore work both ways so that I don't have to stumble on another one of those. 😉
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