
Comments by PaulDrake (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rating dancers’ 1-10 scale?
    It's also a little hard to tell because it looks like you have a potato camera.
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    5 years ago
    Rating dancers’ 1-10 scale?
    Honest answer - I think most guys would rate you as a 7-8. Maybe a 9 to guys who you just happen to be their type.
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    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Lisa Ann vs. Megan Rain
    Rain pre implant
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    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Who'd You Rather: Kitana Baker vs. Stacy Moran
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    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bucks Cabaret in north Fort Worth - stripper grabs cop's dick
    Whoa! Look at the dates... March 28 and April 28 are the alleged incidents July 11 was the shooting July 18 the raid Cops were there for months. Maybe they were there looking for drugs? It wouldn't make any sense for them to be there for months for any other reason?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Men that DON’T like strip clubs
    I was someone that had ZERO interest in strip clubs before going. I thought any guy who went to a strip club was going to end up getting suckered out of $1000 for an air dance tease. I thought all strippers were fake and highly skilled, cold hearted manipulators. I thought all clubs were trying to fleece, lie, overcharge and manipulate weak guys for every dollar they could get. I am someone who hates the idea of getting suckered so based on my false assumptions about the strip club I never went.
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    5 years ago
    Eye contact during a lapdance
    Eye contact is good. Too much feels unnatural. The opposite end of the spectrum, zero eye contact also bad. I have seen one or two new baby strippers that would stare off in the distance as they were clearly uncomfortable. As far as making eye contact with a dancer walking around the main room... Uhh I suck at this. I think maybe I am used to trying not to make it obvious I am staring at a hot girl in public? But yeah I suck at signaling interest in the club with eye contact. Semi unrelated: A dancer made an analogy once that I found really enlightening. For her being a hot girl in a night club she has to be careful who she looks at. If she looks at any guy for any length of time they think she is interested in them and will come hit on her. I thought that was really interesting and insightful into the female experience. Being a guy in a strip club is sort of the reverse of what girls experience in a night club.
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    5 years ago
    Strippers asking for money
    @Subraman- "giving an advance on an OTC" is pretty much what I do. I think we're just phrasing it another way.
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    5 years ago
    Strippers asking for money
    There are a few situations where I will help a dancer out. If it's a long term fav who I see on a weekly basis I might offer to give her a loan. Usually equal to whatever I normally pay her in a visit. Never been screwed over.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Has anyone ever talked to dancer because you’re worried about their drug use
    So I will definitely say something if someone is so drunk/high at the club they aren't capable of good conversation. There is a limit that starts hurting their income and makes me enjoy hanging with them less. But for general life destroying drug use I don't feel like I'm in the position to say much. At most I might say: "So it seems like you have been getting crazy with the drugs lately. Look I would hate to see you get too fucked up and hurt. You got that shit under control right "
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Younger Dancers Attitude
    Why is this hard to understand. New baby stripper just want to get paid on stage and then hang out with cute guys. They don't want to give lap dances to gross old men. That type of new baby strippers are my favorite category to find. I am young enough for them to not be repulsed by me and spend a decent amount.
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    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Yes or no ?
    Papi - I think it's awesome that there is a wide variety of beauty in this world and that there are men like you Papi that like women who are not traditionally cookie cutter attractive. And that statement is 100% sincere, not being sarcastic at all. I do feel like you have come "out of the closet" more and more over your love for the BBW girls. Or at least it seems that way from my perception here the last couple years. But you do know most of us don't like larger girls. Are you trying to win us over? Hoping there is another closeted BBW lover who need encouragement to speak out? Just want to make a thread?
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    5 years ago
    Sexy pics
    Most of the time for me it has initially started with me asking or offering to pay but then I would get an occasional freebie later. I think once it started unsolicited. I usually offer $5 for a sex pic. I have also made a deal for a whole photo set for $40. After getting the first pic I usually tell favs that when it comes to future pics: "If you're having a tough night at the club (rejections) text me a sexy pic and I will totally say nice things about you!" "If you ever have to flake on one of our appointments send me a sexy pic and I will less likely to be mad" "If you ever have a week that you're sick, can't work and need an emergency $40 LMK and we can do a whole photo set"
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    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Stage Names for Customers
    I definitely don't use my real name. I think it is a good emotional firewall. Only a small handful of CF/ATFs know my real name. I personally also think using a fake name helps me relax a little in the club and be a more social/fun version of myself. The other day I took one of my cars into the dealer and this super hot girl working there came out to write down some info on the car and I just snapped into strip club mode and used my fake name. That has happened a few times.
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    5 years ago
    I need some advice...
    Not a rob, not appropriate to call out. Just stop giving her money and move on.
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    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Sugar Addiction Update
    To expound on twentyfives point in a different way. Being successful is attractive. Whether that is in a romantic relationship or even just in a friendship with another dude someone who is really successful in whatever field they are in is attractive and magnetic to be around. To a 25yo SB a 40yo SD who is a tech startup CEO is probably pretty attractive. Where a 25yo stripper is not all that impressed with that same 40yo CEO. Strip clubs are one of the few places that being successful is pretty meaningless.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Sugar Addiction Update
    Papi- I see where you're coming from but I'm not sure your multiple choice quiz is an apt analogy. A better one would be: A PL spends visits a stripper, an escort, and a sugar baby every week for 2 months. He gives each of them $200 every week. After one month he texts all three with the same message "Hey any chance you're free today? Want to meet up for lunch and just chat? I've had a rough week..." Which one of the three types of sex workers is most likely to agree to meet for lunch? Which one of the three types of sex workers is most likely to not expect compensation?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Sugar Addiction Update
    Papi - When I talk about love in respect to sugaring I am not always talking about romantic love. So instead of using the word love let's say there is more genuine deep affection and appreciation. These aren't grizzled ungrateful strippers or escorts who think in terms of "how can I get as much money as possible". A lot of them are just normal nice girls. 20yo SB finds 40yo SD The SB doesn't want a BF she doesn't have time for it or the drama associated The SB wants to focus on school The SB wants a stable occasional sexual partner and doesn't want to deal with randos from tinder The SD literally provides for the SB financially so she can focus on school. The SD is a vastly more experienced and unselfish lover than her previous BF. The SD is rich and successful and acts as a mentor. The SD is a safety net and when she has a financial crisis can step in to help. If those two people hang out and talk for hours every week it isn't hard to believe that the SB will develop genuine affection and appreciation for the SD. And in some cases romantic love. Unlike a stripper the SB doesn't have 10 different guys she is juggling just one SD.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Sugar Addiction Update
    50% of Stripperweb - "I hate my regular customers, they make me sick and I want to vomit" vs Sugaring Forum - "I love my SD, it makes me sick and frustrated that because he is married I can't see him more"
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    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Sugar Addiction Update
    I once saw this girls profile on SA that was amazing. It was a 19yo who was looking for someone 50-55 she even hinted in the profile text she was curious about being with an older man. The profile text was totally normal but then the last line said: "I want to be your good girl. I would like to be spanked." OMG... Just think about that... What a beautiful situation... This 19yo has a fantasy to be a sub to an older man. And there is some 55yo out there who's fantasy is to be a dom to a 19yo... It's so perfect!?!?!@?! Two people who want each other but would never come across each other any other way.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Sugar Addiction Update
    This is my take on SA after signing up (and eventually chickening out) a few times and even making an account as a girl. SA it not easily definable as any one thing. Yes the majority of girls on there are looking for some form of P4P usually long term but some are just genuinely attracted to older powerful men and looking for a rich BF, some are wannabe cam girls looking to sell pics, and some just want to be taken on trips. I think my experience might have been a little different as I am pretty young and not bad looking. I did run into quite a few girls who were fine with one off hookups, and I do think there is a whole demographic of SA girls who treat it like tinder but those girls aren't hooking up with the 50yos. I also met one girl who didn't want any money she just wanted to be taken on nice dates and potentially have someone to help out financially in an emergency like her car breaking down. As far as girls motivations I think a lot of them get on the site out of curiosity just from hearing that rich guys will pay them to go on dates. When girls are new to the site they get flooded with incredibly crude messages from bottom feeders just looking for the ultra desperate girls. Because of that a lot of girls quit after the first few days. The girls that stick around are usually either in a desperate financial situation, looking for prince charming, looking for platonic, curious, or like the fantasy of being a sugar baby. A large percentage will never go through with any arrangement. Regarding desperation... Yeah there is a lot of it on there. It can be a little gross. The last time I signed up I talked to this one girl who's story was pretty depressing. This girl and her friend worked at this pizza place together. Her friend (who was probably a 4) signed up first and hooked up with a few guys and then got her on it. This girl was crazy gorgeous (definite 9) a tall skinny 19yo blonde. Her first SD was a bottom feeder who paid her almost nothing and was super violent and with this girl being young and naive just put up with it. Her second SD was a scammer who promised her $4000 a month and made her sign this fake contract promising he would deposit money in her account. She fucked the scammer 4 or 5 times and then wised up... Hearing that girls story made me sick to my stomach so I cancelled my SA. Then I was like I can't be a white knight in this game... Gotta be tough: WWPD (what would papi do) In the end there is a lot that I love about SA and I think there are major differences in the structure of the relationship compared to anything else. In the strip club I would say that I have genuine (non-romantic) love for some of my CFs/ATFs but in most cases that love and affection is a one way street. On SA there are TONS of SBs that develop genuine love for their SD.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
    PL’s with SO’s how do you keep it on the DL...
    The best way to do it is with a samsung phone. With that you can have essentially a whole second secret phone hidden inside your phone. Samsung calls it secure folder. You can have a whole second set of apps locked away.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Chevy reveals new 2020 Corvette Stingray as it guns for Ferrari with first m
    I am definitely going to buy one. Probably 6-12 months after they come out once the bugs are worked out and the price drops.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Twin Peaks.
    SJG - Why don't you go try your pick up artist system at twin peaks or Hooters? I mean you treat all women the same right...? Slip a girl a $5, hold her down then try to make out with her? Surely that's all it takes to make a hot 19yo model want to fuck some old fat guy? However from your posts it seems like you're attracted to fat old ladies right? Maybe the system only works on them? Either way I guess we can't test it at at twin peaks as the probably don't hire anyone that fugly? Remember SJG everyone hates here! You like the abuse!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Stage Names
    If someone has a real sounding (mainstream) name I have no interest in knowing their real name. If they have a fake sounding (traditional) stripper name then it drives me a little crazy to keep calling them by that and I usually want to know their real name.