Who'd You Rather: Lisa Ann vs. Megan Rain

We open up the Pornstar Bracket with a battle between the old and new guards.
Pornstar Bracket: LISA ANN vs. Megan RAIN
PIC: /photo.php
CLIP: (hardcore anal) www.analdin.com
Lisa Ann was already a porn veteran when she burst into the mainstream by "nailing" her role parodying Sarah Palin in 2008. Imitation isn't her only trick, though. She hasn't lasted this long in the business by not being good at what she does, remaining a hot commodity well into her 40s. She did go more mainstream for a while, taking her love of sports to a new level by both becoming a radio show host and getting involved personally with a Notre Dame player. However, she's back in the business after having a few of her features refreshed. The clip above is her "new" look, while the picture is her older, more familiar one.
Megan RAIN
Pic: /photo.php
Clip (solo masturbation): hellporno.net
Rain may be one of the most versatile actresses in porn today. Want girl-next-door young looks? She can do that. Want sultry and sexy? She can do that, too. Want a girl who willing to be filmed with another girl eating cereal out of a bowl crammed in down there — no, not that place, the smaller one? She'll do it. While the breakfast vid is a turn-off for me, her other stuff isn't, and the fact she can have just about anything put just about into anywhere and look damn good doing it makes her a shining star. Amusingly, given her name, she's also often the body used when perverted techies make Megan Fox deepfakes, so she's got that going for her, too.
- One thing to consider: Rain made the decision in late 2018 to get implants. (twitter.com)
While they're better looking than, say, what happened when Shauna O'Brien went under the knife mid-career, it's still a significant change.
I'll let you decide how you want that to factor into your thinking.
If you choose to vote for Rain based only on what she looked like & did before she went bigger, that's fine.
If you choose to vote for Rain based on what she looks like now, that's also fine.
If you choose to vote for Lisa Ann or the ever-popular 'Neither' choice based on what Rain's change, that's also fine.
Enough chatter: Who'd you rather?
Post your answer below.
last commentIf the link to Rain's post-op pic doesn't work for you, try this: twitter.com
You may have to click 'view' on her picture if your Twitter is set to filter out sensitive material.
Rain pre implant
Rain (pre or post)
I saw a recent clip of Lisa Ann. She's pretty hot for her age, but she should probably transition to exclusively working behind the camera sooner rather than later.
Lisa Ann's bolt-ons look terrible in that pic.
And that's not a recent pic...
Based on those pictures I’d have to choose Rain.
Lisa Ann in her younger days. But today, I'm going with Megan. She is a kinky girl.
Lisa Ann... I'll admit that "Nailin' Palin" was a tour de force.
@Warrior: I'll count yours toward Lisa Ann.
We did say we'd want to measure the competitors as they were in their prime, not necessarily as they are today.
I remain with Rain.
Lisa ann!
Lisa Ann! She isn't even my type (implants and a little chubby), but she's one of the few porn stars that I would go see if she featured in a club near me and the opportunity presented itself. I'd be fine with the real thing putting an end to my interest!
Megan Rain. OEM parts preferred to aftermarket, but Rain either way.
Megan Rain in a landslide.
Megan Rain
Both are great but my vet goes to
Lisa Ann
I'll go with Lisa Ann.
Megan gets my vote.
I gotta go with rain here. LA tits look nasty.
I'm not going to base things just on the pictures shown. I researched other photos and kept in mind that each person is supposed to be judged in their prime. I'll go with Lisa Ann.
rh48hr earns a gold star, a favorite and a trust from me for following directions to a 'T'.
Good job, sir.
Lisa Ann is gross. The other is meh.
Make it Rain.....
@skibum: We did give you the option to say 'Neither'. I'll count yours as that.
Depends which one cums to confessons first
I think we can close this one off.
I'll add in a fruitless vote for Ann because I met her once when she was featuring and was impressed. It won't put her over the top, though.
RAIN: 10
I̶ ̶p̶i̶c̶k̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶b̶a̶d̶ ̶L̶i̶s̶a̶ ̶A̶n̶n̶ ̶p̶i̶c̶:̶ ̶4̶ ̶(I like Lisa Ann, I like pigtails and I like schoolgirl skirts; what can I say)
巨魔被忽略了:̶ ̶2̶
In a borderline stunner, Lisa Ann is out in the opening round and Megan Rain moves on.
Two matchups in and the lower seed's won both. I give you guys credit. I seeded these two matchups moreso on name recognition than anything, thinking the more well-known woman had a better chance. You guys have proven me wrong and gone off appearance. I also underestimated how much you guys value more realistic breasts. I took that into account somewhat in seeding, but you guys are taking it way more into account with your voting.
That said, we'll also consider Rain in her pre-op state going forward, since that seemed to be the preferred look for those who commented.
Rain will next go up against the winner of Capri Cavanni vs. Sylvia Saint.
"I give you guys credit. I seeded these two matchups moreso on name recognition than anything, thinking the more well-known woman had a better chance. You guys have proven me wrong and gone off appearance."
It's TUSCL. Hype don't matter. wwpd?
"I also underestimated how much you guys value more realistic breasts."
There's lot of dudes who post at TUSCL that are in the No Plastic Club.
Lisa Ann
Lisa ann. One of the best milfs ever!
Megan rain. Seriously...
Kids, this matchup closed on August 2. Rain won, per above.
There is no active matchup at the moment. Taking a short break between rounds 1 and 2.
No offense since Jim is putting in some work on this, but just because a vote is closed doesn't mean people shouldn't be able to continue a discussion. People don't read TUSCL every day, even among the regulars and old timers.
Plus I had no idea who Megan Rain is so dug up the post.
@wall: No offense taken whatsoever. I kind of wish you could be right.
I actually wish we could discuss the votes more. It's better conversation and more relevant to the site's purpose than a lot of what's here.
The problem with resurfacing old threads is people lose the active one, or think they can still vote on threads that have already been decided, because most of us have the board set to show the most recent threads commented upon at the top of the board.
Granted, we don't have an active thread right now, so it's not all that bad at the moment. But it's the principle for when we do have them.
FWIW, I have done some statistical analysis in the first round results, and when I have time (maybe tomorrow night), I'll post that as an intermediary thing before we start the second round. There will be some fun things to discuss in there, so be on the lookout for that.
Megan Rain. Lis Ann is cool, HOWEVER I never been a huge fan of her facial structure. I'd prefer Rain's facial structure better. Lisa looks like shes trying to keep the baby fat on her adult face.