
Sexy pics

avatar for Bavarian

Do you get them from your CF, DS, ATF, etc?

Did you have to ask for them or did you get them unsolicited?

I spent a ton of money on one CF and never once did a I get a sexy pic.

I’m going to approach my current CF about it. She posts sexy pics on Snapchat but nothing too crazy since it’s her personal Snapchat. I’m looking for sexier pics that only regular customers would get to see 🤪


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avatar for Cristobal
5 yrs ago

I prefer to see them in person, pictures are never a priority.

That being said, most send pictures to me unsolicited (some very sexy) but one of the prettiest does not send any pictures, it creates anticipation before I see her.

avatar for PaulDrake
5 yrs ago

Most of the time for me it has initially started with me asking or offering to pay but then I would get an occasional freebie later. I think once it started unsolicited.

I usually offer $5 for a sex pic.

I have also made a deal for a whole photo set for $40.

After getting the first pic I usually tell favs that when it comes to future pics:
"If you're having a tough night at the club (rejections) text me a sexy pic and I will totally say nice things about you!"
"If you ever have to flake on one of our appointments send me a sexy pic and I will less likely to be mad"
"If you ever have a week that you're sick, can't work and need an emergency $40 LMK and we can do a whole photo set"

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 yrs ago


I have hundreds of Sexy Pics, and a few videos of my ATF stripper, I had OTC with her every other weekend for a couple of years and it was GFE every time.

I would buy sexy outfits for her, and she would model them for me and I would take tons of pics.

Around Halloween I got her really sexy costumes, like Princess Lea Slave Girl, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, Playboy Bunny, Hawaiian Hula Dancer, etc etc

I also got her super sexy Ms Santa lingerie and sexy lingerie around Christmas.

She was worth every penny and every second I spent with her.

Thank you for making me think about her and enjoy the memories.

avatar for jackslash
5 yrs ago

Some I asked for. Some I received unsolicited. Some I took myself.

avatar for doctorevil
5 yrs ago

I have a bunch, mostly taken by me. Just ask in an appropriate private setting (VIP or OTC) and they almost always say yes.

avatar for shadowcat
5 yrs ago

I have about 30 of my ATF most of which she emailed to me without asking. I have a couple of them of the 2 of us.

I have a bunch of others from other dancers. Some I asked for and some I didn't. There are only a couple that I took myself at their request. I think they didn't want the evidence on their phones.

I only share these photos with my closest friends.

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

I have a weird thing about sexy pics: I don't think they "count" if I have to ask for them. Most of my CFs and ATFs have sent me sexy pics and/or short sexy video clips; some sent me quite a few. A few never did. In most cases, I didn't ask for them, although sometimes I do, particularly with the ones who have already shown they're amenable to pics.

Overall, while I've been SCing a long time, I only switched from variety to ATFing 10 years ago (almost exactly), and in that time, have acquired a LOT of great pics and vids. But again, a few girls never sent pics, just not their thing

avatar for GoVikings
5 yrs ago

I asked my CF over text for a picture but she never responded

I think I’ll ask her in person when i see her on Friday and see what she says

avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

I have pictures from about 8 SBs over the past 4 yrs arranged in photo albums on my hobby phone. All of them are PG-rated and not nudes.

Current SB is 21, has long-blonde silky hair, and models swimwear. She's only 110 lbs but has amazing curves, wonderful definition in stomach muscles, and 10/10 ass. She sends professional swimwear modeling shots occasionally and these are gigs she gets off of Instagram. Pictures are PG, but fantastic.

Other stories:

Stripper I was seeing about five years ago sent a close-up video of herself masturbating. I remember it being more raunchy and sad than erotic.

And there was this other young gorgeous redhead on SA who somehow managed to get past the screening process and posted a topless picture on the website. She then sent other topless photos to my phone (unsolicited). Of course I wanted to meet her, but she kept making excuses and and I never did get to meet her. I guess she enjoyed screwing with my mind or she was just in it for the attention.

avatar for jackslash
5 yrs ago

I remember when a stripper handed me her phone and asked me to take a selfie of her. I said, "You mean a photo?"

avatar for Muddy
5 yrs ago

It's not the first thing on my mind. But I'm gonna try to start asking. I'm just more focused on the real thing I forget but it's cool to admire that stuff when your bored.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

I wonder if the girls are worried about the pic ending up in some porn site or all over the web

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ I don’t think that most of these girls think that far in advance.

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

Some think about that. But then, they can send a nudie pic without her face in it

avatar for doctorevil
5 yrs ago

Muddy said "It's not the first thing on my mind. But I'm gonna try to start asking. I'm just more focused on the real thing I forget but it's cool to admire that stuff when your bored."

Yeah, enjoying the real thing in the moment obviously takes precedence. I've made a mental note to myself to always ask, but I forget a lot. I would probably have twice as many if I always asked because 90% of the time they have no problem with it. My pictures range for PG to hard core porn.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

Some of the more industrious dancers seem to send sexy-pics to their regulars to entice them to come in more often (and probably works a lot of the time, PLs are the weaker sex 😄)

avatar for Bavarian
5 yrs ago

I agree to that Papi.

We are slaves to the pussy.

avatar for boomer79
5 yrs ago

I’ve had quite a few. Sometimes they’re sent to me and a couple of girls have offered to pose for photos. Honestly I think that’s mainly a matter of trust. I think most girls just don’t want them on the internet and probably some wouldn’t care about that because they already are. There are exceptions though.

For the record I’ve never asked. They know a lot of guys like them.

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