When i go to a club I don't use my real name. I tell them my name is Thor. I tell them my real name is Steve, which it isn't.
Came in handy with a girl that I stopped getting dances from because she was a ROB in VIP. This was at a quieter club. If she saw me walk in, she would yell HELLO STEVE! LOOK EVERYBODY STEVE'S HERE trying to embarrass me. She did that for a couple of years until she stopped working there.
One time I was with an out of town co-worker using my "I hardly ever go to these places" persona. He laughed and said I must look like Steve.
I generally use a name that is not my own, a very common middle-class male first name, and generally it's the same false name for visit after visit. But I do tell dancers that I'm an astronaut, a spy for MI-6 agent double-oh-six, a successful Indy Car driver, the mayor of the next town over the city line from the club, a paraplegic, a biplane pilot, a butt-model (just outside the Taco Bell; I stand there and flash my butt at all the cars in the drive-through, and some people pay me out of sympathy, so that's the best job I've ever had) ... etc. ...
-->"One time I was with an out of town co-worker using my "I hardly ever go to these places" persona. He laughed and said I must look like Steve."
Believe it or not, I started using my own stripper name (Jean Luc, if you must know) many years ago, when I was married, basically under the fantasy that the type of scenario you just described might happen. In my case, at one point talking to my then-CF, I realized many of the strippers at my fave club, partied at the same clubs my then-wife and I partied at. Swapping "what did you do this weekend?" stories, we realized my wife and I had left a club, maybe 45 minutes before a few strippers I knew got there. I figured, well, maybe if a drunk stripper starts yelling to me but with the wrong name, I could play it off with the wife (or whatever friends I'm with) and exit. Years later, I ultimately dismissed this all as paranoia, and the whole thing as unrealistic ... and meanwhile, it worked out perfectly for you!
I still use a stripper name, even with nothing to hide. I just like the karmic balance that neither of us knows the other's real name
I definitely don't use my real name. I think it is a good emotional firewall. Only a small handful of CF/ATFs know my real name.
I personally also think using a fake name helps me relax a little in the club and be a more social/fun version of myself.
The other day I took one of my cars into the dealer and this super hot girl working there came out to write down some info on the car and I just snapped into strip club mode and used my fake name. That has happened a few times.
I give my real name to dancers but since my name is uncommon, they sometimes roll their eyes at me and think it's fake. I've shown my id to a few to shut them up.
When I was a rookie I occasionally used my real name but never gave out my real phone number. I stopped using my real name many years ago. The girls use a pseudonym so why can't I. Most don't care and forget you as soon as you stop paying for attention. I had a favorite dancer for a while but never long term and the main reason I go to clubs it to look at a party with different girls.
Joe: I've actually been insanely impressed by how well strippers remember my name. Sometimes weeks after I met a stripper for the first time, I go back and she still remembers. It's one of the things that has always impressed me throughout the years
In my experience, most don’t remember, but a good number make remembering your name part of their hustle. I will sometimes tell a girl “maybe later” when she asks for a dance, and she might come back later and say “hey _______, are you ready for that dance?”
^ that is VERY effective. I remember back when I’d do dayshift at a slower club I used to be good at that. And customers would get a genuine happy smile at being remembered hours or even days later. 😊
I Use Mi Real Name @ The Club But Here Is A Cheat Sheet For Dancers Reference/Referrals: Brook, Angel, Heather, Allessia/Alessia, Scarlett/Scarlet, Clair, Sukki, Savvy, Suvvy, Alice, Sunshine, Ivy, Iris, Mary, Kitty, Dawn, Millana/Milana, Allina, Alleahh, Foxy, Summer, Lizzy, Venessa, Eve, Eva, Lucinda, Cindy, Sin, Alekktra, Lindsay, Seliya, Selena, Sabrina, Linda, LeeAnn, Sophia, Starr, Meeka, Milly, Isabel, Cupcakes, Pebbles, Luscious ✔️💲 👽
I'm still fine with using my real fake name. It's funny how many people I've never spoken with know it now when I walk into a local club. The COVID Stripper Diaspora is still a thing lol.
last comment... can't be Herman
Believe it or not, I started using my own stripper name (Jean Luc, if you must know) many years ago, when I was married, basically under the fantasy that the type of scenario you just described might happen. In my case, at one point talking to my then-CF, I realized many of the strippers at my fave club, partied at the same clubs my then-wife and I partied at. Swapping "what did you do this weekend?" stories, we realized my wife and I had left a club, maybe 45 minutes before a few strippers I knew got there. I figured, well, maybe if a drunk stripper starts yelling to me but with the wrong name, I could play it off with the wife (or whatever friends I'm with) and exit. Years later, I ultimately dismissed this all as paranoia, and the whole thing as unrealistic ... and meanwhile, it worked out perfectly for you!
I still use a stripper name, even with nothing to hide. I just like the karmic balance that neither of us knows the other's real name
I personally also think using a fake name helps me relax a little in the club and be a more social/fun version of myself.
The other day I took one of my cars into the dealer and this super hot girl working there came out to write down some info on the car and I just snapped into strip club mode and used my fake name. That has happened a few times.
I stopped using my real name many years ago. The girls use a pseudonym so why can't I.
Most don't care and forget you as soon as you stop paying for attention.
I had a favorite dancer for a while but never long term and the main reason I go to clubs it to look at a party with different girls.
Sadly, I’ve lost the ability since then.
After a wild orgy at Valhalla, the god Thor woke up next to a cute valkyrie he didn't recall meeting. He introduced himself, saying, "I'm Thor."
The valkyrie replied, "You're Thor; I'm tho thor I can hardly pith."
If you're name is much more unique, then perhaps become "Mike" for the night.
It’s all the same. What’s in a name anyway?
With respect to dancer names, I don’t remember them at all. I basically don’t care, as I assume it’s a stage name.
I’ve wanted to use Carlos Danger as my name - but I doubt any dancers would get the joke.
Brook, Angel, Heather, Allessia/Alessia, Scarlett/Scarlet, Clair, Sukki, Savvy, Suvvy, Alice, Sunshine, Ivy, Iris, Mary, Kitty, Dawn, Millana/Milana, Allina, Alleahh, Foxy, Summer, Lizzy, Venessa, Eve, Eva, Lucinda, Cindy, Sin, Alekktra, Lindsay, Seliya, Selena, Sabrina, Linda, LeeAnn, Sophia, Starr, Meeka, Milly, Isabel, Cupcakes, Pebbles, Luscious ✔️💲 👽
Ciara, Alicia, Alaina, Alisha, Asia, Aisha, Alaisha, Nancy, Rawana, Gina, Felicia, Chenigh, Chenigha, Cherry, Asigh, Asighia, Mariah, Wu, Mindy, Moonlight, Woo
Destiny, Asiaa, Levia/Leviaa/Levvia, Monikka, Monika, Amber, Wendy/Windy, Mommy, Dustina, Christina, Asai, Chenikka/Chenika, Sara/Sarahh, Luvly, Foxy
Cheers @ Tuscl