
I need some advice...

Friday, July 26, 2019 12:59 PM
Thank you on advance for any input. I would like some dancer perspective also. A month or so ago I posted this thread... [view link] I ended up back in the same club about two weeks after that incident happened. The same dancer was there and I did a few dances with her again. She had completely changed her dance style to almost an air dance. I asked her what was up. After the dances she starts going off on me saying I don't spend enough money on her and that she was not if I wanted better dances I would have to pay more money. Keep in mind This club dances are usually $40 ea or 3/ $100. I have known her for a couple years and always got dances from her whenever I saw her. Usually 3/ $100. I always tipped her. The least she ever got from me was $120 and usually i gave her $140- $160.00. She always ended up with around $50 per song from me. I just figured I would never get dances from her and that was over. No big deal because there was no emotional attachment like I have had with favorites in the past. My buddy I mentioned in the thread a month ago thst knows her also went to that club last night and invited me to go. I was not in the mood so I stayed home. He calls me from the club to let me know she was there and he wluld let me know how she acted. I get a call from him this morning and he gives me the scoop. She did not approach him like she usually would. He got dances from one of her friends and he said it was a very odd interaction like the $5,000 blow job dancer had been talking to her friend about my buddy. He ended up throwing a few dollars on Blow Job's stage so she went to talk to him after her stage set. My buddy mentioned something about me and she went off on him. ( she seems to get him and I mixed up. She will have a conversation with one of us and she thinks it happened with the other one lol) She tells him she is done with me because she is worth WAY more than I was giving her... LMFAO! She was talking to him like she was chewing him out also. Here is where I need advice. Should I call her out by name in a review? I have called out ROBS in reviews before by name and warned others. However these are a one and done thing. This was a longer term deal that was good until all of a sudden she got extremely greedy. I will never give her another dollar and I doubt my buddy will either.


  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    Not a rob, not appropriate to call out. Just stop giving her money and move on.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    If you think that this is a personal spat that is only relevant / limited to you, then don't call her out by name in a review. If you think that this behavior may be bleeding over to other PLs, then name names. Obviously, it's a judgment call. But I'd keep the details general, just in case some other white knight decides to show her the review. If she can track specific events to that guy who is always destroying the shitter, then your clubbing might become more dramatic...
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    My guess is she felt that since she “put herself out there” and there was a rejection—and one that she felt was a harsh one —she felt personally embarrassed. And her attitude since then has been a reflection of that. Maybe she will will hold a grudge, but my guess is that there is a good chance she will eventually forget and forgive. And by forgive, I mean that there is a chance you will eventually be hit up for dances again with the same price/mileage. I remember Sirlap talking about how his ATF “dumped” him at one point...but then after a break she seemed to accept him back heartily. Ditto for muddy getting blocked on Instagram. Now whether or not you have moved on by that point is up to you...but in the meantime I probably wouldn’t recommend escalating. Since the chances are good she will “come around” remaining politely distant from here on out would be the more effective revenge if that’s what you wanted imo.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    My 2 cents is to let it go. Nicespice gives good advice. I bet there's other dancers in your town.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I don’t think she is a deliberate con artist/ROB, just one whose ego got bruised and is lashing out. Something that is part and parcel of strip clubs—from dancers and customers both. And nothing she can really be singled out for. A good chunk of my job in the club when interacting with customers and staff is walking around eggshells and avoiding provoking anybody. Which probably explains why, if you dig through my posting history, I have made it a sport to provoke egos on this site. 😈
  • rockie
    5 years ago
    Ignore her and move on! If a comment to her is required by a future interaction in the club, just tell her that both of you obviously don't agree on anything and you are looking for a more agreeable interaction with another entertainer.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    She’s just a drama queen I wouldn’t call her out in a review. I like to do this,I get a hot dancer and whisper in ear “I want to make HER jealous, the dancers eat that shit up so they oblige. I get really physical, show offey dances on the floor and just make it look like I’m having a grand ‘ole time and waive and said dancer. Spiteful and unnecessary I know but what can I say I love this shit. *gets hit in the face with a bloody tampon*
  • DenimChicken
    5 years ago
    Just move on and see if things change over time. Different circumstances but I've had a CF decide she hated me - so I deleted her contact info and didn't dwell on it. She made it a point to ignore me a few times I went there then one day she wanted to start being friendly again. We've had tons of fun since - I think nicespice is definitely on to something - a girl's ego may get hurt by something so just let it go and give her time. Worst case she's done with you forever and you just move on to find another CF. These girls aren't robots and to be treated subhuman but leave your feelings at the door unless you actually build some kind of friendship etc.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    CMI said "If you think that this is a personal spat that is only relevant / limited to you, then don't call her out by name in a review." ^I have spoken with another tuscl member that does not post on the discussion board about this dancer. He mentioned her name in a review. He said in PMs that she did a similar thing with him a couple years ago. Muddy Said "I get a hot dancer and whisper in ear “I want to make HER jealous, the dancers eat that shit up so they oblige." ^Good idea... lol I will be sure to duck! This dancer is question seems to be hated already by a lot of other dancers. Nicespice said "I don’t think she is a deliberate con artist/ROB, just one whose ego got bruised and is lashing out." ^Great observation! After thinking about the situation that seems very possible. "A good chunk of my job in the club when interacting with customers and staff is walking around eggshells and avoiding provoking anybody." ^Ahhh I can see this. Makes total sense. "Which probably explains why, if you dig through my posting history, I have made it a sport to provoke egos on this site. 😈" ^ keep it up! Talk all the shit you want until your heart is content! We love you!!!🤗 I also want to thank all others not mentioned for their feedback. I am not going to mention her name on a review.
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