
Comments by Alter_Kocker96

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Mother of all Reviews by guess who?
    Hell with the book, when is the Cliffs Notes version due? Papi is TUSCL's Homer, except, obviously not blind as Homer was :-)) Papi's collected reviews are his Odyssey, Homer's epic, and represent Papi's 10-year struggle to visit every major SC and black dive club in America. Carry on and good luck, AK
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    7 years ago
    SJG's secret organization exposed?
    @ATAC - Didn't mean to imply the guy WAS SJG. That would be an insult to all Poles. Figured it was one of his SJG-trained acolytes. Thus the reason for SJG's hallmark use of drugs, physical restraints, and mommy issues. :-) @Dougster - Nowhere in the press does it mention the kidnappers sexually attacked her; they were just extorting money for the org...........so they could be gay. BTW: BBC posted an update with pic of the woman. Looks pretty attractive. She reported no sexual abuse......more reason to think they were gay. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-40845541 AK
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    7 years ago
    In praise of older strippers
    Add my props to Bj99. "I notice among most of the older dancers I know, is that they seem to genuinely like the customers better, and are a lot more understanding of their wants and concerns. I think it's bc most of us have been married, or at least have had long term relationships w men, so we see that customers aren't so different." I can think of three dancers I've known [early to late 30s] who fit your description. It was a *pleasure* to know them. AK
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    7 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    JS69: Just found your next DS!!!!!!
    When red-haired people are above a certain social grade their hair is auburn. Mark Twain AK
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Like Hugh I’d like to hear Shadow’s reasons for believing SJG = Spirit_of_Alucard. My bets are on Zipman68. IMO both he and SJG are trolls though different types. For SJG.........another time, another post :-) [Before I began actually posting I checked out the board for awhile and saw some of Zips last posts. Just now skimmed a few pages of his ‘comments’.] Zipman68 openly admits trolling: “zipman68, July 26, 2016 gammanu, no shit Sherlock on the trolling call! I sent you a PM saying I was just stirring to pot for the lulz. I could engage in an erudite argument regarding pros and cons of the candidates or parties, but why? Most of the folks on here have neither the background nor the intelligence to understand what I'm saying. So I make up some bullshit that only slightly more insane than some of the stuff that conservadudes post on here all of the time. And people eat it up! I feel a little bad because I'd like to actually have conversations with people that I disagree with. But there are enough asshole on here that its pointless to try.” And: “...I've largely drifted off the board because of Doogie's BS and only return to poke the guy and get some lulz.” 12/5/16 He believes Dougster posts under multiple aliases: “zipman68,November 14, 2016 Anybody ever notice how obsessed Doogie is with male homosexuality? Callin' everybody he doesn't like a fag, inventing the Tittyfag alias. Even his NotaDoctorPhil alias is obsessed with man-on-man action.” And: “...Here's the difference between the two of us: you're a mean spirited dumbass. I'm just stirring the pot for some laughs. I don't mean much of what I say. You do.” 11/19/16 But Zip avoids openly saying *he, himself* posts under aliases, just implies he does: “...I'd tell you [Dougster] that all of your suspected zippy aliases aren't me but y'all wouldn't believe me. So I'll just say that *some* of the accounts you suspect of being me definitely aren't me. I think I've trolled you too well, since you now see my hands in everybody that trolls you...” 12/24/16 Zip appreciated Alucard: “Alucard was a good guy. Bit of a weird willy, but nice enough once you realized he wasn't fuckin' wit' ev'rybody. Alucard really valued his posts here. I tussled with Alucard when I thought he was joking. But once I realized I was hurting his feelings I backed off. Doogie don't have the empathy to do that.” 11/14/16 “ Alucard has passed away, though he never deserved as much of Doogie's scorn as he got” 12/5/16 Zip mentioned SJG once that I saw: “Why are you conservadudes so hateful? San Jose dude is committed to helping all Americans! He is a real patriot! Unlike the conservadude traitors that voted Trump. “ 11/17/16 Again, my vote - Spirit_of_Alucard = Zipman68 [ and, perhaps, other current aliases ] but many of you have been here longer [Shadowcat included], what do you think? AK
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    7 years ago
    At what age?
    Larry - We older guys are attracted to young women because of their looks and relative vitality. It makes us feel young again and strokes our, sometimes, battered egos. *We’re [usually] not looking for life partners.* For you: “I'm 26, close to being 27...I see start the slow decline from their prime. I know for sure when I'm 30 I won't be interested at all in women my age.” At this age *most* women are maturing from young girls [early 20s] to young women [mid 20s to early 30s]. Perhaps they sense your shallow interest in only their physical appearance and find you too immature to be interesting. Even a one-night stand wouldn’t be *pleasurable* to them unless it was p4p. As Che said -” People mature at different ages. Be patient and one day maybe you too will grow up.” Che, in Larry’s case, maybe you’re too optimistic? And, I heartily endorse the MILF comments AK
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    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Breaking up the Pair
    Experienced the double teaming VIP push. Tried it once. Too much 'girl-girl' show -- I can watch that on the web -- and not enough up close and personal high mileage for me. Waste of $$. In other clubs, girls pair for their stage routine but beyond mentioning a possible VIP 3some don't pressure for it. If they continue to push for it and I find both attractive, I'll say tonight is Destiny's turn and I'll VIP with Valerie next visit. AK
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    7 years ago
    Door Girl, Waitress and Bartender
    @Crownand7 "If you wait three or four months, these non-stripper staff will become strippers." That's been my experience too. Girls starting as waitresses to check out club working conditions and get a feel [pun intended] for stripping and lapdancing. Seen movement the other way: strippers hanging up the heels to waitress or, in one case, work as a DJ [she was good. no unnecessary yacking and hustled for the dancers] Waitresses available for lappers? In my area it depends on: ** do they need a license? varies by jurisdiction here and whether booze is served. ** if not, is the girl comfortable with it? ** does management see any liability -- legal or financial [waitress may be an employee not 'independent contractor' & management could be liable for any injuries she incurs. Personally, only happened twice in more than a decade for me. Finally, saw a girl in her mid 30s move from waitressing for over ten years at the same club to becoming a stripper. As a waitress, she was a dirty blond GND. Lots of customers encouraged her to strip and finally, after some surgical repair and enhancements, began dancing at this very high mileage club. No longer had the GND look but still very attractive [ Mr Deuce would have raved about her breasts :-) ]. She had a ton of customers and was 'booking' appts with regulars. I was one of her steady customers :-)) As a waitress and as a stripper she attracted as much attention for her warm personality as for her great looks. AK
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Don't they know that wearing perfume is a "No no"? Can't go home to the wife sme
    Years ago I got a half dozen lappers from a stripper wearing some kind of lightly coconut-scented perfume. Pleasant, at first, but over time... nauseating. I didn't have to worry about anyone at home becoming suspicious but once home the scent was still so strong I immediately included them in a load of wash. In the end it took *two* washings to get rid of the scent. Next time at the club I asked this particular stripper about it. "No, not perfume" she said and explained it was some kind of body moisturizing lotion. Told her about how persistent the smell was and asked her not to use it with me. I echoed the concerns other voiced here. She seemed pretty clueless about the concerns and the persistence of the smell. ;-)
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    7 years ago
    PSA for the TUSCL $350k club - Norway: The country where no salaries are secret
    crickets...... where are all the boastful rich guys when it's 'put up or shut up' time?
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    7 years ago
    SJG = SJW (Social Justice Warrior) ?
    Oy! The TUSCL Mutual Mental Masturbation Society meets.
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    7 years ago
    "My legs are shaking" she says
    Flag, You fake it so well; consider becoming a [paid] actor.
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    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Another prediction
    A few thoughts: • Engineers vs. attorneys. We need them both. There’s a range of talent in both professions. It’s important to understand their particular skills and approach to their jobs and problem solving. I appreciate both but admit I’m partial to engineers :) For engineers their skills and approach to a situation are encapsulated in the following anecdote: “The optimist says the glass is half full; the pessimist says it's half empty. What does the engineer say? Answer: why is there twice as much glass as there needs to be? It's hard to escape the techies that surround us, both at work and at home. We wouldn't want to live without them: They’re immensely helpful in this high-tech world, but when it comes to social and personal interactions, engineers’ skills and training often work against them. "How to Live with an Engineer" is a blueprint for understanding and dealing with the slightly peculiar traits of the techies we can’t live without. You'll learn to communicate with someone who's a *chronic troubleshooter*, who *loves numbers*, and who *enjoys a good argument*.” ‘How to Live with an Engineer Kindle Edition’ by Camille Minichino, PhD. Retired physicist, college lecturer in Logic and Critical Thinking, and author of several mystery series involving a retired physicist or college mathematics professor. https://www.amazon.com/Live-Engineer-Camille-Minichino-Ph-D/dp/1490554408/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1500845125&sr=8-1&keywords=how+to+live+with+an+engineer • To the fevered partisans and trumpaholics, a few thoughts: “Donald Trump - and I don't dislike Donald one single bit - has no idea how good the Mexican people are at building tunnels.” Ron White “There are horrible people who, instead of solving a problem, tangle it up and make it harder to solve for anyone who wants to deal with it. Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all.” Friedrich Nietzsche Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies. Groucho Marx But I know, as True Believers, you will ignore these thoughts. “To most of us nothing is so invisible as an unpleasant truth. Though it is held before our eyes, pushed under our noses, rammed down our throats — we know it not.” Eric Hoffer “Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.” Mark Twain “There are similarities between absolute power and absolute faith: a demand for absolute obedience, a readiness to attempt the impossible, a bias for simple solutions to cut the knot rather than unravel it, the viewing of compromise as surrender. Both absolute power and absolute faith are instruments of dehumanization. Hence, absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power.” Eric Hoffer, The New York Times Magazine, April 25, 1971 AK Man plans; God laughs
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    7 years ago
    "My legs are shaking" she says
    Who knew, so many doctors [flag, BP99, magicrat] all available for consultation on a Sunday. Amazing what you can learn on an anonymous website with the tagline: 'Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction.' Mr Kay, have you already checked out WebMD and Mayo Clinic websites? Perhaps you should consider a career in the medical arts; you're already collecting potential patients. AK Man plans; God laughs
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    7 years ago
    In the closet vs out of the closet dancers and OTC chances
    Definitely out of closet. I'm too old and rotund to do it in closet
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    7 years ago
    Should Trump resign now that Jr has given proof of high treason ?
    What and spoil the fun of watching this fakakta administration and the Keystone Cop routine by congressional Rs? Everyday we get another act of mishegoss by Trump, his family, his ‘friends’ or supporters. Better than reality TV AK Trump plans and God is laughing at his court fool
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    7 years ago
    Did my dancer just cum ?
    Random thoughts after reading your post. Just busting your balls. Bored & unlike you, I have no self control at this moment. ‘I noticed she tighten up her grip on my wrist. Then she plowed her head into my shoulder while thrusting her clitoris against my dick.’ Could she have been having a seizure? ‘I chose not to because I ejeculte is a bit on the heavy side. With no condom on I practice self control.’ Mazel tov! A mitzvzah - ‘a truly virtuous, kind, considerate, ethical deed’ What a mensh. OK, in truth I’m envious; at my age just to be on the brink would be a blessing :) AK
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    7 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Throttling a Troll
    flag - if the shoe fits........ happy to see you recognized yourself in one of his aphorisms........just saying.
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    7 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Throttling a Troll
    SC +1000 "I know it's difficult because we're programmed to fight back but the best course of action against trolls is simply to not respond to any and I mean any posts that they make. This really upsets them more than anything you could say because the only exist for the attention. Most are just lonely people that can't get laid." There is no loneliness greater than the loneliness of a failure. The failure is a stranger in his own house. Eric Hoffer Trolls have other motives: to gain a sense of power over other; dominate. Our sense of power is more vivid when we break a man's spirit than when we win his heart. Eric Hoffer And another motive: sadism - the pleasure gained from inflicting emotional pain on others, e.g. RIP trolling on memorial pages of a recently deceased person. It's easy to find examples of all 3 types on TUSCL AK Man plans; God laughs
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    7 years ago
    SJG vs Book Man: The verbal diarrhea contest
    Yeah Hawk, but I didn't want to sound "too negative" :-P
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    7 years ago
    SJG vs Book Man: The verbal diarrhea contest
    48, thanks for trying to make it sound like an 'intelligent mistake'. In fact, I was writing this while trying to do other tasks. Can't multi-task at my age :-(
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    7 years ago
    Follow up on 'Virginia Club laws?' Part Three
    ChadT - SOB acronym - Perhaps not a *bug* [coincidence] but deliberate *feature* planned by regulators unsympathetic to SCs. Shark - You consult a local attorney who, hopefully, has some experience with sobs/adult entertainment regulation. Just as important in the beginning the attorney should know the local political players - city council, planning commissioners, liquor control, vice squad, etc. Some entrepreneurs have tried to work around sob regs by opening a venue that doesn't appear, on paper, to be an sob. Many of them get raided later and closed down for operating an sob without proper approval from the governing authority. And who’s likely to first report these guys -- owners of locally competing sobs who see the *rogue* operation as unfair competition. AK
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    7 years ago
    Favorite strip club experience
    Phoenix - In my younger days [in my fifties and sixties] at a favorite club one of my best experiences was with a blond dancer in her early thirties. In addition to being sexy she was smart and very witty. Stage routines were all nude [dances were topless] and hers were very sexy with an occasional display of wicked visual humor. I’ll leave that to your imagination. She liked to wear lots of jewelry -- large earrings, necklaces, and navel jewelry -- which threatened to bang into me during lappers. It became a source of amusement for both of us. [ Never suffered any injury, talented dancer! ] We’d go for lap dances with every intention of being serious. Inevitably, one of us would say something that got both of us laughing uncontrollably, earning us evil looks from nearby couples and the bouncer. Make no mistake the dances were very erotically enjoyable but sometimes we’d end up losing it over some look, remark or pun. One time we sat together in a booth and made deliciously catty remarks about a not-so-entertaining specialty feature’s stage performance. I had some other memorable experiences in my active clubbing days [ more regulation has lessened the enjoyment now ] but this dancer immediately came to mind when I read your post. When I left the club after being with her I was always in a very relaxed and good mood no matter how stressful my day had been. Slept well thanks to a talented stripper who always did a great job. And isn’t that *one* of the best things about strip clubs? AK Man plans; God laughs
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    7 years ago
    SJG vs Book Man: The verbal diarrhea contest
    SC, got me! I meant Book Guy not to be confused with Book_Guy or Bookman, the type font. No, can't blame it on 'autocorrect'; it's 100% brain fart late at night by an old fart. AK
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    7 years ago
    Hong Kong during the weekdays, any takers?
    Another possibility; stay in Orange Co: http://i.imgur.com/07vRCYy.jpg Again, you can thank me later, AK