

Atlanta suburb
First time I ever had to put a dead person on ignore. Real class SJG.


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Ditto along with spirit of alucard come to think of it that's my total ignore list.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I replied to one of the bumped threads. Otherwise I am not bumping them. I am not Spirit_of_Alucard.

    As far as placing Alucard on ignore? Never interacted with him. Seems like not such a bad guy to me.

    Today we have some really malicious trolls.

  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    So true.

    Now we have underground gravy eating, Mexican hat dance wearing, sleepy time, front room friendly make out trolls...
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    7 years ago
    I am sure that if Shadowcat believes Spirit of Alucard is really SJG he has a reason, would love to hear what the empirical evidence is. I'm no fan of SJG.

    That said the real 'gem' loser troll of the bunch is txtittyfag (not the one with the dot). Every time he writes the lispy, whinny spelling represents the sounds of his mouth with SJG's cock slid down it to the hilt, it is as if he is gargling SJG's load (which I'm sure he is). Total motherfucking nutjob and waste of skin, that one!!!!
  • londonguy
    7 years ago
    What does Mamisan think?
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I don't think SJG is the spirit of alucard.
  • Alter_Kocker96
    7 years ago
    Like Hugh I’d like to hear Shadow’s reasons for believing SJG = Spirit_of_Alucard.

    My bets are on Zipman68. IMO both he and SJG are trolls though different types. For SJG.........another time, another post :-)

    [Before I began actually posting I checked out the board for awhile and saw some of Zips last posts. Just now skimmed a few pages of his ‘comments’.]

    Zipman68 openly admits trolling:
    “zipman68, July 26, 2016
    gammanu, no shit Sherlock on the trolling call! I sent you a PM saying I was just stirring to pot for the lulz.
    I could engage in an erudite argument regarding pros and cons of the candidates or parties, but why? Most of the folks on here have neither the background nor the intelligence to understand what I'm saying.
    So I make up some bullshit that only slightly more insane than some of the stuff that conservadudes post on here all of the time. And people eat it up! I feel a little bad because I'd like to actually have conversations with people that I disagree with. But there are enough asshole on here that its pointless to try.”

    And: “...I've largely drifted off the board because of Doogie's BS and only return to poke the guy and get some lulz.” 12/5/16

    He believes Dougster posts under multiple aliases:
    “zipman68,November 14, 2016
    Anybody ever notice how obsessed Doogie is with male homosexuality? Callin' everybody he doesn't like a fag, inventing the Tittyfag alias. Even his NotaDoctorPhil alias is obsessed with man-on-man action.” And: “...Here's the difference between the two of us: you're a mean spirited dumbass. I'm just stirring the pot for some laughs. I don't mean much of what I say. You do.” 11/19/16

    But Zip avoids openly saying *he, himself* posts under aliases, just implies he does:
    “...I'd tell you [Dougster] that all of your suspected zippy aliases aren't me but y'all wouldn't believe me. So I'll just say that *some* of the accounts you suspect of being me definitely aren't me. I think I've trolled you too well, since you now see my hands in everybody that trolls you...” 12/24/16

    Zip appreciated Alucard:
    “Alucard was a good guy. Bit of a weird willy, but nice enough once you realized he wasn't fuckin' wit' ev'rybody. Alucard really valued his posts here. I tussled with Alucard when I thought he was joking. But once I realized I was hurting his feelings I backed off. Doogie don't have the empathy to do that.” 11/14/16

    “ Alucard has passed away, though he never deserved as much of Doogie's scorn as he got” 12/5/16

    Zip mentioned SJG once that I saw: “Why are you conservadudes so hateful? San Jose dude is committed to helping all Americans! He is a real patriot! Unlike the conservadude traitors that voted Trump. “ 11/17/16

    Again, my vote - Spirit_of_Alucard = Zipman68 [ and, perhaps, other current aliases ] but many of you have been here longer [Shadowcat included], what do you think?

  • Spirit_of_Alucard
    7 years ago
    Shadow, AlterK, you are MISSING THE POINT!!!

    Do you people like it when the VILE ATTACK DOGS drive off people like Vince?

    I am not SJG, but I am the SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE aiming to drive off the IDIOTS and BARELY LITERATE!!!

    Who will STAND UP for the SJGs of TUSCL. Oh he posts stuff you DISAGREE with. How DIRE!!! So you tolerate ASSHOLES who fill the board with CRAP and harass the guy. That's just PROFILES IN FUCKING COURAGE!!!

    I am giving the CRAP MERCHANTS a taste of THEIR OWN MEDICINE!!! If you supposedly mature adults had any COURAGE you'd do the same!!!
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I don't think Shadowcat was referring to spirit of alucard, rather some asshole that commented on a post by Alucard from three years ago. It's a valid complaint from s'cat.

    Now, everyone apologize to shadowcat.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Like shadowcat, my posts are sorted by last comment. That doesn't happen If you sort by most recent post, but then you miss the most interesting and entertaining discussions.
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