
At what age?

This is kind of a OT thread, but I'm 26, close to being 27. I've started to notice that I'm not really super interested in girls my age anymore as far as the civilian world goes. When I was 19 I loved girls my age, when I was 22 I loved girls my age. 26, 27 a lot of girls I see start the slow decline from their prime. I know for sure when I'm 30 I won't be interested at all in women my age.

At what age did you stop being interested in girls your age?


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    You are starting to sound nuttier than SJG and that is going somewhere far.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I wouldn't expect you to understand 25, you have no brain cells. Jesus Christ how dumb are you, I wasn't speaking in Spanish.

    @che huh?
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    The girl I'm seeing OTC is around your age and you can bet that if I was around that age too, I'd be working for GF or wife status. She is most definitely in her prime.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i really ain't interested in girls my age. i like them better 49 years younger.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    sorry. made an error. 59 years younger.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    You are nucking futz
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    as far as physical appearance, do you really think there's that much of a difference between a 22 year old woman and a 26 year old woman? i bet you wouldn't even be able to tell which one is younger.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    oh man. it is 49.

    gotta go back to skool.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Girls my age don't know how to treat me! I started wanting them to be about 20 years older since I was, let's say 18.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Yes GoVikings I can tell the difference between a 22 and 26 year old. You seem like a nice guy, and I'm not trying to clown you, but were you the one that said it'd be very hard to tell the difference between a 23 and 30 year old??

    @che I'm gonna guess you're not a older guy. I could be wrong, but I don't think there are many guys in their 50's and 60's that are attracted to women in their 50's and 60's.

    My tastes could change over time, of course there's always exceptions, I've seen a couple of girls in their late 30's that I'm still very attracted to, but it's not the norm.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    @Larry , this may not be the best place to discuss this topic. Maybe try a sub reddit? TheRedPill, perhaps?

    The people on this board are much older than us. Try to put yourself in your-50-year-old-self's shoes. If you're rich, handsome, famous and banging supermodels all the time, then maybe that question wouldn't be so offensive. But on the other hand, you might just want to slap your younger-self in the face.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > I can tell the difference between a 22 and 26 year old.

    If you primarily interact with this age range, it should be a lot easier. I could tell the difference a lot easier back then. Now they are more likely to be either trying to act like a mature adult or young sweetie around me, so it's harder to tell.

    When I lived in Hawaii, I would have a good idea of whether someone was Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese or Korean at a glance. Having lived inland in the continental US for a while, now it's more like "Wow, there's an Asian person here!"
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    @ppwh that's a good point, I do primarily interact with that age range.

    I see plenty of hot 26, 27 year olds. I'm just saying I've noticed some of them are slowly starting the slow decline out of their prime. I think 30 is the age I really meant when I won't be interested in girls my age when I'm 30.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    While in Quebec, I heard from a girl that something like 21 was the age when women started to no longer be hot. She said it in a regretful way like she was about to lose her preferred status.

    I had a CF not too long ago who was around 30 which wasn't far off from my age, though. There is a lot to be said for how well you interact with an individual rather than whatever their demographic particulars are.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    Some girls stay in shape and look good a long time. I've seen some who told me they were in their 40's but they are very exceptional in my opinion. Looking on dating web sites, if she's much older than say 35 or so, most girls lose their good looks rather fast with weight gain or other not so great looks.

    If someone cooks me pasta, I know the feeling because I gain 2 pounds a day just eating spaghetti, pizza, or whatever pasta there is. I usually lose the weight within a day or two eating normal food.
  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    I'm 52 and have developed an affinity for MILFs from their mid-30s to maybe mid-40s, maybe even a little older. Love their big bouncing boobs, their well-used pussies and their oral skills from many years of giving head. Of course, I'm talking about porn, since I've never actually had sex with one. But I'd like to one day. I guess my point is the older you get the more attracted you are to women your age or close to it. Just speaking for myself.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    @sharkhunter, what is normal food to you? Spaghetti, pizza, etc sound pretty normal for the standard american diet. ;-)
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Look Larry you really don't have a fucking clue, most women don't get truly gorgeous but the few that do it usually takes a while for it to come to pass. Most young girls are pretty but they don't really got it going on till they reach their mid thirties and learn not only how they want to look but also how they carry themselves. Just look at the iconic woman that have been in movies Marilyn Monroe was pretty but she became an icon in her mid thirties, Hedy Lamar, Lauren Bacall , I'm Novak , my fav Jaqueline Bisset, even today Kim Bassinger, Ursula Andress, Angelina Jolie,I mean man with your limited experience at the tender young age of twenty six you act just SJG you are a fucking know-it-all that's your problem. As stupid as you think I am I am much, much smarter than you will ever be, at the very least try to learn something you might surprise yourself, as someone here just posted you will smack your fifty year old self for being such a dumbass.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    "the older you get the more attracted you are to women your age or close to it"

    I've heard that before, maybe that will eventually be the case for me.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    When I was 26 or 27, I still found women the same age to be very attractive. I did not notice any decline in looks whatsoever.

    Now, at the age of 34, I will say this. Since age 30 I am slowly noticing a decline when it comes to finding hot civilian girls my age. It is still easy for me to find hot strippers that are my age.

    I think the lack of finding quality civilian girls my age is because a lot of them have settled down and now have families. Therefore, you won't find very many of them at a bar on a Friday or Saturday night.

    Of course, this is all subjective. It is very hard to guess a woman's actual age based on looks. It may be easy to tell if she is in the 18-22 range based on the way she looks and how she behaves. Once they reach their mid-20's, it is not so easy because they look and act a lot more mature.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    There is a MILF at my workplace, probably about 15 years older than me; I have fantasized about her several times, and find myself looking at her ass... her breasts... her hair... her legs.

    We've all heard it: age is just a number.
  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
    Did you shit your pants larry? Try McD's next time
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    Going a little off-topic here, but this post is meant for Trackstar.

    If you haven't fucked a MILF, let me tell you it will be a great experience when you do. I used to not care too much for MILFs, but a recent club visit completely changed my perception. Just by looking at her, I would not have known this woman has 2 kids. Her body showed no signs of baby damage. She was very intelligent and knew how to hold a conversation. When it comes to sex, they get right down to business and know how to take care of a man. Fucking her in the VIP was the most satisfying experience I've had with any sex worker, both stripper and escort.

    At my age, I think it would be in my best interest to chase after MILFs.
  • Alter_Kocker96
    7 years ago
    Larry - We older guys are attracted to young women because of their looks and relative vitality. It makes us feel young again and strokes our, sometimes, battered egos. *We’re [usually] not looking for life partners.*

    For you: “I'm 26, close to being 27...I see start the slow decline from their prime. I know for sure when I'm 30 I won't be interested at all in women my age.”

    At this age *most* women are maturing from young girls [early 20s] to young women [mid 20s to early 30s]. Perhaps they sense your shallow interest in only their physical appearance and find you too immature to be interesting. Even a one-night stand wouldn’t be *pleasurable* to them unless it was p4p.

    As Che said -” People mature at different ages. Be patient and one day maybe you too will grow up.”
    Che, in Larry’s case, maybe you’re too optimistic?

    And, I heartily endorse the MILF comments

  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    I see nothing wrong with women age 26-27. In most cases, at 35 and older is when they are leaving their prime and should be doing something else.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I had a big pizza yesterday and someone invited me over for lasagna tonight. I think between today and yesterday, I gained several pounds. I can't complain though. It's not every day someone fixes food for me even though it was burned on the bottom.

    I will go back to eating less calories eating no pasta but something simple like a piece of meat like hamburger, chicken, ham, turkey, etc with potatoes and or fries. So much for losing weight. I was down to 212 just a week or two ago. I'm not worried about it. I have been losing weight when I'm not even thinking about it over time by eliminating a few things I used to eat. I did not eliminate pasta though. That would not be American.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Gotcha. Sounds like somewhat lower carbs. I read on a website the other day that the Taco Bell Seven Layer is around 60 grams of carbs. That's pretty close to what a pre-diabetes dude I know said his doctor had ordered as the max daily intake. Once I read that, I just can't get into the Seven Layer as much and started ordering a couple of Mini Shredded Chicken Quesadillas instead of getting one of each.
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    A well-kept body can be ageless.
    This goes for gals n guys.

    In the world of beauty - a 19 yr old hot body can be the sizzling appetizer or the decadent dessert. And yet an older hot body can be the main course that satisfies your deepest cravings. Love 'em all !
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    If say at about 30bi probably started to look to mostly younger women to make a long story short.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I'm not saying at 26-27 that they are past their prime. Let me do a sports analogy.

    26-27 year old girls are like what LeBron James is right now with the Cavs. LeBron is still the best player in the league and in his prime, but he was a little better player when he was with Miami. In Miami he'd dominate offensively and he would lock down the other team's best player. In Cleveland now he's not as good offensively and he's lost a little athleticism from his Miami days. LeBron has 2-3 years left of possibly being the best player and then the decline will be steep. Same thing with 26-27 year old girls, they have 2-3 years left of being decent, then the decline will be steep.

    Obviously it doesn't apply to every girl, there are always exceptions, but yeah I would say most girls.
  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
    ^^^ dumbass
  • Htxx
    7 years ago
    Agree with Che & I'm 51, with that said its still great to do OTC with strippers in their 20's & 30's. Nothing like mindless wild sex but I also still see an atf who is 55 OTC we have so much history it's awesome too
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Meh. You're asking for a definitive answer to a completely subjective question.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    I find women of all ages to be attractive so in strip clubs I like very young dancers because in real life I like women my own age. Older women are better sexually.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Larry, I think some of it comes down to what kind of a relationship you are going to have with them. Is it really a peer relationship, or is there something which limits it?

    For example, if a guy goes to strip clubs when young, he will be engaging with dancers his age and a bit older.

    Then say the guys gets married and he tries to play it straight, and he stays away from strip clubs. But surviving a marriage can be like surviving a war. You are tested in fire every day.

    So eventually the guy is just trying to stay alive and so he starts going to strip clubs again. He finds that by virtue of being a marriage veteran, he is older and wiser. The young girls actually like him for this. But he can't let down his guard, he has to protect his private life from his strip club life. So it is never really a peer relationship. But at this juncture, and not just because they are better looking, he learns to get along with younger women. The appeal is that they have less life experience than he does. So instead of judging him as they do guys their own age, they look up to him. Eventually he gets to where he is the same age as their father's, or even older, and they still look up to him and respect him, instead of judging him. They are much easier to deal with than it was when he was their age.


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