Adventures of Assjobman
Comments by TFP (page 8)
discussion comment
3 years ago
I love feeding! But it's not a deal breaker for me if the girl doesn't allow it. But if I'm in a club and I know one girl allows it and another doesn't then it's a no brainer which one I'm getting dances from.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Can work a pole 😘😉
I was also wondering what brought about this thread. And then I saw this review:
Rockie seemed to get more annoyed than usual at a misunderstanding. But hey, whatever.
review comment
3 years ago
San Leandro, CA
I knew that the dancers are still IC here. And yes that means they can set their own prices but it doesn't mean all of them would be willing to do the 2 for 1 at any time. Which is why I just mentioned that it was cool that your particular dancer did that for you.
As for your mention of the girls not having to worry about management being upset at them offering deals, they still have to worry about their coworkers. There's a reason that every girl in the place advertises $40/dance on the board. Imagine one girl advertising $30/dance on the white board. You know damn well the other dancers would be on her head about that. Which is why the deals are kept between themselves and customers. I've been offered deals better than the usual $40/dance or 3 for $100 also but I'd never reveal who and when.
review comment
3 years ago
San Leandro, CA
Pretty cool of that dancer to offer you the two for one at any time. At $40/dance it's kinda pricey to just try out different dancers for a couple of songs. I wonder just how many dancers would be down to offer that deal at any time? And I'd wonder if the dance would be as good as a normal dance? I remember my experiences with the two for one dances were that the girls wouldn't dance in the same fashion as normal dances.
review comment
3 years ago
I've only been to this club 3 times, but the last poster mentioned Perla and brought back some great memories. What a fine, full figured woman that was! And not pricey either, I thought her pricing was actually kind of low for what she looked like. Sadly last I heard she had hung up the stripper heels for good.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Oakland has ZERO strip clubs so she wouldn't bother there.
If she ever tried SF all it would take is her making a post announcing her arrival and I'd be in that joint! I know that won't happen however, as most dancers consider CA a dead zone ever since that shitty AB5 law killing the IC status happened.
discussion comment
3 years ago
To the OP: Just wanted to clear up any confusion about advice from one poster who said 'dances are a chump's game'. If you look at that user's profile he (and pretty much only him) believes that dances are worthless. But you are correct. In most clubs, dances are the bulk of the entertainment and the main way to interact with the girls there.
So dances are fine, don't let that one user tell you otherwise.
discussion comment
3 years ago
@Tatiana0516 have you dances at Flight Club in Michigan before? If so, was it hard for you to compete with the girls who did offer extras, or were you able to still make a good amount?
discussion comment
3 years ago
Anywhere there are Titties.
As a Niner fan I hate the Rams, but at least the most deserving player won the MVP and they didn't just "default" to the quarterback of the winning team. Cooper Kupp had one of the most monstrous years I've ever seen a WR have. And I've been through Jerry Rice, Randy Moss, Terell Owens, and others entire seasons. The fact that the dude lease the league in everything pass wise. You would think defense would game plan to take him out....but he still gets open all day. Reminds me of the old saying about Kobe Bryant "You CANT stop him, you can only hope to contain him."
article comment
3 years ago
West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
Jesus, excellent recap!!!
At least you explained why you sound like the ultimate James Bond pimp with the ladies in the TJ clubs in Greenbeans recaps, versus the humble recaps you tell yourself. You say out of character but I bet it really isn't.
Nonetheless, great adventure telling.
review comment
3 years ago
Ké lo ké?!?!?!!
Sadly I can't just head down there whenever I want. I need 'cover'. And unfortunately COVID fucked that all off for awhile.
One of these days man we will meet up. Until then, I'll enjoy all your accounts that you post.
Glad to hear Cristobal is doing well, and PT sounds like a blast to hang with. He was a legend to me even before all his TK exploits because of all his knowledge about the NorCal club scene.
review comment
3 years ago
Ké lo ké?!?!?!!
Amazing review!
Man, you made PT's time sound more fun then HE even writes it out to be. The ficha session with the two chicas while feeding on huge ass boobs??!! I'd have a shit eating grin as well.
Well done everyone, and man I miss Cristobal. Did you talk much with him? I hope he's doing ok, he and Old Gringo were excellent company when I was down there in TJ last.
discussion comment
3 years ago
I remember reading that review a couple days ago. I also thought it was a great review.
Now I'm curious, OP what do you have against the review system here?
discussion comment
3 years ago
@Nicespice I still remember your thread about going to the club as a neurodivergent. SJG bumped that shit for months, well after the conversation had ceased.
Which is why I'm in shock now. A thread about kissing, in the front room, past noon PST, and not one post from SJG??!!
discussion comment
3 years ago
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
SJG posted "The women who dance in strip clubs are living lives of lower social status. So they are not Suburban Soccer Mom's."
So then it's YOU who sees the women who dance in strip clubs as lower status. All this time you've been trying to accuse myself, Drew, and others of that. But right here in your post you wrote that they are living lives of lower social status like it was some kind of fact.
Well I don't believe that. If that's what you believe, then own it. Don't try to project your feelings on to someone else.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Can't wait till 12 noon PST tomorrow when SJG comes to post unibomber manifestos detailing why you are all wrong.
discussion comment
3 years ago
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
@Tetradon that's crazy, I was just getting ready to post that he is contradicting himself with the ordinary woman thing.
He says they are ordinary woman. Then he says this:
"So these strip club dancers are not Suburban Soccer Moms, so they are already seen as being of a lower moral order."
If they are ordinary women, couldn't they also be soccer moms? Shit, I bet there a plenty of strippers across America who take their kids to soccer practice.
Shit, we all know they are ordinary women. You're making them out to be more overtly sexual than any other woman who isn't a stripper. Newsflash, a soccer mom can get dolled up just the same as a stripper.
SJG you keep saying you like the high heels, lingerie, and all that. The only reason you get to see them like that is because they are AT WORK, in a place where they are required to dress like that to make money. I highly doubt if you started seeing a dancer outside that she would put in that same effort to get dolled up every time you went to bed. The motivation to get dolled up is to get money and to stand out from other dancers who are competing for the same money. She ain't gonna be dressing up like that just for you to be living out some fantasy of having a stripper GF.
discussion comment
3 years ago
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
@SJG I think everything in your last post is false. You keep making this false statement about customers seeing women in strip clubs as lower worth. And your reasoning is, well if you were in a civie club you would try to kiss a girl you were into. You can't compare civie clubs with strip clubs. In civie clubs, both men AND women go with the intent of dancing, flirting, and possibly hooking up. In strip clubs, the women are there WORKING. The same fact you keep glossing over. They're not there to meet men, they're there to earn money.
In a civie club if a girl is not interested in you you'll know right away. In a strip club however, the girl is gonna act charming towards you even if she thinks you're ugly as fuck. I believe this is giving you another false belief of yours, that you can approach any women and get her. You can do that in a strip club for the right amount of cash, sure. You go to a civie club and your success rate will be much lower.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Adventures of Assjobman
'And the fact that most strip club patrons decline to try and get the girls into bed, and decline to try and DFK them, doesn't that mean that they see them as being of some lower order than civvie night club women?'
No, it doesn't mean that. I bet if the dancer made it extremely clear that she was down to kiss or fuck, most customers would follow through exstatically.
I think most customers would assume the girl isn't into them like that. She's at work doing her job, which is to be charming and nice, even if she thinks you are ugly and unattractive. And so they're content with paying for dances and enjoying the contact and leaving it at that. This doesn't mean that customer thinks of the dancer as lower worth.
I mean you're not alone in wanting to 'make it happen' with the girls. From reading stripper web and the subreddit r/stripper I see plenty of complaints from the dancers about how to handle guys trying to see them outside the club. And I've seen success stories from guys who successfully took out a dancer outside the club. So guys are definitely trying. Just because some guys don't bother trying doesnt give the right to assume they must think of the dancers as a subclass.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Adventures of Assjobman
I don't think it's smart to use TJ clubs as a comparison. Those are BROTHELS, of course it's easier to get a girl to kiss there.
And sure there are accounts of kissing in US clubs but it is very rare. And the reviews I read that mention any kissing are done in VIP rooms, not out in the open. This tells me that your chances of getting a girl to kiss in the front room is extremely low in most clubs. As has been discussed numerous times but you seem to have blinders on to this fact, most dancers consider kissing more intimate than other services such as handjobs or blowjobs.
As far as your hypothesis that the women in strip clubs are seen as lower, I disagree. I've seen you draw that conclusion based on almost zero evidence about me, Drew, and a handful of other posters. Seems you are now assuming that most men feel this way.
discussion comment
3 years ago
@623 I literally thought the dude I saw was gonna die. I mean they made him down damn near an entire bottle of tequila in seconds, nevermind the shit the dancers did to him on stage.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Adventures of Assjobman
Yes, we know your opinion is FRMOS are the best. You've mentioned it plenty of times.
For myself a club doesn't need to have girls who want to do that for it to be a good experience to me. Which is a good thing to me, since most the clubs I go to I don't see any girls making out with customers in the front room.
discussion comment
3 years ago
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Kinda sad that I agreed with most everything Icey had to say in response to SJG. Then again I guess it's not sad. We agree on some things, and strongly disagree on others. No matter how SJG tries to frame it, paying a girl money to get her attention isn't respect, it's transactional.
Also funny that SJG had the nerve to say that Icey is just repeating the same thing over. Really?? Muthafucka your posts have looked like copy paste jobs for the last 5 years now.
review comment
3 years ago
Monger around the world
Excellent review!
Nevermind Ceoaticeysangels. He is on some weird crusade to reject any review that speaks of sex in the club. Even though this place is a brothel and the activities are legal. Just being his usual troll self.
I haven't been there for awhile but I've heard from this site that the ficha prices have risen. It is now $10, so it'll be $11 total with a dollar tip. Used to be $9, which made it easy to just give them $10 to take care of the tip.
discussion comment
3 years ago
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
@SJG the fact that you take that statement as a put down to dancers shows a lot of confusion on your part. Dancers aren't WORKING in the club trying to find real love.
That's the part that dancers know, what smart customers know, but you are unwilling to accept. Dancers can find real love wherever they want, yes even at work at the club. But that's not the reason why they're there.