What do you think of Bachelor dances?
I have seen so many Bachelor/Birthday stage dances over the years that I have to look the other way every time one breaks out. It is always the same. They call the poor bachelor, or birthday boy idiot to the stage. They sit him in some chair, on his hands, in front of a crowded club. And everybody watches as a group of dancers mercilessly, jump up and down on him, whack him with his belt, then rip out his underwear from inside his pants, giving him a total wedgie, like he is the biggest loser on earth. Afterward, the happy fool usually hugs all the dancers, then returns to his buddies, with his torn underwear dragging from his pants behind him. I ask Why? Why would anybody in their right mind submit to this, no matter how drunk you are? Would you consent to having some crazy whores humiliate you in public, taking away your last ounce of self respect, while they ruin your underwear? There is no way I would ever subject myself to that.
Don’t forget about the guys who make the bachelor wear one of those fake (plastic) ball and chain things from a party store!
I thought I had done the smart thing, as I got my best man to agree to not do that. But, I didn’t know he setup something very different. I setup a great bachelor party for him, and he loved it, so I thought mine would be embarrassment free. I was very wrong.
If I have a bachelor party it'll be white water rafting or something like that.
Some guys that I worked with had parties like that. I refused to go.
And the ring leader was there with his 35mm camera.
First time was 4 girls dancing on and around the bachelor. He wasn't into it and sat there the proverbial bump on a log. I was sitting with my then CF at the time watching it, I asked her what she thought of bachelor shows, she said she'd done a ton of them and they can be fun if the bachelor is into it and participating but that it's lame when the bachelor is hating it which is what we saw.
Second time the bachelor was there with his fiance, and the fiance was more into watching it than bachelor was into getting it. The dancers gave the guy a nice grind on stage, but then took his shirt off (he was a fat guy) and led him around the stage with a dog collar and leash while he was on all fours. Lots of photos being taken of him during the process by other club patrons (not me, no homo).
At my bachelor party my friends bought me dances. My best man picked a girl that was totally my style for a reasonable, low contact dance. A friend of a friend who tagged along picked a fake tit butterface for me and it was totally awkward sitting through.
As I grew into more of a young pervert, the strip club trips were boring, and I still would go to make sure my buddies had a good time.
I became more hardened at about 30. I remember being the designated driver at one bachelor party, with four buddies packed in my car. I pulled into the club parking lot and saw valet parking only. I dropped my buddies off, and went to Irvington to find a place to sniff some big dancer booty. I returned to pick up my buddies a few hours later. They were doused in glitter and smelled like perfume - and I smelled like skank.