Hong Kong Tijuana ATF Test Failure Part Duex, Not So Bad

Here We Go…
Previously I wrote and article describing a trip to TJ 1/27/22 specifically to see a chica that I thought had ATF potential. I identified her as Candidate ATF, but I am getting ahead of myself.
Swapped some messages with Greenbeans (who I have permission to identify by handle) and set up a meet for 2/6/22. I am going to label Greenbeans as Brother Monger Zero (BM0), similar to patient zero and you will understand why as this article progresses. Met some other Brother Mongers from this board that I will identify by order of appearance as BM1 – BM5. I do not have their permission to identify them, so when they recognize themselves, they can claim their fame in the comments if they so desire.
Sunday I got a master suite in Rizzo, because I planned to hunt for L in BT. Usually I get a room in Cascadas and BT girls can go to Cascadas, but I was also curious about how the Rizzo rooms are post remodel. I have to say that the Rizzo rooms are nicer than the Cascadas rooms and cost less. They gave me a discount based on my HK VIP card, which I wasn’t sure would be honored. My understanding is they honor HK VIP cards, but Cascadas does not honor BT VIP cards. So, $87 (standard price $100) for a Sunday night in a master room. Cascadas standard price is $130 for a similar room. Going to be spending a bit more time at Rizzo going forward. HK girls can go to Rizzo, but some don’t know that and others don’t want to cross the street. I booked Cascadas for Monday and Tuesday night.
I went to BT and found L. Actually, she spotted me and made a bee line for me. She had just finished her stage performance and I was disappointed that I had missed it. Greenbeans messaged that he was on the trolley and would find me in BT. L had already proven herself in the booth during my last visit and this time she continued her “sales techniques.” Figured that gave me enough time to take L for a romp before I meet Greenbeans.
Unfortunately, L’s performance in the room was good, but didn’t quite live up to expectations. Was I expecting too much for a first-time encounter? In the room she got a little mechanical. She worked hard to please me, but I felt a bit rushed. She got right to a CBJ, as opposed to the expectation of a little more foreplay, as I especially like playing with her natural, monster boobs. She wasn’t watching the clock, but about 40 minutes in I popped and she started cleanup procedures. How romantic. Mission one accomplished, despite a minor disappointment. The fantasy never equals the reality. I would repeat with her, but I would also do a better job of making my expectations clear. And it was just a 30-minute session. Next time I will take her for an hour. We went back to BT where I awaited the arrival of Greenbeans. He arrived with BM1 and it was game on.
Soon thereafter Greenbeans, BM1, and I went to dinner at Churrascuria, the Brazilian steak house. Good food, nice atmosphere, excellent price. I had heard a lot about it, but this was my first time there. Ate my fill for $25. We traded stories and eventually took a cab back to HK.
We drifted apart and I did a lap around the clubs and ended back at BT. I was surprised how quiet the clubs were. CC had almost 30 girls and maybe 10 mongers. AB had maybe 30 girls and 20 mongers. Target rich environments. BT had a similar ratio of disappointed putas to drunken mongers, or is it the other way around.
In BT I watched a few stage performances and was approached by B1. A pretty face and a 6 natural body sporting small Ds and an ample ass. Best of all was her performance in the booth. She smiled the whole time, let hands roam, roamed with her hands, danced, and drank very slowly. Excellent vibe. She got my mojo up and so I offered arriba and she accepted. In the room she delivered the experience that I had expected from L. I will repeat with her.
Monday morning I reconnect with Greenbeans. We get coffee and he shows me his favorite breakfast place, a little hole-in-the-wall down the street where I would not have ventured on my own. No danger, just that there never looked to be anything of interest in that direction. (Tuesday we again got together and I did have breakfast there, I asked for an omelet, but received more of a bacon, cheese, and egg scramble. It was excellent none the less and inexpensive. Recommended.)
Greenbeans went off to work and I went to HK with the intent of hunting down Candidate ATF. At minimum, I was hoping for an explanation as to why I was stood up. She is an 8+ and was one of the best experiences I have ever had in the room. If the vibe was there, I would take her up again. Couldn’t find her. Spoke to the mesero who introduced us and he theorized that she lied about not having a boyfriend or husband and he said she couldn’t TLN with me. Indeed, she as not been seen at the club since that day, so maybe she left the profession. She had only been working the clubs for six months. Lots of theories and too many other options to dwell on it.
Greenbeans said he would be down later, so I started to leave HK. I got as far as the first set of curtains on the alley side when a girl called to me. I parted the second set when she came to me and asked me to come back into the club. She looked familiar so I stepped back in. “Do you remember me?”
“Of course,” I lied. She said, “Remember? Braina?” Holly Crap, four years ago she was ATF2! She is bat shit crazy, but incredible fun to be with. I did a number of TLNs with her, including a few times when we spent 48 hours together, eating out, enjoying the beach, and lots of sex. Not much English, but we have no problem communicating. She is thick, which includes DDD boobs and matching big ass, separated by a decently small waist. She just had her lips plumped, which is part of the reason I didn’t recognize her immediately. It doesn’t look good IMO, but I wasn’t going to say anything, as she seemed to be happy with it.
She has to finish her hour in purgatory, so we hang out there for a bit and then migrated to HK. I hang upstairs with Former ATF2. A friend of Former ATF2 walks by (B2) and Former ATF2 asks me if I will buy her a drink. I say yes and the girls order two buckets. This is why I stopped seeing her. I am sure she knew I meant one beer and they order buckets. (It is also possible that the girls ordered beers and the mesero brought buckets. He came across as being a bit shady. Which I had gotten his name and number.) As an odd twist, when we sat in the booth, I noticed some cash on the floor. I put my foot over it until the mesero left to fill the order and I picked it up. It was $100. If it were a personal item, I would have tried to find the owner and return it, but cash??? So I paid for the beer with my good fortune. No tip for the mesero. (Sorry if the money was yours and thanks. I’ll buy the next round.)
Former ATF2 claims that B2 is her sister and pushes their faces together so I can see the resemblance. It could be, but it also might have been BS. B2 is pretty, a little taller, with large C+ cups, and a thick body, which meant an ample ass. Greenbeans arrives to this scene of both girls sitting with me, groping and trying for 3-way kisses. He is a bit surprised, but the girls were the aggressors. Didn’t hurt my reputation, but it really was out-of-character for me. I tried to get B2 interested in Greenbeans, but she wanted to hang with her sister. The girls asked me for a 3-some, but I told them I had energy for only one and that my funds were running low. I have had a few and they never turn out like the fantasy says they should.
I had a few things to do, so I left telling Former ATF2 that I would be back in a few hours and we would go arriba. I do my thing, come back, and run into Greenbeans wandering the floor. I tell him that I am looking for Former ATF2. He said that he is sitting with BM2 and BM3, so I went up and said hello. I had met BM2 previously. Great guy to hang with. First time meeting with BM3, but he has a great vibe and I hope we can hang another time. I would have enjoyed trading stories and hanging out with these three for a while, but I was on a mission.
I found Former ATF2. I asked how much for arriba. She said “arriba!” I said, “yes how much.” She repeated, “Arriba!” with a mischievous look in her eyes, as I said it in Spanish and she knew what I was asking. My little head was screaming, “This is your favorite 3-hole girl. She will be worth it no matter the price!”
In the past, she was indeed a wild animal with unlimited access. OTOH, one of the reasons I stopped being with her was because she was inconsistent with TLNs and arriba pricing. She wouldn’t agree to a fixed price. Negotiation was always after. Sometimes she gave it to me for free. Sometimes she asked twice what I was willing to pay and I had to bring her back down to earth. Or she said, pay me this amount this time and next time it will be free. And “next time” she conveniently forgot that she agreed that the TLN was free. I would have given her the money she asked for as the amounts were not unreasonable, but she was playing a game and I got tired of it real fast.
We went up and a mesero followed. She asked if I wanted to have 30 minutes or an hour. I said an hour and the mesero said I had to buy six beers for the hour. I called BS and I should have kicked them out at that time. We went back-and-forth, as I knew it was BS. Ho No she assured me that it is the rule.
Now understand that she has been absent from HK for four years and it was only her second day back, so she might have been told it is the rule now. I know I am going to get shit for this, but I told her if she would drink them all, I would buy the beers. The mesero returned with the bucket and I paid…no tip. Shouldn’t have followed me to the room in the first place. Didn’t notice him until we were in the room. So much for head on a swivel.
We went at it like old times. She filled the Jacuzzi and we played with each other while it filled. Into the tub and it was playtime. Twenty minutes later we get out of the tub and we had flooded the floor. Cleaned things up as best we could and got on the bed. Great vibe until I started fingering her ass. She said to go slow because it hurt. A few more minutes and she said she couldn't handle it.
I know that she had been out of the clubs for four years. Shortly after she left, I found her on an escort site, and her reviews said she was great fun, but had a problem with showing up on time or at all, which didn’t surprise me. She was on the site for about six months, then nothing. She said she needed some time to practice before she could get into anal sex and reminded me that she had only been back two days. I was a little disappointed, but the rest of the session went very well.
So now the bill is due. She had been with me about 90 minutes. I asked how much she wanted. No definitive answer. I know she has a 5-year-old daughter to support. And likely she still supports her mother who provides babysitting services. Counted out all the big bills that were in my pocket, $160, gave the money to her and showed her the empty money clip. (I had more in the safe, but considering that I bought a bucket in the room and another in the club, I wasn’t going to go any higher anyway.) She appeared satisfied…with the money. Later she sent me a note saying how much she enjoyed seeing me again. Not sure that I would repeat. Not sure that I won’t. Love those huge, natural tits and she is crazy fun to be with. Just not sure I am going to hang with that level of crazy anymore.
She left. I finished mopping up and went to sleep. Later I went to Chicago Club just for some eye candy. The mesero brought me a girl. Initially I waived them off, because I really wasn’t in the mood and she seemed to be somewhat shy. She was pretty and had a nice, natural body and something in me said I should buy her a drink, so I reneged and asked her to join me. Good decision. Wish I could remember her name. M something.
She danced for me and drank slowly. Nice, dark nipples. At one point she got halfway through a beer and another mesero tried to pick it up and get me to buy another. I told him I could see that it wasn’t finished and to put it down. He tried to insist that it was empty, until the girl called him on it. The guy’s overall demeaner pissed me off. I told him that I am not going to deal with him at all. He stood by the booth and about 10 minutes later she had finished her drink. He tried to replace the drink and I told him I am only dealing with my mesero (a nice, honest, young kid), so he flags down my guy, points to the bottle, and I buy a drink for her from the young mesero, including a fair tip.
I didn’t want to go to the hotel, but I did want some privacy with this chica as I was getting a good vibe from her. I asked the mesero how much was a VIP room? He said nine beers for an hour. I asked her to join me in the VIP and she agreed. She asked that three of the beers be exchanged for tequila shots. No problem. The VIP has a private bathroom and while she was in there, I tasted one of the shots. As expected, it was watered down.
Over the course of the hour, she drank them all. Great performance. Great fun to be with. A little awkward, as there are only benches, no bed, but one learns to adapt to the situation…when sex is on the line. The hour up, the mesero asked if I wanted another hour or to go outside. I thought I had said to him that I was going to go out on the main floor with her. She was still naked and said something to him in Spanish. He returns with four tequila shots and five beers. Another hour with her? I was very tired, but I was enjoying her company and she was doing me right, so I didn’t turn it down.
An hour later, I was totally spent. She was still sitting in the room naked on the couch when I gave her about $180. She hadn’t asked for any money and might have been satisfied with the fist full of ficha tickets, but I had a great time and these girls are not working for charity. I left, looked back, and she was awake, still naked, sitting on the couch. I imagine that after 10+ beers and seven watered down shots of tequila, she had to be pretty buzzed. Considering that it was a Monday night after midnight and the ratio was about four girls to every monger, likely it was the most action she had that day. Indeed, when I walked out about 1:30 am, there were about seven girls in a gaggle and maybe two mongers. Dead, dead, dead for everyone else except my girl.
Tuesday I reconnect with Greenbeans and we compare notes on our evening activities. We took a walk and crossed the border to get some cash. I had a TLN scheduled with ATF1 that night and I had budgeted enough to cover it, but hanging with Greenbeans was fun and you can never have too much money in TJ. Besides, we both have GA cards, so there was no waiting in line and it was a pleasant walk with pleasant company.
Back in Mexico, we went for legit massages at a place he had been before. $20 for an hour and I left a $10 tip. (No idea if $10 was appropriate as it was my first ever massage in Mexico, but the girl seemed happy with it.) It was comparable to a $100+ massage I would get in the USA. We then had a fine meal at Caesars. Walked back to the clubs and I got ready for my TLN.
She shows up just after 8:00, her usual time. I haven’t seen her in a couple of months, so it was a great reunion as she greeted me with a BJ. We have a nice dinner at La Perla and then do a lap around the clubs. I invited Greenbeans to join us at Chicago Club. I see a black girl dancing by herself just off to the side, giving off great energy. I point her out to ATF1 and it turns out that they are buddies. ATF1 asks if I will buy her buddy a drink and she joins us. They start yammering away in Spanish. I understand very little of it, but I am in the middle with my hands roaming over both girls. Although it is somewhat out-of-character for me, this is the second time Greenbeans has caught me molesting two girls at once. I try to explain that it is another unusual situation, but I don’t think he bought it. Truth be told, the buddy was OK, but not physically attractive to me. She does speak English well and has a positive vibe, so I enjoyed her company in the booth and it made ATF1 happy. We all part company and ATF1 and I go to Adelites for a while and finally back to my room.
She has been my ATF1 for years. She does not do anal and I always wear the “raincoat.” She is pretty and has a nice little body. Not thick, so she isn’t my favorite body type, but she is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She has great energy. I have met some of her family and been to her homes. I know a lot about her childhood (abusive), being turned out at a young age, and so forth. The fact that she isn’t spending her days on the street arguing with a lamppost is amazing. She doesn’t smoke. She doesn’t do drugs. And our sessions are always GFE+ (no BB).
As an amusing side note, years ago when ATF1 and Former ATF2 both worked day shift in HK, I would often take ATF1 for sessions and TLNs and occasionally take Former ATF2 for sessions. Former ATF2 said she was jealous of ATF1 almost to the point of being in tears. Probably BS, but she did a good job of selling her story.
It was a great night with ATF1. Sex, chatting, cuddling, and sex. I like sex. She leaves about 9:30 in the morning, saying goodbye the same way she said hello, with an epic BJ.
I hang out in the club with Greenbeans for a while. Marcella sits with me. Thick, big natural boobs, ample ass. I wanted to take her arriba, but I didn’t have the energy and I had to check out by 1:00. You are on my short list for next time girl.
In closing, I would like to thank the TUSCL mongers I met this trip. I have almost always gone solo, but after meeting (unfortunately briefly in one case) some great guys this trip, I would like to have more meetups.
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last commentJesus, excellent recap!!!
At least you explained why you sound like the ultimate James Bond pimp with the ladies in the TJ clubs in Greenbeans recaps, versus the humble recaps you tell yourself. You say out of character but I bet it really isn't.
Nonetheless, great adventure telling.
That was a well told adventure.
Great recap! Dude when i saw you with the 2”sister” i felt like a cartoon with my eyes bugging out!!! She said im SMALL (full C+)…. LOL
We need to go to the cheapie but delicious dinner spot next time. It’s on the other block, past AB and La Gloria, past the paraditas. Its 70p for a complete dinner. From meatballs to chicken in chipotle sauce.
Well, compared to her DDD sister, she might be considered small.
I am down for good food, good company, and hot girls. Not necessarily in that order.
What a Tour de force of a review. And what amazing memory. Do you record voice memos? I do. And I still listen to some of my own memos till this day. Loved reading about your adventures.
I have an odd kind of memory. College was a bit tough, because I have trouble remembering and recalling cold facts, formulas, and hysterical events. However, memories where I am an active participant play in my head like a video short. Even things that happened decades ago, I can recall in great detail. My first "real" girlfriend LOVED sex. (I took her virginity, oral, vaginal, and anal.) She even brought her girlfriends for 3-ways. (Should have married that girl, but we were very young.) Vivid memories of being with her are replayed in my head to this day. The memories I wish I could flush are those of my ex. Great sex, but she turned into a total shrew in every other way. They are (she is) the thing of nightmares.
Pics and Vids or your first girlfriend or it didn’t happen.
Good Times, Good Times.
I have pictures and it did happen. Might share a few in the photo section later.
Hey guys, I'm headed down this weekend (17th-20th). Trip was supposed to be with a bro, but he had to cancel. If any of you would like to get together, let me know. I'm staying at cascadas.
tahoe... good times!!!
( i’m one you can mention if you want.)
Yes I do. Jascoi is BM2 in our saga. Second time I have been able to hang with him. Although brief this time around, I always enjoy his company.
Awesome report, PT. Great that fellow TUSCLers can hang in TJ and enjoy the good times together. I've had great times solo during my annual trips the past five years but I'd like to share the bar/dining experiences with others. Hoping to go in August. Will check in with fellow mongers on this board in the days leading up to the trip to see if they will be there at the same time.
Excellent tale telling, thank you PT (tahoecruz).
It'd be fun to know who are BM 1, 3, 4 and 5 if they care to reveal themselves.
If you can recall, please share names of (or location of):
-breakfast place
-massage place
I shall leave it to my Brother Mongers to reveal themselves, as they might not want to admit to hanging out with me <;-0. They are all on this site.
The breakfast place is on Coahuila and on the same side of street as HK. Just exit HK. Turn left. It will be on your left in the middle of the block. Just one guy in a room with what looks like picnic tables.
The massage place is across from Caesars and down the block a bit. Maybe Greenbeans can provide the name (I am terrible about remembering the names of anything), as he is the one who led me there. Facing away from Caesars, cross the street and turn left. It will be on your right, upstairs.
Good luck.
Hey gents! The breakfast place might not have a name. But the owner/cook’s name is Angeles. To get there exit MAIN entrance of HK. Turn LEFT, cross street past the taco stand. Continue on Coahuila. You will pass a couple small, dirty looking bars (NY and Manhattan bar). Its slightly past that. Black gate with menu on windows. Breakfasts are about 70-80 pesos.
Massage place on Revu, just past 3rd. Literally across the street from Casino Caliente. If you made it to Caesars you went too far and are on wrong side of the street.
@greenbeans. I was going to elaborate on both of these since I've been to both, with you, but figu'd Id let you expand on it. I dont think I can show my face in that breakfast spot again though (my fualt, no one else's haha) ...
Besmitty now you have to tell us the story after dropping that teaser.
Tester, if you hook up with an SJ on the sidewalk, will she usually be able to follow you to your room in say the Rizo?
Or does she have to take you to her hotel, the one she has a contract with?
And they don't seem to have anything with them, not even purses. So I guess they keep their stuff in a hotel locker room.
@Putatester - So this was my first trip to TJ at the time. Greenbeans and I had talked on here beforehand, him kind of prepping me for my best vacation ever. We exchanged info through here and met up in TJ. He was just the kind of person I would have wanted to show me the ropes. Helps that he is fluent speaking in Spanish, but also just knew the area, dos and donts... so let me give you one of the dont's lol...
When you get invited to breakfast from someone, and you don't eat breakfast bc your stomach can't handle it, literally, until a few hours after being awake, you dont go to breakfast first thing in the morning. lol. So I dont have a diagnosed condition or anything, but I have never been able to wake up and eat right away. My stomach gets sick right away. I told Greenbeans this, but I'd join him anyway. He told me the food was legit, so of course I didn't want to be rude and got food anyway. Greenbeans put in the order and it smelled amazing. I tasted great but didnt take but 5 maybe 10 min before I knew it was coming back up. Greenbeans asked if there was a bathroom I could use and was pointed to it. puked my insides out lol. Here's the problem... there was no running water in there so you could not flush. I didn't know that as I was puking. So basically the guy would have had to clean it out by hand. So embarrassing for me so that's why I havent been back even though I'm sure he doesn't remember me... no crazy story, sorry to disappoint, just an embarrassing moment.
Most everyone would look back and think that this is funny...except the guy who had to clean after you. Thanks for telling the story.
@putatester ... it is funny, dont get me wrong, but this was/is greenbeans spot. he knows the guy, so i felt bad. other than that... lol