Have you guys been noticing more non-extras girls? Don't get me wrong, its always the performers decision as to what service they want to provide and they don't have to do extras if they don't want to. With that being said, I come through detroit a couple times per year and have for several years now and have never run into a non-extras performer until recently.
My last visit to flight club was about 3 months ago (I didn't write a review because it wasn't a very exciting trip and I didn't have any new information to differentiate it from my previous review). During my last visit, 2 nights in a row, I ran into girls that were against doing extras. Had some good dances with them but nothing else.
Just wondering if anyone else has noticed if this is becoming more of a common occurrence
I’m in California and I’m one of the dancers you speak of who doesn’t do extras. Not to toot my own horn but I’m attractive with a rocking body and a great personality. I don’t need to sell sex to make money and entertain my customers. I’m honest about the amount of contact that will go both ways in a VIP and haven’t had much issue with it. When a guy says something slimy like “well can I bang you in the VIP?” That’s usually where I respectfully decline and say what is acceptable. If he’s set on what he wants I kindly excuse myself. That’s just me though lol
@Tatiana0516 have you dances at Flight Club in Michigan before? If so, was it hard for you to compete with the girls who did offer extras, or were you able to still make a good amount?
"I’m in California and I’m one of the dancers you speak of who doesn’t do extras. Not to toot my own horn but I’m attractive with a rocking body and a great personality. I don’t need to sell sex to make money and entertain my customers."
not going to toot your own horn but you wound up doing that anyway. right. well good for you.
the op simply asked a question and your reply had nothing to do with that question.
guys in cali must have substandard standards regarding girl hotness.
Hard to know for sure the exact reasons for any kind of trends in strip-clubs.
I haven’t clubbed since the Fall but once I restarted clubbing post-Vax in May 2021, I noticed many of the regular/vet dancers that used to dance at the smaller clubs were no longer there and were replaced mostly w/ inexperienced dancers that are not used-to high-mileage.
The big clubs, and the extra-clubs, around me, seem to be pretty-much back to pre-Covid levels.
I don’t think it’s that rare to find some non-extras-girls in extras-clubs especially if it’s a good-$$$ upscale club; especially if they are very-good-looking; sure they may not make the big-extras-$$$ but they’ll probably get enough business b/c of their looks.
For a number of years, there were 3 extras clubs in seattle, and I guess about twice as many non extras clubs. Then one extras club expanded to a new location, making 4. Now, one of the other extras clubs is trying to get classier and extras are harder to come by in that club. Part of this is the owner, who apparently owns a bunch of successful weed shops in town… I was in this club tonight (will write a review for scrub to “club ad” later) and it was a slow night. 6 girls and 2-3 PLs. Folks were sitting around not getting many dances and the fucking owner came in and started handing out a couple of $20 bills to each dancer, flirting with th girls, being a big shot I guess. I’ve never seen that before. The dancer I was sitting with said he does that on slow nights. I have to think if he wasn’t handing out cash, more girls would be thinking about doing extras in this club. Is there a pattern here? Not that I can see. Just random fucking randomness.
Apparently it is not common knowledge strip clubs in Inkster and Dearborn are pretty much whore houses. Detroit used to be the same until 4 or 5 years ago.
@drew even if the club had no house fee, I can't see where $40 would make much difference to a serious dancer as to whether she made an acceptable amount for a shift. I've only ever gotten "light" extras from strippers (never stuck my wang in any orifice), but they always seemed comfortable with it, not doing it out of desperation for money. But maybe they just hid their desperation well.
I think here in the discussions we are generally very basic PLs, we want to leer at and grope on hot nekked women. But there's another big category of PLs, they seem to go to the club to role play mostly, as wolves of Wall Street, or rappers, or some such. Stripping seems to be seen as more glamorous in the wider culture than it use to be, and I think that's encouraged the existence of role playing PLs. I can see how a lot of dancers would prefer to deal with at least some types of role playing PLs.
I am willing to bet that a large % of strippers are non-extras girls. There maybe a few clubs where that go against the norm. I assume that any dancer I meet won’t do extras unless she tells me differently.
@TFP I haven’t worked outside of California but I am in a few dancer groups so I’ve heard of other dancers experiences around the US. It’s been brought up about certain areas that are heavy on extras. I honestly haven’t heard anything about the club you mentioned. I will say this though after reading the other comments I agree that desperation during the pandemic, financial instability, and pressures from certain areas/clubs where high extras are accepted and in some cases encouraged I definitely believe it’s on the rise. Now the quality of the dancer that’s offering said extra can be called into question. I haven’t seen really attractive top earners offering extras even during the pandemic a lot just got creative and offered onlyfans.
@tatiana0516 Let’s be real clear here, there are very few dancers in dancer groups and on stripper web that have any credibility with me, I’m sure for example half of those so called no extras girls are whoring it up even while making noise about those other girls. Me personally iDGAF as I never look for extras in the club and I have a few favored girls that I see almost exclusively, But as long as it doesn’t concern me they should all do what works for them, I won’t pass judgment on anyone else
I'm still not convinced it's there's a upside to being a FS dancer versus being an escort who screens carefully. You're never sitting, waiting for PLs as an escort. If sex work gets fully decriminalized, and escorts can say in their ads HJs only or which orifices are available, I'd think that would be the end of strip club extras.
"... I am willing to bet that a large % of strippers are non-extras girls. There maybe a few clubs where that go against the norm. I assume that any dancer I meet won’t do extras unless she tells me differently ..."
For the most-part extras-in-the-club is not dancer-dependent but local-ordinances-dependent - most clubs that don't have extras is not b/c all the dancers in there choose not to have them, nor b/c the owner decides not to have them, but b/c how strict the particular city is w.r.t. mileage in clubs (cities w/ extras-clubs are the exception) - depending on the city, one does not have to assume anything about extras; generally if the city is lax, there will be extras-clubs and extras-dancers (e.g. Detroit, Miami, etc); and if the city is not lax (e.g. Orlando, etc), then there won’t be extras-dancers nor extras-clubs (w/ few exceptions).
I have yet to meet a dancer at FC, LS, BTs, Bogarts, Criket, etc that didn’t do extras. Just a couple that don’t do fs. When will U.S. catch up to other countries where it’s legal? Fkk Detroit has a good ring to it if you ask me
If anyone in this thread didn’t notice this thread was started for Flight Club in Detroit which by reputation is definitely an extras club. It’s not really talking about strippers in a general sense across the country.
FC is still very much an extras club. The op just ran into the occasional exception. They won't be around for long unless they find a few desperate suckers willing to give them big bucks just to sit and talk.
I don’t believe only non attractive dancers do extras…
I’m an extras girl however some of my best nights I didn’t have to do anything with the guy.
I’m pretty, a fitness instructor, been in 4 magazines, college educated, world travel etc…. I do what the fuck I want when I want to do. I may work for months and won’t care to do anything then boom one night I’m down for a wild time.
I’m a wild girl. That’s all nothing more nothing less.
To return the discussion to the original topic……No I haven’t noticed an uptick in non extras dancers. Since FC became an extras club I’ve only met one dancer who didn’t do them, and that was probably ten years ago. And sorry desertscrub. The economy has nothing to do with it. Good times, bad times, it doesn’t matter. Extras are a regular thing at the Inkster/Romulus/Dearborn clubs and have been for years regardless of the state of the economy. In fact, some of the dancers I’ve talked to tell me that non extras customers are way way more common than non extras dancers.
Never been to FC, planning to hit this one and all the neighbors by Memorial Day ‘22. However, this is just a general comment. I think the girls that actually like sex will do an extras club. For the girls that don’t really like sex like that, and live in an area where extras are the norm, they will pick a club where the customers that do come in and look to spend money without extras.
I’ve had times where dancers will just walk up and tell me how horny they are and just want to go in the dance/VIP area. Some will show how wet they are and they are in the mood to fuck anyway. So like bharlem said earlier, I just think it depends on the girl and her mindset.
last commentnot going to toot your own horn but you wound up doing that anyway. right. well good for you.
the op simply asked a question and your reply had nothing to do with that question.
guys in cali must have substandard standards regarding girl hotness.
I haven’t clubbed since the Fall but once I restarted clubbing post-Vax in May 2021, I noticed many of the regular/vet dancers that used to dance at the smaller clubs were no longer there and were replaced mostly w/ inexperienced dancers that are not used-to high-mileage.
The big clubs, and the extra-clubs, around me, seem to be pretty-much back to pre-Covid levels.
I don’t think it’s that rare to find some non-extras-girls in extras-clubs especially if it’s a good-$$$ upscale club; especially if they are very-good-looking; sure they may not make the big-extras-$$$ but they’ll probably get enough business b/c of their looks.
I think here in the discussions we are generally very basic PLs, we want to leer at and grope on hot nekked women. But there's another big category of PLs, they seem to go to the club to role play mostly, as wolves of Wall Street, or rappers, or some such. Stripping seems to be seen as more glamorous in the wider culture than it use to be, and I think that's encouraged the existence of role playing PLs. I can see how a lot of dancers would prefer to deal with at least some types of role playing PLs.
Let’s be real clear here, there are very few dancers in dancer groups and on stripper web that have any credibility with me, I’m sure for example half of those so called no extras girls are whoring it up even while making noise about those other girls.
Me personally iDGAF as I never look for extras in the club and I have a few favored girls that I see almost exclusively, But as long as it doesn’t concern me they should all do what works for them, I won’t pass judgment on anyone else
For the most-part extras-in-the-club is not dancer-dependent but local-ordinances-dependent - most clubs that don't have extras is not b/c all the dancers in there choose not to have them, nor b/c the owner decides not to have them, but b/c how strict the particular city is w.r.t. mileage in clubs (cities w/ extras-clubs are the exception) - depending on the city, one does not have to assume anything about extras; generally if the city is lax, there will be extras-clubs and extras-dancers (e.g. Detroit, Miami, etc); and if the city is not lax (e.g. Orlando, etc), then there won’t be extras-dancers nor extras-clubs (w/ few exceptions).
I’m an extras girl however some of my best nights I didn’t have to do anything with the guy.
I’m pretty, a fitness instructor, been in 4 magazines, college educated, world travel etc…. I do what the fuck I want when I want to do. I may work for months and won’t care to do anything then boom one night I’m down for a wild time.
I’m a wild girl. That’s all nothing more nothing less.
I’ve had times where dancers will just walk up and tell me how horny they are and just want to go in the dance/VIP area. Some will show how wet they are and they are in the mood to fuck anyway. So like bharlem said earlier, I just think it depends on the girl and her mindset.