
ever fallen asleep at an SC?

from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
Saturday, July 6, 2019 9:37 AM
lol who woke you up? i'm sure we've all dozed off for a quick minute


  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Sometimes the chairs are so comfortable you just want to. I didn’t but a friend did at the Clubhouse in Dallas. Can’t blame him the chair were fucking awesome there. He kept being woken up by an angry dancer wondering why he was even here if he was going to fall asleep. The talent there didn’t help her case though.
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    I have, a couple times. The last time was at Sapphire in Vegas, and that was because I had been awake for about 36 hours at that point. Stayed up all night after waking up at 7am the previous day. Went to Sapphire around 4pm, did an hour VIP, then sat in a chair watching the stage and fell asleep. Bouncer woke me up and booted me out, thinking I was drunk. Ubered back to my hotel and slept for about 14 hours straight lol.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    I have not but I was in a club that was 18 and up once and was told this story by a bouncer. Someone brought their nephew for their 18th birthday and he had been drinking. He passed out and they found him after closing. They closed at 4 am. The uncle came back about 5 looking for him 🤣🤣🤣
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I dozed off for a couple of seconds while I was sitting and chatting with a customer for a while at one place. (Since I gave up on selling dances at that point). Customer wanted me me to go to his house straight after work. I outright told him “I don’t think you want to pay me just to sleep.”
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    I feel asleep sitting on a bar stool at Desires. My buddy woke me up when he came back from the CR. Golf tourney got cancelled and we crank from 8 to 2 before hitting the club.
  • DeclineToState
    5 years ago
    -->@TFP: "did an hour VIP, then sat in a chair watching the stage and fell asleep. Bouncer woke me up and booted me out, thinking I was drunk." You would've stayed awake if you were pursuing the front room makeout session. SJG
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    With my ex, we got so faded we both fell asleep on a couch. They just let us sleep....
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^You probably could 😊 depends on the person
  • rh48hr
    5 years ago
    I guess I'm in the minority, I have never fallen asleep in a club.
  • Member6532
    5 years ago
    I have seen it happen alot, the bars downtown close at 1:30 for the most part and dudes show up shit faced, after realizing they dont have as much money as there friends they sleep on the front couches at the club and wait it out. 2 weeks ago at Papermoon in NOVA I saw a regular of the club pass out in a chair, the bouncers just let him sleep the whole time I was there. I have also seen strippers go to sleep while working, I had 1 fall asleep on me, we were talking (known her first years) and she wasnt feeling well, she just put her head in my lap and went to sleep. I proceeded to get hammered and just continued on talking to other girls, eventually moved her to get a dance.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
  • JohnSmith69
    5 years ago
    I fell asleep at the tip tail at mons Venus. This dancer with hideous fake tits was giving me a fantastic shoulder massage while she was on stage. And I was very very high. Hard to know but I’d guess that I was asleep for 2-3 min. No money was missing when I woke up.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Heh, I've never fallen asleep at the club. And never thought I'd even come close -- I mean, I'm at peak excitement at the club. But it **almost** happened to me. I was at a friend's bachelor party in Vegas, and the friend is much younger than me. So for two days, I partied with guys in their 20s and early 30s, little sleep, more drinking and 420 than I've done since college. Then we went to a SC, and two days of almost no sleep plus high THC level caught up with me. About 1:30am, I started feeling sleep overcome me, and spent about 20 minutes fighting it. Could have gone either way; I got a second wind and stayed up until past 4 when we left. I was an absolute mess the next day, luckily that was last night of bachelor party
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    yeah. i've fallen asleep. in hong kong. clubbin like 20 hours. one of the girls gave me a smooch. nice way to wake up!
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Never. Not will I.
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    No. I don't know how that's possible for me.
  • gothamyte
    5 years ago
    last time i dozed off at an SC is because i had to pick up someone from the airport hours later, early in the morning. what better way to kill time waiting for a 7 am flight to touchdown than chillin at an SC that closes late to help cut the time and make the drive to the airport shorter so i was dozing in and out, sitting in my chair, killing time. nobody bothered me tho
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Got drugged once in the club. I never pass out or fall asleep, can go for 2 days straight. Woke up in a chair and all my money was gone except a $20 for a taxi. Since then I never let my drink out my sight.
  • DandyDan
    5 years ago
    Never fell asleep in a club, but one of the clubs I used to go to regularly when I lived in Omaha would let me go out to my car and let me sleep for a bit. As long as I left my wrist band on, I could just walk back in.
  • H5N1
    5 years ago
    A friend I was with fell asleep recently on the main floor. Bouncers warned him to stay awak. 5 minutes later he's snoozing again and they made us all leave immediately.
  • HungryGiraffe
    5 years ago
    Yes. Went back for a few dances with the Queen of Lubed HJs at Playhouse Lounge in NJ. She got the job done in one song, so we cuddled and both took a nap for a couple songs. One of my most pleasant SC experiences. She gave me my first ITC HJ. Haven’t encountered a better HJ provider yet.
  • Corvus
    5 years ago
    I have never fallen asleep in a SC and would hate to experience that. I would expect all my cash would be gone and car keys and car gone too. What a good way to experience bad things. Damn. Be careful out there my friends
  • Michigan
    5 years ago
    Won't fall asleep in a club. The waitresses told me they will draw on your face with magic marker.
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