The Hardest Part About Stripping Wasn't Taking My Clothes Off
Detroit strip clubs
"Working there was very different from what I'd expected. The things I'd thought would be hard, like taking off my clothes, were easy. What was difficult was that I didn't realize I'd effectively signed up for a sales job. One hundred percent of your job in stripping is to approach people and sell you and your personal brand."……
My lion bud and I had fun with that slut. He fucked her with his BSLC while she licked my cloaca and ate my vulture cum. Good times!
And the Master Class needs its Libertarians to shill for them and get them into power. Then those libertarians will be liquidated.
Right now the most important defense is simply learning the best ways of paying hookers for sex.
The Planets, Organ…
I would imagine women who are the top earners don't feel the impact the way the mid tier girls do but I've heard it from Indianapolis to Philadelphia and points in between ( as well as a few other girls who dance in the West and Southwest) it will not start picking up till the middle to end of September.
I have researched this, and William Burroughs begs to differ. He said:
Now, repeat after me: "Homosexuality is the best all-round cover an agent ever had."…
> And the Master Class needs its Libertarians to shill for them and get them into power. Then those libertarians will be liquidated.
This sounds shockingly similar to the Bolshevik story. Are you projecting?