shailynn: good call on Christies Cleveland

avatar for Dominic77
Cleveland, Ohio


I finally took you up on your recommendation of Christies. Awesome place, very beautiful inside and the girls were very friendly and attentive. I stuck with the $20 dances downstairs and the $25 dance upstairs. The dancers attitude, attentiveness, and selection was just what I was needing. I’m pretty sure I’ll be come back some this summer. It’s about how I’d imagine a Vegas club to be like except on a smaller scale. It was a fri visit between 10 and 12 midnight. I know this sounds like a club ad. But thanks for the suggestion. Sometime maybe I’ll try a VIP room when I get my real job.

A dancer said something funny about how she loves driving to this club after dark because to her she feels like she’s driving to Gotham City. Lol but I had to admit I thought the same too, descending down to the river in twisting streets, driving past the steel draw bridges, industrial buildings, light city bustle, and vapor pouring from the storm drains.


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avatar for eyeofodin
6 yrs ago

there is another positive about Christies verses the two other flats clubs... it does not have a crematorium sandwiched between them so your not wiping off the ash off your car when you leave.

avatar for max_starr
6 yrs ago

How's the mileage at Christies lately?

avatar for Warrenboy75
6 yrs ago

Max--better than any of the other clubs downtown. (IMHO--or not so humble)

avatar for Longball300
6 yrs ago

Better than the others but, it's still O-H-I-O....

avatar for max_starr
6 yrs ago

I'm just spoiled at the Executive's den...if not there, then CH bedford...

but the dancers all tell me that hustler club is "dirty"...I don't know because last time I ventured down Diamond men's and huslter were dead

avatar for max_starr
6 yrs ago

its been years since I was at Christie's...I honestly can't remember what kind of dances I got...

avatar for Warrenboy75
6 yrs ago

When I am in Northeast Ohio if I go to a club it is CH Bedford more times than not.

The one time I was in the Hustler Club it was boring--most of the girls were on their phones or in the back room waiting for a couple of the Cavs players to come in that night. Later I heard from a girl who worked there that I knew from outside the club it was pretty normal for some of the girls to cater to the Cavs & Browns players. Guess I can't blame them but one time there was enough for me.

When I very first joined this board I was cautioned about putting too much detail out there about Christie's downtown and Canton.

avatar for shailynn
6 yrs ago

Thanks Dom. I am in Cleveland a lot, but I do not club there a lot. When I do, I always go to Christies.

I’ll never forget I was there one night with my dad, and we kept buying dancers for each other. Yes we are a fucked up family. We were having a blast until we realized my dad sent a stripper over to me that was the same age as my niece/his granddaughter, that kinda creeped both of us out.

I club a lot in Detroit and Vegas, and I’d have to say Christie’s reminds me more of Flight Club or Penthouse in Detroit than most Vegas clubs. I will say I think the talent at Christie’s is better looking than both Penthouse and Flight Club but they both offer the good ole Detroit handshake which is hard to beat.

avatar for samsung1
6 yrs ago

Avoid a ROB at christies named Nora. Tries to overcount songs then claims u owe her tips. Way too aggressive about demanding tips. Cleveland strip clubs are a waste of time and money.

avatar for Dominic77
6 yrs ago

@warrenboy, I got the same impression about Christies downtown, too. That's what spooked me about saying too much like you say. I will say I'm very impressed with it. but understand that I have limited experience (my 33rd visit) .

@max, I don't think I can forget the dances I got. but understand that I have limited experience compared with many on Tuscl. This might be my new favorite place. I've never been to Executives Den and haven't been to CH Bedford since 2001.

@shailynn, thanks buddy. I don't have any Christies stories. Ambers Lounge aka Amber's Cabaret or the former Platinum horse was more of my family's speed, especially Ambers. Not sure why, probably because it was cheap.

I sort of had a similar creep moment when a couple years back I got a dance from a latina that was a dead ringer for one of my youngest cousins. That made me do a triple take and tried remind myself that it wasn't her, it wasn't her ... turn off brain, Dom.

Thanks for the clarification on the Detroit clubs as compared to Cleveland and Vegas. I've heard about the Detroit handshake.

@samsung, thanks for the heads up on the ROB.

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