
Is anyone else tired of all the trolls

Avatar for impala
impalaThe People's Republic of Pennsylvania

Is anyone else tired of all the trolls in here? The stupid comments, the misdirection from topic, and just pure chaos they create. Can't founder do anything about them? And I'm sure saying this they are now gonna bombard me with comments


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Avatar for twentyfive

Why would they bombard you with comments? Actually this is kind of a trolling post !

Avatar for JimOsterberg

Yes, I am already. Rejoined 2 days ago. If I contribute to that, call me out. But I am not a troll and other than being overly chatty sometimes, I am not a troll nor often mistaken for one. But WTF on this others. What's Admin's policy on trolls? Enough already tijuana_tim and other fucking losers. Not funny, just pointless

Avatar for Cashman1234

The trolls are tiring - I agree. However, this is a largely unmoderated discussion forum - so I simply take the good with the bad. It can be annoying to some - but I don’t think it’s appropriate to ask Founder to censor the trolls.

Just my 2 cents.

Avatar for Subraman

Any minute now, some trolls will respond, and talk about how "funny" the trolls are... with the exception of mamisan, we have the least funny, most tedious trolls I've ever seen. On the upside, all but a couple of the most mean-spirited and prolific trolls are gone now, so it's just un-funny and tedious we have to deal with. I'm guessing nearly all the trolls are alternative handles of a very small handful of tuscl regulars.

That said, we also have a bunch of tuscl regulars who should know better, responding to incredibly tedious alternative-handles like Mtent and giving those handles legitimacy.

Avatar for twentyfive

Everyone trolls from time to time some intentionally, others just lack self awareness.

Avatar for JimOsterberg

It used to be the discussion with specific to the club. That brought out trolls like crazy weren't just asinine like TJ_Tim but always going after you about this girl or that thing. It was a lot of bullshit that eventually made it worthless for some clubs. This format is better in regards to that, but it is presumably harder to engage on a particular club, unless someone reads a review and starts the thread there.

I still prefer threaded discussions, but understand that is passe (is that another thing the Millennial ruined?) I do think this format exaggerates the impact of trolls. They are indeed entirely unfunny, but different than the nasty/hostile ones who try to bully the site. But in terms of exaggeration, I could have sworn this entire site was overrun by TJ_Tim because I saw him/his stupid comments everywhere. But just looked his profile: 2 posts and 15 comments. Not a very prolific troll. But in this format he's visible.

Avatar for PaulDrake

Yeah the trolls suck.

Obviously the most damaging is SJG. Since no one ever challenges him it looks like to a casual newb lurker that he gives legitimate advice.

Avatar for JimOsterberg

And I wish you get edit your post as some of mine read like gibberish, which I only notice after I click "Post"

Avatar for 4got2wipe

No disrespect impala, but you are giving trolls exactly what they want: attention.

Think about it. There are two possibilities for any post:

First, the poster could be saying something to entertain themselves. Whether that is making a serious inquiry, sharing information, or just joking around. If you want to respond to these posts, respond. If their posts don't entertain you then don't.

Second, they could be trying to fuck with people. If so they want people to respond. I suspect they want you to lose their shit. And you just started an amusing thread just for those folk. Only thing you could have done to make it better is to call out specific trolls. That way you would be telling them they're getting under your skin!

At the end of the day just respond to threads you enjoy and don't respond to those you don't enjoy. It's the brilliant way!

By the way, you may wonder why I'm responding to this thread. I find the folks who respond to trolls by starting threads about trolling entertaining. If you end up agreeing with me and just ignore the post you don't like then brilliant. If you continue complaining then it's kind of fun. So it's also brilliant. ;)

Avatar for twentyfive

^^^ Just curious, what would you suggest, that would be different, how would you separate the trolls from the serious posters, and who would be the judge of that.

I mean truthfully I like to have a little fun, so do many others, you would classify guys like Subraman or Papi Chiulo, with maybe a real jerk like Rick Dugan or a bigoted fuck like Gammanut.

The current format may not be perfect but it works pretty well.

Avatar for impala

I've challenged SJG in the past, he just gets nasty and starts calling you names. If you look he has all sorts of comments, but has never left a review. Personally, I feel that if your gonna be able to participate in the discussion section you should at least have had to left a few reviews.

Avatar for PaulDrake

@JimO - Maybe proofread before you hit post....?...?...?

Avatar for doctorevil

It’s not nearly as bad as it was only a couple of months ago.

Avatar for twentyfive

@Impala he is the only ignore on my list, mainly for the reasons you state.

Avatar for gammanu95

There are far and fewer discussion threads begun that are worth reading and commenting on. That is part of the reason I have done more lurking and less commenting recently. Still, once a troll makes itself plain, I just click "ignore".

Avatar for JimOsterberg

@PaulDrake -- yeah, I hear you. And some of my posts look like they're just stream of consciousness. I actually do proof-read before posting, but I just happening to miss a lot of discrediting typos until it is up in the static format.

@twentyfive, I didn't even realize there was an ignore function. That makes all the difference in the world. Using that liberally now.

Avatar for twentyfive

@JO. The problem with the ignore feature is that you miss something genuinely insightful occasionally, but feel free to do just that. I personally am not that thin skinned, that someone being a knucklehead could seriously affect me.

Avatar for impala

I don't know how you could really change it in an open forum like this. I'm just in one of those moods this morning, so to anyone I offended I apologize

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

The troll situation won't change unless founder alters his "light touch" philosophy regarding the practice. I don't see that happening. Telling people to just ignore them never works... because human nature.

I call out those who I think are trolls impersonating legit users (Mtent). I ignore the spoof / satire trolls (mamisan, tj_tim, etc.).

SJG is sort of a unique situation that recalls the line from 'The Sixth Sense': "I see dead people. They don't see each other. They don't know they're dead."

Except substitute 'troll' for 'dead people' and 'dead.' He's both 100% sincere, but also 100% troll, yet lacking any awareness that he's a troll.

Avatar for jackslash

I can tolerate trolls. If I don't like a discussion topic, I simply don't read it. I can also put posters on "ignore" but I've only done that to 3 people in 10 years.

The trolls who are trying to be funny are welcome, IMO. They may not always be funny, but comedy is hard. (And where is Juice these days? Some of his aliases were hilarious.)

The nasty trolls who attack others should be ignored, whether with the "ignore" function or not.

As for SJG, I don't think he is a troll. I think he is strange.

Avatar for Clubber

Having been here since 2000, I've seen the gamut. Don't see me post or be involved much these days. Trolls are a part of the reason.

Ignore was a step in the right direction, but sometimes it is worse than the trolls. EX: In any single topic, there maybe say 30 real comments and 30 troll comments. if those 30 trolls are ignored, the 30 real ones often become convoluted due to many being response to trolls.

Avatar for PaulDrake

Reddit has a thing called shadowbanning that would work well here. Basically a member gets put on ignore for most everyone but they don't know it.

For Tuscl I would recommend something similar. Say if a member gets ignored by 20+ people they start getting automatically ignored by a percentage of everyone.

Avatar for PaulDrake

I would also agree that SJG is not a traditional troll. But the fact that everyone ignores him can be really damaging to lurkers who assume that his advice is legitimate.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

"As for SJG, I don't think he is a troll. I think he is strange."

Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I'd like to have the ability to up-vote or down-vote individual comments and threads, and have that factor into visibility.

Alternately, I can just keep telling SJG that he's creepy as fuck.

Avatar for Warrenboy75

"how would you separate the trolls from the serious posters"

You could verify posters do not post under more than one handle. As a rule board trolls tend to use more than one handle on a board and there are plenty of ways, methods to see if someone is using the same login, same IP address or even same device to post. The days of going to a Kinko's and using a common PC where multiple people in the same city could by chance be on the same device or Internet connection is gone.

Of course this means more work for the founder/moderator/pre-school teacher who runs the site, maybe more time than he/she has or cares to invest but it would cut back on the trolls ( at least as much as sunlight does)

Avatar for tijuana_tim

Don’t be jealous because I have a harem of A-team girls and the best you can do is flirt with an Applebee’s waitress. I am willing to share for a small fee.

Avatar for twentyfive

@Warrenboy75. My meaning was fairly clear, I know how the administrators would figure it out how are you as just another poster going figure out who is who. I personally don’t GAF

Avatar for Warrenboy75

25 neither do I. I've run discussion boards before. Quite frankly as a user we don't have much options but to ignore or tolerate.

I'm pointing out what can be done and who really has the power to do it.

Avatar for Subraman

-->"The troll situation won't change unless founder alters his "light touch" philosophy regarding the practice. I don't see that happening. Telling people to just ignore them never works... because human nature.

I call out those who I think are trolls impersonating legit users (Mtent). I ignore the spoof / satire trolls (mamisan, tj_tim, etc.). "

I agree with all of this 1000%. Even though I bang my head against that particular wall myself, I'm not sure I've ever seen a troll get driven away from being ignored. Calling out the most puerile pretend-contributors like Mtent, and ignoring the satire trolls is my general policy, too, though I break that also. Sometimes a pretend-contributor isn't completely puerile, and then I'll respond because, what the hell, he's making decent threads.

Avatar for JimOsterberg

Yeah despite my original post, I think the ignore button is sufficient. I new am reborn newbie, back after a long hiatus. Mtent f--king hilarious and could be brilliant satire, except the reason he is funny is he is serious. I think he posts are therapeutic for him. If he didn't have this outlet, he maybe doing that around kids.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

If you find the trolls to be too much, and are constitutionally incapable of ignoring them on your own, the Ignore functionality is your friend.

I personally prefer the hands off approach that founder uses.

Avatar for JimOsterberg

When the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Some are trolls and I assume some are inexperienced SCers asking/commenting too-basic a comment which can make them look like a troll - not everyone has a black-belt on SCing.

Also the non-moderation makes it that anyone can ask or post anything no-matter how trivial and seems sometimes some ask/post just for the sake of doing so.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

If a particular poster constantly aggravates you then best to just put him on Ignore and save yourself the aggravation

Avatar for san_jose_guy

The forum turns negative once you have people posting negative meta-narrative. They aren't speaking topically to the other posters, they are trying to create a conversation about the conversation, to attack the other people.

This forum does well because it has very little moderation. But if people want it to have much depth to it, they have to stop trying to start meta-narratives and attack other people. No one would put up with that f2f, and it does undermine this forum. The list of good people driven away, and especially female dancers, is very very long.

And then we do have ignore. I went a long time without using it at all. But finally I had to start.

DrPhil, DrPhil., IME, Meat72, san_jose_gay, tixtittyfag, JimGassagain, Call.Me.Ishmael, SirLapdancealot, L1oydSchoene


Avatar for Warrior15

I think Founder got rid of the worst of the Trolls two months ago. The trolls we have now for the most part are just trying to be funny. I think Mamisan is hilarious. Tijuana Tim just started but he's trying to do the same thing. I don't have a problem with them at all. SJG ......... Well I"m not sure what to do with the San Jose Guy. I don't want to put anyone on Ignore, but him I might.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

SJG trolls from his autonomic nervous system. It's not something that he even needs to think about, like breathing or blood circulating.

Avatar for flagooner

Seriously, what is a troll? Is that when someone uses a lot of aliases?

Avatar for Warrior15

I'll take a stab at that. I think a troll is someone that comes on a board and their sole purpose is to distrupt the conversation. They don't add to the conversation was rather have an agenda. They either attack a specific poster OR try to start arguments each time they come on the board. IE , the guys that came on here and did nothing but attack VinceMichaels. They are gone.

I don't view Mamisan and Tim Tijuana the same way. They are actually posting topics and trying to be funny. Not the same at all.

Avatar for jackslash



a mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance.

Avatar for twentyfive

Troll a term used in fishing where a bait is dragged behind a boat to attract fish.

Avatar for flagooner

Thank you Jack.

I don't know how big he is, but other than that if a mother's basement is the modern day cave that definition fits SJG like a glove.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

You'll never arrive at a singular definition of a troll. It's highly objective.

For me, it is any participant in a dialogue that disrupts, distracts, derails, or attacks other participants and/or the subject of the dialogue.

There's a dial on that definition; some offend more blatantly and often than others. There's also a bias. What some people consider comedy, others call trolling.

As I said, very subjective.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Ugh... first paragraph: 'objective' should be 'subjective'.


Avatar for flagooner

Hmmm. Under that definition an argument could be made that I'm a troll. That definition must not be right.

Avatar for Trish_Club_Lust

Wow! You boys need to get some blow jobs. Then maybe you will not be as cranky

Avatar for san_jose_guy

A real troll is trying to stop the conversation by starting a meta narrative, that is a conversation about the conversation, to attack someone. They are not just posting a differing set of views, they are trying to invalidate people and drive them off of the board.

A troll wants to soak up energy, get people angry at this forum member of that member.

And I agree with Trish above.

And at her club(s) I hope the girls sit on laps and try to get front room makeout sessions going, rather like old style front room lap dancing. Not for free, but not selling booth and backroom dances, not until the guy invites them.

:) :) :)


Avatar for TheeOSU

Warning! Creepy troll above! ^

Avatar for JimOsterberg

Yeah, wondered about that. Either that is a really creepy dude, or an escort with a keen sense of marketing. As it happens, in fact I AM in need of a blow job. But not sure that's going to happen with Trish.

Avatar for ellocohombre

Holy Fuck Impala,50+ comments. Stirred the pot good. Way to go.

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