
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    Biden is the democrats best hope in my estimation and he probably will run but and there are plenty of them......will he even get past his party's nomination process as they keep moving further and further to the left.....as the promises for more free shit keep getting one upped by each of the other candidates. I watched Meet the Press yesterday and the media is so far out of touch with what the middle of the country thinks and feels is important it's pathetic. You can point to the 2000 election as to when it started happening.....Maureen Dowd's comment when she was flying to SF from NYC looked out the plane and declared she was flying over "Moronland"....well the problem with thinking along those lines came back and bit them and the liberals in the ass in 2014 and 2016 and as much as everyone wants to make out 2018 as some great lib uprising I the numbers don't hold to the facts. You can only spin and distort reality so much.....at some point people tune it out. I keep looking for the media to have an awakening and I put a lot of the issues with today's political climate at their feet for the cause.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Mueller Report Released
    Most educated people vote democrat--not really the correct statement would be most people over the last 25 years have been educated to vote democrat and there are a handful of reasons why this is happening. Yet, in reality it is mostly those in along the east coast and in particular the northeast this holds true........while unbiased education continues to erode nationwide the heart of the push is on both coast. Democrats win Black and Hispanic votes --hmm and as a rule does this support the most educated or not? As for the Mueller report democrats are asking for more than what is required, that has ever been required by any investigation. I'd submit if you want to see what collusion really looks like take a hard look at Deb Watch-her-mouth Schultz and Hillary Clinton and what they did to the Bern in the last primary. On a side note I'd like to see Biden run.......and if I was a hard left liberal I'd take a good long listen to what Michael Bloomberg recently commented. This is a liberal who holds true to many of their more extreme big government beliefs and he has come to realize the AOC mindset of the party is going to bury them.
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    5 years ago
    SA banning
    They did away with the money classifications which to some extent does make it more difficult. For the most part I never paid that much attention to them anyway except when I saw someone wanting 10K a month I knew I was dealing with a massive ego or the exact opposite....someone trying to compensate for not having a lot of confidence.
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    5 years ago
    SA banning
    Even before FOSTA as the guy you want to move the conversation off the site and to e-mail as fast as you can and before you talk about any details. I've had girls press me for money in their first response. I try once, maybe twice if they are very attractive, to move the conversation off the topic. If they don't take the hint I move on. Notice I said e-mail and not text---personally I don't like giving out my cell even though it is a burner phone and I don't want to change my number for every girl either......... One last note the site has always been pro female......so he said she said is not going to go your way unless the proof is so overwhelming in your favor.
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    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Do you Ever see Girls Looking at you?
    There's an old line to a movie that the best way to turn invisible is to turn 40 --the punch line is or was to young beautiful women and I think at one time in our society this was true. There is no doubt the times it happens are fewer than what they once were but I still notice it from time to time. I was really an idiot when it came to women until I hit my late 20's. People would tell me afterwards about girls being interested and I never noticed. I was too preoccupied with being one of the guys, sports, making money. I'm not sure what woke me up to this day but for the last few decades I'm more aware and it does happen. BTW Countryman the looking increases with "A Few Dollars More" :--)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    Coolest Pick Up Place
    Jersey Shore when I was younger. At the Kentucky Derby when I was older.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Charlotte, NC
    Tax Time
    There is about two more weeks before you start to see the higher end customers trend down with their club appearances. If I was a dancer I'd be taking Red Bulls to keep going as much as I could because those who do pay taxes have a looming deadline on the near horizon.
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    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Why do ppl buy homes..if u have kids maybe I get it..but I would rather have 50-
    Actually if you can buy a duplex and rent the other half out it is probably one of the better moves you can make. I tried but at the time couldn't get the owner to bite so I ended up buying a home. There are a other variables as well--terms of the agreement, what you are currently paying for rent verus the cost of the house payment, etc.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Why do ppl buy homes..if u have kids maybe I get it..but I would rather have 50-
    I burned my mortgage a few years back--when I bought the house it wasn't anything spectacular but I wanted a place with more room, a yard, and some privacy, a garage for my car. Real Estate was not peaking but had been consistently on the rise where I live. ( the value did take a hit in 2008) but there wasn't really much difference in the cost to rent and the cost to purchase a home. Tax advantages were a reason. Low fixed interest rates. Now there isn't a payment. The value of the place is roughly 2.25 times what it was when first purchased. And it is customized so it has what I want in it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    olivia jade
    Odd thing....one of my family members is home on spring break at the moment so we had a gathering of sorts to talk face to face. She is in school and has a job --her older brother just finished school last year. He had a job within a month of finishing. Actually he does work a second job which he got about a month after the first one from the university he graduated from--small town. Full benefits, makes about 50K a year. Plans on going to med school the following year but wanted to take time off to study for his test. His tution was over 50K a year but somehow he managed to have scholarships in place to cut that down to about half the amount. The school helped him close the gap a bit more ( and yes I paid the balance) So all the blather....and that is exactly what it is.... about not knowing how things are today because we are the blame and we are out of touch is the real bullsh*t. For the most part I ignore the blather on here........but I'm pretty sure we have a few people that were happy to get "participation" trophies as kids and their parents hung them on the fridge and told them how wonderful they were to just show up with a hangnail on their pinky.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    olivia jade
    If you go back at some of my earlier statements you'll see a common theme along the lines of "you shouldn't be looking for a job, you should be looking for a career" and the way to not be underemployed is to make yourself an asset. If you are valuable and can do something needed that others can not or can not do as well as you guess what? You will not be underemployed. What I am stating is only bullshit if you want it to be bullshit. When I came out of college and went back home to where I lived it wasn't exactly roses finding a job either and if you actually read some of the comments I've made I've admitted time and again I didn't hit my stride until my late 20's, but I kept learning, kept improving my skill set, and I never sat in my parents basement for weeks on end saying previous generations are the reason I can't get ahead. As far as listening to Admissions staff....admissions staff's job is what exactly? To find you a career and motivation. Or to help you and guide you based on interaction on what classes you should take and need to get a degree. That's not exactly who or where I would be going for career advice once you leave the confines of the university grounds.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    How do you want to die?
    It isn't bad from Oahu either. I've been to both.Depending on where you are seeing it set behind Diamond Head is really something.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Football star Odell Beckham Jr. traded by the Giants to Cleveland
    The Browns are an elf.....however Chief Wahoo--the Indians-- got bounced due to the same pressure the Redskins are facing.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    olivia jade
    @SJG--I agree. Rich is a relative term for one thing. Many people would consider me rich ( in cash) but I know better. I've generally found however that one way not to be wealthy or to have a happy life is to sit around and complain that someone else ( be it older generations) or the guy next door caused me to not have a fair chance at life.
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    5 years ago
    olivia jade
    @twentyfive understood @sjg--you can do both although I would not consider myself rich in a world where people make millions a year. But I'm comfortable and I've got to see and do more than I have thought I would be able to do when I was a kid growing up. @ the youngsters...for whatever the reason there is a tendency for those 35 and under to think they are the most put upon generation but in reality it's far from the truth. No matter your economic classification there are many things available to you today that were not to older generations. Somehow being given the opportunity to flourish isn't enough. You want it handed to you for free with no equity, especially sweat equity. The world never has worked that way. And as a final footnote the only things you have that all of us have are 24 hours in a day and the chance to make the best life you can for yourself. You really aren't owed anything else no matter how often AOC, Elizabeth Warren, or any far left politician that can't get your vote any other way but out promise the next nitwit of gifts for free sh*t speaks towards.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    olivia jade
    Man....walk away from a board discussion for a couple of hours and it turns into a Sh*tstorm...... Just for the record I graduated in the late 70's from college ( Private school) There was this little thing around called Stagflation....it was something we had never seen before and I don't think we have seen again in this country. I digress but it is another reason I pointed out JC the peanut farmer was about as bad as a leader we have seen in over 100 years. If you don't know what stagflation is I suggest you look it up before trying to do a comparison. Additionally at that time Oil, Auto, Steel all took a hit because of Japan dumping product, not being able to compete pricewise and once again the wonderful polices of good ole JC the peanut farmer. Again I suggest if you didn't live through it you do some research. I was always shocked when people on/in the media talked about 2008 being the end of the financial world and hard times.....it was almost as if they forgot 1978-1981. Keep in mind never before and never since have we seen interest rates that high, and high unemployment with our three major industries crashing. Also I had a job when I was in college--and one during the summer months when I wasn't in school. I'm willing to bet I probably worked just as many if not more hours than kids do today. Did my grades take a hit? Probably. Did I need to do it ? Yes absolutely or college was not an option. FWIW--Stanford is the only school I applied to that didn't take accept me. Colleges cost more today --I know first hand--- but there are also many different options for money than what there were to the average student 40 years ago, scholarships, hardship money, loans.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Football star Odell Beckham Jr. traded by the Giants to Cleveland
    "As to Odell’s maturity, he’s been a good citizen for two years straight. My concern if I were the browns would be his propensity to get hurt" My concern is if he finds the Hustler club in town and finds himself constantly the source of attention of about ten strippers. I haven't been a Browns or Indians fan since I was a kid and haven't lived in the area for forty years but just about every single friend I have in the area is already looking to buy Superbowl tickets.........I feel that is a bit of an overreach but then again to be fair I am a Steelers fan and have been for decades.
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    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    OT: These 10 cities have the most aggressive drivers in the nation
    Actually I'd go DC, Philadelphia, Boston, Las Vegas, Atlanta. NYC has congestion but for the most part people KNOW how to drive in the conditions around them. If you count Northern New Jersey btw they seem to be worse than the New Yorkers.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Best club near dc
    Showcase is BYOB from what I recall. And trying to get anywhere in DC once it hits 2 PM is a nightmare with traffic.
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    5 years ago
    olivia jade
    I checked the list because I was curious.....both my degrees came from colleges in the 40-60 range on the list. I realize rankings are fluid but I was a bit surprised on some the changes in position from only a few years ago. One of the better quotes I heard on this entire matter was this morning when I walked down to a local coffee shop here in my little home town....." Hollywood types have been looking for collusion for the better part of two years.....they never realized it was between their own and the liberal university system"....... This wisdom brought to you by the owner of a small business that I doubt even went to HS since he is from Turkey..........
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Football star Odell Beckham Jr. traded by the Giants to Cleveland
    I'm a Steeler fan......this off season sucks. They needed to get rid of the problem children but the two kids were both at the top of their game and the top of the NFL.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    OT: These 10 cities have the most aggressive drivers in the nation
    Sorry--no DC is BS.......Hands down without a bit of room for variance the worst drivers in this country are in the DC area. And yes I have driven in LA multiple times. It's not even close.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    OT: Question for Millennials and whoever wants to comment
    Good old fashion networking and referral for doing good work is how I keep moving forward. Not for anything and I realize this is becoming repetitive but not all that long ago I pointed out that what comes up on a search via the Internet can be skewed and can be used to control view content. Even used the work algorithm as I recall......and got told I was a conservative nut job for saying so......which all things considered is pretty funny. But to answer CJ' question the Internet will change although I doubt you see anything sweeping for about a decade. There are parts of the Internet that are outdated but the focus now is trying to get everyone equal access, not in how it is functioning or how content is manipulated. Keep in mind when we first started getting on line we did so mostly via a stationary desktop..........not so much these days although I find trying to reply to discussion board post from my phone causes me at times to just not participate or even to be accused of grammar errors when I do. 5G will need to become common place as well before we see the new Digital Highway....that is unless China or some competitor nations causes us to switch focus.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    But at least a nigga, nigga rich
    Here are the top 20 universities where students are turning to 'Sugar Daddies' t
    "Not very smart"
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    But at least a nigga, nigga rich
    Here are the top 20 universities where students are turning to 'Sugar Daddies' t
    I've seen both and dated both---personally I like the Grad Student age or post grad and just out in the real world ( the ones that don't stay at home and live off their parents) My first couple of meets with girls from SA were local college students--I actually had one that would kick her roommate out of her dorm when I would come up to see her. ( yes, I was stupid for multiple reasons) At least she was in an adjacent home type building instead of a full fledged dorm but still it was very smart on either of our parts. They both were really good looking women and at first it seemed like they had their heads on straight--at least on how to use the money but about six months in (both cases) there was a shift in how they looked at the cash--clothing, road trips, tattoo's in one instance.. I've noticed in my own searches there seems to be a higher level of girls on SA from smaller private schools than the larger state one and in some cases in very rural areas ( small towns)