Do strippers ever get emotionally invested in a customer?

I mean, I suppose they can. Anything is possible. I ask this because i assume I'll get a response like "they're human too. They have feelings and emotions like everyone else" and while that is very questionable, i think about my job and other jobs I've had where ive had regular customers, and I can not think of a single one that i care about in any form or fashion. If it's a job like anything else, how is it possible to develop an emotional connection
They offer up an illusion & fantasy (or are supposed to yet too many suck at even that lol), charge us too fucking much, and forget anything & everything about us except those Benjamins & twenties the second they pop their stripper heels & bikini tops back on.
Generally speaking, everyone is better off that way.
They developed very strong feelings for each other. Jump ahead 8 or 9 years and she had stopped dancing, was married, an Uber driver, and waitress.She was Dating age appropriate guys and he slowly backed away to let her go, but kept sending her money. I knew him and about a year ago he told me he had esophageal cancer. He died abou a month ago and I called her to tell her of his passing. She wailed, cried, and interestingly asked me to send her a copy of his obituary “so I can show my father”.
I’ve since seen a public FB post that she wrote about how his passing left a void in her heart.
Now this guy once had a stripper GF who went to drug rehab and when she came out, she went to live with him (and his wife and children). I have no idea how he pulled that off, but he had a way of going overboard.
There are girls I'm casually friendly with and girls who take care of me in the back and it's often best if those don't overlap.
Also strippers do sometimes date and fuck customers. But they are the same kind of guy they would date or fuck if they were a waitress and met him on the job.
I would say the chances are almost non-existent if you first met her in a club it's going to work out. If you met her outside of being a strip club regular your odds improve but it isn't going to be easy.....and happily ever after is still a fairy tale......
Q - Do strippers ever get emotionally invested in a customer?
A - Yes it happens; life is all about connection. Connecting with her and creating a bond that nobody else has is possible. It requires to invest time and effort as well as money, like in any modern human relationship.
Q - How is it possible to develop an emotional connection?
A - If you mean an emotional connection “a bundle of subjective feelings that come together to create a bond between two people.”
Emotional means to arouse strong emotions and/or feelings.
The feelings may be joy, love, sorrow, anger or any of thousands of emotions that humans experience.
It takes two to tango; initially there should be some kind of interest and attraction, physical, intellectual, emotional, social, economic etc. Is kind of friendly relationship that begins to evolve towards an emotional connection and what is called “love”.
If you judge someone by their job then you're looking for the wrong thing; One should never be concerned with a person's job so long as they had a worth ethic and are a good person.
If a person is intelligent, honest, kind, giving, fun, caring, etc., in my experience with them; the status (in society's eyes) of their profession should irrelevant to you, but we know that is never the case.
If what they do as a job is something I found morally wrong, however, there's no way I'd consider dating them.
A healthy emotional connection in a couple is mandatory if the relationship is going to be able survive the rigors of modern life.
personally, I think most strippers don’t carry a high opinion of strip club goers and are highly unlikely to date them or see them as a potential boyfriend or lover or fuck buddy or husband or anything along those lines
For me personally, I still haven’t been able to shake that quality in myself entirely. And the biggest reason why I don’t care to cultivate regulars.…
The thing is,like many of the others, I think it doesn't happen often. And much worse yet, you (as the customer) are not capable of identifying it. If you're fucking her for free, that's probably a good indication that she's invested. If you're not, then I can almost guarantee she's better at ACTING invested, than you are at identifying it -- I personally believe, right down to my bones, no matter how smart I think I am, that even a 21-year-old stripper can fool me into thinking she's invested, and so it doesn't pay to make guesses. The mere fact that you're asking about this may be a little bit of a warning sign.
From the strippers I've dated, not a single one ever talked about customers when talking about their day at work. They'd talk about club drama, about their friends, the manager, how drunk everyone got, etc but never anything like "hey so and so came by and it was so great to see him again." The most I ever heard was bragging about how guys came in asking for her when she wasn't in and everyone told her.
That said, I know dancers who ended up marrying guys they met as customers.Most were older women. But still.
If you do date a dancer you meet at the club, its coz you're her type and with that it doesn't matter where you meet her. Other than that, she may like what you do for her and feelings can grow from that. But that's with any woman...its not specific to dancers.
But relationships with dancers aren't easy. They often don't make the best life choices...sometimes they're really afraid of what they feel. They want this hard exterior and want to be hustlers and think they finesse everyone, but when they feel something they realize they're not and they don't always handle it well. They're the types who do crazy shit when they love you. Pain, pleasure, love all gets blurred.
I think everyone else (including me) misread the question -- emotional entanglement does not have to imply sexual attraction.
I guess when it comes to just caring about customers though, I don't think dancers care....never knew one who did. Its like in any service sector job...
Lmfao... is tittyfag really gay? I think he has a boner for you... Awwwww
The point of sex work is to sell intimacy. Its not exactly surprising that some strippers might grow emotionally attached to a guy they rub up on and cuddle with every week.
Strippers are no different from other women and it is always a mistake to forget this.
Led Zeppelin - Achilles Last Stand (Live Knebworth 1979)…
A good/valid rule-of-thumb is if you can't score similar civilian-girls' affections, unlikely you've "struck gold" inside the strip-club - PLs thinking they've found genuine "love" in a strip-club are a dime-a-dozen and 9 times out of 10 these guys are played and clueless.
Many of these girls already have S.O.s, they don't go to the club looking for "love/Mr-Right" - they go to the club looking to better their situation and that is mostly making as much $$$ as possible by any means possible including manipulating/puppeteering PLs - and it is often the PLs that gotta ask if it's real or are in awe of it happening to them, that are usually being played.
A dancer genuinely liking a PL and it not be about the $$$ is about as common as a dancer genuinely liking to suck your dick ITC b/c "your dick is so awesome and it's not about the $$$" - everything is about the $$$ when dealing w/ strippers w/ few exceptions - not that there's anything wrong w/ that - just don't look at it w/ rose-colored RIL-glasses.
PLs and dancers are at the club for opposite reasons - the PL is there to have a good time, enjoy himself, and for many b/c of loneliness or lack of (hot) female-attention - the dancer is there to pay her bills - it's business for her and pleasure for the PL and why the PL gets confused b/c his need is being artificially-fulfilled - it's a mirage and like a mirage it looks and feels real but it's not - her needs/wants for being in the club are different than the PL's.
If dancers developed this "bond" with custies they fucked, they wouldn't be so flaky which is basically avoidance until she has no choice (broke and need$ to deal w/ the PL) - and if dancers developed this "bond" they would not drop out of sight and cease all contact w/ PLs once they leave dancing (w/ few exceptions)
I recall one dancer with whom I had a very nice heart-to-heart chat. I never had her dance for me but I did give her a nice tip after our chat.
I should probably add that our chat was all about her.
The next time I returned I looked for her but didn’t see her. I eventually accepted the company of another dancer. When the young lady I had chatted with last time came in and saw me with another dancer she reacted like a wife would upon seeing her husband getting frisky with another woman.
I remember the look of shock on her face and how she turned abruptly & headed back into the drsssing room.
I certainly did not expect that reaction from her.
Never ran into her again.
But ultimately I had to put the brakes on because I just couldn't handle her job. Anyone who has romantic ideas about what it's like to date a dancer should think again. If you have any genuine feelings for her, it sucks. Not only because of what she told me about her night, but worse, because of what I could sense she was holding back. It was a Catch 22 in that she had a young boy to support and couldn't afford to quit, but the relationship was nowhere near far enough along for something like moving in together, especially with a child in the picture. So I walked away before I caused her or myself any more misery.
You'll also read plenty of girls on SW who meet guys in clubs, so it happens. But we are normally talking about age appropriate stuff. Any 60-70 year old guy who thinks that a 25 year old girl is getting overly emotional about him in a romantic way is kidding himself. Stories like gawker's and others are SD arrangements, pure and simple. Sure a girl might care about the old goat on some level, but viewing it as something romantic on her end is kinda' silly.