
How do you want to die?

I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
Wednesday, March 13, 2019 1:26 PM
A character from a favorite series of books once said he want to die while having sex with identical triplet cheerleaders then being stepped on by an elephant. I don't think I would want identical triplets but 3 or 4 incredibly hot women who all look different but amazing and as I finish I truly finish. You?


  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    I would like to be skiing deep powder through the trees at a high rate of speed, catch and edge, hit a tree and die on impact.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    I want to die at age 100, jumping out a stripper's bedroom window when her jealous boyfriend arrives home early.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    I'd like to die on my road bike; most certainly not in a nursing home.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    I want to watch the sunset from Maui, Hawaii.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    ^^ The sunset is fantastic from the west side of Maui. I used to think I would want to live to 100, but now I"m not sure I want to deal with the aches and pains of being in my 90's. So now I'm thinking in my sleep on my 90th birthday. No pain, no suffering, no hospitals. Just go to sleep.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Warrior, so try I don't want the aches and pains. I'm planning my final sleep on my 69th birthday. How poetic.
  • Warrenboy75
    5 years ago
    It isn't bad from Oahu either. I've been to both.Depending on where you are seeing it set behind Diamond Head is really something.
  • steeldog65
    5 years ago
    Its is great from Kuaui and the big island too.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Maui holds a special place for me Then I'm going to send my ashes to Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, my last resting place
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I would enjoy fucking a sexy girl on the beach - as the sun sets - and remembering everything about it. Remembering the softness of her skin, the smoothness of her body against mine. The taste of her lips - the taste of her pussy. The smell of the salt water - the smell of her hair - the smell of her pussy. The feel of her pussy as it wraps around me - the smooth wetness inside of her. The sound of the waves - her moans - everything. Then I’d drift off to sleep after she leaves - with the memory of an experience as close to perfection as I can imagine...
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @cashman1234 Nice!!!
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    Not in a strip club, maybe in a stripper, but mostly some way I wouldn't mind being remembered.
  • Piggie
    5 years ago
    What cashman said...
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    yes. what cashman said.
  • bang69
    5 years ago
    In the Campine room of a strip club. With my dick balls deep in a strippers pussy
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    Camping? In a strip club? Really bang69? You are kinkier than me!
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    In my sleep in tj my paradise
  • bang69
    5 years ago
    @ countryman5434. I use to work in 2 sc's in ATL
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    @skibum: Just out of curiousity, was Sonny Bono your hero?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Peacefully and pain free
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    What is with these retarded threads lately?
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    Special needs threads you callous bastard.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Since I have never Partook in drugs other than alcohol, my goal at age 99 is to smoke the biggest doobie laced with LSD along with a HOT 80 year old hot female (my wife). This way, I won’t really know if I am dead or just in a hallucinogenic stupor and thus life goes on!
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    ATACDawg - when I read his post I thought of Sonny Bono too.
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