olivia jade

avatar for JamesSD
Mommy and Daddy bought her way into a mediocre college (USC is more for rich kids than actual smart kids). She seems like a stupid spoiled princess.

I would smash that ass so hard. I'll be honest I always enjoyed rough sex with spoiled little rich girls the couple times I got to enjoy it, and usually they like to get nasty in bed.

Look her up yourself, I'm too lazy to post a pic.


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avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Its a school for smart kids but not geniuses.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
Professional schools like law and medicine are not so bad at USC
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Their undergrad is still good. Ranked 23. No it's nor MIT, but still top25.

Also if you didn't get into USC u have no right to talk. LOL
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
Oh USC has great professional schools. And the film school is really strong.

But I'm not sure it's top 10 in California. Definitely below Stanford, CalTech, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCI. Maybe on par with some of the second tier UCs like Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz.

It's not a terrible school, but if you have to cheat to get into USC as a rich kid that's saying something about your abilities.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
I'm stunned the undergrad at USC is ranked above Michigan and NYU.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
I'm stunned the undergrad at USC is ranked above Michigan and NYU.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ that doesn't sound right
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Its definitely above UCSC and the othrr uc

It's way above mediocre. Below Michigan amd nyu , but above almost everything else.

It's #23 .
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I guess she's the one that said she wanted to go to college to go to the home-games and to party but o/w she wasn't interested in school - what a brat
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Shouldn't have to cheat to get in ..that's her problem . as a school tho it's right under ucla in Cali.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
I just can't Fuck girls who's values don't align with mine. I can recognize them as good looking but I lose the desire to actually touch them or have sex with them.
avatar for captainfun
6 years ago
One of the most messed up things about this story is that the parents aren’t really doing their kids any favor by trying to get them placed way above their ability to perform. One kid got an 1,000 on SAT on her own. It was improved to a 1,400. So, this average intelligence kid “gets into” Yale and struggles from day one because s/he just can hang with the material, other students, teacher expectations.
avatar for captainfun
6 years ago
Actually 1,400 wouldn’t get you into Yale unless you were disabled, poor, and from Vietnam. That was just an example.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I’m trying to understand how this differs from Legacy Admissions, it’s really not that different
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
Legacy admissions is another issue
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
University of Stupid Children.School rankings are a joke. At an alumni fund raiser for my frat I met some guy names Jack Welch. A lowly grad of lowly Umass Amherst means nothing until you see that during his 20 years runnung GE, he increased the value of the company ny %4,000. Phi Sigma Kappa baby.
avatar for Warrenboy75
6 years ago
I checked the list because I was curious.....both my degrees came from colleges in the 40-60 range on the list.

I realize rankings are fluid but I was a bit surprised on some the changes in position from only a few years ago.

One of the better quotes I heard on this entire matter was this morning when I walked down to a local coffee shop here in my little home town....." Hollywood types have been looking for collusion for the better part of two years.....they never realized it was between their own and the liberal university system".......

This wisdom brought to you by the owner of a small business that I doubt even went to HS since he is from Turkey..........
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
College admissions are already ridiculously fucking biased.


avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
So now we’re gonna criminalize behavior that used to be considered normal, I get the inherent unfairness of the system but this is getting out of hand, why not force the schools to standardize admissions and stick to them instead of creating a new loophole every day
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Why not let PRIVATE schools determine their own admissions criteria?
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ I’m ok with that as well.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
As long as the left wants free admission for everyone, why not just let everyone pick where they want to go to school or pay them not to go?
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
I work with young people daily and the idea that sending them to college isd a wise investment is idiotic. They have the work ethic of a sloth.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Cant have a shit work ethic when youre top 25 % at UT Austin at the minimum when all u knew ur whole childhood was deprivation and domestic violence :)))

Can have a shit work ethic when you're about to get that juris doctor in about two yrs for free or minimal debt

Stfu skibum
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Can't have a shit work ethic when you work hard working 2. Jobs and going to school full time...which is what millenials do. Oh..and they grew up in a rougher economy unlike older generations .

Tell me something older ppl do that millenials don't??? LOL
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Rougher economy? Whiny and wrong. The 70's economy wasa nightmare and Iwould love to see whiny millenials trying to buy a house with 17% mrotgages. Millenialls whine. That is what they do. They go to colleges that have "safe spaces" in case words make them wet themselves. Theyu have helicopter parents. Useless, whiny, self-imprtant, entitled children. We get resumes and unless they are over 50 they go in the trash.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@Nicole don’t take this the Rong way, usually people get the diploma then they brag about it
Best way to shut anybody up is to accomplish not talk about what you intend to do like the people at Nike say “Just do it”
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
It doesn't take much of a work ethic to make it to the top 25% of a group if that group has a reputation for having a terrible work ethic.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
The same house that cost $100,000 adjusted for inflation in 1970 now costs $250,000.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
In 1970 an average man didn’t even earn $200 a week now average man earns over three times that amount that was not even relevant to this convo
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Except our group doesn't have that reputation LOL
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
That figure was adjusted for inflation. The real price of an average home was $25,000.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Worse economy ppl
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Even if we did Have that reputation .the caliber of the students doesn't reflect difficulty of the exams..which is based on the quality of the research here, and we are top rsrch university LOL.

Law schools and grad schools only care about gre and gpa for the MOST part(they get hired to do this) and flahooner won't be the one giving me a 70% tuition scholarship to get my JD ..the law school I choose to attend is gonna give me that LoL.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
#JD for free
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Stanford and Berkeley are very overrated. USC is a great school...and has been so consistently.

But I'd never judge anyone on where they went or didn't go to school.

The problem with so-called top tier schools in general is that the students are very sheltered, can't apply what they learned to the real world, can't cope with reality very well. Many now suffer an early life crisis when they leave school and realize that no one cares about their grades or how they ranked or what they learned.... The point of a college education is to learn a skill you can apply. Most students/graduates now can quote text books and can memorize, but can't apply anything worth shit and lack critical thinking skills and or the ability to apply them to real world situations.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Y'all are idiots bc instead of factoring in cost of living and taking into account the fact that men in older generatioms made a salary that allowed them to buy a house whereas the median salary today does not allow that, u only focus on salary .LOL.

Of course you'll have a skewed picture if u only look at salary as opposed to salary compared to housing cost
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Y'all are idiots bc instead of factoring in cost of living and taking into account the fact that men in older generatioms made a salary that allowed them to buy a house whereas the median salary today does not allow that, u only focus on salary .LOL.

Of course you'll have a skewed picture if u only look at salary as opposed to salary compared to housing cost
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Y'all are idiots bc instead of factoring in cost of living and taking into account the fact that men in older generatioms made a salary that allowed them to buy a house whereas the median salary today does not allow that, u only focus on salary .LOL.

Of course you'll have a skewed picture if u only look at salary as opposed to salary compared to housing cost
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Grad schools look at what courses you took and the only grades that they really look at are for classes in your major so long as you meet the minimum requirements.

Law Schools look at more than your GPA.... your LSAT score is the most important thing, who recommended you and why you want to go to law school...
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
wages are shrinking coz of inflation and shit n shit
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Icey I'm not asking for advice....if you domt think its a numbers game you don't know rhr minimum of what even the least competitive applicants know. Thx
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
The top 25% of a group of retards is still a group of retards.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Also they receive hundreds of applications.they domt have time to read every single course description ...so mainly as lomg as u don't take all intro courses youre fine
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@flag if you knew anything about statistics maybe you wouldn't be a retard.

The kids who are in the top 10-15% arent competing with kids at the median.theyre competing with kids who got into schools like Cornell (I'm a living example lmao) Vanderbilt Michigan nyu etc
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@flag except isn't top 25 from a group of retards.....its getting mainly A's on tests administered by top professors
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
#flag is an idiot..
#even if Nicole was top 30% instead of top 10-15% she could get dat JD FOR FREE LOL
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Nicole, I know what I'm talking about....

Flagooner, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz-ds_Rj…
avatar for George123789
6 years ago
This whole story is hilarious when you think about the impact on that family’s gene pool.

To begin with, mom and/or dad have been successful in the entertainment world through luck of the draw and made bank. Now that they have money they are raising spoiled little twits. Said little twits have enjoyed mom and/or dads attention and cash for the past 18+ years. Now mom and/or dad want their little twits to go to school, be successful and contribute to our democratic society.

Unfortunately said twit wants to go to school to drink, smoke weed, pop pills or suck cock. This twit will only be an embarrassment to the school and take away from the education of real students.

In reality she should shave her pussy, buy some stripper heels and start entertaining men who work for a living somewhere like Dallas or Atlanta where she has to actually do something to get money.

Once she figures that out she will probably do pretty good as long as she sucks enough cocks back in the VIP. In her favor she is easy on the eyes and as long as she isn’t a terrible fuck, she could get guys to pay for a piece of her ass.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
olivia jade is fugly though
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Y'all are idiots bc instead of factoring in cost of living and taking into account the fact that men in older generatioms made a salary that allowed them to buy a house whereas the median salary today does not allow that, u only focus on salary .LOL.

Of course you'll have a skewed picture if u only look at salary as opposed to salary compared to housing cost
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Y'all are idiots bc instead of factoring in cost of living and taking into account the fact that men in older generatioms made a salary that allowed them to buy a house whereas the median salary today does not allow that, u only focus on salary .LOL.

Of course you'll have a skewed picture if u only look at salary as opposed to salary compared to housing cost
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Y'all are idiots bc instead of factoring in cost of living and taking into account the fact that men in older generatioms made a salary that allowed them to buy a house whereas the median salary today does not allow that, u only focus on salary .LOL.

Of course you'll have a skewed picture if u only look at salary as opposed to salary compared to housing cost
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Y'all are idiots bc instead of factoring in cost of living and taking into account the fact that men in older generatioms made a salary that allowed them to buy a house whereas the median salary today does not allow that, u only focus on salary .LOL.

Of course you'll have a skewed picture if u only look at salary as opposed to salary compared to housing cost
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
My Father started working in 1938 and stopped in 2000. He made over 50k once in his life. Buying a slab ranch with no garage, 985 square feet, no ac, no appliances, one car in the driveweay, was affordable. Still plenty of house like that, but greedy people always need more. As far as Cornell? My Dad went there after NYU. My mon went there when she met my dad and transferred from Brown. I have two first cousins who went there. One has a business degree, one has a law degree. I was born there, in a hospital, that is now a dorm on the campus. Big fucking deal. I compete with overrated ivy leaguers every day and when I was in law school and on the moot court team, my law school kicked the shit out of the fancy assholes from harvard. Being blue collar we then went out, got drunk and smoked weed. Niceole whining about a house with 5% mortgage rates, makes you seem ill-informed as when I graduated mortgages were 15 - 18%. Cost of living is a bitch, but pretending it is worse now is just idiotic. Go to Huffpo and tell me what those idiots have to say.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Gee @Nicole I have many men and women employees the majority of them are married with children I’d guess that 70% of my employees own a home rather than rent, everyone has at least one car most have not gone past two years community college, most of my employees have been with me longer than 5 years 3 have been with me since 1989, should I keep going or are you do you know something I don’t ?
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Skibum, It must have been nice to be white during segregation/apartheid and when sexism was rampant, enjoying the privileges of being a white man when women and minorities are barred from competing with you.

25, having a mortgage to pay vs owning a house are two very different things. Also, your guesses trying to claim an exception don't disprove the facts
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
I'm biased towards the hard sciences but Berkeley is amazing. Lots of genius Cali kids smart enough to pay in state tuition.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ Having a mortgage to pay means that you have actually proven that you can manage your own affairs shows a measure of stability and gives you a stake in a community where you’ll realize it’s much more fun and satisfying to build something, than to tear things down, something you’ve never experienced or even will.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I'm not bragging about Cornell so u can stop misunderstanding me. I brought it up bc it. Using it to show a point that had nothing to do with bragging to someone who is not u @ Skibum

I would never brag about Cornell.I would only brag about Harvard.LOL
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Lmao Icey losers always have an excuse. Whats yours little girl? Berkely produces what? Community activists? We were capable of throwing rocks and blocking traffic when we were 7.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Bribery by billionaires and the Hollywood elite is the only reason I didn't get into Stanford.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
@Icey:”Grad schools look at what courses you took and the only grades that they really look at are for classes in your major so long as you meet the minimum requirements.”

No, competitive grad schools look at GRE scores, grades, and recommendations are extremely important.

@Icey: "Stanford and Berkeley are very overrated.
No, both are world-class and competitive in different areas.

@SkiBirther: "Rougher economy? Whiny and wrong."
No, college costs, adjusted for inflation, have skyrocketed over past thirty years, wages have remained flat. And student loans are almost impossible to discharge under bankruptcy. Millennials face a much more difficult economy. You’re school made top 144 again this year, @SkiBirther. Congrats!

I was just reading about Olivia Jade for the first time and didn't realize the magnitude of the scandal. The FBI investigation (called operation varsity blues) also targeted schools like Wake Forest, Texas, Georgetown, UCLA, USC and Yale. Coaches at these schools accepted bribes in return for admitting students as athletes.

Paying off proctors of SAT exams is also incredible. Lol!

Looking at Oliva's picture, I think she has a bright future in porn. Student/professor porn would be most appropriate.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Bragging about Hravard is pathetic. Judgment in the mail today, Harvard educated asshole turned down my offer on custody, made while the Judge was writing her opinion and demanded big money. Oops final score lowlife blue collar lawyer and client 35 - harvard educated smary asshole and rich client 0. We got joint custody and are paying 1/2 of what they want and 30% less than I offered. Harvard lol. Whatevah.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
No one wants to fucking pay debt

Can u plz stop acting like going 100 k.in debt is normal ??

And I'm not the one complaining as I pan to attend law school for the price that people pat for undergrad so I can graduate with minimum debt and be able to my own house Debt free .tbh why woukd I even save for a house unless I'm making 120 k.

If I dont get my dream legal job and make avg lawyer salary, I will just make that money and pay off debt in two years max..and live in nice apartment my whole life and pur my savings in bank instead of for a house so I'll have at the minimum 100 k 5-6 yrs after school saved up with no debt

I'm just defending my peers!! Lol they should not feel bad about complaining about having to go 100k in debt to provide for their kids amd to pay off school.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
The University of Massachusetts at Amherst, was created by statute to serve the children of blue collar workers. Some asshole who thinks a berkely education is worth something and denigrates Umass is just a left5 wing douche who in reality is a know nothing. Too bad Obama wasn't bornm in Hawaii and the thought makes you shit yourself old man. I am proud to be blue collar; proud to be a product of the projects; proud to have paid for my education; and proud to have made it on my own. The fact people I consider useless are critical of that means nothing, which is the total combined human value of all democratic candidatyes for president. Which one will lose to the asshole Trump this time?
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Sorrrtbi didjt mean I would brag about Harvard , but rather harvard law not bc of their salaries which idgaf about since I'm a government major .but bc of it graduating powerful politicians ..anyway that topic is irrelevant ..moving on.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I'm just defending my peers!! Lol they should not feel bad about complaining about having to go 100k in debt to provide for their kids amd to pay off school.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I'm just defending my peers!! Lol they should not feel bad about complaining about having to go 100k in debt to provide for their kids amd to pay off school.

^this is relevant topic
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
If your peers were not stupid they'd live at home, go to a local jr. college for minimal, get their degree from a school ranked 144th for less than 50 k and then get a job andwork their way through grad school.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Skibum, you deny that your father's success was not impacted by the fact that he was a white man during segregation and that Blacks and women could not compete with him? You deny that segregation/apartheid had nothing to do with white men's perceived success back then?
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
What about Cornell Law School, is that for losers too?
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
I deny it 100% Icey. You can pretend all you want otherwise. Progressives are simnpletons and you are their king. My cousin went to Cornell Law. Federal prosecutor, who married wealthy and is now a stay at home Dad. He spent 7 years on Wall Street before going Federal, carrying another lawyer's trial bag and during that 7 years I tried 150+ cases. We all make choices. I am pleased with how mine turned out, especially my marriage.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
That's what I did..thankful I did that myself..but even doing that just guarantees no debt..doesnt guarantee job security .
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Its a tougher economy bc rhr bachelor's degree is now the new high school diploma , but years ago it was the ticket to comfortable life
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Skibum, you're a Nazi poster boy if you truly deny that segregation/apartheid had nothing to do with white people's perceived higher level of success back then.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ Excellence and hard work creates job security more than anything else, if you’re not doing your job well the business is gonna fail, there’s nothing that is perfect, but lots of things are very good.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Excellence and hard work don't create that job security in an OVER SATURATED MARKET LOL .
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
And that's bc it numerically can't

It doesn't take a genius to understand that there is only so much that can be done when supply exceeds demand by at least twice as much.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ Even in oversaturated markets the cream always rises to the top
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ but if you learn to give a good blow job...
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ LOL, that was meant for Nicole.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
I hear about this bribery. How hard is it to get into USC. I think not that hard.

Now faking your way onto an athletic team, that would be another story.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
25 and Skibum, you're telling me that not allowing women and minorities to compete with whites, didn't benefit white success during segregation/apartheid?
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
25 year cream is white huh and it does rise to the top is a white centric racist society
avatar for Warrenboy75
6 years ago
Man....walk away from a board discussion for a couple of hours and it turns into a Sh*tstorm......

Just for the record I graduated in the late 70's from college ( Private school) There was this little thing around called Stagflation....it was something we had never seen before and I don't think we have seen again in this country. I digress but it is another reason I pointed out JC the peanut farmer was about as bad as a leader we have seen in over 100 years. If you don't know what stagflation is I suggest you look it up before trying to do a comparison.

Additionally at that time Oil, Auto, Steel all took a hit because of Japan dumping product, not being able to compete pricewise and once again the wonderful polices of good ole JC the peanut farmer. Again I suggest if you didn't live through it you do some research. I was always shocked when people on/in the media talked about 2008 being the end of the financial world and hard times.....it was almost as if they forgot 1978-1981. Keep in mind never before and never since have we seen interest rates that high, and high unemployment with our three major industries crashing.

Also I had a job when I was in college--and one during the summer months when I wasn't in school. I'm willing to bet I probably worked just as many if not more hours than kids do today. Did my grades take a hit? Probably. Did I need to do it ? Yes absolutely or college was not an option.

FWIW--Stanford is the only school I applied to that didn't take accept me.

Colleges cost more today --I know first hand--- but there are also many different options for money than what there were to the average student 40 years ago, scholarships, hardship money, loans.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ You’re just stupid period, I dunno whether you’re white, black, or light fuschia what did any thing I had to say have anything to do with race, you’re a moron if anything you hold yourself back. Try to follow the bouncing ball, not The voices in your head
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
The amount of ppl who are in that cream diminishes as supply exceeds demand.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ not to you Warrenboy to the idiot posting above you.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^The amount of people that are in that cream is always going to be a small percentage but if you’re diligent and about the work you can be the cream not the chaff
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
Well the economy of the late 70s and early 80s was very different from the economy of say the mid-late 60s which was absolutely thriving.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
25, most people want a lot more out of life than just to be getting rich.

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@25 not in an extremely over saturated econ.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Top political science jobs only hire from like 5 schools sooooo LOL

Thank god I'll be able to go to law school with minimum debt.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^ Nichole, I look forward to what you will become when you graduate.

avatar for Warrenboy75
6 years ago
@twentyfive understood

@sjg--you can do both although I would not consider myself rich in a world where people make millions a year. But I'm comfortable and I've got to see and do more than I have thought I would be able to do when I was a kid growing up.

@ the youngsters...for whatever the reason there is a tendency for those 35 and under to think they are the most put upon generation but in reality it's far from the truth. No matter your economic classification there are many things available to you today that were not to older generations. Somehow being given the opportunity to flourish isn't enough. You want it handed to you for free with no equity, especially sweat equity.

The world never has worked that way. And as a final footnote the only things you have that all of us have are 24 hours in a day and the chance to make the best life you can for yourself. You really aren't owed anything else no matter how often AOC, Elizabeth Warren, or any far left politician that can't get your vote any other way but out promise the next nitwit of gifts for free sh*t speaks towards.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
All of you millennials (on this thread) seem to have one thing in common, you all have a million pithy sayings that you think excuse you from not trying, I never said if you try you will guaranteed succeed, but I am saying if you don't try you'll surely guarantee that you will fail,
One thing I know from my life is quitting is never an option for me, and if you buy into that quitters mentality there is no question that you will lose,
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Warrenboy, for many people there are just things far more important than trying to get rich. Everything involves trade off, and people need to learn to be honest with themselves.

avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^That's just moronic, neither Warrenboy nor I, are talking about getting rich, but with your loser mentality you cant fathom the truth, there are many things that are fine in this life, but you don't enjoy anything, so how can anything be explained to you in a manner you would be receptive to.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
25, look in the mirror, and you will see the moron.

What people invest their attention into, that is where they are.

avatar for Warrenboy75
6 years ago
@SJG--I agree. Rich is a relative term for one thing. Many people would consider me rich ( in cash) but I know better.

I've generally found however that one way not to be wealthy or to have a happy life is to sit around and complain that someone else ( be it older generations) or the guy next door caused me to not have a fair chance at life.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^ Warrenboy75, I certainly hope that you are not in anyway directing that admonishision at me. The last thing I need, and the first thing I will not tolerate is someone trying to tell me how to live.

Second, most of the world is living in denial, denial of ways in which they have been used and abused. The only way forward is to try and face the truth.

Denial and conformity is no way to live, not at all.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
25 you believe that if you lost everything today. you can just go out work hard and get it all back? lmfao
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I've generally found however that one way not to be wealthy or to have a happy life is to sit around and complain that someone else.."

hey warren boy thx for the advice but millenials do not reflect those "sitting around"..these are ppl who have sent hundreds of applications among other things. hard to stay sane if you took out so much debt.

Proof what u and 25 spew is bullshit is that even admissions officers know that students' chances of getting hired is limited unless u go to the right school or live in a big city for some majors.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
and i know yall are gonna come back and hit me with that "sending out xyz applications is the minimum" BUT THAT ISNT THE MAIN POINT LOL

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
It has nothing to do with your school or your grades. Jobs requiring higher degrees aren't being created.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Icey I'm not talking about where u go to school in a reputation sense. For instance , its hard to make use of a poli sci degree if u live in the middle of nowhere..
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
So we are essentially saying the same thing.bc my statement is a result of the phenomena u just stated.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Its hard anywhere. The jobs just aren't there. Its even hard for degrees like nursing.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Stupid is not the exclusive province of young people,there are plenty of stupid people of all ages, but not trying is stupid, and unforgivable at any age.
Excuses are the hallmark of quitters. Lots of excuses out there.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
25 so if you lost everything right now you could just go work and make it back coz you're not lazy or stupid?
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Hey @25

There are people under employed (havent found a job after college that allows them to have thousands of dollars in the bank ) years after college(years after trying ) obviously...they didn't quit.they haven't found anything after YEARS lol.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I Meant allows them to save At least a couple thousand in the bank*** (the reason. 4 getting a degree in first place)
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Maybe like over 50% of the population is under employed, maybe more.

People who do things well are drawing from their entire personhood, not living by practicing denial.

And people who let people try to "motivate them" need lessons from SJG on how to put people in their place.

avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
Excellence and hard work is a great way to get job security in a cog in the machine mid level corporate job.

Playing politics matters way more once you reach a certain level.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ How do you put people in their place loser tell them they're all having fun Rong, you haven't accomplished very much in your life, hows that organization coming along, Is it you and Icy getting sexually satisfied by inflatable stripper dolls, how about that road trip, have you made it past the front gate, and the two of you are going to lead a revolution, of woke Mexican Putas, to be the vanguard of the Un Liga Salvaje y Loca; let me know when and how you plan to teach that lesson I'll be sure to get there in time for the festivadades
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
James, political consciousness raising gives people the kinds of tools they need in order to create options. But trusting corporations will usually result in disaster, as well as just slow agonizing death.

25, You know nothing about me. Have you ever actually met anyone f2f who would let you go on like you do? If you tried it, you would find out how people get put in their place.

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@James the girl in ur pic has Really good boobs
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
They like pop out !! Hahah
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I know you are a bullshit artist, you make blanket statements about inane things, then you send me PMs asking all kinds of questions about construction and engineering details, always trying to pretend you know something about everything, I know this you are a pussy and you'd never meet anyone f2f same as txtty and icy you three are phony as fuck and im done responding to any of you.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Well 25, it sounds like you have learned, that you can't go on putting your presumptions on to people, not without being put in your place.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
20fag, you're a pathetic little man threatening others who are across the country. you sound real tough. 25 so if you lost everything right now you could just go work and make it back coz you're not lazy or stupid?
avatar for Warrenboy75
6 years ago
If you go back at some of my earlier statements you'll see a common theme along the lines of "you shouldn't be looking for a job, you should be looking for a career" and the way to not be underemployed is to make yourself an asset. If you are valuable and can do something needed that others can not or can not do as well as you guess what? You will not be underemployed.

What I am stating is only bullshit if you want it to be bullshit. When I came out of college and went back home to where I lived it wasn't exactly roses finding a job either and if you actually read some of the comments I've made I've admitted time and again I didn't hit my stride until my late 20's, but I kept learning, kept improving my skill set, and I never sat in my parents basement for weeks on end saying previous generations are the reason I can't get ahead.

As far as listening to Admissions staff....admissions staff's job is what exactly? To find you a career and motivation. Or to help you and guide you based on interaction on what classes you should take and need to get a degree. That's not exactly who or where I would be going for career advice once you leave the confines of the university grounds.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@Warrenboy they’d rather be bitching about how we have ruined their opportunities let them be to their own sad story, we know they’re just a bunch of losers, blaming everyone except themselves for their failures.
avatar for Warrenboy75
6 years ago
Odd thing....one of my family members is home on spring break at the moment so we had a gathering of sorts to talk face to face.

She is in school and has a job --her older brother just finished school last year. He had a job within a month of finishing.

Actually he does work a second job which he got about a month after the first one from the university he graduated from--small town. Full benefits, makes about 50K a year. Plans on going to med school the following year but wanted to take time off to study for his test.

His tution was over 50K a year but somehow he managed to have scholarships in place to cut that down to about half the amount. The school helped him close the gap a bit more ( and yes I paid the balance)

So all the blather....and that is exactly what it is.... about not knowing how things are today because we are the blame and we are out of touch is the real bullsh*t.

For the most part I ignore the blather on here........but I'm pretty sure we have a few people that were happy to get "participation" trophies as kids and their parents hung them on the fridge and told them how wonderful they were to just show up with a hangnail on their pinky.
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
Wondering if she's getting offers from porn companies to shoot scenes once she's expelled from USC?

Since porn seems to favor incest themes currently - possibly a scene with her mom would help with lawyer fees - and mom & dads bail money...
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Every generation has a higher and higher standard of living and it seems as it may be accelerating with time.

Seems many young people wanna have the lifestyle their parents provided that likely took their parents many years to achieve - seems many young people wanna get out of school and have a high paying job, a nice house, and a brand new car, and they want it now and they "desrve it" just because - seens many young people have a hard time starting from scratch after being spoiled by their parents that often times made them think they were more special/talented than they really were.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@Warren I got over half tuition scholarship from a school with 50 k tuition as well Soo idle ur point but whatever
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Twentyfive wrote, "Stupid is not the exclusive province of young people,there are plenty of stupid people of all ages, but not trying is stupid, and unforgivable at any age.
Excuses are the hallmark of quitters. Lots of excuses out there."

No 25, no one needs any excuses, not to make to you, or to anyone else.

Papi, Many many people are finding it very hard. A local elected official, transplanted here from the East Coast, lamented that what really opened her eyes was when she learned that some of the teachers in her daughter's high school, even one that was her teacher, are homeless, living in their cars. That really surprised her.

It has been lamented that not only can SJSU professors not afford to buy here, they cannot even afford to rent here.

@Warren, quite frankly the work hard and get ahead ethic is one of the main things which hinders people in working hard, educating themselves, and doing well.

Of course things will all be completely different in the organization I am building.


David Gilmour The Strat Pack 2004 All 3 songs
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@SJG you can tilt at windmills all you like it still won’t make you Don Quixote
To the rest of you younger people you can deny Issac Newton’s law of gravity you still won’t be able to fly without some form of propulsion
Very few ever get anyplace without hard work and even those lucky enough to win the lottery need to buy a ticket.
Nothing I have ever gotten in my life came easy and chances are it won’t come easy for you, but it’s not anyone’s responsibility to take care of you so stop being such a whiny little bitch and go out and make whatever you want happen
Drop mike
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I think we're one of the first generations in a long time to have less opportunities than our parents
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Your parents limited your opportunities raised you with no ambition or drive, don’t blame them you’re supposed to be grown figure it out crybabies.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^^ Icey is correct and this was being substantiated by economists going back to the early 1980's.

And 25, you really need someone to tell you f2f STFU! And to tell it to you so that you know that they really mean it.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
25, you need someone to make sure that you understand how stupid you are being.

avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ anytime you think you’re man enough I’ll let you know where you can find me
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
25 believes that if he loses everything he has, he just has to work hard and will get it all back in no time.

Five charts show why millennials are worse off than their parents

The millennial disadvantage is real: Most millennials are worse off financially than parents
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
25s just a troll. all he does is mock everyone he disagrees with, calls all facts contrary to his sheltered opinions stupid and threatens to beat everyone up...
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
Huh, wonder what happened in 1990 that caused so many boomers to lose their homes.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
25 will say they were lazy and didn't work hard enough. And if you disagree you know where to find him you lilly livered whippersnapper!
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^ 1990 was the Bush 41 recession. People were just fed up with Reagan era post Vietnam defense spending. Also, as Bush had said of Supply Side Economics, "Voodoo Economics". Just a temporary over consumption over production boost. Then crash.

Finally during the 1992 Campaign Bush had to admit, "I just didn't get it."

And even Michael Dukakis said that it was just money being made by "Sharp operators", where as he stood with the lathe operators and the milling machine operators, who were getting shafted.

Good book:

25 wrote, "^ anytime you think you’re man enough I’ll let you know where you can find me"

25, When action is necessary I do not shy from it. But no, I am not an a**a**in.

avatar for AZFourTwenty
6 years ago
If you have a college degree in this economy, and you have been unemployed for a long period of time, you either studied the wrong things or you are stupid.

From what I hear OAC has a degree from a prestigious college and was a bartender for seven years. After being exposed to the public, it is obvious she was unemployed not because of her field of study, but because of her lack of intelligence and sense.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Blaming a lack of jobs on the average person is ridiculous.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
The social imperative of "get a job" is what holds most people back.

avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
I googled who this was. She is ugly in the face, lol!
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