
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Millennials are cool
    Male millennials = passive aggressive. They appear to go with the flow until they are behind a keyboard or an I Phone............then they have balls the size of boulders.
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    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Old Men In Strip Clubs....
    Let's start with what do you consider old? And if old is an age or a state of mind.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I wonder how much a Chik-Fil-A franchise costs ?
    I thought you could not own one. The cost is artificially low but Chick-fil-A owns the restaurant.....unless something is changed.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Season - Remaining Games.
    I recall saying the 76ers and the Raptors in the East--I never saw the Bucks coming. I also recall multiple times saying the move to LA was not going to be the end all be all for LeBron or the Lakers. I would not bet against the Warriors.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Are you a drinker?
    I lived in a frat house for one year but I was a member for three and a half. I admit I preferred off campus apartments to living either in the dorm or the fraternity house. I very seldom drink beer anymore. Red Wine of Scotch in the winter months and Scotch over ice --nothing mixed in.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Are you a drinker?
    I'm a frat rat as well so the days of drinking the keg until it was gone or the garbage can punch are memories. I also was a bartender for a few years. It's been decades since I was hungover the next morning. I still have my times where I catch a buzz but I don't drink anything sweet, don't mix what I drink in a given night, and know when to stop myself.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    LOL at politically well connected men on campus who are "afraid of Muslims" but
    I don't pay attention much to her comments but from memory I thought she was a UT student? Most of the ones I know wear cowboy hats and drink Lone Star Beer, drive Chevy trucks and have their left hand permanently into a" hook um horns" position..........nothing she says seems to add up.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Disconnect explained
    I also notice that when liberals don't have answer they tend to attack the messenger instead of provide an intelligent response...... Over the years as I found myself drifting away from the democratic party into independent status one of the things that always struck me funny about the call to arms for higher taxes is that the details became less and less definitive. And then I realized why. In the past when an increase was passed to support XYZ did you ever find that it either 1) solved the problem or 2) after the stated time of the needed increase the taxes ever reverted back to the lower level. As for an direct answer to RA--there is a difference between getting ones facts straight and simply adding a word to Nobel. And how many times to you need for me to acknowledge it? My facts and comments are consistent. I don't recall losing an argument. What I do recall is simply shrugging my shoulders and realizing that everyone with an open mind ( which excludes you when it comes to politics) understood my point. Why waste more time and effort when it's like trying to herd cats? As for disappearing I do tend to log on and then not come back to the board for hours or even a day at a time. I wouldn't consider it disappearing as much as having a life. I feel I am pretty level headed, even in dealing with you when your shorts are in wad and causing a rise in your voice to come through on your typed responses.......hopefully I crossed all my "t"s at the correct height....and I don't have any upside periods in my response. I
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Feeding on Nidan thread about extras and non-extras clubb
    For the most part I go with no set agenda with the exception of a budget I want to spend. Very rare in the last few years for me to make an appointment with a dancer before I show up to the club. Part of it might be because I use SA as well and the clubs fill in the open spaces I have with travel. I'm not one to sit in a hotel room and watch TV at night and if I don't have something else lined up a club is one place I can end up.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Disconnect explained
    Fair share is a crutch statement when logic can't be used to prove a point.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    How do you know you’re becoming a RIL before it’s too late?
    Generally you don't realize it has happened until you are one. I've been down this road once.....but I knew her before she became a stripper. Not that it matters in the end. In a club if you keep in mind the main reason she is there is to make money and not to be your companion it keeps things in perspective. I've had dancers ask me if it is okay if they take the stage...or if they can go say hi to someone. I appreciate they asked but really they don't need to. If you come in my office and I get a client call I am going to excuse myself and take the call.......in reality that is all she is doing.....except with less clothing.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Disconnect explained
    SJG--no offense but I am trying to decide if this is correct or Dylan Stableford Senior Editor,Yahoo News If it should read Dylan Stableford is a senior yahoo......I place this as example one of when I talk about media bias....the problem is when some guy comes along and drinks down this Koolaid as news because the guy is a Princeton Grad and four of his friends give him a trophy.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Disconnect explained
    Change for the sake of change doesn't make sense...even if your entire platform was built on one word "Change" As I asked someone in 2008 am I a progressive because I change my underwear everyday? The concept of change should be tied to other concepts such as improved efficiency or increased revenue, or more economical ( which doesn't seem to apply to the federal government)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Which is More Likely
    I wouldn't even call it a conspiracy theory at this point --it seems very odd to me we have a media wanting to probe as far up the colon as they can about every other candidate over the last 20 years but wanted to gloss over just about everything and anything concerning Mr. Obama. Now if you want to know what I feel is the most odd is the mysterious disappearance of the various photos of Rod Blagojevich and Obama together that at one time were available to see ---and then Obama claimed to have never met him..........and then changed his story to state they were in the same place at the same time once or twice....and then poof just like Keyser Soze the photos were gone. In this case it isn't something that happened in the deep dark past or in his days before he became a political figure.....it was something that happened during his run for president--actually the time line goes from right before his run to right after elected for the nit pickers--and it was a political seat for sale....graft. corruption. The kind of stuff that someone should have been investigating. The Obama administration and Obama himself were always very good at playing their audience the way a magician's assistant does--diverting attention away from what you should be watching.........
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Disconnect explained
    I'll stand by a statement I have made repeatedly both here and in other venues.....the longer a politician is inside the 495 beltway the odds increase they will put the needs of those they represent further down the list from their own and other special interest. Doesn't matter the party or where they are from. It's either in the air or the water not sure which but it has to be something that ingest all of them. The term progressive as I understand it came about because no one for a period of time wanted to be known as a liberal. From what I have observed on discussion boards in cyberland most of the progressive/liberal posters are the ones you can not have a logical conversation with no matter the topic or time line of which something occurred. Although I do not agree with everything Trump has said and done there is merit to what he meant when he wanted to clean out the swamp and there is merit to believing the swamp will do anything and everything to hold on to what they feel is theirs.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Was Obama a dogshit POTUS?
    Actually they can print their own money and there are also a handful of other options they could pursue. They do own a press located in Athens or one of it's suburbs but it is only set up at the moment to press EU 10 notes. The question is wouldn't this destroy the relationship with the ECB? BTW this is an example of picking nits or looking for the upside down period and then screaming grammar error........I knew what you meant......but they CAN print money and they could retool their press to even print Drachmas
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    “President Trump speech at CPAC (Mar. 2, 2019 Conservative Political Action Conf
    I live in a democratic stronghold twentyfive and here it's pretty close with a slight margin to someone else besides Trump but the unemployment is low, and the economy is doing well--including housing--- which they are breaking ground on so many developments around here I have no idea where all the people are going to come from to buy the things. And the problem with "someone else besides Trump" that choice isn't on the ballot. I don't have a crystal ball and a lot can happen in two years but right now my perspective based on this area and where I have travelled over the past six months when it comes to reelection I would not count him out.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    “President Trump speech at CPAC (Mar. 2, 2019 Conservative Political Action Conf
    James that's part of my point and it isn't lost on me much of what we are seeing with Congress starting investigation after investigation is they know it as well. The goal is to make Trump weaker, not necessarily impeach him. I'm a firm believer there is a silent independent voting block and it was that block that put Trump in the first election. At what point does Congress by doing nothing of substance but go after Trump sour them? If they are soured who/how do they vote. It's very hard to bring down a sitting president when the economy is considered good and unemployment is low. If you watch the news the country is on fire......if you actually go outside and talk to your neighbors and people in general the level of angst is a lot lower than what we see from the talking heads.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    “President Trump speech at CPAC (Mar. 2, 2019 Conservative Political Action Conf
    I certainly don't think he is a lock but if not Trump I'm curious who? Doubtful it is going to be a Pub or an Independent and the way the Dems are moving further to the left unless someone jumps in (Biden as an example) who is going to move them back to left/center? As for being a clown....a clown is better than someone who practices self proctology..........and when I look at the current class of people running for president from the democratic party I don't see anyone that has seen the sun shine for years.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Was Obama a dogshit POTUS?
    I'm curious if AOC isn't really Al Gore dressed in drag with some "corrective surgery".........although a case could be made a lobotomy would have been needed to really be corrective. Is there any record of the two of them being seen simultaneously.......... This post brought to you by the same liberal logic being used by Congress.......
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Was Obama a dogshit POTUS?
    I'd prefer since I work for the money I make that I have the right to choose where and to what cause I give it to as a charitable deduction. Despite the MSM profile of conservatives there are a fair amount of people who do donate their time and their talents to help people in need. I'll make the same statement I have before--would you give a meth head drugs? I alcoholic whiskey? Then why would you give a spending junkie more money to piss away? Our government has proven time and again they can't match the private sector in the ability to get the most value for the money they spend.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Was Obama a dogshit POTUS?
    Icey--I disagree--it doesn't require an education based on college. If you are skilled and you do it better than most you are going to be in demand. When is the last time anything ( except health care) has increased at an astronomical rate in this country? The problem is when we have people going to college for degrees that are not in demand. Unemployment has been low the past two years--something Trump seems to get zero credit for happening...........but if it was Hillary chances are she'd be on the cover of Time Magazine for Person of the year.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Was Obama a dogshit POTUS?
    The number one rule in being successful in this world if living in the USA is have a skill in demand. As long as you are good at what you do and what you do is in demand you have a better than average chance of financially being comfortable. Fitness to be is not just physically fit but well rounded. There are still plenty of homeless people and people who need help. For me personally it is appalling when it happens to our Veterans or children but I will also state with experience sometimes the hardest part is getting people to want to change. The question in my mind however is who can reach the most people and have the best success rate in providing everyone a chance at a better life....and in my mind it isn't always/normally/ the Government.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Things strippers like....besides money and drugs
    Crab Legs, Typically anything having to do with the local pro basketball team, pitbulls, getting their nails done, wanting to be in a rap video, Binge watching shows on NetFlix.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Trump walks away from bad deal
    Neither one nor five is accurate with what I said. If you don't know that more the pity--but I have a feeling you do. I realize this might be hard to believe but life does take precedent over this board and the time I spend here. Sometimes other contributions do a very good job of stating the correct answer. Do I need to write "ditto" for you to realize I read it a day or two later?