
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    NCAA Football
    That isn't a newsflash Buckwheat a lot of people myself included were concerned about that game. If you don't know why then it probably is you that needs the news flash. https://www.irontontribune.com/2018/10/16/injured-osu-starters-returning-to-defense/#// for starters. Being that you come from the weak side of the SEC and on top of that played some "guy" named Austin Pee........to tune up for that tough one against Middle RockyTop tells me all that I need to know. But for icing on the cake you slipped in Mass during the middle of your conference schedule. Is that the game that makes you concerned about running the table? LSU's offense is what makes them suspect but they are playing tough ( Got that QB from some place that seems to have the knack for making big plays....where did he transfer in from again?) Most people with an ounce of sense realized a long time ago the deck is stacked for the SEC for the bowl games for years and now the championship.
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    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    I was going suggest either a new career with Burger Death or possibly a Convent....
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    6 years ago
    Smart Cars
    My neighbor has one..........I constantly give him shit about it but his wife is a tree hugger and she bitched him into buying it.
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    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    NCAA Football
    I watched a lot of football this past weekend.....I've convinced if you are a linebacker in the state of Ohio you can't tackle a running back to save your life--includes OSU, The University of Cincinnati, the Clowns and the Bengals. Of the four I'm only a fan of OSU but I have some serious doubts at this point they are a top five team. Alabama and Clemson yes. Not so sure LSU doesn't belong in there as well. Notre Dame beats USC and they are in, if not look to Michigan. ( as much as anything having to do with a Harbaugh and a Wolverine kills me to give a +1)
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    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Who Is More Cool?
    Better music and cool are two different things. Stones---on cool it's hard to beat Keith Richards. Tom Petty----at one time this would have been close.....no more Bruce has turned into a poser. The Who Foo---did you not notice my board handle Billy Joel--I like old Elton......but Billy Joel has Big Apple cool down to a science
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Horror Movies
    The Shining Misery The Blair Witch Project
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    6 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Horror Movies
    lol-the horror of Thelma and Louise starts with watching it.
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    6 years ago
    New York
    Worst Discussion Week in TUSCL history
    Troll aversion.
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    6 years ago
    Is anyone here a sugar daddy? Why do you do it?
    "It's fun to read about people who spend $3K to $4K a month on sugar babies or strippers" "they call a SD who pays even $5k/month a unicorn -- at the very least" Cost by itself isn't the issue as the value received.
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    6 years ago
    New approach to dating strippers
    Good lord....................................smh
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    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Date at the Olive Garden: when to pop the question??
    Don't take her to Olive Garden.......take her to Red Lobster....order crab legs for her........she'll say yes to anything.
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    6 years ago
    Is anyone here a sugar daddy? Why do you do it?
    I'm not going to bother to sift through all the comments above but I've used SA for over five years now and it's my preferred way of meeting women. Each relationship is different --the terms, the expectations, and the cost. The advantages, especially if you find a good partner far outweigh escorts, dancers, or if you travel like I do trying to meet women directly. I date where I live. I "sugar" where I travel to, especially in areas I visit on a regular basis.
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    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Who would have thought?
    daddyfatsack we all learned that lesson from Porkulus.....I mean the Stimulus package of 2009 where we created......wait I mean saved or created.....wait I mean saved or created or people didn't quit because we backfilled their teacher pensions.....I mean wait saved, created, backfilled select benefits for state employees of liberal states, and bought lawn mowers and claimed them to each be worth 25 jobs............but I digress. Or wait included census workers........some of them not just twice but thrice as we laid them off and rehired them and counted each time as another job......... I kept a very close eye on this crap when it was happening because it was beyond a joke in the area I lived............. Understand I hate all BS equally......but that includes Obama BS as well no matter how much the media wants to hide it. If you hate dumbasses named Palin ( and I did) then it's okay to hate the ones named Pelosi. ( and I do) but judge them both equally.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Who would have thought?
    https://www.industryweek.com/economy/reshoring-rise-what-it-means-trade-debate General is correct--and HP isn't the only company.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Who would have thought?
    I will say he has done or attempted to do what he stated during his campaign although I could do without some of the theatrics that come with his outside the beltway persona. For that +1 And a lot of what he says about our allies and trade agreements is true. I recall Chrysler and Ford both bitching up a storm as far back as 1980 about the unfair tariffs and then the Japanese dumping steel. And NAFTA killed most of the light industry auto/steel jobs in the Midwest. So +1 there And he kept the Hildabeast out of office although I notice the stake wasn't deep enough in her heart as she seems to be trying to rise up from the dead and run again. +3 with that one. I could go on and like I have said the man was not my first choice by far but he was my last one........thank-you Deb whats her name Schultz for that one.
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    6 years ago
    Are strippers generally unreliable people?
    ^ twentyfive wins the most astute comment award without a doubt. And it goes beyond strippers. Women in general and especially those in the 30 and under age group use time and lateness as a way to power trip.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: Fantasy Football League
    Week 6 and I don't have my starting receivers all in uniform and playing again---and one of them Doug "unlucky" Baldwin I am debating dumping. I picked up the # 3 receiver from Tampa Bay since they are playing the Falcons and Atlanta's pass defense leaks like the Titanic. Not sure which one to play and one of my other starters is on a bye this week..........every other position is pulling their weight.........
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Season Starts Tuesday
    For the most part I agree Celtics and Rockets but I do think the Lakers built a team of puzzle pieces that simply do not fit together as a team. Toronto and the 76ers will be interesting to watch in the East.
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    6 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Stock market and interest rates. Told you so!
    Just a few observations --a 2600 point drop would have been 10%. To me that is when you consider it a correction. If you were invested in 2008 this is mild. 2007-2008 was Mr Toad's Wild Ride. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Toad%27s_Wild_Ride I'm in my early 60's and I am still 70% equites but overtime the equities I own have become more conservative. It beats overpaying for bonds. There are numerous ways to invest in Real Estate but I've never done well in anything but local to me. REITS and managed trust never have for me at least performed what was promised.
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    6 years ago
    question of the day....
    The stigma will never go away and I'm not even in agreement it has lessened. It's lessened within certain segments and cultures and much of that has to do with the past few years of the Rap music industry and with what I would call second tier movies., but overall no. Some things to consider---- ever hear a young girl when asked what she wants to do when she grows up say I want to be an exotic dancer/stripper? The attraction for strip clubs to have porn stars as their 'famous guest" or host. It helps the club make money but does it help the overall image of the industry The occasional act of violence/shootings that happen in the lower tier clubs.
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    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Name 4 of the most hated ppl on tuscl.
    I don't know a single person on here..........simply their board persona............there is a difference in many/most cases. My intuition tells me a few people are close if not exactly as they seem.....those are the ones I tend to trust.
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    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    How has FOSTA affected the Sugar Baby sites ?
    I'm still using SA but I don't use it for one night stands. Never have. SA has changed in the last year. To me the quality of women in terms of looks as well as the way the women market themselves is different. I had an arrangement in one of the places I travel to for work often that ended in September and had lasted about nine months. Grad student. As Shailynn mentioned many of the women have found finding a guy who really has money is harder than they thought it would be via the site. It causes a lot of the girls to be defensive up front--the downside. The upside is when they realize you are going to treat them right the tend to be grateful. Flagooner I will say I've been fortunate enough to find girls who really are not playacting. That will go the extra mile in numerous ways to keep me happy. Random Member and I seem to have the most similar circumstances from what he comments on here. Last girl I saw was an ex Hooters girl who decided she didn't like being grabbed for tips while trying to serve wings at a quasi sports bar.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Classic Rock
    Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Hendrix and the Experience to me are the starters of Heavy Metal ( that is unless you want to go even further back to Link Wray) And if you don't know who Link Wray is for the younger group do a look up of the tune Rumble.