
Classic Rock

Everything written by this member is a fact.
What does the genre include?

I know there isn't a concensus, but i agree with the Urban Dictionary definition over Wikipedia. Maybe it's because I'm straight up gangster.




  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I think of "classic" rock as any rock music that is not current . My preference is 80's & 90's, but that is probably because of my age. But even something that came out 10 years ago could still be considered classic as it is not recent.

  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    If you grew up in or near Cleveland WMMS.......if you grew up in or near Philadelphia WMMR....to me these two FM radio stations were about as close to the best you are ever going to find ever.

    The best thing you can do today for an example........"Alexa, play Classic Rock"
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    Metallica is classic rock. Any music that is too wussy to be heavy metal is classic rock. Or any music made too late to be real Rock and Roll.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I always thought of classic rock as music from the mid sixties till it became disco dance music, and some of the music from the early eighties might qualify think Bob Seger or The Eagles.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Since Michael Hutchenve was the last Rock Star god created, I consider anything made after his death to be pop, not rock. If it was made before Michael Hutchence died, it still can be considered classic rock. Whether it’s good, great, or bad is up to preference.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    boston, def leppard, sting, police, lawrence welk come to mind.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Love the Lawrence Welk reruns. Helps me go to sleep.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    maybe not lawrence. lol
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    There’s a channel on Sirius called “classic rewind” and it plays what it calls the “2nd generation of classic rock” pulling songs from the mid 70s to the mid 80s.

    As far as I’m concerned I feel mid to late 80s and prior is classic rock. 90s was dominated by grunge and industrial as well as some heavy metal, no classic rock.

    On this channel they play: Van Halen, Rush, Dire Straits, Cars, along with the bands misterwonderful mentioned. The afternoon segment is actually broadcast from the Cleveland Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

    I’m absolutely sick of new hip hop and EDM so it’s refreshing for me going back and rediscovering these songs I remember that my dad and older siblings listened to. I especially have gotten into the material that Eric Clapton, Robert Plant and Warren Zevon released in the 80s.
  • ime
    6 years ago
    I think of it as mid 60's through 70's rock. You can always tell the era from the sound.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I remember back in the 70's when I was working for Western Air Lines. We were transporting Mr. Welk and his orchestra. An "urgent" message came across the teletype. "We have lost the bubble machine. Please search all areas for it."
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    ^^^ good point, “class rock” of the 80s was taken over by the new synthesizers of the time. If you listen to Robert Plant interviews today it sounds like he’s not to proud of a lot of his 80s material looking back. For me I love it as I liked the incorporation of synths, probably why I love None Inch Nails so much.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    my loose definition of classic rock is pretty much anything that teens used to listen to before rap became popular (and us old farts will willingly listen to.) this modern gangsta rap trap is not my preference.
  • Longball300
    6 years ago
    Do yourselves a favor and listen to the (hard) rock bands of today. They live on Octane and Turbo. Shinedown, Breaking Benjamin, Halestorm, Pop Evil, Three Days Grace to name a few. Like I tell my friends.... put down the AC/DC and Metallica 8-tracks and keep up with the times. Here you go:

  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I guess i've always thought of it as its own genre and not an umbrella that includes soft rock, heavy metal, new wave, punk, glam rock, rock and roll, ...
  • rockstar666
    6 years ago
    Late 60's to early 80's AM on later FM radio standards on a rock station. It's a big genre though.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    For me anything from 1965-1990 but I exclude disco music.
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    I can’t define classic rock but I know it when I hear it.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    JS69 is exactly correct!
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I guess I agree. JS69 knows it when he hears it.
  • goldmongerATL
    6 years ago
    I liked Lawrence Welk's vanity tag

  • rattdog
    6 years ago
    regarding metallica would i be correct to assume that classic rock stations would only play cuts from the black album, nothing before or after that?
    sometimes i hear green day on the nyc classic rock station? how the fuck are they considered classic rock?
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    Classic Rock to me means Led Zepplin, The Who, Pink Floyd, ELO, ELP, and bands like them. Definitely NO DISCO!
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Everything from the Beatles and stones to the late 70s and early 80s rock before hair bands took over.

    Essentially it's everything my dad liked and nothing that was too new for him. So no grunge, and definitely no metal.
  • playfulsteve
    6 years ago
    it all changes....... but I would imagine most feel its 60's/70's rock...... but to give an example to change. The local 'oldies' station here in LA (KRTH: K Earth 101), was heavily known for its oldies (think 50's stuff that would play at latin back yard parties etc), has now slowly become the 80's channel...... the 80's are now 30 near 40 years ago, so it is now the oldies......... even though we still call it new wave or flashback etc.....
  • Harderlap
    6 years ago
    Pretty much everything before February 3, 1959. Rock and Roll died that day.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    If you want to open the windows and crank the volume, it’s likely classic rock if you’re over 40 years of age.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    If there was one song that defined Rock and Roll : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbmS3tQJ…

    And yes, I did acid in the 70's. :--)
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Huntsman, I dunno about that. Most people about 45 now love u2, but I refuse to call it classic rock. Most GenX music isn't classic rock.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Hate U2, and I don’t consider them classic, more alternative like Green Day and Foo Fighters.

    As far as heavy metal, Black Sabbath’s album title “Sabbath Bloody Sabbath” started the genre. That first riff opening that song created the metal scene in the early ‘70s. Black Sabbath is the one band in my eyes clearly can fit into classic rock and heavy metal, all in the same sentence. The Who, Van Morrison, old Fleetwood Mac prior to Peter Green leaving to join a cult, those are some classic cuts with obscure Donovan hits. I want a strip club to play “Down on the Dirty Boulevard”, and I’m willing to throw down $50 for the DJ to do it with my ATF spinning on the pole!
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^^ Sorry, I meant Lou Reed with Dirty Blvd.
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    I’ve had diamonds in my teeth for 20 years. My rocks gotta be classic by now
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Hendrix and the Experience to me are the starters of Heavy Metal ( that is unless you want to go even further back to Link Wray)

    And if you don't know who Link Wray is for the younger group do a look up of the tune Rumble.
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