
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    I am a hot girl on Seeking Arrangement... Day 1
    Rule # 1--get the conversation off he site to e-mail and then telephone Rule #2--meet for coffee or drinks ( which might turn into dinner if the conversation goes well and needs to be extended) Rule # 3- She'll let you know what your next move is.......
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    I am a hot girl on Seeking Arrangement... Day 1
    If you read some of my previous comments you'll get a similar account in that many of the women on SA when they meet someone who treats them well, has manners, and doesn't have a hump on his back , they are pretty intent on sealing the arrangement quickly. Certain areas seem much worse than others for bottom feeders ( Northeast Ohio being where I hear the most complaining about Splenda Daddies) DC seeming to be the best area for people being who they say they are ( who would have thought DC for honesty)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Youngest PL On TUSCL
    Don't worry DC one day you'll wake up and find you're no longer the youngest and somehow you are supposedly an old letch........boards have funny ways of pigeonholing people into what they think you are based on what a person reads, not necessarily what you write or who you are as a person. If you posted on TER you know exactly what I am talking about........
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Looks Like Cleveland Needs Some More Coaches
    I'm a Cavs fan......not a Browns Fan and haven't been for decades. Not really an Indians fan either but I go to the games when I am there for business travel. Hue needed to go.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    NM.....or anywhere wet
    Las Vegas
    For less than $ 2500 you can find an extremely good looking cocktail waitress ( or someone from a similar profession) that will see you for a five/six days and also be your tour guide around town. For me I couldn't find a downside but maybe I lucked out. There's this website called SA.....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Is it me or are prices on stuff going up ?
    It hasn't since the adjustments made in 2009---Look at what the CPI encompasses today versus what it did in 2005-2008 or before.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Is it me or are prices on stuff going up ?
    Cook on the days you have off.....for me weekends and do so with the idea you make extra for the weekdays you won't feel like cooking. I'm old enough to recall when crockpots were in....like everything else in the world they've been renamed and are again back in vogue. I have something in mine cooking now.....not just for later today but for at least one meal during the week. A lot of this for me is health based not just because of time. Most restaurant food is processed way more than acceptable for the human body. Also use a grill. I live where there are four seasons but even in the winter I cook on a grill. It's fast and it is simple.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do you Mongers take Hiatus?
    I took a 19 year break from strip clubs.....that isn't a typo....but not from overall mongering. I do tend to slow down the middle of November through the end of the year but it has more to do with being busy and the holidays than it does from any observation of spending too much
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Younger Customer Observations
    There are a lot of variables Nicespice and what goes on in a club and outside of a club are somewhat different. I'll agree the whole going to school, not finding a career that is self supporting, and living in your parents basement probably has an impact on the mindset of a 20 something male When you reference Austin, TX you have a fair amount of "kids" that come from money.....peeling off a few 100's to them isn't the same as the kid who comes from middle class America. I grew up when HIV and many of the other nasty viruses that are out there today didn't exist. I'm not going to give a blow by blow account but having sex by the time you hit 16 was no big deal. There were girls that "didn't" but there were plenty that did and the ones that didn't for the most part had a Plan B to keep steady boyfriends happy. I also do believe women are much more comfortable being the aggressor today than 10 years ago. My last steady SA girl was about as forward as any man could want once the bedroom door closed. In public you'd never expect it. Not by her looks or by her actions.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Making Big Money is Relative
    +1 to twentyfive......same here with kids, and grandkids I might add........but overall nationwide it's a different story which is what prompted my statement above.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The bomb suspect
    As it relates to Eric Holder.......some people have short memories but when it happens in your backyard: https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052970203550604574361071968458430 It hasn't been that long folks.......... As for the suspect lets sit back and see what unfolds......unlike CNN, MSNBC, FOX, or any of the other talking head channels.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Election predictions
    Hillary is starting to give me that same feeling as Christopher Lee in that you can't kill her off without putting a stake in her heart. She just keeps coming back and she is either too stubborn or too stupid to understand her dislike numbers are so high she can never be elected. Meanwhile she drags her own party down in doing so. If she runs again I then Trump and that goes as well for Chief Sitting Bullsh%t. who I had a strong dislike for long before Trump took to calling her Pocahontas (sp?) Anyone else I am all ears to what they can do for the nation as a whole.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    What is wrong with me
    Young millennials refer to it as "cuffing season".......if you date a few of them you've heard the term. I'd add to what OldGringo said ( and to some extent the cuffing comment) by the time of year. We get conditioned for the holidays to be around family, which means the typical family of people coupled up, with kids, and it extends from about now until after the first of the year. 300 days a year it is great to be single. It's the other 65 you are dealing with and it is the time of year. Find a semi steady girlfriend you get along with as a friend first and is hot second ( it took me years to realize this part) and then if you are fortunate enough to travel use SA for semi regular out time. If you really get bored and feel the need still then hit the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do you feel the need for speed?
    Killington in Vermont is probably the closest to you from your tag but ( and it has been a few years most of my times on the slopes are here https://www.beaverrun.com/)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Making Big Money is Relative
    Random Member I agree but the question is why---and this goes beyond blaming a political party or a person. I recall leaving home in a used VW with about 100.00 in my pocket many moons ago to take a job 300 miles away with a little bit of college debt and the realization that I couldn't hit a fastball well enough to ever make it to MLB. Where is this mindset today?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do you feel the need for speed?
    I ski--downhill I've been skydving Owned a "rice burner" in my younger days which I would do off road tracks at high speeds Cedar Point, Kings Island. Dorney Park so yes to the coaster--Demon Drop a few years ago was probably the most impacting for a rush. To the floor in an Bonneville SSEi and a Jag XJ12. ( about 148 mph)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Is it me or are prices on stuff going up ?
    Yep.......had this discussion a few days ago. Even if you cook like I do you'll notice it at the checkout line at the grocery store. It seems the steepest upticks are with consumer goods and services, not so much the big ticket items. And of course for the majority if you use your credit card take a good look at your statement --if you don't pay off the balance each month you're going to be surprised at the interest rate creep.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Who is behind the “caravan” ?
    Hell in the case of Hillary and Debra Watch-her-mouth-Schultz Bernie Sanders should be the prime suspect. I don't agree with much of what Mark states but the media comments--sadly yes. The MSM has been so bias for so long many people don't realize it. If you listen carefully to some of the most casual statements with an open mind you start to understand just how bad it is. And one point I'll throw out as an observer about the caravan......for the amount of people that are part of it to go as long as they need to supplying the food and water alone to sustain a journey that will take months requires planning and organization. Somebody somewhere is either footing the bill or did a fair amount of "fundraising for support" or it would end quickly.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why do some of you guys treat dancers as unlovable?
    I've dated a couple. What they did before they met me has no bearing on my choice to date them or not ( unless they are an ax murder) but I have a problem what they do while they are dating me. Admittedly this is probably tied to my age as much as it doesn't seem to bother younger guys. And I'm with Daddillac on this one (HS) the issues are truthfulness and reliability. Hooking up is one thing but a real relationship can't exist without both and from what I have seen close up and as a casual observer the longer a woman is in the industry the less likely they seem to be able to be a partner. that is capable of being fully honest.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How often do you get extras when it’s your first time with a girl?
    It depends what you count as extras. Technically most places the girls are not required to do much beyond removing some clothing and providing an air dance and since I started going back to clubs I can't think of a single time in a private or semi private setting there wasn't at least full body contact and some hand roaming taking place. On the flip side I've had very few times with meeting a dancer for the first time her hands end up in my pants or mine in hers. It happens but it depends on a lot of variables.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Who is behind the “caravan” ?
    Since we've somehow morphed into Health Care ( although I admit from the cost of illegal immigration impacting HC I am the one that brought it up) I'm curious and have been for a month now. Has anyone on here seen an increase in their premiums this year? Yes or no. This is the first year in a decade mine have not increased at all and after the last ten years of watching them rise each year, some years for no reason that I can tell, this year not a word---the monthly bill has remained flat.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Who is behind the “caravan” ?
    Personally the people who hire illegal immigrants are more guilty of a crime than the illegals.....so if you really want to stop the process you do things like impose fines on people who hire them as well as on people who rent apartments to them or car dealers who sell them cars. Otherwise you make it impossible for them to live and work here around the system. The other issue and I know this is going to make the more liberal of our posters scream but enough with the sanctuary city BS and states making up their own rules as they go along. I'd cut their federal funding so fast they'd find out what Public Sector bankruptcy looks like in a heartbeat.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Who is behind the “caravan” ?
    Because I don't live in Texas or California or the soon to be New California or even Phoenix I don't care about jobs as much as I do about the cost and stress it places on the health care system overall ( and if you think it doesn't dig a little for yourself) and the issue we have with actual illegals that have been deported only to come back again: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jose-ines-garcia-zarate-san-francisco-pier-killing-suspect-found-n823351 Immigration is fine. "illegal immigration is not.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    FB is depressing at my age of 37
    Most Social Media is tedious after a few moments. I have accounts but I tend to get on them and log out in about 20 minutes. It allows me to keep in contact with what I could call secondary friends and family as much as anything.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Who is behind the “caravan” ?
    From what I saw on CBS this morning there were a lot of male looking females and children going by their reporter and camera and I also saw an interview with someone ( who requested his face be kept off camera) that was deported from this country for assault and drug use and is trying to come back in. He said he was harmless. This was also CBS news last night. With most political news these days its somewhere in the middle where the truth can be found.