
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The /fit/ scale for rating girls v2.0
    Not me DC---regardless of the site ( and I was on TER for a short period of time) but you are correct, especially in the DC area where there were actual social parties that you could/would run into the person you just gave a low rating. Of course that was why I quit very quickly I should add attending socials---not to mention the other risk involved.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Clemson Vs Alabama
    I expect Alabama will win.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What food do you give up for health reasons ?
    ^ Subraman --I'm not much of a sweet tooth person either.....chips/pizza/cheese are my weaknesses. I used diet soda to replace juice but although the calorie count was different it didn't matter....eventually one of the guys I played baseball with years ago convinced me to stop and drink water. It seemed to be the catalyst and most of the weight I had gained in my 50's came off. I was actually down at one point to within 10 lbs of my high school weight. ( until I put the 8lbs back on in the past six months) The only fast food I have eaten in a decade is Wendy's and those are salads..........I'm still a bit baffled on how the weight gain happened but I suspect it is mixture of things--more travel and stress as much as anything.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Healthy enough to walk 5 miles daily in 2 hours
    I walk @ a rate of 4MPH ( 15 min mile) and do that three times a week outdoors.....I live in a somewhat hilly area. Once a week I do what is called uphill skiing workout.........treadmill incline between 5%-8% intervals. Lift four times a week --during the summer I play tennis but at the moment it is a bit cold and wet where I live to do so. Not sure how it happened and 2018 was an odd year for me in a lot of ways but I managed to put on 8 lbs --not sure how.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    How much do you budget per visit when going as a customer?
    If your in the Horse say hello to my ex...............I hear she is back at it again..........mixture of Hispanic/Asian/African American...............:--)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The /fit/ scale for rating girls v2.0
    I know there are women I wouldn't buy a dance from, women I wouldn't date (pro or civilian), and women I would. I'm a sucker for a nice long legs and a peach for a butt. The whole junk in the trunk craze never did much for me but to each his own and as long as you are satisfied why does it matter.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What food do you give up for health reasons ?
    Sugar and white flour overall. I lost 40 plus pounds three years ago and really the majority of it had to do with cutting out a few items ---and one thing I really don't understand but have heard for years and it turned out to be true is diet soda. Supposedly it has zero calories but as soon as I stopped drinking it the lbs started to come off. I did put on 8 lbs last year and I'm not sure why--I work out four days a week and walk at a brisk pace four times a week as well. I changed my work out routine last week to see if it helps and starting to watch more closely what I eat again.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Playoffs start today
    I was in the money until the "Cubs" let Ray Finkle kick for the winning field goal.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What's the best time go clubing out of time, day, week, month or year?
    I slacked off for over a year due to a couple of my SA arrangements. I'm not sorry I did but I was surprised when I went back into a couple of my favorite clubs the changes. I would agree that even if you are a traveler regular as opposed to local keeping a presence with staff helps. For me personally I notice Thursday evenings 7:30 PM till around Midnight seem to be the best in terms of who is on stage and how I am treated. I would also say between the months of September till the end of March seem to be the better time of year, with the exception of the holiday season.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Ignore button
    The difference between freedom of speech and the right for a person to walk into a crowded theater and yell fire with the intent of causing panic are two different things. The right to free speech and the intent to consistently and only cause distraction in a conversation are two different matters as well. I'm very careful not to randomly place some one on ignore but after seeing a consistent 10/10 bullsh*t response with no substance and not related to the topic at hand I came to the conclusion there was never going to be anything of substance brought forth by one individual. I'm not stating I don't agree with a person --you and I don't agree many times and not only do I not have you on ignore but I also have you on my trust list- there's a difference between different schools of thought and comments made with no thought or with the only thought of drawing attention to what must be a pathetic existence. seeking board applause........
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    6 years ago
    Ignore button
    I've had him on ignone since almost first joining the board----and he is the only poster I have blocked.....so I have no idea what he stated in that discussion. So far I like the new layout as well.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Buying 18-20yos drinks...?
    I typically sit at the bar when I go into a club and I do offer to buy drinks but it's on the club and the dancer to decide on what they want to drink. I've never noticed wristbands on any of the girls but I'm willing to bet if it is an issue or the club has been warned they are keeping a close watch on what the girls drink.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Common Illnesses Among PLs (and How to Cure Them)
    I think we tend to overcomplicate life in general and compound the problem when women are involved. Throw money into the ring and it becomes ( especially in today's world) a cluster of look at me instead of everyone relaxing and having a good time. I tend to error on the white knight syndrome side if any but not because I want to rescue anyone from being a dancer as much as I want them to enjoy the moment ( at least as much as they can if they are 95% unclothed around a bunch of guys vying for their attention --or worse not paying them any attention)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Verified Ballers
    Who wants to be a baller? Any term associated with Poserville/aka social media jive I'd rather avoid.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Motor City
    Any U.S. cities have clubs like Detroit?
    NYC and DC are both no go. Dallas at one time had good mileage--not sure as it has been a couple of years. Someone mentioned NJ but the problem is the quality of the dancer is not all that high ( at least not when I was in some of the clubs) I dated a dancer who worked in Akron, Ohio for a bit but everything was OTC at her club. If you cross into Canada it's a different world ( in a good way) Place called the Sundowner not to far from Buffalo was great ( but again this was a couple of years ago)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    College Football Playoffs
    Within seconds of losing to Alabama the SEC talking heads were demanding Georgia was a clear choice for the 4th slot in the playoffs.......it was so obvious to them and thus it should be to the world. How could it be an inept offense Flagooner? (with such impartial experts (eyeroll) ) telling us so ?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    College Football Playoffs
    Flagooner I would say the level or degree of irrationality has something to do with it. Take boxing for instance--it's subjective. There is always going to be some level of disagreement and favoritism but when the level reaches were someone looks at a round/punch and declares " that Bulldog just hit that Longhorn so hard with his "eye" he nearly tore the knuckles out of his left hand you know it's time to give up. Somewhere on here I had commented once it became apparent OSU was not going to make it to the Championship round that I wanted OSU to play Georgia on a neutral field....5 vs 6--logical sense because I felt pretty damn comfortable it would have been a good match. I'll end it on this note but I'm pretty sure no one ( including me) expected Texas to grow a defense in the last 30 days when they hadn't shown one in the prior four months.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    College Football Playoffs
    I gave up on trying to talk logic with Daddillac and SEC football. One of my best friends who moved to Atlanta described it best to me years ago that Georgia fans basically live in a world that every third kid is named Buck or Herschel and once you get 20 miles outside of Atlanta it only goes down hill from there. Hell they booed the announcer of the Sugar Bowl last night for nearly ten minutes because he played QB for Penn State and beat them there how many decades ago...... People need to wake up and realize 1) the control the SEC has over the bowl game process and the National Championship 2) that even in secondary ways they will do anything and everything to make sure their teams have every edge possible in any game played and the perception of other good teams around the country.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Have a Merry Christmas
    The same to everyone....I tend to stay offline more over the Christmas holiday season but hopefully everyone had a good day and wishing everyone a Happy New Year as well.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Just an idea
    There seems to be worry about what goes on in the ladies only section......and I have seen this on other sites as well. Personally I would rather not know. And from what I have observed in the past the concept works if allowed to take root and grow.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Tuscl Fantasy Football Championship
    Flagooner......I resemble that remark in more ways than one............:--) GACA gets props from me although I would have preferred to meet him this past week than the previous one.........still the Warrenboy Mash unit finished in 3rd place.............
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Discsussion Rooms
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Keeping Strippers Around
    Oh good lord.......293 comments on this thing and two thirds of them since I first read it a few days ago. A good moderator is one that no one knows he is there except they guy/girl/troll he just shut down. But again I'll say what I did somewhere 275 post north of this one on the conversation the board software itself can probably take care of some of the issues and deep down I'm guessing there are not as many trolls as some of you think.....just a few with multiple personalities.