
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Some advice
    I've been off the boards for a few days trying to finish up the end of year travel but I'd throw out there it isn't the quantity ( or in this case to some extent the years one lives) as much as it is the quality. I'd like a long life but not if it comes with 20 years in a wheel chair hooked up to oxygen. But I agree about one thing 100%....sh*t you put out there on the Internet never goes away. I've tried like hell to convince a few people of that over the years and most of them seem to think it does............and they are wrong.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Would you?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Name the three branches ..........
    "I just did a Google search under "idiot" and Cortez didn't come up"--which says more about Google than the definitive example of what a idiot looks, acts, and speaks like. That BS Pichai was shoveling the other day to Congress was so weak on so many levels it's laughable but why not? This is the same government that believed Lois Lerner and Hillary couldn't be proven guilty by Computer forensics. On another note I've yet to meet a person who doesn't believe in global warming....I mean climate change....the question isn't if as much as it is why. And what we as a single nation can do to stop it if other nations will not participate. Are we going to keep our air and water from circulating around the rest of the globe? Force all the dirty air to stay over China and not drift? Force all the water to not run into the oceans from India? And I'm confused RA didn't you just say the other day Sanders was not that liberal? "AOC" has uttered enough blunders to fill up a full week of Stephen Colbert....what you should be asking yourselves is why you never hear any of them on his show.....or any other MSM show......
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Keeping Strippers Around
    Founder I know before I say this people aren't going to like it but I've seen this before if you want to attract more dancers/strippers provide them their own private board. ( yes I know it seems to defeat the purpose but it also provides a place for ladies to talk and not be trolled) Also it is on them not to give out whatever privacy security to allow anyone on there aka males that shouldn't be. It will bring more participation on to this board as well. I've seen this happen with multiple sites in the past. Secondly and only you can answer this because only you know what the board software capabilities. Do you see when someone makes a second or third account? If so how? Does it capture the IP address or the actual computer chip ID? ( each computer when it hits the board leaves a number behind it's a matter of the software if the info is captured.) One of the boards I moderated years ago would show to everyone the minute someone opened a second account ( the names would show up right behind their main name........and it made people look like idiots and stopped a large percentage of the trolling. ) DC I'll point out to you that one persons joke is typically at the expense of someone else and when sometimes the intent to be funny doesn't feel so funny to the target.......it is especially bad when the same person has three of four accounts and comes in with each one to give the appearance that multiple people feel the same way when in fact it's one troll with a insecurity complex the size of a whale. Anyway I'll shut up now before I give away too much info but if you are asking for advice ....something to think about.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Baby, It's Cold Outside
    This is Rome 400 AD skibum......we as a nation just don't realize it yet.
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    6 years ago
    Off Topic: US Population and the Electoral College
    Hatch, Corker, and Flake were all republicans that chose not to run for reelection to the senate. Of the three Flake was the only one who expected a close race. 34 Republicans chose not to run for the House ( not sure where I heard this number and I didn't follow the House as close as the Senate.) Part of the reason some of us are pushing back on the whole" the Democrats won in a landslide spill" is to some extent it appears the elephants abdicated their positions.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Baby, It's Cold Outside
    skibum damn there you go sugar coating things again :--)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Is everybody ready for some football
    Years ago when there were more outdoor stadiums it mattered more. Even the Vikings have gone to a dome which in my mind took away an advantage they had with the elements. If things hold going into New Orleans is going to be an added challenge for the rest of the NFC
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I grew up believing this myth about cars
    I grew up not that far from Lake Erie when winters were a worse than today.....if you doubt that look up the Blizzard of 77 and then the Blizzard of 78.......I was worried more about my fingers and nuts than I was about the car.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Is everybody ready for some football
    I see Carson Wentz is playing the roll of "Tommy" when it comes to his tight end in the first half again.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Is everybody ready for some football
    Watching KC versus Baltimore.......with an eye on watching the "Clowns" let McCaffrey run all over them ( FFB interest)
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    6 years ago
    Off Topic: US Population and the Electoral College
    and ALL the OTHER cries ---caps pointing out nonsense. As for fucking with a census as I recall the 2010 had some interesting twist and turns as well.
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    6 years ago
    Off Topic: US Population and the Electoral College
    where did I say it was nonsense.........? my point is that for at least at the state level where it pertains to me directly all the cries of foul about gerrymandering didn't amount to a warm pitcher of spit.......... The intent of my comments were two other points entirely---one which Skibum stated before I did.
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    6 years ago
    Off Topic: US Population and the Electoral College
    @twentyfive --I agree I just find it interesting how when something doesn't go the way expected the cry is always the other side is being unfair. Hell the constitution and the electoral college have only been around since what 1789? :--). I found it refreshing that others on here actually know why the electoral college was used and the thought process behind it. Same with the idea of Gerrymandering as if the Republican party is the inventor.....skibum hit it on the head. The only reason I know is that around where I live that same cry has been used for years as to why the Republicans hold on to the State House seats. So they changed the areas.....didn't make much difference. To me the biggest crybaby was Al Gore....in your state. Hanging chads, not counting the votes except for the way he wanted them to be counting, which included not counting any of the overseas service personal at the time ( something always left out when reported since it would show what an ass he was) but something of record if people dig a little. It's about that time I started to shift over from being a blue voter to an Independent who admittedly has voted more red in the past ten years. As for the California issue I still find the process fascinating. We tend to equate California as the home of the liberal nut job but even out there when you look at what is happening there really are two distinct political camps and thought processes. We only hear about the one......wonder why that is?
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    6 years ago
    Off Topic: US Population and the Electoral College
    The funny thing is even California citizens are getting fed up..........I've been watching the movement to split it into two or three states now ( internal to the state population) and with the exception of LA and the surrounding areas and San Francisco and the surrounding areas people are tired of the bullshit. https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-california-split-three-states-20180612-story.html It will be interesting to see how this gets "handled" in the next year or so but basically it will end the cries of gerrymandering and all the other nonsense the far left makes.....live in LA or SF or not but if you do understand what the laws of this country are and follow them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Quotation worth remembering
    Being married to Hillary I suggest we all give Bill a pass........and in my mind he probably has been taken down by Hillary multiple times.......... It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” I always thought this was the poster phrase for double speak until 10 years later I heard this one: there's no there there
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    [OT] Recession Indicator: Gov Tax Receipts on Corporate Income
    First the easy one.....if trickle down economics doesn't work can someone explain what happened when Bush II was able to end the recession of 2001 by November of that year? Wasn't his legislation successful? Wasn't the problem as it is with most government attempts to insert themselves into economics that he didn't reverse the program and cuts in 2004/5 For those of you old enough to recall Regan didn't trickle down economics also work to end the 1980 recession? If not specifically and if you can't answer the question don't dodge and divert? And then of course if you go back further ( the one Democrats really hate to discuss) didn't it also work for JFK? The real issue and it has always been the issue is that when government meddles in the economy it never works long term and of course once a democrat passes a tax increase they never want to give it up or are satisfied. And once a republican cuts taxes they never want to increase them to match any necessary spending that comes along afterwards. And as twentyfive stated Obamacare really has not slowed down healthcare cost( and from what I can tell that 15% is yearly not overall) and in my case the amount of time needed to administer Healthcare is at 25% increase in admin cost. One last point if you look beyond the MSNBC's and New York Times of the world there is plenty of evidence out there that support what is being discussed that Small Business is never supported by government, in fact the only time we hear from elected officials is when they are running for office.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Hypnotized by nipples
    A job I wouldn't do under any circumstances...
    I've always believed there is a mindset to any guy that wants to work in a strip club that is a little bit different than working at other places. I also feel that once there many of them find out it isn't what they signed up for..... Over the years I have seen "bathroom trolls" as you call them in numerous places besides clubs but they are for the most part on the decline.
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    6 years ago
    [OT] Recession Indicator: Gov Tax Receipts on Corporate Income
    I don't see why we can't have some form of universal coverage like the UK, Canada, Sweden, Australia... Because we are not those nations and from what I have heard you wouldn't want the coverage in the UK unless you want to play roulette with your own life. twentyfive gets my point because he lives it day in and day out. Understanding that the term government assistance really is liberal speak for taxpayer funded and for a large part that means small business funded.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking a pornstar, worth it?
    The term pornstar is used in a different manner and context than just a few years ago. Many of these stars really are not. There was a tall thin blonde from Western Maryland ( no names) that I saw a handful of times and didn't even realize she was a porn star until after she told me ( around the fifth date) To me she was more like a country girl who liked sex. There was also a girl in Baltimore --I will name her Lauren Haze who was attractive but very vanilla and tame for a porn star--charged prices that were reasonable to see her but I would never have recommended her past her appearance.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    [OT] Recession Indicator: Gov Tax Receipts on Corporate Income
    The problem with all government attempts to "help or regulate business" is that they mean big business. For whatever the reason they can never distinguish between a Fortune 1000 company and the guy such as myself who runs a lean company and has reviews in the few millions as opposed to 500 million and up. I've owned a company since the late 90's--I've watched three presidents come and go and we have a 4th in office now. None of them could make the distinction. If you believe what JFK did ( and I use him as an example for all of our liberal friends on here that want to understand just how far off their party has drifted ) a rising tide lifts all boats then they will eventually do some good. However look at Section 179 for a detail of how big versus small business is impacted. By the time we hit 2025 the real rate of reduction for small business is 9-10%.....for big business closer to 35-38%. And here is the real kicker --allowing the IRS to make a determination: This is from Forbes “The committees will prevent the recharacterization of personal income into business income by wealthy individuals to avoid the top personal tax rate.” Here’s what I warned about: inexplicably, millions of small business owners, like attorneys, accountants, and consultants – won’t qualify for the 20% deduction. Consequently, small businesses have just been handed a tax-compliance nightmare as the IRS interprets who qualifies. As I warned, when politicians put “small business” and “wealthy individual” in a two-sentence paragraph, gird your loins and prepare for the worst.