Comments by JimGassagain (page 56)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Marriage Used As A Weapon?
    I'm sorry SJG but I wish you'd start making some sense in your comments. One comment makes you appear like your a heterosexual male regarding female sex workers, and then you will immediately follow that comment with a topic of hitting male bath houses and Male AMPs! Why can't I figure out which personality is yours? It's like I'm engaging with two personalities? Please refrain from commenting multiple times , once as a gay man and the other as a monger. I like you better when you type as a fellow monger, but seriously don't take the ex-wife comment from me too personally. It's just that I'm still married with 5 children and only see life through my own lense.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Marriage Used As A Weapon?
    SJG, don't you think that if you married a girl that wasn't from Mexico that you would t have had all the cultural barriers to overcome that it would have turned out differently! I see so many guys in your situation marry foreign born girls and they can't assimilate, so instead of getting on board with the system, like Melania Trump has done, they rebel against their husbands because they aren't happy, or because they are bored. It's like your ex-wife decided it was easier to quit and soak you for as much as she can while it lasts until you can't stand it anymore. If you had married a US citizen then it is easier to vet and she can assimilate easier to work together as a team. My suggestion next time SJG is not to marry a foreigner, right?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    [OT] Stock Market?
    @ SJG "Why not put your money into your own ventures?" Which is exactly What my wife Jeannie and I ha e done the last 15 years, which is also the reason why she and our family live comfortably for the rest of our lives. This is all due in fact to capitalism. If it wasn't for capitalism we wouldn't be able to put our money into our own ventures. SJG be careful to not bite the hand that feeds you, especially when you are stating that you are building your so called "organization", for which we still do t k ow what it is that is actually legitimate. At least I have legitimately told you how I do my business and organization. From you we have heard very little except words. You can go on TV Land or Comedy Central or Netflix to find my brand. Please tell us how great you organize without using capitalism, because we all are seriously be founded how that could be accomplished?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Keeping the Money Coming In
    @SJG "So is this also how it is for you, using children to justify you?" Once again you've stepped on your own dick by not knowing the topic you speak of. I am raising 5 children whom of which will be running their own organizations some day. SJG, you may want to study something about the power of compounding as you may be building one organization, yet due to compounding I am building 6 organizations, my 5 children plus my marriage. I believe that qualifies me to know much more than you through experience, and also a successful entertainment career, which basically makes over 7 organizations I've built, because my fan base is much larger than your puny little false organization you say you've created. So yes, you can say my children justify me, along with my career, my large fan base, millions $$ in the bank with financial security, and the fame that people recognize my comedic brand. What's your brand? Please SJG, tell me what more do you have over me to justify yourself larger than my forthcomings? As I've said before SJG, until you have the experience to share that your successes are greater than others like mine, please do so or STFU! I will be happy to stand in front of your face marine "military" style and whip you up and down the block giving you direction. I played varsity football at Purdue and Georgetown, so I highly expect you to respect my physical Presence or be willing to deal with the consequences. That will be my biggest justification to the ilk of SJG folks like you that have never procreated and given true expansion to this world we call Life! The world welcomes the doers like me much more than the talkers like SJG. Right?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How do I find the underground Mexican Hat Dance scene in San Jose?
    Lol, Mikeya02! "Lloyd sent me"! Whatever Lloyd! Lloyd Braun or is his last name something else? A real piece of shit he is.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Keeping the Money Coming In
    SJG until you have raised any children, I think your unqualified to say the things you say about how the middle Class treats children. You can't speak of some things you know nothing about, like how to raise happy children.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    [OT] Stock Market?
    Many of you are following the path of thinking like the ilk of SJG. It is true there are some individuals who do not have to work due to inherited income and power, but they are far less than the collective poor who soak the system and drain our tax dollars, hence lowering productivity. The successful people don't drain the system. You have to look through the trees to see the forest. And much of the forest is riddled with the infestation of the poor lazy types who want to suck on the teat of the "welfare nipple". Soon other's look at their free ride and the abuse spreads to others around them. It's why when the poor start moving into a neighborhood, the successful ones leave to greener pastures, upward mobility. There are far less examples of the entitled rich 1% suppressing the system as opposed to the constantly immobile poor sitting on their butts sucking the welfare system and our tax revenues. The poor have had no better standard of living ever in history, and they have the many of those rich pioneers who've developed ideas and technology to progress our current standard of living. Many more examples of successful pioneers who took the risk in capitalism to make not only their lives better, but society as a whole due to their innovation. The poor lack innovation and motivation to progress their lives, they look to others to do it for them, and they have the middle class and top 1% to thank for the best standard of living ever acquired in the history of Earth!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    [OT] Stock Market?
    These markets have the affect of increasing value to labor and skill. Each boom leaves our economic system in better shape. At some point the poor will be too rich to even have to work. Look at how many poor people get free smart phones, ebt cards, and free housing. All due to the Exonomic success from capitalism. 40 years ago nobody has time to deal with media because they were too busy working, and those who weren't working were too poor to have any amenities. Now the poor in today's world can type on the internet all day disincentive zing them from looking for a job. The poor don't want to do well, they just want free stuff. Most poor people, there are a small minority of them who try to better themselves, and eventually they get an education and a better paying job.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Keeping the Money Coming In
    It all depends on your persistency. Either you ha e it or don't. Granted there are examples of some people who got lucky to be upwardly mobile, but the overall majority of those who find success were the ones most persistent. The non-upward generally tend to give up too soon.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    I must admit Casa Diablo was pretty good when I was there, however there was a food truck after I left on my walk to the hotel that had the best pastrami on rye sandwich you could ask for. I went into a coma after eating it and barely made it to my room!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The SJG Chronicles
    Are you fucking around with us SJG? A leader is suppose to lead and support his subordinates, and the police chief simply ignores the fact that Kapernick is putting the chief's subordinates in harms way, and by not commenting or backing up your staff shows lack of support and confidence. This is why he won't get a second term, because he is not doing his job in protecting his employees. I would think SJG that you would support the union based argument in protecting labor based employment, but if it doesn't fit your far left leaning emotional based narrative, and it wasn't stated on CNN or msnbc, then I guess you don't agree with the police union do you? You see, everything from the left liberals are only based from an emotional aspect, inciting reaction based on what feels good. It doesn't have to make common sense. It would be common sense for a liberal left leaning Union supporter to agree with the police union in this case, because the police are the ones protecting the public. Now we find the police do not want to protect during the NFL games that Kaepernick is playing in. How do you defend that hypocrisy? That's just plain nuts SJG!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Keeping the Money Coming In
    SJG it is true that you're an engineer and have an auto mechanics degree, right? This probably lays into your confirmation bias of following the numbers game so many intellectual people play into, especially in their predictive powers for the stock market or any other human behavior. Fact is you can't predict human behaviors with numerical logic. SJG, does being an engineer/auto mechanics professional help your bias towards science and math?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Hmmmm.... It makes sense!
    ^^^ I agree with SJG, a vote for Hillary is a vote to total government control. She is the anti-Christ!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bar-goer stopped rape attempt at Springfield strip club, police say
    Is she single? Then she's perfect.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Keeping the Money Coming In
    San Jose Guy, aren't you an engineer by profession? I figured with your auto mechanics knowledge you could help set up a few repair shops to help create a place for your organization to take care of simple auto repairs, so the poor can continue to have their vehicles to take them to work. Only cost to this venture would be parts, which can be purchased at wholesale with connections made from a fellow member of your organization. Then all the free sex a man could want from the women so joyous to having their car fixed for free, right? If I see this correctly, this is how the grass roots organization founded by San Jose Guy will start. Am I close, SJG?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    For All The Race Baiters!
    Rockstar, don't you know that the feel good thing to say is "I don't judge no matter what someone looks like?" No matter if it sounds stupid or not, a libtard needs to say things that only feel utopian. Common sense has no place in a world of liberals, because it only matters what feels good, IMO.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Marriage Used As A Weapon?
    ^^^^ lol! So true.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT : Standing for the Star Spangled Banner?
    Kapernick's parents are white. This is a prime example of the hypocritical stances made by the race bating movement over the past few years. Smh as the true civil rights activist are rolling over in their graves watching what the so called "neo-activists" are fighting for; self-promotion.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Well, looks like I'm gonna be taking a break for a while
    ^^^ "In the organization I am building, no one would ever have to deal with anything like this, EVER!" Very intriguing. How does one avoid getting let go of their place of employment with your organization?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Shailynn new avitard cracks me da fuck up
    I got the Beetle song stuck in my head now. "Cause it's Beetle, I don't know, but I look good, when I feel like getting laid!" I bet this is Shailynn's fight song before going to a club. Probably has it on replay in his iPod.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OT: Botox
    Shailynn, these girls are at the mercy of the "image" industry. I've eavesdropped on some old dudes at a strip club, and they always tell the young stripper how great they look after getting Botox. So apparently the dancer gets immediate gratification and believes she's done a good thing with this reinforcement of behavior. Dominic is right when he states it will be several years before they figure out the extra damage these injections did to them.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    That annoying moment when you see a couple new comments on your thread..........
    ^^^ SJG, what are your thoughts of the recent shortage on law enforcement patrols in San Jose, where they declared an emergency to place detectives to cover the shortfall, hence reducing staff to cover investigations of more serious crimes? Is San Jose of appropriate size to be able to play that "shell game", or will you find a backlog of hard core criminals getting away with burglaries and drug trafficking? You find many police officers refusing to do the work of patrol because the compensation doesn't warrant the hazards they endure. Not a lot of succes stories those patrol officers deal with on a routine basis, and I think this police shortage is a direct result of the backlash the liberal media and "black lives" movement has created. The chickens have come home to roost! How would the organization that you're creating help to aleviate this public safety matter? Would you suggest sending several street walkers out to suck the men dry of all their testosterone hence calming them down enough where they're too spent to commit crimes?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    That annoying moment when you see a couple new comments on your thread..........
    ^^^ SJG, what are your thoughts of the recent shortage on law enforcement patrols in San Jose, where they declared an emergency to place detectives to cover the shortfall, hence reducing staff to cover investigations of more serious crimes? Is San Jose of appropriate size to be able to play that "shell game", or will you find a backlog of hard core criminals getting away with burglaries and drug trafficking? You find many police officers refusing to do the work of patrol because the compensation doesn't warrant the hazards they endure. Not a lot of succes stories those patrol officers deal with on a routine basis, and I think this police shortage is a direct result of the backlash the liberal media and "black lives" movement has created. The chickens have come home to roost! How would the organization that you're creating help to aleviate this public safety matter? Would you suggest sending several street walkers out to suck the men dry of all their testosterone hence calming them down enough where they're too spent to commit crimes?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    He's kinda an ass...
    How long have you been in the SC game?
    I've really just started sporadically while touring on the road. My dad would drag me along to a couple places, and my friend Dave is dating a stripper whom we hung out a couple times at her club. Now that we canceled the second season of our show on TV Land, due to the hectic pace it was creating on our's and our children's lives, we(my wife) and I are taking some time off from television and strictly doing the tours. The kids grow up too fast. This means I will have some more time devoted to staying up late and hitting the clubs. Can't wait to post my exploits!