Yes I know, if the man is not holding you down he's harassing you. Black people don't have a chance in America because whitey won't let them. They have no chance. The only exceptions are if they can sing or are good at sports.
Oh wait, here's a black man that was born in to the kind poverty and lived through hardships that none of you whiners ever faced yet he applied himself and became a successful attorney and a congressman. His younger brother also rose up to became the first black mayor of a major city, Cleveland, long ago when black people had less opportunities than they do today yet they succeeded because instead of giving up or expecting things to be given to them they worked their way up. That is the American dream! Crying and complaining isn't how it's done.…
last commentThe same as I rolled my eyes to your reply? OK, gotcha.…
Story was Apollo Creed had a child out of wedlock, and the mother couldn't take care of Creed's son, so the son sown his childhood bouncing around in foster care and in and out of juvenile system. Creed's son never had his father's name tagged to him until his adult life as promotion to his big fight against the #1 boxer in the world. Not once did I ever hear them state Creed was black or a victim of his circumstance. The way it should be, proud of your ability to accomplish great things no matter your background. I wish the black lives movement would promote more of those stories, which are more common than the parade of victims they constantly display.
What sorts of employment one is realistically eligible for depend upon one's entire biography. No one is going to hire someone for a well paying position, if they cannot identify with their biography.
So it gets into all kinds of things like family stability, child abuse history, medical abuse history, divorces, and then social typing in the school system, and then the standard stuff like education and work history. Very hard for people who have been marginalized to ever have anything like a normative biography.
I can say this, NEVER will anyone in the organization I am building have the experience of 'looking for a job'.
And then if you look at the evidence, like here I can just check in on any one of a dozen religious charities and find lines and lines of people. Some are homeless, some are housed but quite limited in what they can do and so they are on disability. So there are lots of people in such situations, they either pay rent, or they eat. So they go to the charities. And then lots of people just get low wages, so that about all they can afford is to rent use of someone's living room couch. Sometimes even working multiple jobs, and with a college degree. Lots of newspaper articles about these kinds of situations.
Go to these religious and secular NGO's for yourself if you don't believe me. You will really learn some things.
Providing food to more than 1/4 million people every month:
And then when someone is out of it for enough time, or old enough, or has enough health problems, it becomes very unlikely that they will ever get back into the world of livable wages.
And then there is transportation. Very hard to get around here without a car. So many jobs will be out of reach. And then besides that, anyone without a car is looked down upon, so very unlikely they will get a position which pays a livable wage. Lucky if they can pay rent, let alone afford an automobile. So this locks them in a sub-livable wage tier.
I can also say this, in the organization I am building, this automobile requirement and all the stress and uncertainty it creates, will be completely solved. Your social standing and your sexual desirability will in no way depend on keeping a working automobile. Totally unnecessary as everyone is always involved in life long education and a larger mission, and that alone gives them social legitimacy.
And so when talked about in racial terms, they are probably talking about young people. Well so much of this is tied to economics, and so much of this gets into familial abuses. For many people, the chance that they could ever live anything like what is considered a normal life, is just completely gone. And this compounds as they get older. Members of racial minorities usually hold themselves to higher standards than many White people do, because they feel that they need to disprove racial stereotypes. But no matter, lots of people who will have very little experience ever with livable incomes.
So of course you have young women going into strip clubs and prostitution, because very little else open to them gives them money to live or have a future. And you have young men getting into stuff which is even more clandestine. And then the men get busted, and maybe go straight, but this means living on the extreme low wage and likely homeless margins.
The American Dream was always a myth, but now it is a complete fiction for an ever growing part of the population. And it is not just a racial problem, I would say at this point that it is not even primarily racial. It is a universal problem.…
Just a bad bad economic and legal system.
In the organization I am building, EVERYONE will be completely protected from this. Otherwise there could never be such an organization. It would disintegrate as people compete with each other for social standing. And that is what the people who run our society have always insisted upon, that it be unopposable.
So sometimes it takes outsiders, people who don't take for granted all of the things most of us have just come to accept without question. Sometimes it takes people who have little patience with those who have sentimental attachment to the traditional justifications for authority.
Maximillian Robespierre, best student in his orphanage, given a scholarship to law school, and picked to deliver an address in Latin as a way of welcoming the new King and Queen to Paris.…
LaGaylia Frazier "Night in Tunisia"…
Judy Pace, super cutie from the Blaxploitation movie, When Cotton Comes to Harlem.……
Dizzy Gillespie Quintet-(Jazz 625) 1966…
Not that I really agree with the OP but I do believe there's some truth to my point.
You "win" though. I roll my eyes, because I can't change your opinion. I don't think it's possible. However, one day we will die, and our children will be better than us (with new problems of their own.) In a small way, that gives me hope.……
Good Horatio Alger type story regardless of race.
The poor cannot afford to be stupid. They may feel trapped, as indeed they are. But it is those who by culture or circumstance who have lots of money who can be stupid.
The Horatio Alger stories were written for political purposes, and usually with racist undertones.
Go ahead and call me racist. What else are you gonna do, make a mean face? The same people who throw the term racist around loosely, usually are the most ignorant since they are projecting.
And GACA I guarantee you the Stokes brothers received the same pay for the same job as others. Your comment just proves my point about you cry babies and complainers!
@throwback, being called a stupid son of a bitch by a no reviews no credibility poster like you is a compliment. You also prove my point, as you had nothing to say other than throw an insult.
@dominic, typical lib response, do as I say not as I do. Call me a troll and tell people to ignore me yet you didn't put me on ignore. Your praise of SJG the biggest spamming troll on TUSCL says more about you than anything else you say. You live in the Cleveland area, you should know about the Stokes brothers but admitting that blacks can be successful goes against the agenda that fools like you always want to push. Do us both a favor and put me on ignore because I wouldn't want to offend you with the truth again. Your thick skull can't handle that!
@sfpayday, sweeping allegations are exactly what your side always use and pull out of the hat when you are confronted with facts that there are chinks in the armor of your agenda.
Once again! Not one of you acknowledged the positives of the news story in that link or admitted that your talking point that black people can't be successful in America is wrong! Gentlemen of the jury, i rest my case!
I hope the ssri meds don't make you fat, of course in some of the clubs in your area that could be a good thing.
If I saw a white guy dressed the same, I'd watch him too because my neighbors don't dress like that unless they're doing yard work.
I consider myself race neutral, but I'm not stupid.
Wrt to what OSU wrote about our libs disputing of the facts:
If you want to upset a liberal, tell them the truth or tell the truth about them.
And yes, it seems that the ignorant slut is off her antipsychotic meds again.
I have a "kick me" sign on my back? You must have put it there. It's not like you would have the balls to do anything to me to my face.
Golly gee Nina, i'm so sorry! I'll give OSU his account back so only you and your buddies here can keep your title as the official TUSCL racists club! :D
But, you're the one starting threads about black people...
Pot meet kettle. Also, I don't think you know what ad hominem means.
And I got my success from white privilege. Had nothing to do with studying, always having a job -sometimes two or three-, applying for scholarships, working my ass off after college. Stupid little racists cannot see past their own hatred of white people.
Go to any of the free food ministries at churches, or even to the secular ones. Lots and lots of people have to choose each month, pay rent or eat. So these free food ministries are the only way they stay housed.
Lots of people work 80 hours per week. Some even have 2 or 3 jobs, and sometimes on top of a college degree.
But this does not mean that things will go well for them or that they will ever be doing any better than they are already.
Everyone wants to do well. And if skibum609 were really doing so well himself, he wouldn't talk the he does. He would not say such negative things about people who are on the margins.
Everyone wants an honest career which will give them a decent livable income, as well as the sense that they are using their abilities for good purpose. But our society has never actually offered this to very many people. It has always been a myth. And now today, with the deindustrialization and the war on organized labor that started with Reagan, it is even less so.
The members of racial minority groups will often be people that still have their pride and dignity. Decades of activism have given them ways to preserve this.
But the middle-class family was invented as a way to abuse children, and now it make them into the new scapegoats.
So while you will often see the impressive sight of minority groups speaking up and banding together, like with Black Lives Matter, or with the immense Latino uprising against Donald Trump and against Mexican President Nieto for meeting with him, those who are the survivors of the middle-class family usually cannot speak at all.
The middle-class family creates the new scapegoats for today, people who often can do nothing but live on alcohol, street drugs, and psychiatric medications, along with Born Again Christianity. If you get involved in the lives of the poor and homeless, you will see this.
Economic standing alone does not determine what becomes of someone. There are people who have grown up super poor for whom things have worked out well. But if these people really had all their marbles, the last ting they would do is insult poor people.
But when someone is also the designated family scapegoat, the prospects are real bad. Such people have not been able to organize. They have accepted the idea that they have an innate moral defect. Of course the Born Again Churches contribute to this. Psychotherapy and the Recovery Movement contribute to this, along with the Psychiatric system. So the survivors of the middle-class family are the ones who get used as the symbols to keep everyone else in harness.
Here in San Jose we now have programs organized by the City, centering around Mayor Sam Liccardo, which are designed to humiliate the homeless. These are funded by Liccardo's corporate sponsors. These make other workers, especially city workers, less likely to stand up for themselves. They are a move towards setting up a permanent two-tier society.
The scapegoat poor has been unable to stand up for itself, and it needs to, and starting right away.
Hero or Murderer? 15-Year-Old Bresha Meadows Faces Life in Prison for Killing Abusive Father…
National Railroad Map…
You absolutely could not guarantee that in 1950‘s America and you can't even guarantee that now
gammanu95 [restore]
Since the day I became an adult (really since the age of 17 since that's when I graduated high school and started college), I have never been on government assistance. Not once. As an adult I have always worked hard, had an apartment or house with a friend, or by myself, and never applied for, or received any type of welfare or government assistance, unless you count student loans which I doubt you do. I worked two jobs at once at times before stripping while going to school full time. Paid my own tuition for what scholarships (which I earned for test scores and an essay competition) and loans didn't cover. Owed my university money and started stripping, paid it off and was back in school 6 months later. Did unpaid internships for work experience. In what way does that compare to a stereotypical blackface character who apparently lives off the government? I did briefly live in public housing once as a kid. I was a minor and had no control of the situation but I guess that makes me a welfare queen. I'm "well on my way" to having 12 kids? Well, gee, I'm 25 years old and have no children, don't plan on having children any time soon and I'm pretty careful and smart with using methods of contraceptives so if I'm on my way to 12 kids I certainly am moving at a slow pace lol. But thanks for proving once again how much of an idiotic, judgmental bigot you are.
"I could buy and sell twentyfive and Nina's trick ass."
You could BUY and SELL me? Wtf? What a primitive and creepy thing to say. Are you part of some secret black market of kidnapping and human trafficking?
"So wrapped up in hating whitey,"
Hating whitey??? Um, no, I am beautiful and I love myself.
"They will never succeed."
Actually I succeed quite often, will continue to succeed, and will always succeed. I win, you lose.
You are calling others racist, yet you go out of your way to call another user here a historically derogatory term. I know you're going to say, "that's not racist, I was calling him lazy" knowing damn well that is a historically racist phrase.
"Porch Monkey"? Really???
You're an adult? You mean just because you're old enough you have to be called one? As for working hard? Lying on your back to make money is hard work?