Comments by JimGassagain (page 57)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    More proof that liberals are insane
    SJG, what I don't understand is the hugely hypocritical stances the Democratic Party has historically been taking. They are by far the most corrupt political party in our nations history, and now presently are considered the country's liberal base. Consider these facts documented by history.... 13th Ammendment: Abolish Slavery GOP support=100% Democrat oppose= 77% 14th Amendment:Citizenship/Equal Right GOP support= 94% Democrat oppose= 100% 15th Ammendment: Right to vote GOP support= 100% Democrat oppose= 100% It is clearly obvious the Liberal base, the Democratic Party, has been historically against anything equal for the minority citizens of our great nation and mug of the historical movement of equalizing opportunity is due to the Republican/conservative base. Nina would dismiss these facts as the party has changed, but it hasn't ever changed. It is a self serving party of corrupt individuals conspiring to take advantage of people's problems and capitalizing on the disparity and hopes of the down trodden clad of citizens hoping politicians will take and fight for their cause, yet only to realize the liberals abuse their position for their own personal gain. It's too bad liberals like you find in large metro areas like San Francisco, LA, New York, Baltimore, Chicago, and D.C. drink the kool-aid of progressive-ism when in fact they are the most greedy self serving individuals the history of this Earth has ever known. I would be ashamed to vote Democrat and tell others about it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Sherriff Clarke sounds like the leader blacks should have...
    SJG, the poor and the marginalized won't stand up for themselves because they never bought into the system. They believe in counter culture activities. They are too lazy to organize and act in positive ways, because for them it is easier to point fingers as to why they e been victimized by society, yet their whole lives have been an attempt to avoid work and responsibility. You see this through out most urban areas when one generation passes down their values, or lack of values in conforming to the established. The poor have no self worth other than denigrating those that do. The poor spend their time making excuses for their short comings. Do all of the poor do this? No not all, but the majority of them are like this, and I'm talking about the type of poor people who have been on government assistance their whole life and teach their offspring how to depend on it. There are very few amongst the poor that are hard working, optimistic, educated, and stay away from drugs- even psychiatric drugs. Some of the poor like this turn to born again Christianity like the ones you find in the South, Christians and Baptists are running amuck in those born again revivalists arenas. And the eating habits of the marginalized keep them from finding any work. Biscuits and gravy is a staple in marginalized areas, and after having that to eat they just want to take a nap. I saw a gentleman's house was on fire but he said "I better go take care of this, but first let me get me some sweet tea!" The cycle can't be broken for marginalized people when their learned behavior has to be unlearned.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT: drugs
    What is this about? SJG and Meat72, I think have this drug thing figured out, now that I read through the original topic. Meat and SJG, do either of you think that Portugal's system of dealing with drug use work in the USA? I think that there are so many jobs reliant on drug enforcement it would displace many former military personnel who now work in the security/police business. In the most democratic way of big government, as long as the left leaning media and political climate remains, there will be no place for legalization of drugs. The liberal ritards have too much to lose to allow a common sense approach like the Portugal stance.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    More proof that liberals are insane
    Sorry. I read that wrong. ^^^^ You're post was so incredibly long I thought it was SJG trolling hisself. Never mind Che and SJG. It was an oversight. I was watching Fox News while TUSCL-ing.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    How Many Hours Per Week Would You Want To Spend With Women?
    How about homosexual men? How long is enough time for them being with men? Is it the same comparison admen being with women? Hmmmmm....
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    More proof that liberals are insane
    Is Che also SJG? They seem to troll each other ad hominem.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Voter ID?
    Wow! Some responses could be taken directly from CNN/MSNBC as a mouthpiece of those networks. I like seeing the rationalizing intellect of those who twist the facts. They that are on that political podium have become delusional a long time ago, right?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Sherriff Clarke sounds like the leader blacks should have...
    Well, I guess this thread went silent. No f2f w/SJG? Apparently it's all talk and no walk. In so far as I see it, people are people, so why should it be, that you and I should get along so awfully?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Old Men
    What about middle aged men? I'm 49 and hope to live another 50 years with a new heart and liver transplant, maybe some kidneys that I bought off from some young Asian dude who only needed one kidney since he lives a toxic free lifestyle. I'm hoping that's how things work out with my all American diet I can't seem to stray from. At least I don't so drugs or drink alcohol, right? Girls like middle aged white men with big fat wallets! And they like having sex with them because they get off with multiple orgasms and they get paid. So they have fun and get paid with no commitment! It's ideal for the young stripper, she can get married to a fellow in her late 20's or even early 30's and still have a family while sowing her oats in her late teens and early 20's while guys like me get to relive our youth. Perfect score!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    paying a stripper to watch me jerk off in the vip
    I'm game!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    More proof that liberals are insane
    Meat72, how true it is!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    How Many Hours Per Week Would You Want To Spend With Women?
    SJG, you my friend are walking the talk, and talking the walk! I got to say there is nothing keeping you from selling out all of the membership dues to enter your organization. The constant saturation of pussy you described is nirvana. No more than a few hundred feet away at all times....priceless!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Have you ever been caught logging into TUSCL?
    SJG I responded to your "Marriage" article. Thanks for providing the link. I also think I perpetually want to live the life of a 10 year old because of all of the responsibility bestowed upon me, however I did ask for it for knocking g up my wife 5 times! It's subconsciously an escape from my day to day grind of juggling career, family, and life in order to survive my insanity. If I pretend I'm still in my youth I can get through the day mentally without getting upset at my wife and kids. Comedians as a group of people are probably the most psychologically damaged people you can find, abuse is rampant with sex, drugs, and other obsessions. Thankfully my wife has accepted my worst vice consumption of food. My fear is that she will find a younger, more fit man to satisfy her needs. Thankfully I make a lot of money to keep her from a wandering eye, as she couldn't find a by were life elsewhere with 5 children at tow. My son is my best friend, and I hope he grows up to be more politically conscious, maybe even a little more like you SJG.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Marriage and Family, Would You Do It Again?
    SJG, I would never change anything if I were to do it all over again. I fell instantly in love with my wife and new right away I wanted a family with her. Of course with familiarity comes contempt, but as long as I remember the positives our relationship gets stronger. Not everyone marries a partner who is willing to work as hard as his/her spouse, and my wife definitely works more at our marriage than me. I'm a blessed and very lucky person, as when most people who see us together are shocked, and had one person say "wow! How did you do that?" My wife is hot for a fat balding guy like me to obtain, so hence people wonder if she can see or smell, or if she lost some of her senses. I've learned to grow a thick skin and at first it bothered me but now I'm flattered. When girls look at my belly I say "My eyes are up here!", because they stare at my gut. Marriage has been the best thing that has ever happened to me.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    how to tell the black girls im not interested?
    OMFG, Papi! I remember when that skit that Eddie Murphy played on SNL cam on live TV back in the 80's like it was yesterday. All the kids in school talked about it all week after it played, because it was an instant classic! So fricking funny!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    how to tell the black girls im not interested?
    Skinny black chicks make crazy bank on white middle aged men, especially if they straighten their hair. I'm hard thinking about it right now, visiting my favorite black skinny stripper with the best blow job lips in the world, and having the knowledge to use them.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Sherriff Clarke sounds like the leader blacks should have...
    SJG, you could always arrange a f2f meeting, or maybe attend a TUSCL meet up?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York City
    Queens is your closest option, or go past Hoboken into the Jersey side. A little tougher/rougher yet you'll find a gem or two by hopping around.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is that what they mean by cognitive dissonance?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Voter ID?
    I think James San Diego is closest to the solution in my mind. Would voter fraud by mail be less than it currently is? I think your delusional and sit far on the left if you believe voter fraud is not a problem. Everywhere that voter fraud is present almost always ends up favoring the Democrats, not the conservatives.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Have you ever been caught logging into TUSCL?
    SJG, my friend you are correct! I think that I may never want to grow up. It's that inner child in me that can't keep me from overeating. Ice cream is my latest temptation I can't control. I was probably the happiest ever when I was 10 years old. Just starting to learn about the femal body, oh the memories that we all can share of a youth gone fast! Thank God we have TUSCL to share the commonality of beautiful women, right?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Have you ever been caught logging into TUSCL?
    SJG, good luck in getting through your struggles of your past marriage. As someone who is happily married, the best part about it is growing together and managing a unit as a whole; family. With your intellect you too can become a father some day and raise him/her to assist in the great organization you are building. I see a family with children in your near future, so choose wisely my friend. She should be willing to suck you dry daily and take care of the children while you are off leading your organization. Remember to allow TUSCL members like me to join!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Voter ID?
    What does it say for the intellect of a group of people who don't have any ID? How does anyone get by without it? It only goes to show that there is a real strong reason why some politicians prefer no ID to vote, because that is the intelligence that they cater to.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How is san_jose_gay Able to Post So Quickly After san_jose_guy?
    SJG, as Meat72 has concluded that I should place you on ignore, I will not do that as that conjures up ideas of abolishing freedom of speech. I believe we're all entitled to it. How does one think that right wing views are any worse than your left wing views, which from your prose on TUSCL has definitely proven you are of the far left? Explain the perspectives that your views are more righteous than the right wing "TUSCL'ers". For example the right wingers all probably have jobs and are law abiding citizens who love their country and God with no killing of unborn children. Whereas the left wingers are known to corrupt their voters with hatred against whites, working class and business owners. They want you left wingers to believe tour the victim who needs to "get what's yours!" Even so far as to state reparations should be made for all the wrongs that have been done on any class; women, poor, and the minorities. Yet where does that leave the younger generation who never participated in inequal treatment of those groups? Should they have to be punished for the generations preceding them? Interesting to think about, right?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Have you ever been caught logging into TUSCL?
    ^^^ "Hot wife" not hit wife. She doesn't take anyone out without me knowing about it!