
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    are you a necrophiliac?
    see how the monkeyman tries to smear me by labeling me a liberal. i think he is actually that idiot from san jose pretending to be me, the smartest person posting on the site my space geneious algorithm has clearly established that this sick monkey is actually responsible for nearly 98% of the trolling activity on this board. over the years he has posted as @mikey and as @zipperhead and as @TheeOSU and as @DandyDan and as @4got2wipe and as @NoReviewTroll and as many others. he even hacked @shadowcats acount that sick monkeyman you people do know that this sick monkey has created two txtittyfag identities that argue with each other. this is a sick man
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    8 years ago
    are you a necrophiliac?
    wtf? why is some idiot is trying to smear my good name by posting about necrophilia? stop pretending to be me you stupid monkey. i am a friend and confident to stars and geneiouses far better than u stupid ass monkeyman. stop talking about trying to fuck corpses u sick monkey
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    A more serious vote
    none of the @larryfish aliases are @mikey aka aka aka, the worse troll on the board remember that @mikey is a weirdo hippy that smells of patchouli and he plays the hacky sacky all of the time when hes not trolling how do i know? im a space geneious
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Hotties love guys who vote for Trump....
    you obviously think your very clever @mikey but most posters are smart enough to know that you actually post as @zipman. now your accusing me, a space geneious, of being your troll account. sad
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    8 years ago
    Hotties love guys who vote for Trump....
    @mikey your not fooling anybody but the permanently dim by pretending to be a red blood american. i know your a hemp wearing hacky sacky playing hippy i think you may also be the same as @san_jose_guy. my space geneious algorithm suggests you are the same guy just pretending to troll yourself. sad
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    8 years ago
    oh no. this is sad. yet another @mikey alias please get help @mikey. nobody wants to read your liberal double bluff trolling
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    8 years ago
    Was That ZipperHead They Just Detained in Reno?
    i agree @Dougster. @zipperhead is one of the worst @mikey aliases. probably worse than @Hugh_G._Rection, @4got2wipe, @TheeOSU, and @rickthezoo combined but you have to understand that mikey is actually a weird hippy that wears only hemp clothes and plays the hacky sacky every waking moment that he isnt posting here. do you actually think he has time to go to a trump rally? and even if he did the patchouli smell would make real americans kick his ass before he got thru the door. how do i know? simple. i am a space geneious
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Wrong Number
    stop trolling @mikey. my space geneious algorithm has long ago identified you as the rapscaleion behind @TheeOSU among many others
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    8 years ago
    Larry Fisherprice's bedroom...
    stop trolling @mikey. everybody know your behind all of the worse trolls on TUSCL like @rickthezoo and @4got2wipe and @CaraLynn and many more of course the rest of TUSCL has a pluck space geneious and his amazing algorithm to thank for that. your welcome folks
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    8 years ago
    Benefits of Old Age
    i guess there are some constants with TUSCL. @SJG drinks gallons of gravy. @juice says stupid shit. @crazyjoe just says shit. and @mikey aka @rickthezoo aka @zipperhead aka @TheeOSU aka aka aka trolls on the other hand, it isn't really trolling if your target is a guy that doesn't understand the concept underlying paragraphs. how did that guy pass the 3rd grade? smh i guess not everybody has impeckable grammar and spelling like me. of course, i am a space geneious
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    8 years ago
    What is the big deal
    i have to admit that i actually have misgivings about my old boss in the white house. he is a good guy but we had a falling out because he did not acknowledge my space geneiousness properly you people dont actually know the candidates. i do. i actually gangbanged the woman that played punksey brewmeister with the donald and bill clinton and hilary walked in and it was really embarrassing. hillary dragged bill out of the room by his ear but this was in the early 2000s well after the punksey brewmeister girl was an adult. we arent sickos. in fact the donald wasnt into it because punksey isnt a 10. he just went along for old times and because i played yakity saxity on the stereo in the background
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    8 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Swingers party
    most swingers are people you would not want to have sex with or even see having sex. not top shelf pussy like i can get through my dear celebrity friends. have i told you guys about the time i fucked scarlett johnson from the avenged iron man movies? she is top shelf pussy
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    8 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    would you like me to teach the laser eyes
    however i will not teach @mikey the laser eyes until he gets psychiatric help
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    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Epic Fail: Taking a Civie Girl to a Strip Club
    my advice would be to hypmotize her with laser eyes. any woman will do anything after getting the laser eyes. even allow you to chase her around manically while the yakity saxity plays
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What are you most known for on TUSCL?
    i am known for being a space geneious and for selflessly devoting my time to hunting trolls on TUSCL. internet trolls are the worse but i just want to get them psychiatric help your welcome for my tireless efforts
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This story needs some Benny Hill music. :)
    i just made a mistake which is odd since i am a space geneious. the correct name of the song is yakity saxity i tried to get kim bassetter to do the running around to yakity saxity thing when we were dating but she didnt like the song
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This story needs some Benny Hill music. :)
    no. the song is yakity sanity i know because when i was donald trumps publicist in the 80s i used to watch him chase women around the office to that song. the women were happy to stop and fuck him because he was donald trump and he had a huge bank balance but he liked to chase them before he fucked them but the donald and i never crossed swords. neither of us are fucking fags
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    I once hit a man in Dearborn, Michigan.
    @GoVikings, @Dougster lies when he alleges that @rickdugan has multiple aliases. my space geneious algorithm has definitive proof that @rickdugans style is unique on the other hand @mikey has a truly astounding number of troll aliases. @Dougster has a single account but that account trolls incessantly. he is virtually the mirror image of @mikey your welcome form my insights. you may praise me now
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stuck and need help or advice
    my space geneious algorithm suggests that the op may simply be trolling. i think this may be a new troll. stay tuned for updates. @mikey is having a psychological breakdown so it could be him. he may not even know that he is trolling this time i promise to help the poor sole with my space geneious psychological talents
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Voter ID?
    voter id may be necessary because @mikey will no doubt vote once for each of his aliases. fortunately half of his aliases support hillary and half support trump so it will be a wash at the presidential level his aliases do skew republican for congressional and local elections. it is just that some of his aliases are never trump republicans whereas others are trump fans
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    how to tell the black girls im not interested?
    @Meat72 your misspelling of chessmasters name was flagged by my space geneious algorithm as yet another potential @mikey alias. know that i will reveal you as @mikey if the algorithm if the fourier transform of the data yields a >0.99 posterior probability of you being @mikey my space geneious algorithm has only been fooled once. it yielded a high posterior for @Hugh_G._Rection being @mikey but subsequent data analysis has indicated a lower credibility. i now believe @Hugh_G._Rection is simply a different person who happens to sound a bit like @mikey
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    how to tell the black girls im not interested?
    read TUSCL troll posts to them. internet trolls are the worst and they will decide that they dont want to interact with you after you read a few @mikey aka @zipperhead aka @TheeOSU aka @CaraLynn87 aka @rickthezoo aka many other crap identities
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Man buns
    my space genious algorithm indicates that the real @mikey has transitioned from being a dorky pseudohipster with white boy dreads and a soul patch to a dorky pseudohipster with a man bun however he still wears only hemp clothing and smells of patchuli oil. and he has terminal diarrhea of the keyboard and trolls 24/7
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    OT: Dawn of New Era : Viability of a Silent Strip Club
    of course @mikey posts for this idea as one of his crap @rickthezoo aliases and then posts against it with his primary account. that guy is such a troll. and he has so many crap aliases. it is truely sad