
I once hit a man in Dearborn, Michigan.

Avatar for NinaBambina
NinaBambinaWho the fuck is Ninabambina?

A hit and run. I hit him and just kept on going. I don't know if he's alive or dead... but I'm sorry. Not a day goes by I don't see his face.


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Avatar for Dougster

He was crossing the street in the middle of the night!

Avatar for GACA

No. She hit him because he touched her.

Avatar for sharkhunter

Go to confession in a church. The priest is supposed to keep things confidential and the guilt may be causing your anxiety. Don't hit anyone else on the street. If you're curious, search newspaper archives for the following day for hit and run or deaths.

The same problems affect people who hold anger against others. The anger causes themselves health problems. Forgive and forget or forgive and avoid what caused the anger. Most of the time, the anger, anxiety, or whatever affects you, not someone else.

Avatar for 4got2wipe

Ha NinaBambina been hacked or has she been hacked?

If the former I say not brilliant. :(

If the latter I say brilliant!

Avatar for GoVikings

ricky-boy with the I Know What You Did Last Summer reference!

damn jennifer love hewitt is so beautiful in that movie

Avatar for mikeya02

I once shot a man in Reno

Avatar for vincemichaels

Join the club, Nina. Some people just ask for it.

Avatar for Dougster

No worries, Nina. You're a whore so you can get away with murder and you'll still have a long line of PLs eager to kiss your ass about it.

Avatar for GoVikings

oops.....that was dougster.........not ricky-boy

why the hell is dougster using ricky-boy's avatar?

Avatar for Dougster

RickyBoy took mine under one of his aliases, so I decided to take his: just to keep things even.

Avatar for twentyfive

With a broom ? .........................; )

Avatar for Dougster

Ok, you post "admitting" to hit and run, but someone else is a troll.

Got it! Like everything you say and do on here: makes perfect sense!

Avatar for NinaBambina

I'm just "keeping things even," Nubster.

Avatar for Dougster

Too bad you didn't get any bites.

Avatar for Dougster

Like I've always said "dumb whore".

Avatar for NinaBambina

Any bites? What do you mean, I don't like being bitten. I mean not hard anyway.

Avatar for sharkhunter

If you search obituaries or newspaper archives within two or three days of the incident, if there is a mention of a hit and run, the story may give more details. Many libraries have newspaper archives to find out. Then if this is not a joke, you won't have to wonder.

Avatar for DoctorPhil.

@GoVikings, @Dougster lies when he alleges that @rickdugan has multiple aliases. my space geneious algorithm has definitive proof that @rickdugans style is unique

on the other hand @mikey has a truly astounding number of troll aliases. @Dougster has a single account but that account trolls incessantly. he is virtually the mirror image of @mikey

your welcome form my insights. you may praise me now

Avatar for Dougster

I guess this thread is that dumb whore Nina Bambina's attempt to show she does have a sense of humor. By joking about hit and run. I guess people will have to decide for themselves if she accomplished her goal or not, but I would have to say still needs to work on it a bit.

Avatar for NinaBambina

Ok the title of my post, and the rest of my original post was said by Jimmy Fallon in "Almost Famous." I never hit anybody.

Avatar for mikeya02

I can't believe nobody got it was a famous Jimmy Fallon quote, myself included

Avatar for Mate27

@Dougster- Like I've always said "dumb whore".

Your need to take that back and apologize to all of the dumb whores you've offended by lumping them together with Nina.

Avatar for Jascoi

evidently some of ya'll haven't noticed troll Nanabambina. Pay attention to the point and her time of joining tculi.

Avatar for Jascoi

damn seri/ auto correct. and it does appear this post is posted by the genuine nina. proves that i can be wrong.

Avatar for NinaBambina

Well I've never hit anybody with my car. I hit my ex with a pair of scissors just last week.

Avatar for 4got2wipe

Brilliant trolling! But one question: did you use the sharp end of the scissors when you hit your ex? If so, that's called stabbing, not hitting! ;)

Avatar for NinaBambina

I also stabbed him with a wine key once.

Avatar for 4got2wipe

Double brilliant!

I am never going to piss you off!

Avatar for Mate27

I would never get close enough to her to piss her off. She's a bad seed!

Avatar for jester214

You say that like you're proud of it.

Avatar for NinaBambina

How did you know I said it like I was proud of it, were you there when I typed it?

Avatar for gammanu95

I believe it. Women drivers, no survivors.

Avatar for jester214

You type that like you're proud of it.


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