
A more serious vote

Everything written by this member is a fact.
Who thinks LarryFisherprice is a douche?

Leave a comment if you think he is. Only one comment per person.

Unless you're a democrat. Old habits are hard to break.


  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    I named a fish taco after him in my Papi sandwich thread. No need to say much more
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Obvious troll. He brags about going to Vegas, and I call him out to recall some obvious things to prove he was inside those actual clubs. His response? Well he was 'drunk.'

    Go crawl back in the hole you came from Larry, your shit is old. He has no clue that the only person on here that likes him is SJG which makes him even more of a douche.

    Larry piss off ,you probably have a geometry test to study for today anyway.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    I will cast a probably lonely vote on Larry's behalf. I find the contempt directed against him, especially by shailynn, quite excessive. Larry may, um, embellish the truth a bit, but that doesn't make him a douche.

    Now Dougster -- *there's* a douche!
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Larry Fisher Price has been known to play with the "My First Strip Club" toy he got last Christmas. This year for Christmas number one on his wish list is "The Barbie Doll Stripper" with her own removeable bikini.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Haven't read many of his posts, but some are funny.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I think stripper Barbie is sold w/Abusive Ken The Stripper boyfriend.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Sorry think I was confusing my posters. larryfisherman has some good posts and some bad ones not sure what to make of him yet, overall. I was thinking of the new troll account.
  • larryfishsticks
    8 years ago
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    I farted
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Then larryfishsticks showed up
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Larryfishsticks is a fart
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I think Larry has discovered what should be obvious, that if you don't treat beautiful young women like prostitutes, then they can just open right up to you and be all over you, ITC, in your car, and in your home.

    And so there is a huge block of TUSCL creeps who are just going ballistic over this.

  • ime
    8 years ago
    ^^^no one is even close to as big a douche as San jose lloyd
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    Last I checked the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy had a two word entry for planet Earth: "Mostly Harmless"

    Personally I would apply those words to Larry Fisher. With some of the more egregious trolls around here I really don't understand why the most normal sounding of the resident troll population is met with the most disdain.
  • larryfishsticks
    8 years ago
    ^ Hugh,

    That's an easy answer, a troll is a troll, saying stupid things, trying to get a laugh out of the masses, I honestly don't see too much wrong with that as long as they can make me laugh.

    Who ever is under the Larry name, came on here as a troll, but when s/he was met with little enthusiasm they tried to act like a legit member on here, fabricating reviews, claiming to travels places they have likely never been, that is why they are met with such disdain.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^ You are mistaken.

  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Does black votes mater?
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i have no issues with larry.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I've had him on ignore since the beginning
  • DoctorPhil.
    8 years ago
    none of the @larryfish aliases are @mikey aka aka aka, the worse troll on the board

    remember that @mikey is a weirdo hippy that smells of patchouli and he plays the hacky sacky all of the time when hes not trolling

    how do i know? im a space geneious
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    I'm on Larry's side for now. I never understood the hate. Very confused by all of it
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Larry likes the girls and he treats them just like ordinary girls. So they like him, and they really show him a good time.

    Some TUSCL members just cannot accept this, because they treat the women who dance in strip clubs like vending machines.

  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    You mean I'm on the same side as SJG on this issue? Hmm . . . Nope, I still think larryfisherman is OK!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

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