
OT: Dawn of New Era : Viability of a Silent Strip Club

New York
Saturday, August 13, 2016 6:58 AM
In light of my recent post regarding my LDK at a silent party (click link to see a silent party - [view link] ), I decided to apply the concept to a Strip Club experience to help TUSLCers connect the dots with this phenomenon. First, Strip Clubs are multipurpose venues. They are bars, restaurants, and adult entertainment AT ALL TIMES OF THE DAY. People may come for visual of naked women, to grab a bite, to watch a game, go smoke hookah, to eat, to discuss business, to get nasty, to hang with friends. Silent headphones allow for the bar, restaurant and lounge feel to remain intact while channeling the dominant sounds. This permits for greater avenues of revenue generation instead of leaning heavily on the strippers. Imagine being able to audibly hear a sports game while having a stripper giving you a spirited lapdance. Multitasking just got a facelift. It also gives greater access to the facility to more patrons who may want more than the typical sexcapades. Some strip clubs, just like some night clubs, are not multi-level. Imagine a dive or a SC without backrooms that can now better optimize their space. Giving customers, DJs and strippers more control over what they hear and how loud they hear it offers self regulated crowd control. It's also an easy way to tune out the annoying DJ playing music for the guys popping bottles rather than the ladies shaking their asses. Likewise, it's possible to play reggaeton, R&B, reggae, hip hop, all at the same time and appeal to different crowds in the same space with needing a separate room or night to appeal to their interests. Greater demographic diversity. From a sound and building ordinance stance, less money has to be spent on sound proof rooms and facilities. Additionally with noise regulated, a new strip club could be as conveniently located as the nearest fast food restaurant. Again, extending the sources of revenue instead of fully committing to one or the other. Some strip clubs have amazing food or topnotch bartenders or strong hookah. For the viagra users with sensitive ears and disposable income, they now have outlet. Struggling strip clubs now have a facelift especially if location isnt ideal. In an era of urban renewal, the SC of the future could capitalize on silent headphones and avoid the overhead associated with audio equipment (amplifiers, speakers, etc). Finally, the self conscious individuals can lean on more liquor to loosen them up to them to the experience which helps the bar. Conversations with strippers no longer need to be about yelling. Security can better diffuse situations by removing someones headset. Nothing but wins for everyone


  • ricktheturtle
    8 years ago
    Good idea. Aah...yup Sometimes you apes surprise me. Or are you a testudine? Aah...yup We turtles like to polka. They could run a nice polka track while I scope out female hairless apes willing to do it turtlestyle. Aah...yup
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    Gotta love Ying Yang Twins ....hanh
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    No, don't like the idea. Music still allows you to talk to other people, while covering the sound from anyone further away. And yes, substituting LDKing for real sex is pathetic. I like strip clubs, but that does not actually mean that I am paying for sex. Money is what makes it possible for the girl to be there, and it is a show of respect and care. SJG
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Amps and speakers are always going to rule. This headphone thing is a fad for a small niche. Remember 3D movies from the 50's? A fad then and still a fad now.
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    @SJG - It's evolution. If you want music blasting in your ears the whole time, that option is not being eliminated. Thats the beauty of the phenomenon. The status quo is preserved but more options are provided. The music is still playing, optionscare expanded. So perhaps are sectioned is designated for private talk. Again nothing is being eliminated except oversized speakers and amplifiers. As stated on various occasions, LDK is a substitute for masturbation and satiates exhbitionism without a prison sentence. Not to mention you're paying for sex which is pathetic. Im merely having a hot stranger grind on my dick til I bust for no other reason than she finding me attractive. If I elected, I could bag the number fuck later. Every dollar you spend in a strip club is for something a civvie would do. I can do everything in a regular club with civvies that you can do in a strip club. Only difference is mine is free and Im willing to bet the selection in San Jose doesnt contend with NYC in the slightest. I enjoy strip clubs before 9pm because it's a time efficient transaction. However, I can facilitate the same Quality interaction in a regular night club, then I'll do for the newness and freeness. Respect and care for a stripper????? Epitomizes pathetic. It's systemically desgned to be a Fantasy with no strings. A selfish transaction. You're here catching feelings on a chick that is there til your dollars are gone. The beauty of stepping into regular nightclubs and persuading civvies to do the same shit as strippes is thatand you remember laws of attraction. Money is what attracts a stripper because it's business transaction. Charm and sex appeal are what keeps girls around. If you posses charm and appeal, a stripper will flock to you on a slow night just because. If the only way you can maintain a female's attention is with money, then you have embodied the essence of PL
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Not paying for sex, don't do it that way. I was married, and that was pathetic. I understand civvies. I still find what you are saying about LDKing, to be pathetic. And the silent clubs also rub me the wrong way. SJG
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    @mikeya02- A decade long fad that is internationally embraced and taking over outdoor, rooftop, cruises, and backyard parties???? 3D movies may not have taken off, but higher definition and surround sound have. Yet the market is driven by upgrades to bigger and louder speakers. Before cell phones, there were pay phones. Early attempts at cell phones were large and a hassle. But overtime, the craft was perfected. These silent headphones/events will be the same way in another 10 years. Watch the trends
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "Watch the trends" Couldn't care less about trends. SJG
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    @SJG - what is your purpose for strip clubs (The bar, the food, the hookah, the visual of naked women, the physical interaction)? It'll provide more context as I've stated my purpose. Marriage doesnt mean another woman cant make your dick hard. LDK is my in-between of a new sex partner without actual sex. My s/o understands my exhibitionist appetite, frotteuristic needs and preference for newness so this is a consensual compromise. My theory on LDK is why masturbate when theres a perfectly willing stranger happy to grind on my dick til I bust and the process can happen without sneaking off to a corner, paying for a hotel, or even having a conversation. The sane exact transaction as10 lap dances I'm a strip club without the price tag. Have you experienced a caribbean silent club?
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    @SJG -You're also in a unique with your needs from a SC. You seem more like the watch games at the bar type so the headphones wouldnt apply to you.
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    @LDK - It will be new owners breaking into the market and owners of struggling clubs rebranding. Silent events are the wave
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    LDKisLife, you are making lots of assumptions about me, unfounded assumptions. I am not averse to civilian girls, even those of college age, or in our local nightclubs. I also never in my life have tried to use money to persuade a woman to do anything she had not already shown clear interest in doing. Money is just a show of respect, and a recognition of the fact that in some types of venues it is expected, and that she could not be there if she were not making money. I like women in high heels and makeup. And in strip clubs that goes much further. And I like talking with the girls. Talking with them, more than anything else, gets them to open up. Our local strip clubs are strict no touching. But we have great AMPs, and I have always got on well with the girls there. But I never treat them like prostitutes. This is why they and I get along so well. If a guy is married and it is not going well, then the only types of people who can help him will be either a marriage councilor, or a divorce lawyer. You might find a few dancing at strip clubs, but they still seem to be rare. Otherwise interactions with other women are not going to help you with your marriage, maybe make it more endurable, but only to a point, and I still find what your are describing to be pathetic. SJG John Coltrane Spiritual [view link]
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I guess this could be evolution. Although isn't one of the draw of spending $$ for private rooms is that the music is less loud in the VIP/CR than on the floor? Personally it is not my cup of tea. A silent club would NOT be a deal breaker but nor would I actively seek one out. I'm more concerned about the nudity, decency, and alcohol board rules and laws -- all restricting the strip club experience for me. (than I am about noise).
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    @SJG- I am in fact making generalizations, though not all directly applicable to you. LapDanceKing82 and I endure the same plight when it comes to many TUSCLers viewing LDK as pathetic while they spend excessively on GFE and FS in SC or OTC or AMP. LDK is a fetish. Consensual frotteurism laced with exhibitionism. To avoid being registered sex offenders, deviants or jail time, LDK in appropriate settings satiates the greater urges. We both have s/o. LapDanceKing is married with a child. Our s/o are active participants in our appetites. It's safe, sexual interactions with others free of drama, disease, and paternity. Hence why we primarily seek civvies of the same mind. Strippers arent your friends nor confidantes. I could call that pathetic but that is your core need. My need is a safe nut with minimal conversation. It's a transaction. Respect end recognition could be exchanging contact informatiom and conversing outside of business hours. But if you're spending money 80% of times you interact, you are a victim of classic stripper talk. I've been a victim of it too. I prefer strippers who act like civvies. Buying their own drinks, and dancing on my dick just because they like the song and find me attractive. There's no panhandling and even when money is passed, theres no counting. It's just thrown in the bag. But it's not something I verbalize, but thats my litmus for CF. Same applies to civvies. If while dancing she reaches for my dick or puts my hands between her legs, it's just her in the zone. I like civvies acting like strippers and strippers acting like civvies. I now treat strippers like civvies, and civvies like strippers. It shakes the tree so Im left with the freaks. With AMP, I understand paying for a legitimate massage, but if the extra needs anything more than permission than it's a hustle. I personally cant pay for anything beyond an LDK, because I philosophically feel that they should be paying me for them to suck my dick or ride my dick. Thats why I see payment as pathetic. And have also divested in SC outings A slow night at a SC is the best time to talk. At my SC they only pay if they are in your lap. Everything else is a tip. Every club is different, so again not calling you pathetic. My SC also has no private rooms so everything is out in the open with high friction and touching. I completely agree with the friends with benefits dynamic, but philosophically disagree with the price tag. Again, civvies in NYC look better than strippers in most cities. Interactions with other women in my case are purely a physical transaction (LDK). My s/o understands and embraces my lifestyle. The anonymity, no strings and discretion are her wishes provided everything stays at just an LDK. There are no conversations, contact info exchange or even eye contact in most instances grind and go. Any marriage counselor is fundamentally a mediator. But when transparent communication and empathy are tools of the foundation of the bond with a s/o, you dont need a marriage counselor nor a divorce lawyer. Your notions of "pathetic" are moot as you arent my s/o.
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    @Dominic77 - The evolution is inevitable. It's not just about volume. Space utilization, optimization, product/service expansion and differentiation, building ordinances etc are impacted by this epidemic. Not all clubs are the same. My SC doesnt have back rooms. Money is made on stages and booths. Some SCs are dives or former theatres in which money is made in the back room instead. Such hole in the walls could benefit by pulling in more business (think sports bar with naked women that can be taken to a back room). For spaces that are full nude, with silent head phones such venues could be closer placed to restaurants with full bars. Thus business collaboration. Theres always loopholes, and now there are more. For larger SC, using silent headphones diversifies music offerings for multiple girls on stages at a time. Back rooms could be used for conversation (removing headphones) as a club policy to speak with dancers so now theres a price for conversation. Many ways to spin it. A silent club is a step closer to organically unleashing inner inhibitions. As per the nudity vs alcohol debate, SC without alcohol are missing out on business. As a visual stimulated person, a naked body is boring. A nude color Gstring or see through bikinis intrigued the imagination more. Its easier to find loopholes in clothes than it is with alcohol. You can pay for nudity. But alcohol helps facilitate more spending than naked bodies
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    @LDK - The only advantage of not serving alcohol is if the SC attracts a college crowd 18-24. It's not really a nudity vs alcohol debate. Nevertheless, the thrills of the kill (LDK) is ripping off their clothes or it sliding to the left. Visuals aides and props. We differ on the price of an LDK in a SC. Yet we bothers value it above masturbation and as such should be priced there as well. Especially now with my staple Reggae nightclub, I find less purpose in paying for an LDK. $30 at a nightclub with $5 shots with a civvie could lead to FS.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "spend excessively on GFE and FS in SC or OTC or AMP" It doesn't have to work this way. With most women, once the interactions are beyond the early 20's, there is in one way or another money changing hands. In retail sex businesses it can be seen as just a show of respect and understanding for the fact that the girl could not be there unless she was getting money. The money keeps her away from Finance Insurance and Real Estate ( FIRE ), a completely parasitic segment of our economy. It keeps her in high heels instead of sensible shoes. A most worthwhile expenditure. And then beyond that, mostly it is mistress maintenance. This is how they do it in most countries except the US, the Wife-Mistress System. For myself though, I want to be able to publicly stand up for what I believe in. So like I said, if your marriage has a problem, marriage councilor or divorce lawyer. These are the only people who can help you with your problem. And LDKisLife, I don't think you should be re-broadcasting lapdanceking82's personal information. SJG
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    @SJG - you have gulped the Stripper Talk Koolaid. Im in NYC. Strippers here could make it anywhere easily, especially in San Jose. The grind, hustles, sell, tricks, strategies are on peak levels in NYC. You are Captain Save a Hoe. A White Knight. An ATM. A person with Messiah Complex. Your open heart makes you a cash cow. These women are NOT your dependents. They chose their path. If you dont pay them someone else will. The fact you've internalized your moral obligation to pay for a conversation with an attractive woman says alot. She's not a lecturer, counselor, professor, nor attorney. She is whatever she needs to be to get your money for as long as you have it. You dont need to pay for drinks nor for her time. Is she paying you for a conversation? Is she paying for your drinks? If you go for FS after "opening her up" is she not also receiving pleasure? Yet you're still paying.... Again, try your approach with civvies and save yourself some money and have a shot of reality. If you cant chill with them during non work hours without payment, you are being hustled and dont even know it. How do you go from looking for a conversation to open them up, to a counselor/attorney, to a sex retailer, to now mistress mismanagement???? This is why I asked specifically why do you go to strip clubs? I went for a guaranteed LDK then found regular parties to be more cost efficient and natural. But paying for a mistress in a SC....yet claiming you "only go as a couple with your wife"..... Strip clubs are designed for variety, newness, fresh meat. You already have a wife. Why pay for GFE when one night stand experience is right there. Newsflash, she's not your mistress, she's your pimp. You go to work and she gets a portiom of your hard earned cash.... Whose marriage has a problem? My s/o knows fully what I do, when I do it, why I to it. And endorses it because 'it's just dancing in her eyes'. Yet you're playing sugar daddy for a conversation.... SJG, I think you should worry more about your troll. LDK is the only reason im still on this site
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    LDKisLife, you're talking to someone. But I don't know who it is. It certainly is not me. "She's not a lecturer, counselor, professor, nor attorney. She is whatever she needs to be to get your money for as long as you have it. " You are completely off base. I've never conducted myself anything like what you are describing. Someone who would make all the presumptions that you do, is pathetic. SJG
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    @SJG - I see exactly why you have troll now
  • ime
    8 years ago
    LDKisLife other than SJG being divorced which he constantly cries about because he can't get over it, you are spot on about SJG. He will just try to twist your words to his logic, which only ever makes sense to him, facts and reality have no place in SJG's life.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    He has zero chance with attractive regular women hence hus relying on AMPs with literally a captive girl.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    LDKisLife, you are turning into a troll. You brag about what you do, and assume that other people are chumps. You make assumptions, but you understand very little. SJG
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    @IME - I try hard to avoid the troll train but this whole exchange was highly unnecesary. The topic is the theory of a silent strip club, in which SJG could have his paid conversation out of respect and recognition for and women's time by simply removing her headset. I just want my LDK which is possible so everyone wins. Everything is just better left alone
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    "You brag about what you do, and assume that other people are chumps. You make assumptions, but you understand very little." Once again SJG describes himself
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    @SJG - Read the transcript at first usage of the word "pathetic". You attempted to turn a theoretical concept into a personal attack yet only outed yourself. You came from left field calling LDK pathetic but struggled to articulate your usage of strip clubs (only going with your wife, paying for conversations, paying for AMP, etc). The topic is simply: can a silent strip club work for your SC needs. Thats it. I am guilty of comparing night clubs to strip clubs, civvies to strippers, and challenging TUSCLers to apply their SC approach to civvies in night clubs to save money. No one is a "chump". I stated I COULD call you "pathetic" but everyone has their own needs at SC. But for you to outright call LDK pathetic (a transaction resulting in a nut) while you pay to say hi to Becky is what triggered my tone. Nevertheless, to you and your wife, enjoy. Check my history, trolling is not what I do. In fact trolls are exactly why I stick to messaging LDK and avoid discussion boards. For what it's worth, I'll forgive this exchange and chalk it as a misunderstanding. Trolls never cease. I'm done acknowledging your presence on TUSCL. Just another reason I never liked San Jose. Frisco raised, NYC made.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "You came from left field calling LDK pathetic " LDK is life, that's right, LDKing is pathetic, whether in a strip club or with free civvies. I don't mean one should never do it, but making a vocation out of it is pathetic. And I have listened to your account about these silent or headphones clubs. Not impressed. And so you don't need to consider this as a misunderstanding. I don't see it that way. I think what you are describing is pathetic. And mikeya02, what can I say to you? You are smart enough that you don't need to be the way you are. SJG
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    @SanJoseGay- Whatever floats the boat. Im sure his wife clearly understands why he pays to say hi to an attractive woman. One could deduct what that implies about history wife's voice, appearance or ability to speak. But i digress and embrace my pathetic life of humping chicks and reserving all other sexual activity for my s/o.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    LDKisLife, are you speaking to this troll who follows me around? You are still making all sorts of completely unfounded assumptions about me. I guess this is just so that you can brag about your own pathetic practices, and this is why you've started several threads. Your assumptions are completely unfounded, and you are acting like a troll. SJG
  • DoctorPhil.
    8 years ago
    of course @mikey posts for this idea as one of his crap @rickthezoo aliases and then posts against it with his primary account. that guy is such a troll. and he has so many crap aliases. it is truely sad
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    ^^^ And Zipman is so unoriginal he has to take an existing name and add a dot to it. One of his trademarks
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    And mikeya02 is so unoriginal that all he can do is post personal attacks. SJG
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    Whelp this was fun
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    And Sjg is so unoriginal he has to repeat himself 1000 times Let me get this straight. Are you planning to start a new movement from the ground up?...haha
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    He is building an organization from the ground up. I don't think it deserves to be called a movement. For one thing, movements have less centralized control. To be a movement there would have to be other people playing coequal leadership roles who were doing similar things. I'm not seeing this. SJG
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    ^^^^Yeah, yeah, already heard it...Here's a song for you.....Ten Years After [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    You ask a question and so I give a 100% straight answer, but then you mock it. If anyone else did that I'd call him a piece of shit. SJG
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    My question was TONGUE IN CHEEK because your answer WAS ALREADY KNOWN. GET IT?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    So then if you are sure you already know the answer, why are you posting the question? Seems like you are just trying to be a pain in the ass. SJG
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
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