
Comments by theDirkDiggler

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    How do you rate this hot girl?
    Some butter on that face. Actually reminds me of the middle Hanson kid back in the 90s...
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    4 years ago
    Herd immunity may be close
    There are isolated reports in the US of people getting reinfected. Not the long tail cases where someone just deals with the disease for weeks and months before apparently recovering and then getting sick again and still dealing with it. No, i mean positive test, recovery, negative test, sometimes even donating plasma afterwards, seemingly recovered for months and then boom reinfected recently. Again, isolated reports and i have no idea exactly how common it is, but if it does become a thing (also Spain conducted a very large antibody survey recently and discovered only around 5% nationwide currently had detectable antibodies compared to the 60%+ needed for herd immunity), you can kiss the idea of natural herd immunity good bye...
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    4 years ago
    Wayfaring Stranger
    Have You Ever Been in a Raid?
    Never been in a raid when it happened and only once have been to a club that was raided to my knowledge. It was near Bloomington, IL, a medium sized club called Kappa Kabanna that occasionally had some wild stage shows (lesbian, food, syrup, lollipop insertion and sell the lollipop to PLs, borderline sex shows). Female customers were brought on stage and stripped of at least their tops. They even had a locked champagne room in addition to their regular VIP room. This was a few years before the recession. Anyway, i heard that one of the dancers had propositioned an undercover officer or something. Long story short, about a dozen girls were arrested and/or fired. The club was never the same again. No more wild stage shows, the selection of girls were smaller and not as good. Strange, a couple of the "dirty" girls were still there. After the recession, the club went even more downhill and i basically haven't been back. Oh, there was also Arnie's in Harvey, IL a few years ago, but i don't count that one because everyone knew that place was going to get raided eventually, and i wasn't there when it happened either. Then there are the two lingerie "modeling" shops in Rockford, that were basically brothels, that finally got shut down. I don't think it was a raid, but some law change or something and both were shut down at the same time; this was sometime in the last year. Never did go to either of them, but just throwing those two out there. I guess the closest thing to a raid right now is the police or some power that be shutting down almost all the Chicago are clubs for not social distancing or something. Again, strange how the two "dirtier" clubs are still open. I remember one of the bouncers at Club 390 in Chicago Heights, barking at a group of some PLs for sitting too closely, ignoring the do not sit signs on the alternating benches, saying that a different club had just been shut down at that moment, so they really needed to stay apart. I wonder which one it was...
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    4 years ago
    New York
    Shutdown forcing Strippers to change professions?
    Target, Walmart, if they can get into Costco or Amazon. All start around $15 an hour, not including hazard pay increases, with better benefits for Costco and Amazon. $15 an hour is a lot less than $50 an hour, but it's regular work and more dependable in these times...
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    4 years ago
    Herd immunity may be close
    @BabyDoc The last point of the virus mutating into a more contagious or infectious disease is largely from studies of the D614G genome mutation of the virus that is also more infective in attaching to and affecting more parts of the body via ACE2 receptors. This would actually make the virus more deadly or at least harmful in short and long term health effects on an individual level. The only reason the mutation appears less deadly or not more deadly is because more positive results are showing up (symptomatic infections) diluting the death rate. This would also make it appear more contagious, although the more people that get infected, the more likely the disease spreads (often silently) which doesn't necessarily mean more contagious. Also as more people die out, the more virulent genomes or variants of the virus also dissipate since the virus can only reproduce in people, while the less virulent genomes (causing less and milder symptoms or often no symptoms at all) move on in greater numbers, but more deadly variants will always be out there until the virus is eradicated...
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    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Clubs Open Announcements
    I hear that almost all of the strip clubs in Chicagoland have been shut down again, just one week after opening, due to not following social distancing. Strange how the two that are still open, Atlantis and Club 390 are the only two UHM clubs, although neither are UHM any longer due to mask wearing being enforced during dances by cameras, bouncers, and the dancers themselves. Even some PLs. At Atlantis, PLs AND dancers are both required to sanitize their hands AND wear vinyl gloves during the dance. Very unsexy. I'm just waiting to hear the report of dozens of infections coming from these clubs as well. Everyone that visits a strip club should seriously think about self-quarantining for a week or two after the visit, or at least social distancing much more vigilantly, as well as the dancers themselves, but good luck with that...
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Officials Confirm 13 COVID-19 Cases Linked to Romulus Club, Restaurant
    I seriously don't know how you can avoid getting Covid-19 at a SC. Sooner or later, especially at a harder hit area or region, you're going to get it. A positivity rate of over 10% in daily tests and infections means that likely at least 1 out of 50 in the general public has it. But even those odds aren't equal as nationwide Latinos are on average over twice as likely to have it, with younger Latinos (mostly 20s and some 30s) twice as likely again. SCs are like some Swedish experiment of controlled and willing risk. Unless physical distancing and mask wearing is strictly followed, and the time indoors is limited, the risk is going to be high. People will say you have more risk at a grocery store because of the volume of people there, but there's no comparison. All it takes is one social butterfly of a dancer that's infected to infect 10-100 PLs by herself in one shift. And not just from dancing. Just talking at a table, often drinking and even eating with a PL. Since the number of PLs is more limited, the dancers will spend more time with each PL. A lot of SCs are using the same rules as restaurants where the PLs don't have to be masked while seated and that includes dancers that sit with them, which is stupid. That defeats the whole purpose of a mask rule (required by Illinois law). An infected PL can also infect every dancer that he talks his head off, wasting the dancer's time. He might infect 2-5 dancers in a visit, just this way, with or without getting a dance. You can see the math. Eventually, almost all the dancers and a lot of the PLs will get infected. The dancers will almost ALL be alright, but not all of the vulnerable people they hang out with including PLs...
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    4 years ago
    Herd immunity may be close
    Even if that study is legit, all that it says is that people that have been exposed to any coronaviruses before and recovered well from them would have a strong t-cell response, lowering the need for an antibody response, not that up to 80% of all people are actually immune. Even worse, is the implication that a large number of people don't develop antibodies at all when they develop Covid-19, making herd immunity even less likely and antibody tests largely useless even if they are accurate; most are terribly inaccurate. So this is just a more likely explanation why the vast majority of people don't suffer seriously from Covid-19. It still sucks to be in that 10%-20% of people that don't have an asymptomatic or mild case or the 1%-5% of people that have a very serious or severe or even fatal case. So we're back to where we started...
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    4 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Enjoy your last week of clubbing guys
    Was the mask wearing enforced during dances?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Hot or Not - What say you
    She aight...
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    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Clubs Open Announcements
    Illinois is reopening clubs this Friday. That's all i know. In terms of guidelines, lap dances, mask requirements, drink minimums, valet, bathroom troll is TBD...
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    When strip clubs reopen...
    I can definitely see myself being more reluctant and picky about doing dances or even sharing close air space with a girl i'm not especially interested in. And yes, previous favorites and regular dancers will get the priority, even more than before. Just like i'm sure that many dancers will try to use the pandemic as an excuse for less mileage (especially anything involving the mouth), i can also use the pandemic as an excuse for gtf away from me if i don't even look at you...
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    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Absurd martyrdom of George Floyd
    No, the world is not a safer place because George Floyd was killed. You call riots and looting and more Covid-19 infections a safer place? Yeah, the pandemic didn't just go away. Or even more police brutality against all people, including a bunch of white hipsters and senior citizens, with rubber bullets aimed at eyes? The only thing this pandemic and all the fallout from it has shown is how ugly the world really is. More domestic violence, shootings over masks, xenophobic violence, race baiting, class warfare especially with the .1% versus the rest with the Feds dumping trillions into artificially propping up the markets while 40+ million are unemployed and now uninsured. George Floyd was just the tipping point. All this stuff always existed beneath the surface, but now everyone seems to be displaying it and recording it more. George Floyd is being eulogized as some great man, while a genuine good dude like Drew Brees is vilified. Social media is probably the most fascist invention ever created where people regardless of who they are, lose their jobs, businesses, property and reputation for having had an opinion once upon a time, let alone a "private" one. Heck, people are being vilified for not having an opinion...
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    "That's why it's so great: People have to pay attention to you because you're naked," says dancer Breauna with a laugh.
    Will you be using valets and, especially, mandatory valets in the age of covid?
    I think that most clubs that required valet parking before are probably going to just do away with it for now. It's just added risk for "staff" and customers. It's hard enough as it is for them to reopen. On top of that, if capacity is being limited to 25-50%, then there really should be no issue with finding parking spaces which is the excuse most clubs make about valet parking...
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    4 years ago
    Famous women that you just don't get why people think they're hot
    Gal Gadot is one of those ladies who can pull off a civilian Diana Prince with no disguise (like silly glasses and a suit fro Clark Kent) and then transform to an Amazon Goddess...
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Famous women that you just don't get why people think they're hot
    So a female look bashing discussion. Yay... I wonder if Cardi B and Lady Gaga are even actually considered hot by many people. Amazing what fame and money can do for you. Also are we being a little bit hard on the "butter" faces? Or is a pretty face an absolute requirement for being hot? Because most of these girls listed have some butter in the face. The bodies are a whole nuther story... I remember watching two movies in the mid 90s. One was Beautiful Girls and the other was The Truth About Cat And Dogs. If you still haven't figured it out, the "hottie" in both of these movies was Uma Thurman. It was amusing to me that all the guys and even the girls in both of these movies would fawn all over her and i would think those were some of the worst brainwashing attempts i've ever seen. I'm not saying that she was unattractive, but i didn't get it. Still don't. This was also repeated in Kill Bill to a degree. Or how about that scene in the Dark Knight where the Joker tells Maggie Gyllenhaal "You are beautiful."? I heard that at one of the showings, some dude in the audience then immediately yelled out "LIAR!" and got a bunch of laughs...
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    4 years ago
    Filth-a-delphia, PA
    Texas Clubs Open ?
    For now they're (the club owners) making more money, largely because their biggest fixed expense is rent/mortgage/property taxes and almost all of their "employees" are paid from tips directly from available customers. So the vast majority of any profit they make from food and drinks over the wholesale cost can go to the club to pay for their fixed expenses. As opposed to no money going toward those fixed expenses. It is a no brainer for the clubs. That is, unless the tip-earning workers/dancers don't make enough money to justify putting themselves at risk. Now the dancers probably can't fall back on unemployment, and even the other workers can't since the club (restaurant) is now allowed to reopen and is rehiring, so it might not matter if the workers feel unsafe. They have to work if they want to receive anything, even if it might be well below minimum wage. However, if it gets too low, they don't have to work at that club and can do something else, like cams or put more focus and time on their onlyfans or SA if they go that route. If PLs stop going because of no lap dances and stage interaction and less "dancers", then the dancers will stop coming and the club is back to where they started. So the clubs will have to subsidize the dancers and workers to stay open until the rules can be eased or skirted and more PLs spend money the conventional way giving more money to the dancers. Otherwise, the clubs will become like restaurants with even worse margins than the conventional restaurants and be out of business eventually.
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    4 years ago
    Filth-a-delphia, PA
    Texas Clubs Open ?
    @wallanon I did take in account that not all 110 people were there at the same time. When i think of restaurants (and Club Onyx was acting as a restaurant), most smaller mom and pop places might not serve 100 people on a Saturday dinner shift while a larger one might serve a few hundred also taking in account a two hour turnover (from entering the restaurant to leaving it). That is at full capacity including the bar. Also if they are acting as a dine in restaurant and one that serves liquor, they are not reasonably allowed to have very late opening hours either unless they're open 24 hours. I don't know the local laws regarding hours in this reopening, but in Illinois, even drive throughs (and any store) aren't allowed to open past 10pm. Strip clubs also tend to have a longer turnover than restaurants IME, where people just eat and chat a little bit and then leave. Just trying to get an idea of how "busy" this club/breastaurant ended up being on its first weekend of being open and if they maxed out or came close to maxing out their limited capacity, or if people still largely stayed away...
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The economics of opening a strip club.
    High end strip clubs will only really suffer if their rents/property taxes are considerably higher than middle and lower end clubs. Fortunately, most strip clubs IME aren't built in areas that are desirable to live in or do business in. Otherwise, i don't see that many more fixed expenses outside of maintenance, upkeep and possible remodeling expenses. I mean the things that are associated with higher end clubs (valet, bathroom attendant, VIP rooms/areas and more expensive liquor, better looking girls and higher rent fees for the them) aren't added costs, but more like lost income potential. If anything, if these clubs took care of their money halfway reasonably in the last several years, they should be able to weather the storm better than clubs that were barely making money before...
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    4 years ago
    Filth-a-delphia, PA
    Texas Clubs Open ?
    I don't know how anyone (especially dancers) is making any money from the Club Onyx business model. If the dancers are going to be waitresses now, they'll have to make their tips without contact. I doubt any "dancers" are going to pay a house fee for the opportunity to become a regular waitress, and i have no idea how many "PLs" are going to want to tip a dancer on the stage from a remote tip box and i don't know if the club will help themselves to a portion of those tips since they're not making any money from dance fees and whatever a dancer is willing to pay to work. Some strip clubs do have full restaurant/kitchen staffs and menus, but i don't know how profitable that aspect of the strip clubs ever was. I never remember strip club food being all that expensive to begin with, with many low profit margin daily specials often running. It seemed the food aspect was just a way to bring in more customers into the strip club to spend on dances/rooms and to a degree alcohol, not dissimilar to casinos and their buffets/restaurants/cheap drinks. I have no idea how large Club Onyx is, but 110 customers doesn't sound like that small of a number, even on a Saturday if the 25% capacity requirement was strictly enforced...
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Post COVID laws: Strip Clubs most vulnerable
    Yet Georgia is opening massage parlors. How is that safer than a strip club? Anyway, this might just temporarily set back strip clubs back 30 years, when they were supposedly non-touch...
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    4 years ago
    Sunlight destroys the coronavirus quickly
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    4 years ago
    Sunlight destroys the coronavirus quickly
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    4 years ago
    Japan is basically doing the same thing Sweden is, but at a larger scale. And they wear masks a lot more too. They don't seem to be weathering it as well despite only having around "300" confirmed deaths, and will likely eventually do some sort of shut down. I wouldn't rest the hopes of the future of this country on the practices of one of most liberal countries in the world. They're supporting their people with weeks of sick pay and universal medical care. Not exactly comparable...
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    5 years ago
    Sunlight destroys the coronavirus quickly
    isn't going to stop