
Comments by theDirkDiggler (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Sunlight destroys the coronavirus quickly
    Light is going to stop you from inhaling droplets, especially indoors and recirculated by air conditioning...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Sunlight destroys the coronavirus quickly
    How do you feel about going to a strip club where the inside is as bright as day?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Sunlight destroys the coronavirus quickly
    Then full spectrum lamps then...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    We are 100 times safer than a few weeks ago
    The biggest problem with the remdesivir study is that no effective control groups were used. No placebos or no alternative treatments to see if these patients wouldn't have recovered otherwise. Still the fact that serious cases of Covid-19 resolved quite quickly is "promising". The stem cell treatment seems to improve immune response in advanced cases, that is prevent the overactive immune response (cytokine storm) that ends up causing multi-organ system failure. Again, promising. Even if both of these treatments do end up being effective and safe treatments, they're nowhere near available at scale for the widespread population in the immediate or even intermediate future. Months away, even though these treatments are available right now. Also, these seem to be treatments for the advanced cases, which lowers the death count which is very useful, but hasn't shown yet to be applicable in preventing hospitalizations and serious physical long term damage altogether, which would be much more valuable in improving consumer confidence, you know, just a flu...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    How do I upload a video on here?
    Gfycat is the easiest way i think and probably perfect for 51 seconds...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    First to re-open?
    Then New Jersey clubs, Detroit clubs, New Orleans clubs, Boston clubs and maybe then Chicago clubs (all 3 of them) and the south side clubs and East St. Louis clubs...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    First to re-open?
    New York City They probably already have herd immunity and as soon as the hospitals empty out, they will be the closest to business as usual... https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=71703
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What’s your favorite sex position or something specific you like done to you?
    Thank you...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    We are 100 times safer than a few weeks ago
    That guy actually had very accurate projection models and death rate percentages. More accurate than many governments did. He's wrong about it being 100x safer than a few weeks ago though. Only NYC is 100x safer than most other cities. That is anyone can probably go to NYC right now, infected or not, and not likely infect another person if he's infected or get infected by someone else if he's not. Because NYC already has 50% or more of their population already infected. Possibly 80%+. Any "new" cases that show up in the next few weeks will almost all be cases that are already infected and incubating right now. And those numbers are already shrinking. And after that, new cases will almost come to a complete halt, with just a few slowly trickling their way through the dwindling uninfected population and the rest of new cases being imported. That is the theory anyway. This is based on a true fatality rate of .5% to 1%. We'll soon see in a week or so. Hence my hyperbolic discussion about NYC a few days ago based on that German study in Gangelt: https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=71703 New Jersey as a whole might be around 50x safer than other typical cities or states elsewhere. New Orleans and Detroit about 40x safer. Chicago about 20x safer. The black communities in those urban areas around 80x+ safer. They've already paid the price and still paying the price of not socially/physically distancing. For now anyway. The immunity from coronaviruses (all seven of them that have moved from animals to humans) in general only seems to last a year or so at most...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What’s your favorite sex position or something specific you like done to you?
    Beautiful pussy...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Recently moved to Trenton, NJ
    Virus Free Cards to Enter Strip Clubs?
    I mentioned something like this in an article i wrote... https://tuscl.net/article.php?id=57232
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Coronavirus lockdown measures should not be lifted until vaccine found, Fox News
    A flu season from Last year? Does that mean that the virus didn't originate out of Wuhan?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What kind of porn are you into?
    Oh to answer your question, i actually like what you like, well, the first part anyway, although i don't care for strap-ons. But i'd rather look at that then some dork's dong...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What kind of porn are you into?
    Like your avatar, Is it new?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Coronavirus lockdown measures should not be lifted until vaccine found, Fox News
    Well all eyes are on China which has ended their lock down, South Korea which never fully locked down at all, as well as Taiwan, and now New Zealand and Australia which are just finishing theirs. Sweden is a country that refuses to lock down and seems to be trying for gradual herd immunity and there is talk in Australia about following that path now that they have a "manageable" number of cases. Germany "might" follow once they work though their huge number of cases as well. It seems that a lot of countries are going to try to work around and through the pandemic, rather than trying to eliminate the virus completely like the first SARS, which might still be possible but just too expensive and too widespread to coordinate a true global cooperative effort. But social distancing is going to be a part of life for a long time which bodes trouble for many many industries. No amount of stimulus might be able to save them. Really hope that strip clubs aren't one of them. I just had an article on this published, but that's just a bunch of speculation...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    So I guess Strippers can get unemployment benefits without ever paying UI taxes.
    A lot of them are going to be struggling whether they file or not. Even if they do file, they'll have to pay/owe a "huge" amount of SE tax that they don't have and was never withheld. That is with even vastly under reported incomes, but still a minimum amount required to get unemployment benefits by their state's standards. This is also true of many other independent contractors that took the chance of not reporting any income or filing taxes. The reality is that the vast majority of strippers are in for a very rough ride, and that is the reason so many (or shit tons, as one stripper/pornstar on this board stated) are very anxious to get back to work...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Coronavirus lockdown measures should not be lifted until vaccine found, Fox News
    Yes, there are more promising drugs and treatments like remdesivir which is limited in availability, requires injections and not pills and is still being extensively studied, and plasma containing antibodies which requires donations and one donation only treats at most 4 people. Also not all donations are equal as some recovered patients (mostly mild symptoms) have low or very low levels of the antibodies. There also talking about the creation of synthetic antibodies. They're many more drugs, but they're just being researched. They're not going to help the hundreds of thousands in hospitals right now and the immediate future to prevent them from progressing into more serious conditions. Maybe for the inevitable (?) second wave?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Coronavirus lockdown measures should not be lifted until vaccine found, Fox News
    Quick google search led me to this: https://creakyjoints.org/symptoms/lupus-patients-do-get-coronavirus/
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Coronavirus lockdown measures should not be lifted until vaccine found, Fox News
    This should be hitting the national news soon then as there's this one famous guy that just loves talking about it. Hopefully, this was a peer reviewed study, although what you describe sounds like a self-reported survey with no control. Why aren't they contacting the much more numerous and likely older population using the drug for rheumatoid arthritis? But even more hopefully, is that this is true, because then we can all get on with our lives.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Coronavirus lockdown measures should not be lifted until vaccine found, Fox News
    Well, we'll see how well hydroxycloroquine works as a treatment and as a prophylactic when it hits the Sub-Sahara hard. Millions of Africans use hydroxychoroquine right now either for malaria or to prevent from getting it. The drug is widely available and relatively cheap even there. So if it really is effective, there shouldn't be as many serious cases there despite an inferior hospital system. And we should witness this in weeks and not the months it will take for clinical trials of the drug...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    Is social distancing really the answer?
    The only reason that the death count projection has lowered was because faulty assumptions were made. They were based on increased infection rates from lack of social distancing or less compliance of them. They were bases on New York and New Jersey numbers getting significantly worse as well as everywhere else. Turns out that New York may have peaked and New Jersey isn't far behind. Also, it is also likely that none of the other "hot spots" like New Orleans, Detroit, Boston, Philadelphia, Miami, Chicago, Houston, LA, Atlanta, etc. are going to get anywhere near as bad as New York City. That is they may have stopped the spread in time. New York state and New Jersey alone have almost half of all cases and over half of all deaths right now. If those two are removed from the equation, the total deaths right now are automatically going to drop to less than half. So if you multiply the final CONFIRMED death counts in New York and New Jersey by about 3, that might give you a decent estimate of the total CONFIRMED deaths from Covid-19, So if New York and New Jersey are at or just below their peak their final number of cases might finish at 400-500k, a little over twice what they have now. The question is when all the other states reach their peak. Some are saying that Washington and California have already reached their peak or are close to it. There are still others that are much better shape and started socially distancing early enough to avoid the worse effects like Oregon, Minnesota, North Carolina and Virginia. There are also many smaller states that may be in similar shape. Even if those states peak much later, as in weeks, their total case count (as a percentage of their population) should still end up significantly lower than many others. So assuming that the total cases of the rest of the states ends up being 500-700k you'll end up with 900k to 1,200,000 cases. Taking the lower estimate and giving a final CFR (case fatality rate) of 7% and you get 63,000 CONFIRMED deaths. Now why is the CFR 7% and not the 3.5% that it is now? Because the overwhelming majority of cases are still active. Even if not a single new case was added (the very best case scenario) to the current total, there would over 400k cases that need to be worked out. Many of them will die. In fact 10,000 or more of them could be on a ventilator right now. The survival of patients on vents with Covid-19 is under 50%. I've heard less than 10% in some cases. But even assuming that half of them make it, that's another 5k deaths guaranteed. There are scores of thousands that will likely progress to needing ICU and many of them will progress to needing ventilation. So just from the cases we have right now, 20k to 30k or more could die easily tripling the death rate. But just assuming a doubling of the death rate gives at the lower estimate of final cases gives a death count of 63,000 CONFIRMED deaths. Why do i keep on emphasizing CONFIRMED deaths? Because as many as half of all Covid-19 deaths are not being reported or confirmed as Covid-19. New York City is reporting around 200-215 deaths at home EVERYDAY. This is compared to 20-25 before their crisis. Now not all of these deaths are from Covid-19. Many of them could be heart attacks or cancer or stroke or accidents or any highly morbid event that quickly escalated because they were unable or unwilling to go to a hospital. That is also going to result in scores of thousands of deaths in the country that could have been avoided. But still the vast majority of deaths in the home are likely from Covid-19. That's just the home. That doesn't include nursing homes and even hospitals where tests aren't available. And tests are still unavailable as they are mostly being used on the living and able and younger right now. The vast majority of them being "wasted" on people that don't have Covid-19, so there are less and less available to use on SUSPECTED Covid-19 deaths. And coroners can't state cause of death based on clinical diagnoses and suspicions, so they code them on the KNOWN morbidities that they were exhibiting like pneumonia or "flu-like illness" or heart failure. Long story short, no way the number of TRUE Covid-19 deaths ends up being less than 100k and that doesn't include all the COLLATERAL deaths from people that didn't get to a hospital in time for other conditions. Also assumptions that treatment options will improve and become available very soon are likely adding to the lower projections...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Coronavirus lockdown measures should not be lifted until vaccine found, Fox News
    There's a big difference between lock down measures and social distancing measures. China/Wuhan is no longer under lock down but are still doing social distancing measures in the entire country. If lock down stays in place until a vaccine is created, billions will die from starvation and extreme poverty. A vaccine is going to take much longer than a year. 18 months is with literally perfect conditions and results. More realistic is 5-10 years which is how long it takes on much simpler viruses. Even if you combined all the scientific might of the world and had them working with unlimited funding and manufacturing production (a big if for all conditions), i doubt a very safe and VERY EFFECTIVE vaccine is happening in less than two years. I say very effective because, an alarmingly large number (up to 30%) of recently recovered patients (mostly younger) in one "study" are not showing that they have a significantly high titer (antibody count) in their blood, which would make a vaccine dependent on antibody creation relatively useless for them. It also makes herd immunity very difficult just as it is with the common cold and flu. Now this was a Chinese study so take that with a big grain of salt, but still...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Who is your ATF Pornstar?
    Don't know about ATF (way too many to choose from), but recently i just discovered Stacy Cruz and she has the most natural absurd body i think i've ever seen. How the girl's not a supermodel i have no idea. Maybe big boob discrimination?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    That 12,000+ death count from Covid-19 could be 3x as high right now, based on all the untested deaths inside residential homes, care homes and even hospitals where people are just being coded as having died from pneumonia, some "flu-like illness", or any of the other numerous comorbidities they might have. They're only confirming covid-19 deaths based on test results before and after deaths and not clinical diagnoses either. When the "final" death count approaches 100k+ in the late summer, the true number could also end up being double that or more...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    Half a bra would probably work better...