Well America is about to shut back down so I want all my brothers here to enjoy your last week at the spots. Get all the connects u need for OtC, be blessed, and stay safe. Hope y’all enjoyed the last month though.
The original plan was to take 6-8 weeks to gradually open up. That was unrealistic.
Once the door opened a little bit, people charged in. So, maybe the alternative is to tap the brakes a couple times to buy some time. That’s keeps the health system under control.
As an old guy, I’ve always figured October 1 was a good target date for me. Rather than the clubs slowly ramping back to normal, it’s going to be more Start, Stop, Start, Stop. My end result is still going to be Oct 1.
I think it's futile to make specific plans or pick specific dates - this virus has proven to control us more than we can can control it - in the near-term I think it's pretty-much a TBD/holding-pattern until we have an effective way to deal with
Yeah Papi tbh I don’t think things will be normal or effective til we can get the vaccine out. That shit is gonna take forever smh. Things would’ve been fine if places remained closed down but no. Old white men they call governors with no brain rushed it.
If I was gonna pull a date out of my ass, I'd pick approx a year from now (June 2021 or so) - I "assume" we will have a vaccine b/f the end of the year, and I assume/hope it will work - but like testing, and seemingly everything related to this virus, it make take months to effectively roll it out and have everyone immunized (also taking into account folks holding off to see how the effect the vaccine has in others) - not a prediction on my part, more of an assumption.
If we had a strict lockdown we could have made it til August.
The reopening was all about greed. Business interests pushed politicians to reopen quickly. People went along with it thinking life would be normal but look at it.
I think tbings will get really bad once evictions start up and the CARES ui provisions end. Id rather just see everything shut down by then.
If we had a serious government, that was truly interested in containing this thing, and was willing to take serious measures to control this, I would have guessed that we would have been out of the woods by August, unfortunately we are stuck with a President who is a science denier, and a political system that has one group trying to permanently imprint their lips on his posterior, and the opposing party that won't do anything that might make the POTUS's party look good, I very seriously doubt that this thing will be over before January -February 2021 maybe even longer< it does not look very good, or bode well for the immediate future.
Yeah unfortunately I imagine they will let evictions start up again soon. Trump seems to want another stimulus but I'm not sure McConnell agrees enough to compromise with the house Democrats
The eviction crisis scares me. People won't be able to find new homes if they're unemployed or not working full time.
Trump wants a stimulus to make himself look good but the reasoning doesn't matter as l9ng as something gets done. The vacation credit is ridiculous though. Especially considering the rise in infections. And the increasing rate is witj only partial openings.
I never imagined living through something like this
Guys this is going to last until the election. This is all about making Trump look bad but it will be an epic fail. This covid bullshit is not going to sway Trump supporters to vote for creepy uncle Joe or Hillary if they do the last minute switcheroo. And there is a therapeutic, it is called Hydroxychloroquine (sp?). Yea you numbnuts who say the Hydroxy is dangerous kiss my ass. That simple $5 pill will cure you. If you take one of their poisonous vaccines you are crazy. Just stay inside and wear your mask is u are scurred.
^^Damn straight! Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live -- at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... our freedom!
i’m 70 and I think it’s just a power grab by the politicians . let each individual one of us determine what is our tolerance for risk. if we choose to remain isolated so be it but let it be an individual choice. And ditto for all businesses. are we going to shut down just every time statistics look a little bad ?. this ain’t the first pandemic . And with all of the scary political tactics it won’t be the last.
@wallanon man this is the perfect time to get all the dancers numbers. We know they will need the money. Most have broken up with their bfs and husbands over the last quarantine period, so it’s an easy GO! Lol true that too no one wants to see guys all fucked up cause they can’t find any dancers. Get the numbers now, free game.
While confirmed cases are going up, keep in mind that any cases older than 2 weeks have likely recovered ( or died ). So, a report of 500,000 confirmed cases may actually be 100,000 currently infected and 400,000 recovered.
Also, the death tally is the figure most reflective of what’s really happening. If you divide this by the mortality rate, it reflects the active infections from 2 weeks prior. The number of daily deaths has dropped dramatically nationwide. This suggests that the number with active infections is also declining, with a 2 week lag in data. The increase in confirmed cases doesn’t take into account the number who have recovered or the increase in cases that results from increased testing.
Bottom line. If you want to be scared, focus on the flawed “ confirmed cases” figure. If you want an accurate sense of the trend ( lagging 2 weeks ), look at daily deaths.
@theDirkDiggler yea I’m the floor doing table dances and when talking to customers, dancers had to wear mask. But in vip rooms no mask. Also customers didn’t have to wear mask at all, only temp checks.
I know that the ppl who would minimize the virus like to blame the protesters for the current surge in cases; BUT compare the number of ppl who protest (several thousands) vs the number of ppl flooding the bars, beaches and restaurants (several millions). The effect of the protests is minimal compared to openings to early. OTOH openings must happen because we’ll all live in ghost towns if we wait until the virus is gone. We just need to be smart together, kinda like virtually every other country in the world has done. Another thing that doesn’t get mentioned is that a virus vaccine is a LONG way from certain, there may NEVER be an effective vaccine. Remember that the HIV vaccine is still being searched for.
Stop blaming protest man, that shit is from people being in overpacked clubs and beaches. My brother protested and didn’t get it. Soon as he went to Florida he got it, some of my friends are bartenders and they got it at the club and not protesting, so stop!
It's all part of liberals and their Cancel Culture Cancer. The only way this gets turned around is if the Dems are repudiated at voting booths in November. Man I want Trump out in the worst way. Unfortunately it looks like it's going to take the worst way to get him out.
No mask wearing in my dances. Why on earth would 200,000 protesters screaming at the top of their lungs cause a spread of disease when 800 people have been in bars ...after they protested. No one believes the government or the press because they imply fucking lie all the time. Smart together lol. Like China locking down 400,000 people because of 18 cases. Got ya. You cannot have a meal ina restaurant, but its ok to go riot and loot, as long as you plan it all mask less in a room filled with people and then put on a mask for the tv.
Remember the shutdown was to limit the impact on our healthcare system. We cant limit the spread until there is a cure. Unfortunately we did such a good job that hospitals are actually struggling to make money because many patients are avoiding the hospitals until the last minute. COVID is great for news networks and politicians love it because the daily debriefs put them in the limelight. I wish the public held both parties accountable because businesses are losing money and Im not hearing of any challenges to our health system to cause the worry.
I go out in public whiny loco. You youngsters all act like 5 year old girls, no wonder CVS is now carrying cosmetics for "men". Its always those who leech off society and contribute nothing that seem to have an issue with people working and supporting their families. Thank you God for making my golden years seem more like being ruler of the universe, because its way better to be old than young. Maybe I will live the rest of my life ensuring a wonderful life for the youngsters calling me/us names; nah, just try to use up every resource and leave them nothing.
It's very easy to sit behind you computer and tell people to stay home and lose their livelihoods and life's work so you can look tough on Twitter. Unless you think we should be shutting down the economy for the flu or to avoid traffic fatalities I have trouble following your logic. According to the CDC the death rate for people under 50 is .05%. Given that the numbers for COVID deaths are wildly exaggerated (also from the CDC: only 7% of deaths counted as COVID deaths had only COVID listed as the cause, for the other 93% there were on average 2.5 additional conditions), the 1.3% rate for people over 65 is likely meaningless.
Close the bars and keep the strip clubs open! It’s a win win! It keeps the dancers alway from bars and catching Covid and passing it to an unsuspecting PL. The amount of people that go to strip clubs is minimal compared to those that go to regular bars.
I agree with closing real clubs and leave the strip clubs open. When I go now even when crowded it’s only about 25 guys. Doesn’t even compare to the 1k plus I see packed inside small bars and regular nightclubs here.
Well for now the main juice bar club in town is staying open. The county specifically called out people getting drunk and forgetting to distance. They are also making restaurants with booze close by 10 PM.
It's simple. If you want to blame the reopenings then you have to also blame the protests for the surge of cases and hospitalizations. Personally myself I don't "blame" either because we can't just hide in lockdown hoping the virus will just leave on its own.
I just find it absurd and beyond hypocritical that some can blame people in bars but not the protests. It just confirms the fact that the far left is as ideologically stupid and insipid as the far right.
The reason that confirmed cases are going up is that young people are being tested in large numbers. Tests are now readily available, so their doctors, or employers, are recommending the tests after the first signs of mild illness. Until recently, these people wouldn’t have been tested. These young people are recovering quickly.
This is exactly what was supposed to happen as things opened up. The old and sick stay isolated. The young and healthy get on with their lives. The healthy got infected and recovered. Herd immunity set in.
All is going as planned, so why are governors freaking out ?
A lot of other countries have completed there first wave. We are still dealing with it because we have a very large obese population that is driving up hospitalizations. The U.K., Mexico, Brasil, a good chunk of Central and South America are and will experience high COVID-19 counts due to obesity.
In Birmingham England they are accepting that their protests caused the spike and are investigating it. Nazi Governors such as the asshole in New York won't even allow the question to be asked. I see a lot of fat, fat, fat young people, so they will be paying the price.
I particularly like how when earlier RI had a quarantine on NY residences and was proposing aggressive enforcement, Cuomo threatened to sue. Now he's doing the exact same thing in NY to residents of FL, TX, etc. Hypocrite much?
===> "It's very easy to sit behind you computer and tell people to stay home and lose their livelihoods and life's work so you can look tough on Twitter. "
Tough? Those guys always look like pussies to me. The tough ones are those who saddle up, get on out there and do what needs doing even though it is not as safe as it used to be.
Worse though, those are the same people who circulate douche chill inspiring slogan like "By staying apart, we stay together" with a Like from their social media accounts. it's truly depressing how far the male of the human race has fallen. It's amazing that we can even still produce children, though the drastic decrease in the U.S. birth rates may be telling.
@jimmy - it appears that only one of us knows how our system of government works, and also knows how to look at deaths per capita (hint: it isn't you). Also only one of us seems to be aware that the majority (according to CDC numbers) of deaths in the US reported as "COVID" deaths had 2.5 other comorbidities (that is another way of saying the death numbers are bullshit). Of course, if anyone had instituted a policy where people known to be infected with COVID were sent back to nursing homes, a truly at risk population, that person would be a monster and rightfully considered a mass murderer (if you get your news from Twitter you might not realize that person is Cuomo).
Not to mention that pretty much any death is being reported as COVID. In my own company an employee's father passed away and on the the death certificate the cause was listed as "COVID"... never tested positive or even had any of the symptoms. The response from the facility? "That way we get more money"...... Huh?
@Jimmy: So now Trump's responsible for sending sick people back to nursing homes in NY, NJ and CT, among other places? As always you're shining with those brilliant insights. ;)
But even with the Grim Reaper Governors of the NE states, our death rates compare favorably to many other industrialized countries that enjoy the same freedoms that we do, including France, Italy and England. Freedom has a cost. Always has and always will.
I live in a part of America that has restaurants and strip clubs open. Luckily we didn't have a retarded pompous douche bag set of twins like DiBlasio and Cuomo to fuck things up. To be fair 80% of the deaths here were in nursing homes so we sort of followed Cuomo's advice.
I’ll concede the death rates stats. I was more interested in being funny by substituting “Trump” for “Cuomo” to see if I could hit a nerve. But here’s the thing...
Are we doing better than the rest of the world? 4% of the world’s population and 20-25% of the deaths. And counting. Our numbers are still going up. That may mean our death rate goes up too, but how did we fail so badly and why do we continue to fail? Sure, the nursing home decisions were a disaster. But what about now? I lay a lot of it at Trump’s bone spurred feet.
We had two months’ lead time as compared with Asia and Europe. We have a great for profit healthcare system with the best minds incentivized to perform. Why are we so bad?
We didn’t identify the needs during a pandemic, PPE, tests, food production and stock up. That is a federal responsibility. Trump said in March that the virus could just go away. Yesterday he said the virus is “going to sort of just disappear. I hope”. That’s his plan 4 months into this. Keep defending him.
Fortunately work travel will keep me away for next couple weeks. Hopefully NC will be in phase 3 by then and I can once again see the face of the lovely lady allowing me pleasure.
Mexico, Central and South America death are either high or on a trajectory to go higher. As they do the US death rate percentage (of the world) will go down. In NYC over 90% of the COVID-19 patients in ICU and under the age of (I believe 50-60) were obese to morbidly obese. That's really why our numbers are so high. And it's why the numbers will be high south of the border.
The reason our numbers are so high is because there are a fuckton of idiots that think the Corona Virus is a political football if our fuckn president would spend as much effort to get this under control as he expends telling everyone that it’s not his fault this thing would have been under control Contrast this with the Polio epidemic in the late 1940s-early 1950s this country is now being governed by absolutely reckless morons the whole lot of them are criminally negligent.
You all need to fucking stop. Just fucking stop. First of all, the US is doing better than most. I posted this back in May (though muted by @founder) and the situation hasn’t really changed.
As of 22 May 2020, 1 335 410 cases have been reported in the EU/EEA and the UK As of 22 May 2020, 160 002 deaths have been reported in the EU/EEA and the UK
As of 22 May 2020, 1 571 617 cases have been reported in the US As of 22 May 2020, 94 150 deaths have been reported in the US
So as of today the US has had about 240 000 more cases than the EU/UK but only 59% the number of deaths. That sounds like a win to me as far as how the US is doing but that is open to interpretation.”
You simply can’t do meaningful analysis based on incomplete or “questionable” data and ALL the numbers floating around are known to be bad. Garbage in/garbage out. The US numbers are maybe more transparent and arguably more accurate than other places but they are still NOT good numbers. For instance, the State of Colorado was caught red handed inflating the number of Covid–19 dead. They weren’t caught by some investigative journalist but by a doctor who discovered that some State employed bureaucrat changed the cause of death to Covid-19 on a death certificate that he had already signed. So from 15 May Colorado has now been reporting deaths “from” Covid-19 separately from deaths of people “with” Covid-19 but who died from something else. ( https://covid19.colorado.gov/d… ). The discrepancy prior to being caught? They were inflating the number of Covid-19 deaths by about 30%. I hope no one would argue that 30% is a rounding error.
How many other States, hospitals and others have been inflating the numbers is unknown but you have to assume that many have been whether for getting extra money, resources or political gain. Common sense should require even those America hating progressives to admit the US is probably a much better place to be to both avoid getting infected in the first place and is a way better place to be if one requires treatment than say a socialist utopia like Venezuela.
As to the rest of the world, who the fuck knows. Belgium had a minor scandal in that they weren’t reporting any cases despite the reality on the ground. I’m told that the people in Mexico are in denial and don’t want to admit the existence of the virus so the government goes along. And who in their right mind could possibly believe that some place like Somalia either has the capability to know what they have much less really care about it. And let me be absolutely clear about this, the WHO (World Health Organization) have been completely and utterly discredited.
And on the individual level and from the medical viewpoint there is usually the question about what was the actual cause of death of an old person? Across the border a relative recently died. She had ALL the classic symptoms, tested positive, was placed in an isolated Covid-19 ward, and died within 4 days. Cause of death on the death certificate? Respiratory failure. So there is one of who the fuck knows how many Covid-19 deaths that isn’t included in anyone’s data.
The numbers will never be complete.
As far as Trump, I don’t like him but most of what he has done has been correct though he has failed in a critical task for any president in time of crisis. He has not calmed or instilled confidence among the populace. Otherwise what he has done has been good. Ironically the things that I fault him for have been mostly for putting America and the American public first. While my money was going the other way to try to buy extremely limited PPE in places where the healthcare systems were actually overwhelmed (btw, the US never came close) Trump and others were buying up world supplies and stopping all exports of PPE (btw, Germany and France did the same thing while Spain and Italy were begging in vain for supplies while thousands died).
As to Cuomo, IMO that motherfucker is guilty of personally murdering almost 6000 people in nursing homes. It was HIS policy the HE personally signed and kept in place for weeks after the number of deaths skyrocketed and it was public knowledge and still that mother fucker kept sending contagious patients to infect the most vulnerable. I liken it to sending Small Pox infected blankets to the Native Americans knowing they would die. I hope that motherfucker enjoys all the death taxes.
I’m going to stop now before I give myself an aneurysm. So go out, get a drink and fondle some naked women. Oh sorry about that. My bad.
Sending COVID positive residents back to their nursing homes had disastrous results. No doubt about it. What would you have done? Consider:
The patients were not sick enough to require hospital admission. That’s why they were sent home. The beds were being saved for people who actually needed to be hospitalized. Now, it turned out we had unused capacity just about everywhere so they could’ve kept the seniors in the hospital even though by definition they didn’t need hospitalization for treatment. Who would’ve paid for the hospitalization? Medicare and Medicaid won’t pay for unnecessary treatment. Could they have gotten some sort of executive order to cover payment? Maybe.
If you (or anyone) tests positive for COVID and you don’t need to be hospitalized you are sent home. That’s what they did. They didn’t need hospital beds and they couldn’t pay for them. So what are the alternatives to sending them home? And remember, if they wanted to go home to the nursing home, you couldn’t bar them from doing so.
The one idea I had was to send them to all of the unused hotel rooms. You’d still need to pay for it but you could’ve isolated them better than in the nursing homes. You’d also need caregivers, so more money.
My point here (I do have one) is that it’s easy to say “that motherfucker Cuomo is a murderer” but there was not a simple solution or place to put those people.
I would usually agree with the charge of “it’s easy to say” except in this case it went on for many weeks and at the same time California was doing exactly as you suggest – putting and quarantining people in hotel rooms. So my charges are not motivated by political ideology, you can’t get any further left than California. I simply can’t accept that fiscal considerations ever entered the argument. Nursing homes and even the press made appeals directly to Cuomo and nothing was done. If you recall overflow “hospitals” were set up and a hospital ship was sent yet never used.
A person is thought to be contagious for 10 days after the “onset” of symptoms or two days after the fever breaks. We aren’t talking about housing people for months on end. Label it as negligent homicide if you like but it was an intentional action. It wasn’t an error in judgment that was corrected as soon as the realization hit. His policy and the deaths went on for weeks.
===> "Sending COVID positive residents back to their nursing homes had disastrous results. No doubt about it. What would you have done? Consider:"
Funny, but Florida and several other states had no problem figuring it out. They worked with the larger private nursing home operators to designate certain facilities specifically for COVID positive. This included people who tested positive but were not sick enough to send to the hospital.
==> "Are we doing better than the rest of the world?"
Jimmy, that type of analysis is impossible to do because many countries are in various stages of this thing. There is also the reality that authoritarian governments with no transparency are likely not reporting good numbers.
The best we can do is to compare ourselves to other democratically elected free societies with with heavy population concentrations in urban centers. By that measure, we compare well. Also, we are now getting much younger people testing positive so we can reasonably expect the death rates to stay under control so long as we continue to shield the assisted living facilities.
New infections is a meaningless number. For people under 65 this is statistically no worse than the flu. The stupidly around this is issue is painful. I’m glad I went to college in the 80s when our educational system was only a joke and not yet a farce.
25, are you one of those people who gets worked up at every new infection reporting stat? Haven't you figured out by now that a wider spread was inevitable once we opened back up? As is obvious to almost everyone now, this thing is not going away until we have herd immunity or a vaccine and there is no telling if the latter will ever even happen anytime soon.
FL is much preferable to NY/NJ/CT right now, which are STILL locked down with no end in sight because their Governors are paralyzed with fear. The important stats are deaths and hospitalizations and we are doing fine on that front on a relative basis. Right now it's young people getting it in FL.
I’m laughing at your weak stupid self go to a Trump rally the more folks that attend those the easier it’s going to be for Joe Biden to win the election in November Glad the Republican convention is up in your neck of the woods the more morons like you that get the virus the better it is for us in the southern end of the state.
Regarding that increase in confirmed cases, it appears that Texas changed its definition of a confirmed case to the person testing positive PLUS anyone who was in regular contact with them. So, a single positive test could result in adding a dozen to the number of confirmed cases. That explains why “ confirmed cases” are going up while deaths are rapidly declining.
^ For those that get their news from Quanon and other ridiculous places we laugh at the level of misinformation you ingest. I think you might be a candidate for the Clorox vaccine, trials to be held in Jacksonville in August
@RickiBoi Girly drama LOL you’re the pussy that posts on stripper web kissing ass to every entitled twat on that forum , and stupidity hahaha really funny coming from a dumbass like you, shit, you even need coaching just to figure out how to pay a hooker And damn what kind of macho numb nuts posts girly emoji’s after every post faggy boi lol
last commentOnce the door opened a little bit, people charged in. So, maybe the alternative is to tap the brakes a couple times to buy some time. That’s keeps the health system under control.
As an old guy, I’ve always figured October 1 was a good target date for me. Rather than the clubs slowly ramping back to normal, it’s going to be more Start, Stop, Start, Stop. My end result is still going to be Oct 1.
The reopening was all about greed. Business interests pushed politicians to reopen quickly. People went along with it thinking life would be normal but look at it.
I think tbings will get really bad once evictions start up and the CARES ui provisions end. Id rather just see everything shut down by then.
Trump wants a stimulus to make himself look good but the reasoning doesn't matter as l9ng as something gets done. The vacation credit is ridiculous though. Especially considering the rise in infections. And the increasing rate is witj only partial openings.
I never imagined living through something like this
Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live -- at least a while.
And dying in your beds many years from now,
would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that
they may take our lives, but they'll never take... our freedom!
let each individual one of us determine what is our tolerance for risk.
if we choose to remain isolated so be it but let it be an individual choice.
And ditto for all businesses.
are we going to shut down just every time statistics look a little bad ?.
this ain’t the first pandemic .
And with all of the scary political tactics it won’t be the last.
on both sides of the aisle.
ain’t none of us is going to live forever in our present situation.
even under the best conditions.
Also, the death tally is the figure most reflective of what’s really happening. If you divide this by the mortality rate, it reflects the active infections from 2 weeks prior. The number of daily deaths has dropped dramatically nationwide. This suggests that the number with active infections is also declining, with a 2 week lag in data. The increase in confirmed cases doesn’t take into account the number who have recovered or the increase in cases that results from increased testing.
Bottom line. If you want to be scared, focus on the flawed “ confirmed cases” figure. If you want an accurate sense of the trend ( lagging 2 weeks ), look at daily deaths.
The effect of the protests is minimal compared to openings to early.
OTOH openings must happen because we’ll all live in ghost towns if we wait until the virus is gone. We just need to be smart together, kinda like virtually every other country in the world has done.
Another thing that doesn’t get mentioned is that a virus vaccine is a LONG way from certain, there may NEVER be an effective vaccine. Remember that the HIV vaccine is still being searched for.
I just find it absurd and beyond hypocritical that some can blame people in bars but not the protests. It just confirms the fact that the far left is as ideologically stupid and insipid as the far right.
This is exactly what was supposed to happen as things opened up. The old and sick stay isolated. The young and healthy get on with their lives. The healthy got infected and recovered. Herd immunity set in.
All is going as planned, so why are governors freaking out ?
Tough? Those guys always look like pussies to me. The tough ones are those who saddle up, get on out there and do what needs doing even though it is not as safe as it used to be.
Worse though, those are the same people who circulate douche chill inspiring slogan like "By staying apart, we stay together" with a Like from their social media accounts. it's truly depressing how far the male of the human race has fallen. It's amazing that we can even still produce children, though the drastic decrease in the U.S. birth rates may be telling.
If you wanna know what a braying jackass of a fraud Trump is, compare death rates in US to anywhere else in the world.
Huh. I guess we agree on how to set par.
But even with the Grim Reaper Governors of the NE states, our death rates compare favorably to many other industrialized countries that enjoy the same freedoms that we do, including France, Italy and England. Freedom has a cost. Always has and always will.
Are we doing better than the rest of the world? 4% of the world’s population and 20-25% of the deaths. And counting. Our numbers are still going up. That may mean our death rate goes up too, but how did we fail so badly and why do we continue to fail? Sure, the nursing home decisions were a disaster. But what about now? I lay a lot of it at Trump’s bone spurred feet.
We had two months’ lead time as compared with Asia and Europe. We have a great for profit healthcare system with the best minds incentivized to perform. Why are we so bad?
We didn’t identify the needs during a pandemic, PPE, tests, food production and stock up. That is a federal responsibility. Trump said in March that the virus could just go away. Yesterday he said the virus is “going to sort of just disappear. I hope”. That’s his plan 4 months into this. Keep defending him.
Were old, fat, out of shape, have diabetes and people in the older age bracket smoke or did smoke.
Contrast this with the Polio epidemic in the late 1940s-early 1950s this country is now being governed by absolutely reckless morons the whole lot of them are criminally negligent.
“ https://tuscl.net/discussion.p…
As of 22 May 2020, 1 335 410 cases have been reported in the EU/EEA and the UK
As of 22 May 2020, 160 002 deaths have been reported in the EU/EEA and the UK
As of 22 May 2020, 1 571 617 cases have been reported in the US
As of 22 May 2020, 94 150 deaths have been reported in the US
So as of today the US has had about 240 000 more cases than the EU/UK but only 59% the number of deaths. That sounds like a win to me as far as how the US is doing but that is open to interpretation.”
You simply can’t do meaningful analysis based on incomplete or “questionable” data and ALL the numbers floating around are known to be bad. Garbage in/garbage out. The US numbers are maybe more transparent and arguably more accurate than other places but they are still NOT good numbers. For instance, the State of Colorado was caught red handed inflating the number of Covid–19 dead. They weren’t caught by some investigative journalist but by a doctor who discovered that some State employed bureaucrat changed the cause of death to Covid-19 on a death certificate that he had already signed. So from 15 May Colorado has now been reporting deaths “from” Covid-19 separately from deaths of people “with” Covid-19 but who died from something else. ( https://covid19.colorado.gov/d… ). The discrepancy prior to being caught? They were inflating the number of Covid-19 deaths by about 30%. I hope no one would argue that 30% is a rounding error.
How many other States, hospitals and others have been inflating the numbers is unknown but you have to assume that many have been whether for getting extra money, resources or political gain. Common sense should require even those America hating progressives to admit the US is probably a much better place to be to both avoid getting infected in the first place and is a way better place to be if one requires treatment than say a socialist utopia like Venezuela.
As to the rest of the world, who the fuck knows. Belgium had a minor scandal in that they weren’t reporting any cases despite the reality on the ground. I’m told that the people in Mexico are in denial and don’t want to admit the existence of the virus so the government goes along. And who in their right mind could possibly believe that some place like Somalia either has the capability to know what they have much less really care about it. And let me be absolutely clear about this, the WHO (World Health Organization) have been completely and utterly discredited.
And on the individual level and from the medical viewpoint there is usually the question about what was the actual cause of death of an old person? Across the border a relative recently died. She had ALL the classic symptoms, tested positive, was placed in an isolated Covid-19 ward, and died within 4 days. Cause of death on the death certificate? Respiratory failure. So there is one of who the fuck knows how many Covid-19 deaths that isn’t included in anyone’s data.
The numbers will never be complete.
As far as Trump, I don’t like him but most of what he has done has been correct though he has failed in a critical task for any president in time of crisis. He has not calmed or instilled confidence among the populace. Otherwise what he has done has been good. Ironically the things that I fault him for have been mostly for putting America and the American public first. While my money was going the other way to try to buy extremely limited PPE in places where the healthcare systems were actually overwhelmed (btw, the US never came close) Trump and others were buying up world supplies and stopping all exports of PPE (btw, Germany and France did the same thing while Spain and Italy were begging in vain for supplies while thousands died).
As to Cuomo, IMO that motherfucker is guilty of personally murdering almost 6000 people in nursing homes. It was HIS policy the HE personally signed and kept in place for weeks after the number of deaths skyrocketed and it was public knowledge and still that mother fucker kept sending contagious patients to infect the most vulnerable. I liken it to sending Small Pox infected blankets to the Native Americans knowing they would die. I hope that motherfucker enjoys all the death taxes.
I’m going to stop now before I give myself an aneurysm. So go out, get a drink and fondle some naked women. Oh sorry about that. My bad.
The patients were not sick enough to require hospital admission. That’s why they were sent home. The beds were being saved for people who actually needed to be hospitalized. Now, it turned out we had unused capacity just about everywhere so they could’ve kept the seniors in the hospital even though by definition they didn’t need hospitalization for treatment. Who would’ve paid for the hospitalization? Medicare and Medicaid won’t pay for unnecessary treatment. Could they have gotten some sort of executive order to cover payment? Maybe.
If you (or anyone) tests positive for COVID and you don’t need to be hospitalized you are sent home. That’s what they did. They didn’t need hospital beds and they couldn’t pay for them. So what are the alternatives to sending them home? And remember, if they wanted to go home to the nursing home, you couldn’t bar them from doing so.
The one idea I had was to send them to all of the unused hotel rooms. You’d still need to pay for it but you could’ve isolated them better than in the nursing homes. You’d also need caregivers, so more money.
My point here (I do have one) is that it’s easy to say “that motherfucker Cuomo is a murderer” but there was not a simple solution or place to put those people.
A person is thought to be contagious for 10 days after the “onset” of symptoms or two days after the fever breaks. We aren’t talking about housing people for months on end. Label it as negligent homicide if you like but it was an intentional action. It wasn’t an error in judgment that was corrected as soon as the realization hit. His policy and the deaths went on for weeks.
Funny, but Florida and several other states had no problem figuring it out. They worked with the larger private nursing home operators to designate certain facilities specifically for COVID positive. This included people who tested positive but were not sick enough to send to the hospital.
Jimmy, that type of analysis is impossible to do because many countries are in various stages of this thing. There is also the reality that authoritarian governments with no transparency are likely not reporting good numbers.
The best we can do is to compare ourselves to other democratically elected free societies with with heavy population concentrations in urban centers. By that measure, we compare well. Also, we are now getting much younger people testing positive so we can reasonably expect the death rates to stay under control so long as we continue to shield the assisted living facilities.
Haven't you figured out by now that a wider spread was inevitable once we opened back up? As is obvious to almost everyone now, this thing is not going away until we have herd immunity or a vaccine and there is no telling if the latter will ever even happen anytime soon.
FL is much preferable to NY/NJ/CT right now, which are STILL locked down with no end in sight because their Governors are paralyzed with fear. The important stats are deaths and hospitalizations and we are doing fine on that front on a relative basis. Right now it's young people getting it in FL.
Glad the Republican convention is up in your neck of the woods the more morons like you that get the virus the better it is for us in the southern end of the state.
I think you might be a candidate for the Clorox vaccine, trials to be held in Jacksonville in August
Girly drama LOL you’re the pussy that posts on stripper web kissing ass to every entitled twat on that forum , and stupidity hahaha really funny coming from a dumbass like you, shit, you even need coaching just to figure out how to pay a hooker
And damn what kind of macho numb nuts posts girly emoji’s after every post faggy boi lol