
When strip clubs reopen...

Avatar for theDirkDiggler

I know that a large part of this will also depend on how safe people feel and which activities are "allowed" once strip clubs do reopen, but do you feel that you will spend anywhere near as much or go as often as you did pre-pandemic?

While i do greatly miss SCing, i've found that i probably went more than i really wanted to, and did it more out of "habit". Now that i have been completely weaned, actually more like cold turkey, i've found that i could quite easily increase the time periods between visits, and that's assuming that clubs/girls are like what they were including quality of girls and mileage. If the new SC experience is noticeably worse, i might find myself visiting much less altogether. Of course i say that now. Once i go again and am reminded of what i've been missing, all bets might be off...


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Avatar for mark94

If my favorite dancers disappear, I will cut back significantly. I had a half dozen faves which I had developed over a period of years. If I need to start over again, weeding through bad dancers to find the gold, I may decide it’s no longer worth it.

Avatar for theDirkDiggler

I can definitely see myself being more reluctant and picky about doing dances or even sharing close air space with a girl i'm not especially interested in. And yes, previous favorites and regular dancers will get the priority, even more than before. Just like i'm sure that many dancers will try to use the pandemic as an excuse for less mileage (especially anything involving the mouth), i can also use the pandemic as an excuse for gtf away from me if i don't even look at you...

Avatar for wallanon

I thought that this thread was another thread. /discussion.php

So far I've been spending more than I did before the break. Gradually settling on who's going to be the new starting lineup.

Avatar for shadowcat

I'm 78 with stage 3 COPD. I won't be going to clubs or seeing anyone OTC until COVIC-19 is no longer a concern. My clubbing days could be over.

Avatar for TxVegas

I agree that after all of this time, I find that I may not miss it as much as I thought I would. I may significantly reduce my visits and spending when I do go. Or... I may go and have an amazing time and fall back into my old patterns. I do know that trips as a result of work travel will be significantly down this year.

Avatar for skibum609

If clubs return to exactly the same as before, which I believe could never happen in fucked up New England due to liberals, I return. If not, I don't. It most likely will revert back to something I do on vacation when I visit red states.

Avatar for elmer

@ Wallanon Shawn Kemp now there's a name that takes me back. With his history with the ladies I wonder if he still visits the SC?

My fav club won't be opening for a few weeks they want to see how other clubs are handling new regulations.

I've keep in contact with most of my faves all said they put on a few pounds but then again so have I

Avatar for Jascoi

I suppose when I do finally get to go to a strip club or Tijuana I can say ‘I am a strip club virgin.’

Avatar for Jascoi

(my goodness. seems like forever since i’ve seen a naked girl.)

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