I don’t know if there is a place on TUSCL for mongering topics but I’ll throw this out there for a change of pace.
I missed the raid in the video below but I must say that I was SHOCKED, SHOCKED I tell you. The Centauro Bar in the Philippines was raided shortly before this past Christmas for facilitating prostitution. Some 30 to 100 girls were “rescued” (I think they only run about 60 - 70 girls as I recall so the 100 figure is likely inflated) and the bar was shut down.
The video shows the raid in progress as they take the girls away. As an aside, I was once stabbed (superficially) by a girl while I was sitting at one of those tables out front. What’s the saying? Bitches be crazy, lol
As I understand it the bar was open again the next day.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?…So any experiences?
last commentEarly 20's Platinum Plus Memphis TN: I am in the club during a bust: They came in. 4 of them dressed like bikers. They made a sweep of the main room and then headed for the couch room. It was not until the DJ announced that the couch room was temporily closed UFN. Drinks were buy one get one free. The couch room was closed for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Many customers left but I stayed. 50 dancers and customers got ticketed.
I get my first BBBJ in a strip club: After the cops left, I met Angel. A cute petite thing in a pink dress like Tinkerbell. We went to the couch room. She asked "what are your rules?" I replied "I don't have any. What are yours?" She relied "I don't have any either". Do you know what was under that pink dress? NOTHING! She got my dick out and was stroking the hell out of him. I asked "Isn't your hand getting tired?" She responded "YES" and then her head went into my lap. She swolled and did not ask for a tip. All I could think of was, I just got a BJ in a club that was just raided by the cops.
2013 Follies Atlanta GA. about 10 cops came in around 5PM. Ordered every one to "Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up". They herded all of the dancers into the dressing room and did a license check on them. After about 30 minutes they told the customers that we could leave or stay around until after they had completed their inspection. I left as did most of the 200+ customers.I was glad that on that day I had parked across the street because the valets were overwhelmed with trying to get the cars out. Follies sued the county and won.
Lastly around 2005 Platinum Plus Columbia SC. Smoking police busted the club. I was in the men's room when they came in and was unaware of it. Smoking had been banned for quite some time but the club had ignored the law.
Anyhow I sat down and lit up. There was an ash try on my table. A sort time later myself and 10 + other were escorted to the lobby and given citations for smoking. It was a $25 fine that I paid by mail. I complained to the manager. He took me into his office and apologized saying that they normally get tipped off when they are going to get hit with an inspection. He did give me 2 chits for free drinks. I got to see the dozen or so camera monitors and was happy to see none of them were focused on the private dance rooms.
I don't blame the police for these raids. They are only carrying out the orders from their elected officials.
Oh, there was also Arnie's in Harvey, IL a few years ago, but i don't count that one because everyone knew that place was going to get raided eventually, and i wasn't there when it happened either. Then there are the two lingerie "modeling" shops in Rockford, that were basically brothels, that finally got shut down. I don't think it was a raid, but some law change or something and both were shut down at the same time; this was sometime in the last year. Never did go to either of them, but just throwing those two out there.
I guess the closest thing to a raid right now is the police or some power that be shutting down almost all the Chicago are clubs for not social distancing or something. Again, strange how the two "dirtier" clubs are still open. I remember one of the bouncers at Club 390 in Chicago Heights, barking at a group of some PLs for sitting too closely, ignoring the do not sit signs on the alternating benches, saying that a different club had just been shut down at that moment, so they really needed to stay apart. I wonder which one it was...
The cops came in - went back to the managers office (which was an old desk in a dark corner) and he must have cursed them out (and he didn’t come up with $$$$). About 5 minutes later most of the towns police force shows up - and they start hauling folks out. I nearly shit myself!
The cops knew where the VIP rooms/booths were - and they start going upstairs - and the old guy flips out. He starts running around and it’s like he’s lost control - telling everyone to get the fuck out!
It was a crazy scene. The place was known for fights and drugs - and prostitution. I was lucky the old guy freaked out - as it created enough diversion to get out. The manager always had lots of cash on him and he was armed at all times. Several of us ducked out a second exit amid the managers shit fit.
I didn’t return for a few weeks after. I kept checking local online posts to see if the club was offering extras. It seemed things got tame for months. It got better and filthier again - but then it closed for good. Local news posts said it was too many fights that caused the authorities to crack down.
Watched all the girls on stage frantically try and find the pieces of their bikinis they weren't wearing at the time.
Several minutes later (because, ya, they were in uniform, and ya, people were watching for them) saw two or three policemen walk in and look around. They left within minutes.
After 10-15 minutes bikinis started missing again.
I've also been in some of there bars on holidays when the sale of alcohol is banned. No beer, and everything sold is mixed with soda in a plastic cup. Once they suddenly rushed around and collected all the cups, but apparently was a false alarm, and being Thailand, they hadn't actually dumped any of the drinks yet and were trying to sort out who to give what back to who....
Have heard some stories about clubs there actually being raided and everyone in the place (including customers) having to give urine samples (still not sure how the managed that, or tested anything with them), and asked for ID. Without a passport with a visa stamped in it (that's not expired) they can take you to jail (and that happens occasionally).
On those no alcohol days in Thailand, like the King’s birthday, the bars can stay open but drinking tea (or Mekong lol) out of a tea cup is pretty standard.
And your description of girls in Nana trying to get their bikinis back on reminded me of a particular club in the PI that was all nude all the time (illegally of course). The boys watching the parked cars out front would hit a loud buzzer any time a Filipino national, or a female, or any Police approached. I swear the dancers could get dressed faster than they could get undressed and the club would suddenly become the most boring place on earth until the uninvited guests left.
Lights were turned on full blast. All the music was stopped. They made all the customers sit at their tables. All the dancerswere rounded up and made to sit in the middle of the stage. Waitresses were rounded up and made to stand beside the main bar. No one was allowed to talk. There were armed cops at all entrances and several around the main stage and the main bar. Then they pulled out a checklist for certain dancers. They also inspected the dancer locker room for illegal substances. They had come in on a previous day and noted several infractions by different dancers and were looking for those dancers. In some cases, they had names and in some cases just general descriptions. They spent a long time for a girl with a butterfly tattoo on her ass but they did not find her. The infractions they had noted were underage drinking, drug use, and lewd dances. Lewd dances could be something as innocuous as the dancer taking both feet off the ground during a dance. In those days, there was a three foot distance rule, which nobody adhered to, so technically every dance was a lewd dance. They could also arrest a dancer for inadequate covering of nipples or too much ass exposure. In those days, Houston laws were to keep nipples totally covered (with latex or pasties), and to wear full bottoms (no thongs or strings). After about 20 minutes, they let some patrons go to the bathroom. The dancer I was sitting with left her cigarettes at my table, and they let me take her a cigarette. After about an hour they left with some dancers and managers in custody. They did not examine any customers or ask any questions directed to customers. No customers were ticketed.
Luckily, my dancer, who I had been regularly seeing, was not affected. She immediately took me to VIP. Nobody else was in there, we went to the most private booth. She tore off all her clothes, and jumped my bones. It was the most passionate session I ever had with her.