Indebted to TUSCL

First off, there will be no GoFundMe or wire transfer, but given the medium, thanks to Founder and all others of TUSCL.
I've only been strip clubbing for about 2 years and on here for about 18 months, but I must say TUSCL is like the Revelation of Strip Clubbing. So many topics have been discussed and I discounted early on, but over time with experiences I have seen many come true. This is some hobby we have, and some things I'd hope to see the exception for, but only time will tell.
I wanted this thread to just say TUSCL posters have spread a wealth of knowledge and for any others who feel the same. Also, if any won't to speak on their experiences with strippers and rent. As you may have guessed, my first go round with stripper and rent has arrived.
I've only been strip clubbing for about 2 years and on here for about 18 months, but I must say TUSCL is like the Revelation of Strip Clubbing. So many topics have been discussed and I discounted early on, but over time with experiences I have seen many come true. This is some hobby we have, and some things I'd hope to see the exception for, but only time will tell.
I wanted this thread to just say TUSCL posters have spread a wealth of knowledge and for any others who feel the same. Also, if any won't to speak on their experiences with strippers and rent. As you may have guessed, my first go round with stripper and rent has arrived.
Im debating if I should help her out. She hasn't outright asked me, but has mentioned she is stressing about rent. Of course it'll be under the terms of something in return, but my little PL heart feels for her. I know she may have or makes bad choices, but man her having kids make me even more weaker towards her situation.
If you recall I mentioned being at a strippers place an just cuddling, but for free. So, yeah she's hooking me. Hopefully, their is some non stripper instincts motivating her.
Oh and if you have a strippers address and want to know a ball park figure for her rent, I'm guessing this site is just for apartments, it's
Truly indebted.
So we were just messaging through Facebook, then she gives me a number and we start texting. She calls me from this number the day I go over. I notice a nice smartphone and also some piece of shit (looks like a toy) phone that she texted/called me from. I think the smartphone is her friends, but I'm unsure.
So days pass and I see her in the club. She shows me this nice smartphone (appears to be the same one I saw) and said something like I got my phone back. So I'm like why Facebook. She says that's how she communicates with everyone. I try to see if the phone has signal, but couldn't tell. So at this point I decided fuck funding some phone.
I can't for the life of me figure out her true phone situation, but hey I use a burner app so I guess I can't be too judgemental.
If you've read everything on here you wouldn't be messginn strippers on Facebook and thinking of buying phones. Be cold, ice cold, don't be a slave to that pussy.
Leave being a douche to guys like Larryfish.
If what you're doing is part of a P4P situation then that is different but I suspect it's the former and I think it won't turn out well.
I think you need to know that she's definitely open to that and have some level of trust with her before prepaying a month's rent. I could be wrong, but I'm reading through the lines that you haven't slept with her yet. If that's the case, you could wind up paying her rent and get nothing in return. Just my 2 cents. Keep us posted and good luck.
Truly indebted.
Without TUSCL, I never would have learned how to pay prostitutes for sex.
Honk honk
You looking for a date?
How much?
What do you want?
A blowjob.
20 dollars
OK hop in
Some do eventually give in to P4P, because when I first met her it was she didn't get down like that.
Also, be prepared for her possibly asking for more, or something else, in addition to the rent at some point. Hopefully that won't happen, but if it does, just know your limits and draw the line when you have to. If you draw the line at some point, she'll realize she's risking losing all of your support if she keeps pushing you. Some girls are bigger hustlers than others. Best of luck.
Really enhanced my experiences at the club.
To me, something papi said above is one of the things that helps me gain some perspective. 100% chance some guy -- probably one who doesn't treat her very nicely, and who certainly doesn't pay her for rent -- is fucking her. So, you can pay her rent for her, so that guy can come over and fuck her for free, in the apartment you paid for. Or, you can get your head on straight. It's one thing if it's quid-pro-blow -- an arrangement or other p4p -- completely another if you're gifting her because she's pulling at your heartstrings
Y'all are right. I'm getting too emotionally attached to even consider paying, helping with her rent. I definitely dont feel she's 100℅ with me.
I look at this a little differently.
1. He's already fucked her once. Let's assume that she's a hot ass stripper. That's worth at least $250 or $300. Plus, he's hung out with her off the clock for free at her place, so she feels comfortable enough to have him as a guest. All this leads me to believe this has potential for an ongoing arrangement.
2. We're talking about rent in Tucson, not New York City or San Francisco. Let's just say her rent is about $800 per month and he's hitting it once a week. Seems like a pretty good deal to me if she's hot and he likes her.
3. Yes, there are some trust issues. The phone lie is a red flag for sure. Also, he has only slept with her once and hasn't known her very long.
4. Pay per meet would be the best way to go, but if he pays her rent on the 1st and sleeps with her on the 1st, he's basically prepaying for 3 weeks. Not ideal, but possibly a reasonable risk if he's already fucking her and hanging out at her house, and has no reason to believe she'll ghost him. Fuck, he knows where she lives, so I'd be pretty surprised if she ghosted him, but you never know.
5. Regardless, whether it's pay per meet, paying her rent, or whatever, you have to assume these girls are fucking other guys. You can't let that cloud your judgment unless you are looking for a wife, in which case you are looking in the wrong place. Just be happy you are in the rotation and hopefully she's only screwing one or two other guys.
6. Finally, sure, you can just jerk off to internet porn and save money, but come on dude, we're not in fucking high school anymore. He found a hot ass stripper in the club who is willing to fuck him OTC. Why not invest a small amount (3 weeks advance) and give it a try. The alternative is (if she won't see him pay per meet), he's going back to the strip club, spending hundreds or thousands until he lands another OTC candidate.
Anyway, that's my contrarian view. I think it would be an easier "no" if he wasn't fucking her and hanging out at her house, but he is.
It's a very risky investment IMO w/ a very high-risk of failure and a very low possibility of success (assuming this is not a straight up P4P thing which is not how I read it)
The only risk I can see is that she is evicted 3 days after you cover it and the landlord keeps it as a deposit because her boyfriend punched through the wall because he found out that she cuddled with some guy who paid her rent. The landlord at the new place she has found will probably be much more reasonable, though, but obviously under the circumstances would be looking for both the first and last months' rent before she can move in.
All this occurs Sat. - Sun.
Sat. I gave the hint to the stripper with rent issue that I might be in town so we should get together. She pretty much said okay and that was it. Later, I text that I am in her town doing this and that. She responded, but we never discussed setting up something to meet.
So, I do end up SCing Sat. night and still nothing from the stripper with rent issues. At the SC I visit I end up getting offered OTC from a stripper I've engaged about OTC twice but she never followed through. So we agree to terms, we leave the club, and OTC!
Only time will tell, but this OTC girl seems to be a likely repeat. Everything went smooth and was enjoyed. Yeah, some OTC probably could have been setup with stripper with rent issues, but it didn't seem she was angling at it that way. More of a you just help me out. Thanks to all for helping me get my mind right, because in the end I found a new OTC stripper.
Gonna pay some chix rent cuz she lets you pay her to get off? Fuck outta here, it's business, not a soap opera.