
Cutting an OTC Lose

So a stripper I've been OTC with 3 times I told I wanted to take a break. Reasons behind me doing that were
-I had lost (over weeks) money gambling
-She'd asked me for money once and offered to take out of next meeting (I declined since I wasn't in her town anyway
-Pricing (Not high necessarily, but I guess the P4P idea was just getting to me coupled with the losses through gambling

Note two of our OTCs were at a hotel or her place and the last we hung out at the casino, but got a room. I even checked out early the last OTC because I was kind of pissed with the P4P idea and that I had lost so much money.

So, despite all the history above, I've calmed down, made a plan, and want to stay in touch just in case I want to OTC with her again. She was cool for the most part and always so wet, wet! Lastly, there is no way around it aside from maybe me catching her in the club to bring it up, but I cancelled my Line2 and went with Sideline so I'll have to let her know I have a new number. I still have her number because it's in my Contacts. What would you guys do or do you just cut an OTC lose when you're semi done with them?


  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    "I'm looking for a little variety right now." or "I'm taking a break for a little while." Normally I use the first one. She may bitch and moan. But stick to your guns. I also say it to her face, look her in the eye, lean in, and crack a wry smile. Be confident. If she's a pro, she will understand. If she's not a pro, just ignore anything she does.

    "There's no loyalty in the sugar bowl," to quote a sugar baby.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    I just don't understand you. Yes, SJG writes some long, crazy shit sometimes, but I'll agree with his front room referrals.

    I like that quote.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    It's never easy to cut someone lose that does not want to be cut-lose especially if they depend on you - but the brutal truth is that you gotta do what's best for you o/w it will be you and her both in the poor-house and then even less you'll be able to help her and won't even be able to help yourself - and if you are in the poor-house I doubt she'll give you the time of day.

    If you were wealthy or had your own established business where $$$ was not an issue then you could continue to help her out a bit; but I assume you are not in that situation so you gotta do what's best for you and just tell her our finances are not good right now (at at-most do one more OTC w/ her and quit-it that way she won't get cut-off cold-turkey and unexpectedly since she may have been depending on the next OTC $$$ - but if she's ok w/ being cut-off right now; then just tell her) - ad I'm pretty-sure she'll take your $$$ in the future if she still needs it.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Ch3ll, yes, she's a street smart hustler that I respect. It's a good quote.
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    8 years ago
    The strippers made a choice b/w being a modest housewife and a sinusoidal graph living in extreme highs and lows. I am not saying which of them is better, that's their right to choose. However to maintain their lifestyle which is extravagant in spurts they need you. You my friend on the other hand have the same choice :) There is nothing ethical or humane about your situation. Be polite and tell her you are taking a hiatus. Or you can expose yourself to her and see if she sticks with you until your fortunes return , this takes a lot of trust and I am very sure nothing good will come off it.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    Since money flows so readily many have no notion of what it really takes to earn a living or run a profitable business.. I have tried to explain the story of killing the goose that lays golden eggs, to no avail. The nature of my business and lifestyle is that I'm either flush or broke. If I'm generous one week I may not be the next and so on. It takes getting used to but just th way it is.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Too many fish in the sea, move on with some fresh salmon.
  • impala
    8 years ago
    I usually look at OTC as a short term arrangement. Now granted, I travel a lot for work, but try to let them know up front that this is purely a transaction based relationship. That being said, I try not to burn any bridges because I never know when I may be back in that town and it's much easier to set something up with someone if you have "hung out" before.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Like impala I travel for work, so all my past OTCs know I'm not a "regular thing." They may see me 3 times in one month then go 3 months without seeing me at all.

    I understand the guys that do weekly OTC things but for me I was never interested in that. I saw my retired ATF once a month (but she lived on the other side of the country).
  • impala
    8 years ago
    Shailynn, you understand completely. I always get a kick out of these guys that have a regular OTC thing that goes one, sometimes for years. It's almost like they think of them like a girlfriend. And funnier is how they don't understand why there is so much baggage and other shit that follows dancers. If you want a girlfriend, go get a girlfriend, but I learned a long time ago that long term OTC dosent lead to anything other than a whole bunch of problems.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Well I texted her last night saying I had changed my number and keep in touch. She hit me back saying she'd save it.

    For the short duration of our OTC I'll admit I somewhat felt obligated after our first encounter because I said every two weeks. I did follow through as mentioned but only because I wanted to fuck, not so much feeling obligated. I won't fall into that mindset again.
  • impala
    8 years ago
    Ch3ll, it's VERY EASY to fall into that mindset, most of us have been there. I remember once driving 100 miles to see a dancer, only to find out that on of her other (and much wealthier) regulars were also there. Needless to say I didn't get much attention, but learned a valuable lesson on how the green rules most strippers.
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
    I have combined gambling with P4P on many evenings. Through trial and error, I have concluded that I am much better off having P4P first and gambling after.

    Having sex puts me in a better mood. I gamble better when I am happy. I shake off short-term losses easier when I am in a positive mind set. Scared money never wins.

    When I gamble first, I invariably think about turning my winnings into "better" pussy. If I am in a short-term losing streak, the pressure to get back to even rises turning me into a weaker gambler. If I lose, I am in a shitty mood and I feel compelled to slum around. Even as I'm fucking later, I am thinking about my gambling losses -- buzzkill!

    Fuck first. Wager later.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    I like your style.

    The stripper and I last OTC went down like that. I was at ease gambling until those damn losses just kept climbing and climbing. Not to mention I gave her some money to gamble.

    I'd like to have it that way for the most part. It's just that I usually venture to the club afterwards so the gambling is behind me and is my business. Also, if I don't have OTC lined up, the gambling is "supposed" to be me funding my SC trip, but as of late I haven't been funding shit. Anyway, this stripper did her own thing so I could've easily covered up any loses/winnings.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I've never gambled - I have a glass-half-empty personality
    and I could not handle the losses (the losses would affect me much more than the wins) - personally I see gambling as a gamble :)
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